CC - Aithorization to Attend 2004 Natioal League of Cities congressional ConferenceTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAp CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 6, 2004 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 2004 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE, MARCH 5-9,2004 WASHINGTON, D.C. Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. Sessions will revolve around the key issues of the Federal Budget, Transportation, the Economy, Hometown Safety and Security, Affordable Housing, Education and Intergovernmental Partnership. Council and staff have attended this conference in the past and it provides an excellent opportunity to be informed of federal' issues that impact cities and counties. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff as assigned by the City Manager. COUNCIL AGSIDA JAS! q 2004 ITEM No. J-Z. Cc - e L The Opportunity March 2004 will mark the real beginning of the campaign for national office - a campaign that has significant implications for America's cities and towns. With most of the major primaries scheduled in February and early March, the Democratic front runner for President will emerge and the races for the House and Senate will begin to heat up. The National League of Cities Congressional City Conference provides a great opportunity to learn about the federal issues that matter to America's cities and towns; to lobby Congress on short-term issues that will be on the Congressional agenda in 2004, and to make sure cities and towns have a clear, consistent voice in the national campaign. Come to Washington, DC, March 5-9, 2004, to join the voice of America's cities in launching our national campaign on behalf of the 225 million people we collectively represent. The program will include general sessions featuring national leaders, strategy sessions to shape the NLC message, workshops to learn about the issues and NLC's positions, and a city lobby dap on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, March 9. The Congressional City Conference offers an important opportunit to maximize the impact of 3,000 local officials together to demand a renewed federal-local partnership built on trust, collaboration, and shared commitments for 2004 and beyond. The Action Plan Saturday, March 6 City officials gather at the Hilton Washington and Towers for leadership meetings, policy discussions, and legislative briefings to learn about current federal issues and priorities for America's cities and towns. Sunday, March 7 NLC's leaders and general session speakers set the stage for the action to come by describing the environment in Washington on the front end of the campaign and examining how local priorities intersect with national political agendas. Monday, March 8 Congressional leaders, President Bush, and leading candidates are invited to discuss their priorities and their reactions to the National League of Cities agenda. The program will wrap up with a closing general session to review the agenda and confirm plans for City Lobbv Day. And, the ever-popular Capitol Steps will end the day by providing their unique perspective on the Washington scene as city leaders prepare to converge on Capitol Hill. Tuesday, March 9 Buses take all conference delegates to the Capitol for a national rally followed by strategic meetings with Congressional leaders to talk about NLC's priorities for federal action and expectations of Congress and the Administration. Be part of the national voice of America's cities in 2004. These special institute seminars are offered to conference delegates for a separate registration fee. Space is limited and available on a first come first served basis. FULL-DAY SEhNARS Friday, March 5, 2004 eGovemanent Leadership Institute 9:00 am- 5:00 pm Registration Fee: 5150 Competency: Competent Practitioner Learn and understand how the effective use of technology can serve the needs of your constituents and help improve city government performance. With a focus on mid-size cities, explore the public- policy concerns that the Internet and technology raises. Session will be held at the IBAI Institute for Electronic Government on K St.- Buses will leave Hilton Hotel Lower Entrance at 8:30 AIM. Instructors: Bradley L. Westpfahl, G. Wayne Goeller Speak So They Will Listen 9:00 am- 5:00 pm _ Registration Fee: $150 Competence: Communicator Learn how preparation, presentation and persuasion can expand your leadership and help you act positive change in motion within your communiy% Enhance your ability to influence and persuade others. Learn and practice presenting from an audience viewpoint. Learn how to improve your presentation abilities and realize how clear communication serves your constituents to better identify wish your leadership. Instructor: Lindsay Strand Ensuring Good Jobs and Smart Growth in Economic Development 9:00 am- 5:00 pm Registration Fee: $150 Competency: Catalst Leon the best toolkit practices for making sure that economic development expenditures are effective for your community. Learn about new inmova tions including job quality standards, clawbacks, disclosure and monitoring. Understand the role of development incentives in suburban sprawl and proposals for making incentive,'location efficient' by integrating them with public transportation. Instructors: Greg LeRoy, Alyssa Talmker Catalyzing Participatory Governance That Works 9:00 am- 5:00 pm Registration Fee: SI50 Competency: Collaborator Localities have taken significant steps to work collaborativel}' and inclusively with citizens, businesses, community-based organizations, and faith communities to achieve better outcomes. Learn key strategies to help you develop a high per- forming, results oriented community Gain practical guidance on budding effective collaborative processes that strengthen capacity in government and intergovernmental coordination. Instructors: William Potapchuk, Joan Kennedy AFTERNOON SEMINARS Friday, March 5, 2004 Hiring and Evaluating the Cih• Manager 1:,30 - 5:00 pm Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Competent Practitioner Hiring and supervising your City Alanager is probably the most important role that an elected official must serve. What questions do you face when hiring'. How should a performance evaluation process work and what should you expect from id Learn effective practices that make for successful hires along with practical techniques for supervising performance. ' Instructors: Gerald Newfarmer, Julia Novak Facilitating Transformative Community Change 1:30-5:00 pm Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Collaborator Discover essential strategies, tools and techniques for involving the public in land use and transportation decisions, as well as, development approvals. Learn how to get projects approved promptk with public support. Learn how• the tools and techniques of 'Dynamic Planning and Charrettes' can apply to your com- munity's growth challenges and how these processes will lead to long-term public trust. butmctor.- Bill Lennertz Are You Listening' 1:30-5:00 pro Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Communicator Listening is not a spectator sport. The'art of listening' is to become totally involved. Become a better communicator with every- one around you as you appreciate how' to build relationships based on trust through good listening skills. Avoid mistakes and sharpen your perception of others as you learn how to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication. Instructor: Judith L, Lewis FULL-DAY SEMINAR Saturday, March 6, 2004 The High Performance Governing Body 9:00 am- 5:00 pm Registration Fee: 5150 Competency: Cornerstone Successful governing bodies recognize the basic values that come together in public poligmakmg: representation, efficiency. individual rights, and social equity. Dealing successfully with these values represents the core of the governing body's work.' Understanding the different perspectives that elected officials and professional staff bring to the values is critical. Learn what it takes to become a'high performing governing body,' along with the obstacles to high performance and how to overcome them. Instructor: John Nalbandian MORNING SETH 'TARS Saturday, March 6, 2004 Mr. Jefferson Speaks to the `Public' in Public Policy 9:00 am-12:00 Noon Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Cornerstone Thomas Jefferson appears in person to speak on his ideas of leadership, citizen- ship and the public good. Engage in a unique learning experience as historical interpreter Bill Barker presents Thomas Jefferson in a dialogue with participants. Mr. Jefferson reminds us that the people are the foundation of public policy As today's local leaders, participants will be reminded of their obligations to the pub- lic as administrators and public servants in public policy. Instructor: Bill Barker, Thomas Jefferson The Ten Lenses: Building Personal Cultural Competence 9:00 am-12:00 Noon Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Collaborator Are stereotypes an ingrained part of the thinking of most Americans' We make assumptions and take actions regarding others who are different than ourselves based on the'isms' programmed into our minds when we were children. Look at the impact of ethnocentric behavior on our ability to build effective cross-cultural relation-ships and gain tips on how to avoid'cultural collisions' when dealing with diverse others. Discover the'Ten Lenses' that Americans tend to use to view diversity issues. Instructors: Louis Vincent, Rita Rizzo Building Democratic Capacity: Mobilizing Citizens for Community Problem-Solving 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Catalyst Learn how communities have used action forums and study circles m engage groups of diverse citizens in productive dialogue, sound decision-making, and collaborative efforts to solve community problems. Projects have ohm been launching pads for citizen action on a wide range of issues, including come, education, community- police relations, race fc diversity, growth S sprawl, and the'achievement gap. Instructors: Man Leighninger, Gwen Wright LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON Saturday, Match 6, 2004 Leadership Training Institute Participant A Recognition Leadership Luncheon 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm Registration Fee: S35 Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Certificate level recipients in the Certificate of Achievement in Leadership program will be recognized. Facilitators: Leadership Training Council AFTERtNOON SEMBNARS Saturday, March 6, 2004 Dealing with the Media: Techniques to Control the Story 1:30 - 5:00 pot Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Communicator Take control of the news you generate by understanding how to prevent mistakes, how to prepare for, conduct and fallow up interviews to gain positive coverage. Learn practical tips, tools and strategies for working with the media in a political environment. Increase your confidence in your ability to control the final story as con strengthen your ability to work with the media and disseminate vital informa- tion and policy accurately and effectively. Instructor: Stephen Friedman Conflict Resolution: Converting the Negative into the Positive 1:30 - 5:00 pm Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Communicator The negative stuff severely impairs your productivity, self-confidence, and emotional control, as well as of those around you. Learn how to resolve conflict and covert all the negatives into the positives of collaboration. cooperation, optimism, productivity', control motivation and results. If you are open to relearning new ways to respond to negative situations and people, you can learn how to resolve the conflict. Instructor: Dr. Elliott B. Jaffa The Power to Lead: A Personal Blueprint for Leadership 1:30 pm-5:00 pm Registration Fee: S95 Competency: Cornerstone To lead a city takes power; to produce results for your community takes power; to make courageous decisions takes power, and to work with your community takes power. Understand the four critical power sources: simple, future, relation- ships, and results. Explore actions that city leaders can take to tap these four crit- ical power sources'and identify specific actions that city leaders can take to turn a 'power drain' into a'power source'. Instructor: Lyle Sumek w organize their B, wain cam t,eaoersmp ualmng i 1 . Iristince Siminai addressing saw of t t the following competence areas..: _ (1) Cornerstone; j - . (2) Competem Practitioner; (3) Communicator; (4) Collaborator, _ _ f 15) Catalyst: `~.6 To obtain rti6re information er enroll in the Certificate of Achievement in " Leadership program,.contacerhe k: ,Leadership.Training institute`. ''1 hotline at (202).626-31 i0.=_. ~ Special Events Friday, March 5 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ,5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 6 9:00 a.m. - Noon 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. -S:15 P.M. 5:15 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Sunday, March 7 7:30 a.m. -9:00 a.m.' 8:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. -?Noon Noon - 1:30 p.m. Noon - 1:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 415 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 8 9:00 a.m. -11:45 a.m. Noon - 1:30 p.m. 1:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. . . S:1 S p.m. -6:30 pin. 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Leadership Training Seminars Orientation Session for First Time Attendees Constituency and Special Group Meetings Policy Committee Meetings and Advocacy Training NLC Board of Directors Meeting NLC Advisorv Council Meeting Leadership Training Seminars . . Policy Committee Meetings and Advocacy Training Constituency and Special Group Meetings Steering Committee Work Sessions Celebrate Diversitv Breakfast Opening General Session Roundtable Networking and Lunch Steering Committee Work Sessions General Session on Key Priorities Workshops on Lobbying Priorities State League Caucuses and Receptions Constituency and Special Group Meetings/Events General Session Roundtable Networking and Lunch Workshops on Lobbying Priorities Closing General Session State League Caucuses and Receptions Reception and The Capitol Steps Tuesday, March 9 9:00 a.m..- Noon City Lobby Dap on Capitol Hill Constituency Group Fees and Events N etwork with colleagues with similar interests at NLC's constituency group meetings. Several special opportunities will occur among various groups who invite their members and new colleagues to collaborate in their caucuses. All of their meetings and events are open to members, interested new members and all NLC delates. Some events require advance ticket purchase. The six constituency and member groups are: * Asian, Pacific American Municipal Officials (APAMO) * Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Local Officials (GLBLO) * Hispanic Elected Local Officials (HELD) * National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO) * University Communities Caucus (UCC) * Women in Municipal Government (\VIMG) Sunday, March 7 Celebrate Diversity Breakfast 8:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - Fee: $40 ($50 on site) The 13th annual Celebrate Diversity Breakfast will feature a keynote speaker who will provide a perspective on "diversity" issues facing America's cities and towns. The breakfast is sponsored by five NLC constituency groups. 1londac, March 8 The Capitol Steps 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The Capitol Steps will perform on Monday this year (instead of Sunday) as part of a conference wrap up to energize the delegates for City Lobby Day on Tuesday morning. This troupe of Congressional employees provides bi-partisan fun for everyone. Dates to Remember Februan 6, 2004 Deadline for advance registration and housing requests. All requests must ~e postmarked by this date. After this date, all delegates must register onsite at higher rates. February 6, 2004 Deadline for Cancellations. Cancellation letters must be postmarked by this date and are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. There are no refunds for cancellations after this date. How to Register To register for the 2004 Congressional Cite Conference, fill out the registration form and return it with your check, city purchase order, or credit card information to the NLC Meeting Services, postmarked by February 6, 2004 or register online at wtvw.nlc.org • Each delegate, guest, speaker, member of the press, and any other conference participant must register. There is a $75 youth delegates fee. There is no charge for press registrations with proper press credentials. * No telephone registrations or cancellations will be accepted. * Payment (check, city purchase order. or credit card) must be included with advance registrations. * People unable to meet the February 6 deadline will have to register onsite at the meeting and make their own hotel reservations. Refunds will be made for cancellations received by February 6, 2004, subject to a $50 cancellation charge. Cancellation letters must be postmarked by this date. No telephone cancellations will be accepted.' No partial refunds will be made if you decide not to attend particular :unctions. Hotels • If you need hotel accommodations, please check the appropriate box on the registration form. * NLC will make a hotel reservation for you when you register for the conference.- * Rooms will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. *All conference sessions will be held at the Hilton Washington and Towers. T he conference will provide a range of education, networking, and strategy sessions to maximize the value of this event for city officials. This preliminary schedule provides an outline of major events during the conference to help delegates make travel plans. Visit the NLC website at www.nle.org and read N'ation's Cities Weekly every Monday for updates on specific program plans.