TC - Item 3B - Bicycle Traffic On City SidewalksROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT=:.:. TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 1, 2010 SUBJECT: BICYCLE TRAFFIC ON CITY SIDEWALKS SUMMARY The City recognizes the importance of alternative transportation methods (walking, bicycling, public transportation) and balancing them with public safety issues created when they interact with vehicle traffic. The General Plan Circulation Element completed in 2008 discusses these forms of transportation and their impact on the community. Staff recently received an inquiry related to the usage of bicycles on sidewalks and on local streets. Currently, the City of Rosemead does not have specific language related to the usage of bicycles on streets and on sidewalks. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission provide review and comment on the proposed bicycle traffic guidelines. DISCUSSION The California Vehicle Code Section 21100(h) allows local authorities to adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution related to the operation of bicycles on sidewalks. The City does not currently have such a regulation in place. In researching this topic staff has learned that other communities have established rules and regulations to help encourage safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. According to the City's Circulation Element completed in 2008, the City of Rosemead currently has, one Class I Bicycle Path that runs along the east side of the Rio Hondo River Channel. There are no other major bicycle routes near the borders of the City. In addition, the City does not currently have any specially marked bike lanes in public right-of-way areas. At its last meeting, the Commission provided staff with comments related to a City bicycle policy. These comments have been incorporated into a draft policy fog further review. Submitted by: CHRIS MARCARELLO Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1- Draft Policy f: BICYCLES ON SIDEWALKS PURPOSE: To establish guidelines regarding bicycle education programs and safe bicycle travel in the City. - General Policy: - The City of Rosemead recognizes the need to promote safe bicycle-travel i6 fesidents and ensure that bicycle safety/education programs are promoted to the Community. Provisions: Bicycles may be operated in a safe manner throughout the community in accordance with the following guidelines: Riding on Sidewalks Subject to the provisions of this policy, bicycles may be operated on all sidewalks except the following: - A. A person shall not operate any bicycle in a business district, as defined in Section 235 of the California Vehicle Code, expect at a permanent or temporary driveway or at specific locations where such locations are suitable and have appropriate signage and street markings. B. Where designated bicycle lanes exist on adjacent roadways. C. The City may designate and declare certain portions of any sidewalk to be prohibited for bicycle use and shall place appropriate signage or markings. Riding in Crosswalks A person operating a bicycle shall dismount and walk the bike if within a marked crosswalk. Direction of Travel- A person operating a bicycle on a sidewalk on a major, secondary, or limited secondary highway, shall ride in the same direction as vehicular traffic traveling on the same side of the roadway. When riding in a group, riders shall ride single file. - Speed No person shall operate a bicycle on a sidewalk at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. Yielding Right-of-Way A. Whenever any person is operating a bicycle on a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing pedestrians. B. A person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk, before overtaking and passing a sight-impaired person carrying a white cane or guide'dog, shall dismount and pass on-foot. C. A person operating a bicycle on a sidewalk approaching upon a driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all traffic. D. The operator of a bicycle emerging from a driveway, bicycle path; buildir@, - or otherwise approaching upon a sidewalk, shall yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians on such sidewalks. E. A person riding a bicycle upon entering a roadway or driveway from a sidewalk shall yield to all traffic. _ Education ' The City will inform the community of safe bicycling procedures in concert with the advertisement of other City safety programs (i.e. City newsletter, local publications, local school district events). These events will focus on safe places to ride bicycles, cycling tips, and bicycle safety practices.'