CC - Request for Blue Curb in Front of Encinita SchoolTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD ~',ITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWED, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 6, 2004 RE: REQUEST FOR BLUE CURB IN FRONT OF ENCINITA SCHOOL This item was placed on the Traffic Commission Agenda at the request of Ms. Linda Clark- Molina (see attached letter). The request is for the installation of blue curb on Encinita which would help handicapped motorists who are dropping off or picking up children. Currently the City has a policy of not installing blue curb zones on public streets. Further review by staff suggests that it might be more productive to work with the school district. Therefore staff recommended denial and the Commission concurred. Attached is a copy of the Traffic Commission staff report and the minutes of the December 4, 2003 Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the recommendation of the Traffic Commission for the denial of the request for installation of blue curb at Encinita School. It is further recommended that the Traffic Engineer be directed to work with School District officials to determine if there are other options available. COUNCIL AACEA-,DD.% JAN 13 2004 ITEM mo. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: November 24, 2003 RE: Request for Blue Curb in Front of Encinita School REQUEST A letter (attached) from Ms. Linda Clark-Molina was received requesting staff review the possibility of installing blue curb on Encinita Avenue in front of Encinita School. Ms. Clark-Molina indicated that during the start and release times of school vehicles park all along the curb making in difficult for those handicapped motorists to park in a convenient location. Ms. Clark-Molina believes that a blue curb would assist handicapped motorists. CONDITIONS Encinita Avenue is a 36 foot wide north/south roadway. There is a single yellow skip striping on the street separating opposing lanes of traffic. The posted speed limit is 30 mph with 25 mph when children are present. Encinita School is located on the west side of Encinita Avenue and south of Lower Azusa Road. Parking is generally allowed in front of the school except in red zones. There is also a white passenger loading zone towards the south end of the school frontage. On-site parking is restricted to school staff only. The school has two separate parking lots: one on Lower Azusa Road and one on Encinita Avenue. Each parking lot has handicap parking spaces available. However, the gate into the school at the parking lot on Lower Azusa Road is locked. The Encinita Avenue parking lot is coned off to close access by parents. Exhibit A depicts the general conditions on Encinita Avenue in front of the school. This Exhibit will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Staff met Ms. Clark-Molina at Encinita School during the afternoon release period. Vehicles were parked on Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street. Some December 4, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Blue Curb in Front of Encinita School vehicles were parked in red curb zones. The staff parking lot on Encinita Avenue was not completely full. The handicap spaces were not occupied. Generally, students are released to parents at the gate of the school. So, parents must park vehicles to get their children. Most parents seem to cross Encinita Avenue at Pitkin Street. Some parents were parked on the east side of Encinita Avenue but during staff observations no students crossed Encinita Avenue. Ms. Clark-Molina indicated she spoke with the principal, Ms. Ann Bowers, of Encinita School regarding the need for blue curb. Ms. Bowers indicated to Ms. Clark-Molina that parents could park in the handicap parking spaces in the staff parking lots. However, this is difficult because the parking lot is coned off and would require the parents to move the cones to access the parking spaces. Currently, the City has no policy for the installation of blue curb zones on public streets. Over the past 5 years, staff has received approximately 3 requests for blue curbs in residential areas. We have denied these requests primarily due to the specifics surrounding the requests (i.e. lack of adequate on-site parking, impact to the adjacent properties, etc.). RECOMMENDATION Based on the field observations, current City policy and discussions with Ms. Clark-Molina, the installation of blue curb is not recommended at this time. Staff intends to have further discussions with Ms. Bowers of Encinita Schoool to determine if other options with the handicap spaces in the staff parking lots are available to make the spaces more accessible to parents. Attachment ( FILENAME ~p ) September 22, 2003 Traffic Commissioner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR A HANDICAP-ACCESS PAINTING OF CURB AT ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Dear Commissioner: I am a person with limited ability to walk. I currently have three grandchildren attending Encinita Elementary school under the age of seven. 1 go to the school five (5) times daily to drop-off or pick-up the kids. At present, there is a red-painted curb at the entrance to the school for emergency personnel, and about six spaces for the loading and unloading of children. Vehicles daily ignore the red curb and park to retrieve or deliver students. I have to admit that I also use the space when necessary. I called the Public Works Department for information/advice; spoke with Mr. Don Wagner and was then referred to Ms. Joann Itagaki about this issue. They were both very responsive, but suggested that I put my request in writing. Most parents, grandparents, and/or guardians drive their children to school. The school has advised in writing that the staff parking lot on Encinita (there are two handicap spaces) is not to be used as well as the drive-ways for u-turns or dropping-off and picking-up of kids due to the danger of running over pedestrians. My grandchildren are in pre-school, kindergarten and second grade. I can drop off the second grader but must sign-in and sign-out the other two. Parking is a serious problem for me as I cannot walk very far due to seven surgeries in the last one and one-half years. I know there are other handicap-plated vehicles besides my own, and they would also appreciate a "blue curb" for easier access to the school. There is another staff parking lot on Mission Road with handicap spaces behind the cafeteria, but the gates to the school are always locked. I am requesting that a blue-painted curb be provided for Encinita, or instructions as to how to proceed further in this endeavor. Although the period of time when children enter/exit the school is about one half of an hour, being late to drop-off or pick up children while looking for parking results in tardiness and forces teachers to stay beyond their day to wait for parents, and it seems that this request would serve a good purpose. I am very involved at Encinita School: PTA Treasurer, A.M. Pre-School Parent Coordinator and am vying for.the vacant Board of Trustees position with the Rosemead Board of Education. I have a vested interest in Encinita, and whole-heartedly give of my time to "do my part" as a grandparent/parent. Please give serious attention to my request and advise me of my alternatives. Thank you for your consideration and solution to this problem. C r Tally, &/K`- / inda Clark-Molina '~nj/ 1308 S. Gladys Ave. San Gabriel, CA 91776 626.573.2334 cc: Ann Bowers, Principal LOWER AZUSA Wx - Lo C.A. R/G. E„+r4nca N Ex.wr- kc Nc ~i 2 M~ ALE U W d I~ PITKJN 5T. _ -X~ BQ- A II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Mr. Hijar 3031 Brighton Street Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Hijar stated that the residents are having difficulty exiting their street because of the traffic flow, and people seem to be ignoring the signs posted. Mr. Hijar also presented the Commission with pictures of the location. Speaking before the Commission was: Imelda Hijar 3031 Brighton Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Hijar stated that it is an inconvenience exiting their driveway between the hours of 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. She asked if selective enforcement could be used until this item comes before the Commission at a later date. III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR BLUE CURB IN FRONT OF ENCINITA SCHOOL Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report and passed out an exhibit. Recommendation: Based on the field observations, current City policy and discussions with Ms. Clark-Molina, the installation of blue curb is not recommended at this time. Staff intends to have further discussions with Ms. Bowers of Encinita School to determine if other options with the handicap spaces in the staff parking lots are available to make the spaces more accessible to parents. Vote Results: B. Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Baffo, Quintanilla & Benjamin Noes: None Abstain: Commissioner Matsdorf Absent None Commissioner Matsdorf abstained her vote because she works for the School District. IN THE GROVE A AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report Recommendation: The installation of speed bumps in the alley west of Walnut Grove Avenue between Fern Avenue. and Klingerman Avenue is not recommended. Selective enforcement of speeds in the alley is recommended at this time. Chairperson Knapp asked about making the alley a one-way street Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki was concerned about the inconvenience it will cause the residents. They would have to go around the block to get in or out of their driveways. Chairperson Knapp also recommended the possibility of installing rumble strips. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the residents at this location have no front yards and that the noise factor would affect them even more because of the closeness to their homes. It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the addition of installing two (2) 15 mph signs at each end and to have selective enforcement at this location.