2400 - Los Angeles County Public Library - Tax Increment Reimburstment Agreement< MEMSEPS OF THE BOARD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ~Y) CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE RETERF `"ABAAOM HE NtIEiH HaHN \ LOMVNOO EOELMAU \I 711 HALL OF AOMINISTFIATION I LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 9 12 DEANE DANA B1EUpt MICHAEL O ANTO.NOVICH RICHARD B. DIXON RECEIVED CHIEF ADMINISTRAI WE OFFICER ! CITY OF ROSEMEAD September 22, 1989 Frank G. Tripepi City, Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Tripepi: r r ~ 1 ~OOU Alt 7@8,9F @d6t, 2,2,3Ab5i6 A.4 F TAX INCREMENT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Attached is the executed agreement for Tax Increment Reimbursement for the Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 1, adopted by the Los Angeles County Board of supervisors on September 12, 1989. If you have any questions, please contact Delta Uyenoyama of my staff at (213) 974-1177. Sincerely, RICHARD B. DIXON Chief Administrative Officer LLOYD HALSTEAD Chief, Finance Division Finance and Operations Branch RBD:LEH DS:SR:tld8 Attachment a9rtm t.lr E. Y AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FUNDS Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. I THIS AGREEMENT, effective this 1st day of July, 1958, by and between the ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("Agency"), the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ("County'), the CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ("Fire District'), and the COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ("Library'). WHEREAS, the Agency and County have terminated through a stipuiatioa for settlement. that certain Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. C 599404, entitled County of Loc Angeles v Rosemead Red velonment A ze ; ; and WHEREAS, the said stipulation provided for Agency to enter into neeotiatiuns with the County to provide full reimbursement to the Fire District for its share of the tax increment generated by the project area and to provide full reimbursement to Library for its share of the tax increment in the event Agency funds and constructs a replacement facility for the Del Mar Library; and WHEREAS, on the basis of said stipulation, the above-referenced litigation was dismissed on June 23, 1987. WHEREAS, Agency has filed a petition for writ of mandate and complaint for declaratory rclief against County, entitled Rosemead Redevelopment AgcZ v uv of Los Ane les, No. C 690512, in the Los Angeles Superior Court; and the parties thereto now wish to settle that pending litigation by agreeing to the terms and conditions embodied in this Agreement. wOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do agree as follows: L Effective July 1, 1983, Agency shall annually reimburse Fire District for its share of the tax increment generated by the project area. Fire District shall be entitled to annual reimbursement from Agency of its proportionate share of property tax revenues generated by growth in the secured and unsecured assessed valuation over and above the 1971-72 base year assessed valuation of the project. Fire District's percentage share of property tax revenues is that percentage of property tax revenues which are allocated to Fire District pursuant to Section 33670(x) of the Health and Safety Code, presently -tpproximately 17.1 percent. 2. If Agency and Library agree on a site,.construction plans and budget for a replacement facility for the Del Mar Library, the Agency shall finance construction of the new library and will reimburse Library for its share of the tax increment generated f by the project area to defray the expense of expanded services. Beginning the year in which the new library facility opens, the Agency shall annually reimburse Library its proportionate share of property tax revenues generated by growth in the secured and unsecured assessed valuation over and above the 1971-72 base year assessed valuation of Elie project. Library's percentage share of property tax revenues is that percentage of Droperty tax revenues which are allocated to Library pursuant to Section 33670(a) of the Health and Safety Code, presently approximately 4 percent. 3. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, the remaining provisions shall maintain their full force and effect. 4. For administrative convenience, the parties agree that the County's Auditor-Controller shall annually determine the following sums: 2 VJ - P. a a. The total amount of tax increment generated by the project area and allocated to the Agency. b. The amount of tax increment that will be paid to the Agency and the amount of tax dollars to be retained as reimbursement to the Fire. District and Library based on the distribution established by this Agreement. 5. The parties recognize the mutual benefits of providing low and moderate income housing. Moreover, Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code requires that twenty percent (20%n) of the tax increment allocated to Agency shall be paid into a fund to be used for low and moderate income housing unless certain findings are made. Therefore, during the life of the Project, the parties hereto agree that, in any year in which tax increment is contributed to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund.. such contribution shall be governed by the following: A. The Library shall contribute to the Housing Fund on a pro rata basis. Pro rata shares of such contribution shall equal the percentage to be contributed pursuant to Section 33334.2, not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the amounts Library is reimbursed pursuant to this Agreement. If the Agency determines that less than twenty percent (20%) of the tax increment revenue generated by the Area is to be contributed to the Housing Fund, the Library's contributions shall be reduced accordingly. B. Monies deposited into the Housing Fund pursuant to this Section, shall he held in trust by the Agency. The Agency shall utilize the monies in the Housing Fund to make a substantial effort to improve, rehabilitate, and increase low and moderate income ho,:sing within and outside the Area pursuant to the authority of Section 33334.2. The Agency, in making any disbursements from the Housing Fund, shall give 3 . 1 TJQQCaou p. 6 due recognition that a proportionate share of such expenditures and of the improvement in the supplY of low and moderate income housing is a result of the cooperation of the Library in the Agency's redevelopment efforts. C. The Agency, shall notify, in writing, the County Auditor-Controller by Octoher 1 of each year as to whether or not tax increment funds are to be contributed to the Housing Fund and, if so, the percentage that is to be contributed. D. Accumulated deposits, investment earnings and itemized expenditures of balances in the Housing Fund shall be accounted for separately frour all other :Agency funds. Tl!_ Agency shall provide, not later than December 31 of each year, an accounting, in the form of year-end financial statements, to the County Auditor- Controller. Any balance remaining in the Housing Fund upon termination of the Project will be repaid to the Library on a pro rata basis. 6. Agency agrees to dismiss, with prejudice, its suit against County, entitled Rosemead Redevelgnr„ent Ag ncy v. o my of I Angeles, No. C 690512 in the Lo. Angeles Superior Court. Said dismissal to be filed within 15 days of Agency's receipt of the accounting required by paragraph 7 hereof. 7. County, through its Auditor-Controller, shall render an accounting to Agency, within ninety (90) days from the execution of this Agreement, of all funds withheld from Agency pending the negotiation and acceptance of this pass-through Agreement. Upon completion of the accounting Auditor-Controller shall refund to Agency, any funds withheld from Agency that are not due Fire. District, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 4 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, the CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, and the LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY have caused this Agreement to be executed on their behalf by their duly authorized representatives. ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ATTEST: Chairman + COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ~`~}ottrot~ CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT LOS ANGELES COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ° ,Secretary - Rosemead r Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: Larry J. Monteilh. Executive Officer - Clerl, of the Board of Supervisors p. i eputy Approved as to Form DeWitt Clinton, County Counsel ti0AR0 of PUP[Tri: 9LRS t., ::a£S f n. ` I By:SEP 12 ?9gg t-cacurrveorvKFJZ 5