TC - Item 3A - Criteria Table March 2010 TABLE 1 NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEASURE PROBLEMS TARGETED STREET TYPE (1) VOLUME SPEED DIVERSION TO ADJACENT STREETS RESIDENT PARTICIPATION-PETITION OTHER CRITERIA LEVEL ONE TOOLS Can be implemented at the Discretion of City Staff unless otherwise stated. Education Workshop -Moving vehicle violations. -High speeds. -Running stop signs. All (2) (3) N/A N/A None Enhanced Sheriff Enforcement and/or Public Safety Patrol -Moving vehicle violations. -High speeds. -Running stop signs. All (2) (3) None expected N/A None Radar Speed Monitoring Trailer -High speeds. -School zones. All (2) (3) None expected N/A None Neighborhood Traffic Watch Program -Moving vehicle violations. -High speeds. -Running stop signs. All (2) (3) None expected N/A Requires willing participants/volunteers Higher Visibility Crosswalk -Moving vehicle violations. -Pedestrian safety. -Running stop signs. All >500 ADT and > 50 peds/day (3) None expected N/A -At current uncontrolled marked crosswalk location -Near pedestrian generating land use March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 1 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA Pedestrian Crossing Signs -Moving vehicle violations. -Pedestrian safety. -Running stop signs. All > 500 ADT and > 100 peds/day (3) None expected N/A -At current uncontrolled marked crosswalk location -Near pedestrian generating land use Radar Speed Feedback Sign -High speeds. MI, C, L > 1,500 ADT Critical speed is >7 mph over speed limit None expected 75% of residents/owners on affected street -Requires report to Traffic Commission by City staff March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 2 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA LEVEL TWO TOOLS Requires report to Traffic Commission unless otherwise stated. Traffic Signal Adjustments to Discourage Cut-Through Traffic -Cut-through traffic. All >15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Minimum diversion expected. N/A -Must have identified cut-through traffic -Must have traffic signal adjacent to residential neighborhood -No report required. Turn Restrictions via Signage -Cut-through traffic. All > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Minimum diversion expected. N/A -Must have identified cut-through traffic -No report required Rumble Strips/Dots -High speeds. -Alert motorists of specific control device. C, L (2) (3) None expected 60% of residents/owners on affected street -No report required Crosswalk Warning System/In-Roadway Warning Lights -High speeds. -Pedestrian safety. All > 200 veh/hour through crosswalk, >= 40 peds/day (3) None expected N/A -At current uncontrolled marked crosswalk location -Critical approach speed is 45 mph or less -Minimum stopping sight distance available -Must satisfy current Caltrans guidelines for installation March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 3 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA Raised Center Median -High speeds. -Cut-through traffic. MA, MI, C > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic Critical speed is >7 mph over posted speed Minimum diversion expected. N/A -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Must meet drainage requirements Chokers at Intersections -High speeds. -Cut-through traffic MI, C, L (if width is appropriate) > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (between 500 and 2,000 total ADT on the street) Critical speed is >7 mph over posted speed Minimum diversion expected. 60% of residents/owners on affected street -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 4 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA Mid-Block Narrowing -High speeds. -Cut-through traffic. MI, C, L (if width is appropriate) > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (between 500 and 2,000 total ADT on the street) Critical speed is >7 mph over posted speed Minimum diversion expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected street -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Must not create significant parking impact due to loss of parking Lane Narrowing/Lane Reduction -Striping -High speeds. -Cut-through traffic. MI, C, L (if width is appropriate) > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (between 500 and 2,000 total ADT on the street) Critical speed is >7 mph over posted speed Minimum diversion expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected street -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Must not create significant parking impact due to loss of parking Textured Pavement -High speeds. -Pedestrian Safety. All N/A N/A None expected. N/A None March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 5 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA Parking Restrictions -Limited parking availability. -Over-night parking concerns. All N/A N/A Review parking impacts to surrounding streets. 75% of residents/owners on affected street None March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 6 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA LEVEL THREE TOOLS Requires Study by City Staff. Traffic Commission and/or City Council Approval Raised Crosswalk -High Speeds. -Pedestrian Safety. MI, C, L (2) Critical speed > 7 mph over posted speed None expected N/A -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access > 25 pedestrians during peak hour, near pedestrian generator Raised Intersection -High Speeds. -Pedestrian Safety. MI, C, L (2) Critical speed > 7 mph over posted speed None expected N/A -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access > 25 pedestrians during peak hour, near pedestrian generator Speed Hump -High Speeds. C, L from 1,000 to 4,000 ADT Speed limit must be 25 mph in accordance with State Law or City Council action. Some diversion expected 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Speed Table -High Speeds. C, L from 1,000 to 4,000 ADT Speed limit must be 25 mph in accordance with State Law or City Council action. Some diversion expected 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Traffic Circle -High Speeds. -Accident History. -Vehicle Conflicts. MI, C from 1,000 to 7,000 ADT Critical speed > 7 mph over posted speed Some diversion expected 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Intersecting roadways must be of sufficient width -Must meet drainage requirements -Loss of parking must be assessed March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 7 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA Restricted Movement Barrier -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MA, MI, C > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Diversion is expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Entrance Barrier-Half Closure -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MA, MI, C > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Diversion is expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Partial Street Closure – Forced Turn Barrier -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MA, MI, C > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Diversion is expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Diagonal Diverter -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MI, C, L > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Diversion is expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Cannot be truck or transit route, -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Full Street Closure (Cul-de-sac) -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MI, C, L > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Diversion is expected. 80% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Cannot be truck or transit route, -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 8 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA One-Way Street -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. C, L > 15% of peak hour volume is cut-through traffic (3) Diversion is expected. 80% of residents/owners on affected streets -Cannot be truck or transit route, -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access Roadway Narrowing – Curb Extensions -High Speeds. -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MI, C, L (if width is appropriate) (2) (3) Some diversion is expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Loss of parking must be assessed Roadway Narrowing -Chokers -High Speeds. -Cut-trough traffic. -Vehicle conflicts. MI, C, L (if width is appropriate) (2) (3) Some diversion is expected. 75% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Loss of parking must be assessed Roadway Narrowing – Angle Parking -Pedestrian Safety. -Bicyclist Safety. MA, MI (if width is appropriate) (2) (3) None expected 80% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Loss of parking must be assessed Landscaping -Parkway -High Speeds. -Pedestrian Safety. MA, MI (if width is appropriate) (2) (3) None expected 80% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Loss of parking must be assessed Landscaping – Raised Center Median -High Speeds. -Pedestrian Safety. MA, MI (if width is appropriate) (2) (3) None expected 80% of residents/owners on affected streets -Must meet drainage requirements -Must not significantly impede emergency vehicle access -Loss of parking must be assessed Enforcement – Red Light Photo -High Speeds. -Pedestrian Safety. MA, MI (2) (3) None expected N/A -Must have a reported accident history to justify installation. March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 9 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria TABLE 1 (con’t.) NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOOLBOX APPLICATION CRITERIA MINIMUM CRITERIA Notes: 1) Street Type key: L – Local, C – Collector, MI – Minor Arterial, MA – Major Arterial, All – All Residential Streets, excludes arterials 2) Specific volume (ADT) criteria may not be appropriate for this tool, it may be applied over a range of volume 3) Specific speed criteria may not be appropriate for this tool, it maybe applied over a range of observed speeds at the discretion of the Public Works Director, City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Public Safety Department, or the Sheriff Department. General Notes: -Final determination of certain control application based on review by City staff. -All toolbox applications subject to modification by City Council on a case-by-case basis. March 2010 – Draft 3 Page 10 of 10 Table 1 – NTMP Criteria