CC - 11-25-03Request for Reappointment - Box 067TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK a DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 2003 RE: REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER ROBERT BREEN FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Attached is a letter from Commissioner Breen requesting reappointment to the Planning Commission. If granted, this appointment would expire in November 2005. It would be appropriate to consider this request at this time. Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA N OV 2 5 2003 ITEPA No. 0- November 18, 2003 Honorable Mayor and Members Rosemead City Council I am submitting this letter in order to request that you consider my reappointment as a member of the Rosemead Planning Commission. My term expires on November 2003. As you know, I have served on the Commission for a number of years, dealing with various issues relating to housing, density, and commercial developments. Additionally, being a resident, I am concerned with the future of Rosemead. All decisions that I make have been based upon what I feel would be best for our City. With these thoughts in mind, I respectfully request that I be reappointed a member of the Rosemead Planning Commission. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT BREEN AqIF OE CALIEOWA City of ,2 o-cz-,--~~c County of ~ - ~ O,XWORA(F(FI&A7IO5VO(FALLEGIANCE (FOR, 1rVOLIC OETICEI2,SAND E9b PLOTEES I, swear (or affirm) that I will do sofe=5 and defend the Constitution of the 'VnitedStates and the Constitution of the State of California against a!C enemies, foreign and domestic; that I wiff bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Vnited States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this o6ligation free6i, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. SVOSCUBEIDA3M SWOWTO BE(FOIU WE TJ9S . f QATOE 0,,~- 20 ~ SIGNA`l'UP,E OAF' OIFTICER AD9147NIS`IrERING OA7'X 0 TITLE OIF OTFICEER. A9J9fINIS9rE$ING OAZ'K SIGNATV 'E OIF OA2tc