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070991 - Improved Communications with residents - Box 067TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 2, 1991 RE: IMPROVED COMMUNICATIONS WITH RESIDENTS. This item is presented for discussion at the request of Mayor Imperial. It has been the general policy of the Council to rely on posted agendas, press releases, and the City newsletter to communicate City activities and issues under consideration. In the vast majority of instances, this system has proved satisfactory. However, a number of. residents have expressed the view that when issues of significant impact on large portions of the City are involved, a wider distribution of information would be appropriate. There are a number of alternative methods available to achieve City-wide distribution of information, depending on the topic. Mass mailings, attachment to utility bills, and Cable Television access are examples. While there are costs attached to each method, the relative infrequency of such communications would not make them prohibitively expensive. FGT:nv S:ALUC:2 COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 9 1991 ITEM No.