CC - Reso 98-20 - Establish of Del Mar as part of Systems Highway - Box 067q1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL `r FROM: V-11RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 20, 1998 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 98-20 - ESTABLISHMENT OF DEL MAR AVENUE AS A PART OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES The County proposes to synchronize traffic signals along Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive as part of a Countywide program. The work within the City of Rosemead will include modification and synchronization of the existing traffic signals and other appurtenant work. The County has obtained a special allocation of Proposition C Discretionary Grant funds to finance the majority of the project. Therefore, this project will be implemented at no cost to the City. As with the other synchronization projects in the City; on Valley Boulevard, Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard; the synchronization will utilize a time based coordination system, radio corrected by a WWV receiver. Also included with this project will be a modification to the median island at Hellman Avenue to allow for a dedicated left-turn lane in the southbound direction. In order for the County to administer the project, the Board of Supervisors declared this portion of Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive to be part of the County System of Highways for the duration of the project and has found this project to be categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA. The County asked; if we concur with their finding that the project is categorically exempt, that the City adopt the attached resolution declaring Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive a part of the County System of Highways. Staff concurs with the County's findings. COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 2 61998 ITEM No. y:-6 May 20, 1998 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution No. 98-08 and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City. Attachment FGT:kr Del Mar Ave Sync t' RESOLUTION NO. 98-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONSENTING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DEL MAR AVENUE AS A PART OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did on March 31, 1998, duly adopt a Resolution declaring the portions of Del mar Avenue/Hill Drive from Hermosa Drive to San Gabriel Boulevard/Paramount Boulevard, within the Cities of Rosemead and San Gabriel, to be a part of the System of Highways of the County of Los Angeles, as provided in Sections 1700 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the limited purpose of synchronizing the traffic signals, performing appurtenant work, and maintaining the effectiveness of the completed synchronization; and WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors by said Resolution requested this Council to give its consent to allow the County to synchronize traffic signals, perform appurtenant work, and maintain the effectiveness of the completed signal synchronization of Del Mar Avenue from the San Bernardino Freeway (1-10) to Graves Avenue in the City of Rosemead as described above; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the Secretary of Resources designated this type of project as categorically exempt. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rosemead does resolve as follows: Section 1. Consent to Inclusion in County Highway System. This City Council does hereby consent to the establishment of the portion of Del Mar Avenue from the San Bernardino Freeway (1-10) to Graves Avenue, within the City of Rosemead, as part of the System of Highways of the County of Los Angeles as provided in Sections 1700 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Said consent is for the purpose of synchronizing traffic signals, performing appurtenant work as may be necessary by the County of Los Angeles and maintaining the effectiveness of the completed synchronization system. Section 2. Cooperation with Neighboring Jurisdictions. This City Council does hereby consent to cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions to implement coordinated traffic signal control across jurisdictional boundaries. Section 3. Maintenance and Operation of the Traffic Signals. This City Council does hereby consent to maintain and operate and/or to finance its jurisdictional share of the maintenance and operation costs of the traffic signals included in this project.. In order to maintain full effectiveness of these improvements, should the City determine that a change in signal operation of any of the intersections within the project limits within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Rosemead is necessary, the City will coordinate with the County of Los Angeles to ensure that the overall effectiveness of the system is maintained. Section 4. Maintenance of the Traffic Signal Synchronization System. That the ongoing maintenance of the traffic signal synchronization system by the County of Los Angeles shall only include, upon City Request, adjustments to traffic signal timing and synchronization equipment necessary to maintain the integrity of the completed system and shall not include normal traffic signal maintenance. Section 5. Indemnification. This City Council does hereby consent to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Los Angeles and its officers and employees form any liability imposed for injury occurring by reason of any acts or omissions on the part of the City of Rosemead under or in connection with any work performed with this project. Section 6. Finding of Categorical Exemption. This City Council does hereby find that the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for an Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 7. Finding of a Minor Nature. This City Council does hereby find that pursuant to Government Code, Section 65402 (b), the aforesaid street improvements are of a minor nature and that, therefore, the provisions of said Section requiring the submission to and report upon said project by the City Planning Agency do not apply. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of May, 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK \I COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 900 SOUTH FREMONT AVENUE ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA 91803-1331 TeIephone:(626)458-5100 HARRY W. STONE, Director May 4, 1998 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770-1787 Dear Mr. Tripepi: DEL MAR AVENUE/HILL DRIVE FROM HERMOSA DRIVE TO SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD/PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 1460 ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA 91802-1460 IN REPLY PLEASE PD-2 REFER TO FILE: Enclosed is a certified copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles on March 31, 1998, declaring Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive from Hermosa Drive to San Gabriel Boulevard/ Paramount Boulevard, within the Cities of Rosemead and San Gabriel, to be a part of the County System of Highways for the purpose of synchronizing traffic signals. As discussed between our respective staffs, the County proposes to synchronize traffic signals along Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive as part of a Countywide program. The work within the City of Rosemead will include modification and synchronization of the existing traffic signals and other appurtenant work. The County has obtained a special allocation of Proposition C Discretionary Grant funds to finance the majority of the project cost. Accordingly, the improvements will be installed at no cost to the City. The project is tentatively scheduled to be advertised for construction bids in June 1998; therefore, we request your assistance in expediting this jurisdiction request to the City's duly authorized officials for their consideration. The Public Resources Code provides that this type of project, by reason of the work proposed, does not have a significant effect on the environment. Accordingly and pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, we have found that this project is categorically exempt from the provisions of said Act. If you concur that this project is categorically exempt, please have your duly authorized City officials make such a finding in the Resolution or ordinance of consent to the jurisdiction. However, if your Council is unable to make this environmental finding, Council action granting jurisdiction should be deferred until the appropriate environmental finding can be made. Mr. Frank G. Tripepi May 4, 1998 Page 2 It should be noted that Sections 1701 and 1850 of the Streets and Highways Code provide that the City may consent to the County's request for jurisdiction by Resolution. In addition, Section 65402 (b) of the Government Code provides that the City Council may find in such Resolution that the project involves improvements of a minor nature. Enclosed is a draft of a Resolution containing the finding which, if enacted, will meet the requirements of these statutes and expedite this project. The draft Resolution also provides for the City to indemnify the County from liability for acts or omissions on the part of the City in conjunction with the project. Conversely, the Board of Supervisors' Resolution similarly indemnifies the City. In addition, the draft Resolution contains provisions regarding cooperation with neighboring jurisdictions, and maintenance and operation of the completed improvements. These latter two provisions are required to maintain the integrity of the completed synchronization system. When the City has adopted the Resolution or an ordinance of consent, please send three certified copies to the County Department of Public Works. 9 Ver truly yours, R W. STO Director of ublic Works ESC: la P:\PDPUB\PUBLIC\SECFINAL\PB&C\J&A\DELMARTS.RMD Enc. CC: Supervisor Gloria Molina COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 900 SOUTH FRFMONT AVENUE ALHANORA. CALIFORNIA 91803-1331 Telephone: (626) 45&5100 'HARRY W. STONE, Director March 19, 1998 The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Supervisors: REQUEST FOR JURISDICTION DEL MAR AVENUE/HILL DRIVE FROM HERMOSA DRIVE TO SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD/PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD CITIES OF ROSEMEAD AND SAN GABRIEL SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICTS 1 AND 5 4 VOTES IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD: ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: P.O. BOX 1460 ALHAMBRA. CALIFORNIA 91802-1460 IN REPLY PLEASE PD-2 REFER TO FILE: AE® BQARD9TPE!VI ORS COUN TY OF LOS ANGELES 48 MAR 31 1998 JOANNE STJU GE EXECUTIVE OFFICER Find that the project to synchronize the traffic signals on Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive from Hermosa Drive to San Gabriel Boulevard/ Paramount Boulevard is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, and adopt the enclosed Resolution declaring Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive between the aforementioned limits in the Cities of Rosemead and San Gabriel to be a part of the County System of Highways. PURPOSE OF RECOMMENDED ACTION Jurisdiction is requested in order that the County may administer a project to synchronize the traffic signals on Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive from Hermosa Drive to San Gabriel Boulevard/ Paramount Boulevard, and also maintain the effectiveness of the completed synchronization system. Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive within these limits is jurisdictionally shared with the Cities of Rosemead and San Gabriel. The Resolution provides that any future change in signal timing for any of the intersections within the project limits shall be coordinated between the County and the Cities. The Resolution further provides for the County to indemnify the Cities from any liability for acts or omissions on the part of the County in connection with this project. The Honorable Board of Supervisors March 19, 1998 Page 2 JUSTIFICATION Sections 1700-1702 of the California Streets and Highways Code provide that the board of supervisors of any county may, by a resolution adopted by a four-fifths vote of its members, declare any highway in the county lying in whole or part within a city to be a county highway. The governing body of the affected city may consent to the establishment of such included portion as part of the county highway system. Thereafter, the board of supervisors of the county may acquire rights of way, construct, maintain, improve, or repair such highway in the same manner as other county highways, and may pay for such work with county funds. FISCAL IMPACT Your Board's adoption of the enclosed Resolution will not result in any direct fiscal impact on the County. We will submit the project to your Board for approval to advertise and award a construction contract for the improvements in the near future. It should be noted that the County has obtained a special allocation of Proposition C Discretionary Grant funds to finance the majority of the cost of the project. Accordingly, the improvements will be installed at no cost to the Cities. FINANCING Not applicable. FACTS AND PROVISIONS/LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Resolution has been prepared in the form previously approved by County Counsel. IMPACT ON CURRENT SERVICES (OR PROJECTS) The County proposes to synchronize the traffic signals along this route as part of an ongoing County program to improve safety and reduce traffic congestion. Del Mar Avenue and Hill Drive are on the County's Highway Plan and the proposed improvements are needed and of general interest. The project is tentatively scheduled to ti a The Honorable Board of Supervisors March 19, 1998 Page 3 be advertised for construction bids in June 1998, pending the Cities' consent to jurisdiction. NEGATIVE DECLARATION/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS The Public Resources Code provides that this type of project, by reason of the work proposed, does not have a significant effect on the environment. Accordingly and pursuant to Class 1, Subsection (x) 4, of the Revised Environmental Reporting Procedures and Guidelines adopted by your Board on November 17, 1987, and Section 15301, Class 1 (c), of the State California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, we have found that this project is categorically exempt from the provisions of said Act. CONCLUSION Upon the adoption of this Resolution, please return two certified copies to this Department for transmittal to the Cities. Respectfully submitted, i, HARRY W. ST072 ly~ Director of ublic Works ESC: la P:\PDPUB\PUBLIC\SECFINAL\PBBC\BDLTRS\DELMARTS.J Enc. CC: Chief Administrative Officer County Counsel t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25, 26 27 28 RESOLUTION DECLARING PORTIONS OF DEL MAR AVENUE/HILL DRIVE IN THE CITIES OF ROSEMEAD AND SAN GABRIEL TO BE A PART OF THE COUNTY SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS WHEREAS, by reason of their location and travel thereon, the portions of Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive from Hermosa Drive to San Gabriel Boulevard/ Paramount Boulevard within the Cities of Rosemead and San Gabriel, County of Los Angeles, State of California, should be a part of the County System of Highways for the limited purpose of synchronizing the traffic signals and maintaining the effectiveness of the completed synchronization system; and WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the Board of Supervisors of said County to synchronize the traffic signals, perform appurtenant work, and maintain the effectiveness of the completed synchronization system thereon provided the consent of the governing bodies of the Cities shall first be given. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, that the portions of Del Mar Avenue/Hill Drive from Hermosa Drive to San Gabriel Boulevard/ Paramount Boulevard, within the Cities of Rosemead and San Gabriel, are hereby declared to be a part of the System of Highways of said County as provided in Sections 1700 to 1704 inclusive of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California for the purpose of, and limited to, the aforementioned synchronization of traffic signals, performance of appurtenant work, and maintaining the effectiveness of the completed synchronization system. 1 BE I T FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the 2 County of Los Angeles, State of California, that the County agrees: 3 (1) That in order to maintain full effectiveness of these 4 improvements, should the Cities of Rosemead and 5 San Gabriel determine that a change in signal operation 6 for any of the intersections within the project limits 7 within the Cities' jurisdictional boundaries is necessary, 8 the County will coordinate with the Cities to ensure that 9 the overall effectiveness of the system is maintained. 10 (2) To fully defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Cities, 11 their officers, and employees from any liability imposed 12 for injury occurring by reason of any acts or omissions on 13 the part of the County of Los Angeles under or in 14 connection with any work performed with this project. 15 (3) That the ongoing maintenance of the traffic signal 16 synchronization system shall only include, upon City 17 request, adjustments to traffic signal timing and 18 synchronization equipment necessary to maintain the 19 integrity of the completed system and shall not include 20 normal traffic signal maintenance. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 P:\PDPBB\PDBLIC\S ECFINA \PB6C\BDLTRS\DEL9 RTS.J e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Los Angeles ) s.s. I, JOANNE STURGES, Executive Officer, Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, do hereby certify that the attached is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted on by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, and ex-officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts for which said Board so acts. nNa IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of the County of Los Angeles this l 8t day o f ff 19 JOANNE STURGES, Executive Officer, Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles. By