TC - Item 2A - Mintues 03-04-10Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETTNG''' March 4, 2010 The Regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Masuda at 7:04 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Hall INVOCATION: Commissioner Lewin PRESENT: Chairman Masuda, Vice Chairwoman Russell, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Hall ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello, Civil Engineer Fajardo, Traffic Consultant Itagaki, and Administrative Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. The February 4, 2010 minutes were removed from the Consent Calendar for minor corrections. Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hall to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2010 Traffic Commission Meeting and included the minor corrections. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lewin, Hall, Russell, Masuda, Deary No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. The request to review the Traffic Signal at Valley Blvd, Rio Hondo Ave., and Mission Dr., was removed from the Consent Calendar for clarifications. After discussing minor clarifications, the Traffic Commission received and filed the report. 3. OLD BUSINESS A. NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - TOOLBOX AND CRITERIA OF TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES: DRAFT 3 Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Staff presented the Traffic Commission with a briefing on what has-been done to improve the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. In addition, staff gave samples on what steps need to be taken in order to make a request for street safety improvements. Commissioner Deary asked what the possibilities would be in moving raised-center medians and chokers at intersections to level 3 criteria and speed bumps into level 2 criteria. Staff informed the Commissioners that they can be changed anytime with the discretion of the Traffic Commission and with the approval of the City Council. Commissioner Lewin asked for clarification on the requirements needed to installing speed humps or speed tables at a certain location. Staff informed the Commissioners that the requirements explained to them are just recommendations and there can be other considerations or different criteria's for different locations depending on what and where it's being requested. - B. ACCESS TO 8930 MISSION DRIVE WEST OF ROSEEMAD BOULEVARD Staff presented the Traffic Commissioners suggestions and recommendations on what can be done to help elevate traffic conditions along Mission Drive. Commissioner Hall asked to see some of the samples recommended by staff tested before making a final decision on what to make permanent. Commissioner Lewin agreed with lengthening the left turn lanes along Mission Drive. Staff informed the Commissioners that they will work on improving the timing for intersection lights on Mission Drive and Rosemead Blvd. Commissioner Hall made a motion, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Russell to approve staff's recommendation to recommend to the City Council the installation of "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings with limit lines in the eastbound lanes.of Mission Drive at the westerly driveway of 8930 Mission Drive. Votes resulted in: Yes: Hall, Russell, Masuda, Deary, Lewin No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO ADD_ STOP CONTROL AT RAMONA BOULEVARD AND HART AVENUE Staff presented the Commission a briefing on what they are currently working on to improve safety concerns at Ramona Blvd and Hart Avenue. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Hall visited the location and stated that within a half hour there were Mo (2) close encounters. Mrs. Hall suggested that a stop sign be placed on Hart Ave. Chairman Masuda also visited the location and witnessed careless drivers who did not pay attention to all directions of traffic before proceeding. Commissioner Lewin also visited the location and recommended installing bolts dots between Ramona Blvd and Hart Ave. to keep cars from entering the opposing traffic lanes. B. BICYCLE TRAFFIC ON CITY SIDEWALKS Staff presented the Traffic Commission with a briefing on the item. and also informed them that they have been researching with other cities for ideas. Commissioner Hall stated she was concerned because bicycle riders that ride on sidewalks do not obey traffic rules. She added that she is concerned for the safety of the bicycle riders and the motorist. Vice Chairwoman Russell suggested promoting bicycle safety week or month by sending handouts to schools, putting information on the cities resource book, or handing out information at special city events with rules to obey. Chairman Masuda suggested creating a map with a bike route with some alternatives streets that can be safer for bicyclist to use. Commissioner Lewin would like staff to research with other cities to see how they promote bicycle safety. Commissioner Deary suggested that staff should get a bike specialist to come out to speak to them and get their input on what would be the best thing to do and improve bicycle safety on city streets. 5. STAFF REPORTS Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with the monthly updates, improvements currently being worked on throughout the City, and agenda items for next month's Commission meeting. . 6: COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Hall praised Public Service Director Bill Ornelas and Jimmy Limon for addressing traffic concerns in a promptly matter. Vice Chairwoman Russell informed staff that the botts dots installed near Walgreens are not effective. She also suggested having a safety month for bicycle riders. . Commissioner Lewin informed staff that on WB of Ramona Blvd. near Burton Ave., he noticed a tree planted near the stop sign and as it gets bigger it will block the sign. He suggested relocating the tree to improve visibility issues. Commissioner Lewin also complemented staff for installing the delineators on Rosemead Place. He also informed staff that he noticed that there was not a "No Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Left Turn" sign installed on the east exit driveway of the Rosemead pool. He would like to have the Mission Drive and Rosemead Blvd intersection on the next meeting. - Chairman Masuda gave staff his input on the Valley Blvd sign on Walnut Grove. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2010 at 7:00p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chairman ATTEST: Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2010 Page 4 of 4