CC - Request for Traffica Controls for the Alley west of Walnut GroveTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CPITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 7, 2004 RE: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR THE ALLEY WEST OF WALNUT GROVE AVENUE BETWEEN FERN AVENUE AND KLINGERMAN AVENUE A resident has requested traffic controls for the alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue, between Klingerman and Fern Avenues. The concern is with speeding and the use of the alley as a short cut. Although the resident wants "speed bumps", City policy has been not to install such devices. Staff is concerned with vehicles losing control and damaging private property. The Commission approved the staff recommendation of no "speed bumps" with the addition of installing two (2) 15 mph signs at each end and selective enforcement. Attached is a copy of the staff report and the minutes from the December 4, 2003 Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to deny traffic controls for the alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern and Klingerman Avenues. It is further recommended that staff be directed to install two (2) 15 mph signs and continue selective enforcement. COUNUL f11GE.r`V',We, JAN 13 2004 ITEM Nlo. - (.Lf Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: November 24, 2003 RE: Request for Traffic Controls in the Alley West of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue REQUEST Mr. Eddie Ochoa, 2409 Walnut Grove Avenue, has requested the City to review the conditions in the alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue. Mr. Ochoa is concerned with the speeding and cut- through traffic using this alley. He indicated that most of the speeding and cut- through seems to occur with the start and release periods of Sanchez Elementary and Temple Intermediate schools. CONDITIONS The alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue is approximately 20 feet wide with a concrete drain pan running down the middle of the alley. On the east side of the alley are the wall/fences and garage access of the residential homes fronting on Walnut Grove Avenue. On the west side of the alley is the sports park and school grounds. There is a gated entry to the school grounds directly across from Andy Pacheco Court. Andy Pacheco Court breaks the alley into two sections. The intersection of the alley and Andy Pacheco Court is controlled by stop signs in all directions. DATA Turning movement counts into and out of the alley at Fern Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue were taken during the morning (7:00 to 9:00) and afternoon (4:00 to 6:00) peak hours. This data identified the 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM hours as having the peak turning movement volumes. The following was observed:, Into Alley From Alley 7:30 to 8:30 AM LT RT LT RT Fern Avenue 12 8 14 70 Klingerman Avenue 0 25 20 5 December 4, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Traffic Controls in the Alley West of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue Into Alley From Alley 4:00 to 5:00 PM LT RT LT RT Fern Avenue 3 7 2 12 Klingerman Avenue 1 9 3 0 Speed data was also collected for vehicles traveling in the alley. This data was collected for a half-hour period starting at 7:15 AM. The speed data is summarized below- # observed Highest Lowest 85"' % North of Andy Pacheco Ct. 14 37 mph 13 mph 30 mph South of Andy Pacheco Ct. 21 35 mph 18 mph 35 mph DISCUSSION Field observations were done in the morning start times of Sanchez Elementary and Temple Intermediate schools. During these observations, vehicles were identified traveling at speeds greater than the 15 mph speed limit for alleys. 6 vehicles of the 35 total vehicles observed were traveling at or above 30 mph. It was difficult to determine exactly which vehicles were using the alley as a "cut- through". However, it appeared that possibly 8 to 10 vehicles observed went through the alley from Klingerman Avenue to Fern Avenue or vise versa. Currently, the City policy is not to install speed bumps within the public right-of- way. The primary concern with installing speed bumps is there is no recognized standard design for speed bumps. Specifically with regards to speed bumps in an alley, staff has concerns with vehicles possibly loosing control and colliding with the adjacent garages and walls. Unlike streets, the alley doesn't provide a "buffer" area of sidewalk or yards should a vehicle loose control. Another concern with the installation of a speed bump in this particular alley is the presence of a concrete drain area in the center of the alley. This drain area indicates flow is from the sides of the alley flows north/south out of the alley. A speed bump could not be installed the width of the alley because it would prohibit drainage. If the speed bump was installed in two sections avoiding the drainage area, vehicles would likely drive with one set of wheels in the drainage area and one set over the speed bumps. Based on the speed data collected, there are vehicles traveling higher than the speed limit with alleys. The installation of a speed limit sign may help to inform motorists of the speed in an alley. However, selective enforcement would be the most effective in controlling speeds. December 4, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Traffic Controls in the Alley West of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue With regards to the cut-through traffic, it is difficult to determine why the motorists may be using the alley as an alternative route. They may perceive problems with the traffic signals on Walnut Grove Avenue then take the alley. They may also be traveling to one of the schools and this is an "easier" route. RECOMMENDATION The installation of speed bumps in the alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue is not recommended. Selective enforcement of speeds in the alley is recommended at this time. Attachment Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Baffo, Quintanilla & Benjamin Noes: None Abstain: Commissioner Matsdorf Absent None Commissioner Matsdorf abstained her vote because she works for the School District B. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE GROVE AVENUE BETWEEN FERN AVENUE, AVENUE , Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: . The installation of speed bumps in the alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue and Klingerman Avenue is not recommended. Selective enforcement of speeds in the alley is recommended at this time. Chairperson Knapp asked about making the alley a one-way street Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki was. concerned about the inconvenience it will cause the residents. They would have to go around the block to get in or out of their driveways. ' Chairperson Knapp also recommended the possibility of installing rumble strips. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the residents at this location have no front yards and that the noise factor would affect them even more because of the closeness to their homes. It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the addition of installing two (2) 15 mph signs at each end and to have selective enforcement at this location.