RRA - Item 2 - Sale of Surplus CDC Property Egley and Newnq TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JANUARY 4, 2000 RE: SALE OF SURPLUS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROPERTY (EGLEY & NEW AVENUES) In accordance with Government Code Section 54220 et seq., the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency may dispose of surplus land that is no longer deemed to be necessary for agency use by offering for sale to other public agencies, including any public school district within whose jurisdiction the surplus land is located. Garvey School District approached the Agency and offered to acquire surplus property located at the corner ofEgley and New Avenues (Assessor's Parcel Number 5285-005-913). Subsequently, at the October 12, 1999, regular meeting of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency, the sale was authorized. The Executive Director was instructed to hire an appraiser (to establish fair market value of the subject property) and negotiate the terms of the sale with the Garvey School District before returning to the Agency for final action. The appraiser has completed his review and established the fair market value as $30,500. A copy of the appraisal was provided the Garvey School District for their consideration (an abstract is attached). The District has taken formal action to purchase the property at the established appraised value (see attached correspondence). AGENCY AGENDA JAN 2 a 2000 ITEM No. -2