RRA - Item 2 - Acquisition of tax defaulted land - 4623 Earle Avenue11 TO: HONORABLE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS RO EMEAD HOUSING DEVELOF FROM: ;FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2000 RE: ACQUISITION OF TAX DEFAULTED LAND - 4623 EARLE AVENUE Attached for the Corporation's consideration is a Chapter 8 agreement for the possible acquisition of property that will be sold by the County of Los Angeles at a public tax auction. The County provides city, county and state agencies the opportunity to acquire certain properties that ate listed on the Power to Sell list, before they go to public auction. Staff has reviewed the list that was mailed out by the County on December 30, 1999: The cover letter attached to the list indicates that if the agency (city, county or state) can justify the use of the property for a public use, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will sell the property to the agency for the minimum bid price. The minimum bid price for this parcel,(located on Earle Avenue, between Mission and Wells) is $64,525.00. The current property owner will receive a notice of the intent of the Housing Corporation to purchase the land and any improvements. The subject 12,000 square foot property is zoned R-1 and suited for residential development. The dimensions of the lot are 60 x 200 feet. The owner has twenty-one days from publication of notice of the intended agreement between the Corporation and County to pay all back taxes, late fees, interest, etc. to redeem his property. If the owner does redeem the property, then the agreement for the Corporation to acquire the property is null and void. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Corporation approve the agreement and authorize the President to sigh the agreement with Los Angeles County. CcstaO:aegmsition4623eade HOUSING AGENDA FEB 0 8 2000 ITEM No. 4. _