CC - Item 4C - Request to Install Red curb on Valley Blvd at Hidden Pines PlaceTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2004 RE: REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD AT HIDDEN PINES PLACE During a Planning Commission meeting regarding a new development proposed at 8518 E. Valley Boulevard, the residents of Hidden Pines Place (a private driveway located immediately to the east) indicated that they have difficulty exiting onto Valley Boulevard and requested "KEEP CLEAR" and "Do Not Block Intersection" signs. It is the City's policy to not install such traffic control devices at driveway locations. Immediately adjacent to Hidden Pines Place there does exist "No Parking Anytime" signs, however, there is enough space to park one car between Hidden Pines Place and the driveway at 8518 E. Valley Boulevard. Field observations noted a car parked at this location. Therefore, staff recommended and the Traffic Commission concurred, that 10 feet of red curb be installed on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Hidden Pines Place. RECOMMENDATION Approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install 10 feet of red curb on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Hidden Pines Place. Attachment courlclf„ G a;DeB NOV 2 3 2004 ITEM No. V .ee- L OCT.Zb'1UU4 lu:uu Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission NIlI3 I. V.II VVI TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY n,~~ (1c~' TTT DATE: October 19, 2004 RE: Request to Install Red Curb on Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Place B=U- Staff received a request from the Planning Department to review the visibility for vehicles exiting Hidden Pines Place at Valley Boulevard. The residents of Hidden Pines Place had made this request during a public meeting regarding a new development being proposed immediately west of Hidden Pines Place on Valley Boulevard. The residents indicate that they have difficulty exiting Hidden Pines Place and they requested 'KEEP CLEAR" and "DO Not Block Intersection" signs. However, the City's policy is not to install such traffic control devices at driveway locations. Therefore, the visibility for exiting vehicles is being analyzed. CONDITIONS Exhibit 1 depicts- conditions on the south side of Valley Boulevard at Hidden Pines Place. Staff will also bring pictures to the Traffic Commission meeting of the site. DATA A summary of traffic collision reports will be presented at the traffic commission meeting. DISCUSSION Field observation of the location was made during the morning period. There were vehicles parked on Valley Boulevard in the vicinity of Hidden Pines Place. During the weekends there is a high influx of customers to the nearby commercial developments that often increases the number of vehicles parking on Valley Boulevard. In addition, the proposed development adjacent to Hidden Pines Place is also a commercial development likely to increase the numbor of vehicles parking on Valley Boulevard. As Identified in Exhibit 1, there is posted "No Parking Any Time" signs on the south side of Valley Boulevard that includes the immediate area adjacent to OGT.2512004 10:46 8/VU r.ouciuvJ November 4,2M Traffic COmmfssfon Meeting Request to Install Red Curb on VeRey Boulevard at Hidden Pines Place Page 2 of 2 Hidden Pines Place. This "No Parking Any Time" zone includes the bridge over the wash and approximately 20 feet west of Hidden Pines Place. However, this does provide space for approximately 1 vehicle to park before the adjacent driveway. RECOMMENDATION The installation of 10 feet of red curb on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Hidden Pines Place is recommended. This recommendation is depicted on Exhibit 1. Attachment P:W&1 WUI/\RSU=N Agendas & Dxummds%ov-Vatey A Haden PIneS-RC fapuest,doc OGT.2512004 09:38 1 11 T 91" a. g a W ~ m ~ Z J ~ a ma D . I = a - C I. x W ~ W I I a o > s VQS~ V ti I I ~ o~ I I .m~ ~o • I I vi I I I I . I I I _ ry o~ I I . W or LI . I .LI AL ~ I I I s , v--.:; ~4a m 3 n w ~ w ~pp w a 0 z w ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 2004 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla, & Commissioner Benjamin Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Quintanilla Invocation: Commissioner Benjamin APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 7, 2004 1. It was moved by Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, and seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve the minutes,of October 7, 2004. Vote results: Yes: Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla and Commissioner Benjamin No: None Absent: None Abstain: Chairperson Knapp ll. COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD AT HIDDEN PINES PLACE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: The installation of ten (10) feet of red curb on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Hidden Pines Place is recommended. It was moved by Commissioner Benjamin and seconded by Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Assistant City Manager Wagner gave a brief update on the Rosemead Public Safety Center at Zapopan Park. Assistant City Manager Wagner reported that the red curb requested at 3303 Del Mar was approved by the City Council. VI. Commissioner Benjamin suggested that street cleaning occur on one side of the street on one day and on the other the next day so that residents would still have parking close to their homes on street cleaning days. Assistant City Manager Wagner said that state regulations encouraging cleaner vehicles as well as storm water and prevailing wage issues already strain the street sweeping budget and the cost of this change in operation would be prohibitive. Chairperson Knapp reminded the Commissioners about the Traffic Commissioners Workshop scheduled for Saturday. Chairperson Knapp reminded those present of the Five Dollar Annual Pancake Breakfast and Boutique fundraiser for People for People on November 20. She also briefly described the Adopt-A-Family Program. VII. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Matsdorf asked that the meeting be adjourned with a moment of silence in memory of all veterans. It was unanimously agreed and a moment of silence ensued. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m., with three people in the audience. The next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission is scheduled for December 2, 2004. IN