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RRA - Item 6 - Status of Rio Hondo Park Property91~ ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 917709(818)288-6671 •Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM:tFRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: 11 MAY 3, 1988 RE: STATUS OF RIO HONDO PARK PROPERTY Several years ago, the City entered into a licensing agreement with the Department of the Interior to use and develop a 3-acre parcel of excess Federal property as a motorbike park. Through the years, the use of this facility has decreased. The Agency has, on several occasions, considered proposals for conversion of the motor bike park to either a community garden or a pocket park. The 1987-88 Redevelopment Agency budget includes $150,000 for the development of this site. The City has been put on 60 day notice to either use the facility or give it back to the Federal Government. Located adjacent to the property is Marge Carson, Incorporated, a furniture manufacturing company, that has recently been purchased by a conglomerate, Masco Corporation. The new owners have informed the previous owner, Bob Carson, who still operates the plant, that he must increase production at the facility or it will have to be shut down. In order to increase production, he must add 16,450 square feet to his existing 91,900 square feet for a total of 108,350 square feet. They currently have 210 full-time employees. Because they have 134 parking spaces, they are considered a pre-existing non-conforming use based on off-street parking. The proposed addition would require 138 additional parking spaces for a total of 272. This is based on 1 space per 400 square feet of building. If the City were to develop the motorbike park as either a community garden or a pocket park, we could construct up to 170 parking spaces. If some of these spaces where made available to Marge Carson, Inc., for parking, they would then be able to meet the City's parking requirements for the new addition. This would require that the City enter into a long-term lease agreement with the company. In turn, they have indicated a willingness to fund the cost of constructing the parking lot which is estimated to be $118,000. AGENCY AGENDA MAY 10 1988 ITEM No. 6 Z It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency authorize staff to commence the following: 1. obtain an Architectural Proposal for the development of the site as a park or a community garden. 2. Authorize staff to enter into negotiations with the Department of the Interior for use of the site in this manner. 3. Authorize staff to enter into negotiations with Marge Carson, Incorporated for the leasing of the facility for use by the Company during normal working hours and payment by the Company for the parking improvements. FGT:js A-1-J(1)