CC - Item 4G - Authorization to attend League California cities conferenceTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CR , CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2004 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2005 MAYORS AND COUNCILMEMBERS ACADEMY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE, JANUARY 12-14,2005, SACRAMENTO Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's program includes sessions on fiscal oversight, Council staff relations, effective advocacy, land use affairs and intergovernmental affairs. Council and staff have attended this seminar in the past. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, the City Attorney, City Manager and staff as designated by the City Manager. P SS`` i ~ : 1 S'~ NOV 0 9 2004 iTEM;;o. TijL'@ OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Leadership Through Learning AN ORIENTATION FOR MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS 1 2005 MAYORS AND II T COUNCIL MEMBERS ACADEMY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Wednesday, January 12 - Friday January 14, 2005 Hyatt Regency, Sacramento You Will Want To Attend If You Are A... Mayor or Council Member, either newly elected or experienced City Manager or City Clerk in a non-manager city You Will Benefit From This Program By... ➢ Learning how to build and maintain the public's trust Learning the legal requirements and limitations on cities, determine conflicts of interest and city reporting requirements 9 Developing a better understanding of your relationship with city manager, staff and commissions 9 Discovering practical tips to avoid the pitfalls of predecessors Develop ways to advocate your city's interests before the Legislature ➢ Gaining a better understanding of your role in economic development and land use and how to deal effectively with the media Learning how to exercise your fiduciary responsibility for city resources, and what fiscal resources are available to your city ➢ and much more... Three ways to Register: -Register online at www.cacities.orgleveits -Fax the Registration Form -Mail the Registration Form Those newly elected to the council will find this conference essential for success in office. Wednesday January 12, 2005 PLEASE NOTE: Session times, titles, and topics are subject to change. Registration Open 8:00 am -5:OOpm Opening General Session Your Priorities and the Politically Possible 9:30 - 11:00 am In this lively and interactive workshop, explore the wide range of perspectives that you will need to consider when working toward agreement for action, and get some tips on how to achieve that agreement. CityBooks Open 10: 00 am - 5: 00 pin General Session Effective Advocacy And Key City Issues 11: 15 am-12:15 pm This session will provide practical skills to develop persuasive arguments and testimony that serve your city's interests General Luncheon Your League And How To Use It 12:15 - 1:45 pm As a city official, you are the League, and its success, along with yours, depends on your involvement and leadership. This session will introduce the services of the League of California Cities, how you can access them, and how you can become involved for mutual benefit. General Session Relationship Between Council, City Manager and Staff 2:00 - 3:30 pm As an elected official, there are various competing and legitimate values that drive you and your colleagues. Your success on the council requires an effective relationship with your city manager and staff. Learn how to work together while respecting those diverse roles. Learn how to enhance these relationships so that each understands the other and is able to provide what the other needs to be successful. Leave with valuable and practical tips. General Session Your Financial Oversight Responsibilities - Introduction To Finance 3:45 - 5.15 pm This session will cover your key responsibilities as elected officials in exercising fiduciary responsibilities. It will address such topics as the local government financial cycle, elected official financial oversight duties, the importance of structurally balanced budgets, tips on setting city council goals, the need for financial policies, avoiding micromanagement and complacency management and the four stages of fiscal meltdown. Legislative Reception - California History Museum 5:30 - 8:00 pm 1020 'O' Street at 10th - within walking distance of the hotel Use this informal gathering to meet and chat with your legislator. Be sure you act now to extend a personal invitation to him or her to attend the reception at the California History Museum. Shuttle Service will run from 5:15 - 8:00 pm in front of the Hyatt Regency. Friday January 14, 2005 - - - Registration Open 7:30 - 11:00 am CityBooks Open 8:30 am - 1:30 pin Concurrent Breakfast Sessions Avoiding Pitfalls Of Your Predecessors - Tips For Office Holders 7:30-8:45 am These sessions will explore some of the errors and pitfalls new officials can make before developing experience and knowledge. Instructive ideas will be followed by questions and answers, and discussion of the implications of actions. General Session Your Policy Role In Land Use Planning 9:00 - 11:00 am Land use planning is one of the most important aspects of a city official's responsibilities. It involves the setting and implementation of the policies articulated in the city's general plan and its zoning code. Learn about tools and processes in land use planning such as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This knowledge will help you foster a solid working relationship with your city's planning commission and planning staff. General Session Intergovernmental Affairs: Your Role In The 'Bigger Picture' 11:15 am - Noon This session focuses on understanding how the intergovernmental relations system works; what motivates it; where you realistically are viewed in it; how you can act to be influential in it; what is ineffective (and even harmful); and how you can keep current and effective. General Luncheon New Leadership Roles For Elected Officials Noon - 1:15 pm What are you going to do differently now that you are on the city council? As a leader in the community, respect is not learned but earned. A good leader is decisive and consistent. Find out how to develop your leadership skills while maintaining good relationship with your constituents. Closing General Session Succeeding With The Media 1:30 - 3: 00 pm When the media calls for an interview, do you panic or prepare? Receive practical tips on overcoming panic and how to turn that nervousness into productive energy that will benefit your constituents, the media and you. These lessons apply with all media and will help you look like a leader. Adjourn 3:00 pm