CC - Item 4D - Request for Do Not Block Intersection sign and or keep Clear markings at Walnut Grove and Norwood Place.TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEADD/CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWS, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 2004 RE: Request for "Do Not Block Intersection" Sign and/or "Keep Clear" Markings at Walnut Grove Avenue and Norwood Place The City received a petition from residents of Norwood Place for the installation of a "Do Not Block Intersection" Sign and/or "Keep Clear" Markings at Walnut Grove Avenue and Norwood Place, as traffic for southbound Walnut Grove Avenue backs up from Marshall Street to Norwood Place. Based on field observations, during over'/2 of the signal cycles completed at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street in a one-hour period, southbound traffic would block the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Norwood Place. This occurred especially during morning hours. Therefore, staff recommended and the Traffic Commission concurred, that installation of a "Do Not Block Intersection" sign and "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings was warranted. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install a "Do Not Block Intersection" sign and "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings. Attachment COUNCIL FEB 2 4 2004 Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JANUARY 26, 2004 RE: Request for "Do Not Block Intersection" Sign and/or "Keep Clear" Markings at Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue REQUEST The residents of Norwood Place west of Walnut Grove Avenue have submitted a petition requesting the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs and/or "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings. They have indicated that especially during peak hours traffic for southbound Walnut Grove Avenue backs up from Marshall Avenue to Norwood Place. A second petition was received regarding vehicles parked on Walnut Grove Avenue blocking visibility for vehicles exiting Norwood Place. The residents of Norwood Place signed this petition to limit on-street parking on Walnut Grove Avenue with "No Parking 7 to 10 AM and 4 to 7 PM Monday - Friday". The petition specifically states there is a "big truck parking on the right side" blocking visibility. Staff has attempted to make contact with the resident that circulated the petition to clarify the request. However, as of this date, we have not been able to speak to one another. Copies of both petitions are attached. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide roadway with two lanes in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph. In the vicinity of Norwood Place, the-fronting uses are residential with on-street parking allowed. Norwood Place is a 40-foot wide residential roadway that dead-ends approximately 350 feet west of Walnut Grove Avenue. Norwood Place is stop controlled at its "T" intersection with Walnut Grove Avenue. There are 14 properties on Norwood Place. Exhibit A depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Norwood Place. Exhibit B depicts an aerial view of the intersection. February 5, 2004 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for "Do Not Block Intersection" Sign and/or "Keep Clear" Markings at Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue Page 2 of 3 DATA The reported collision history at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Norwood Place was reviewed for the period from July 1, 1998. through September 30, 2003. This review identified 6 reported collisions at or in the vicinity of the intersection. These reported collisions are summarized in Exhibit C. Observations were also made of the intersection during the morning peak period. These observations recorded the number of signal cycles completed at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street versus the number of times the Norwood Place intersection was blocked. The observations revealed approximately 34 signal cycles were completed in the hour observed. Of these 34 cycles, the intersection of Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue was blocked 19 times. During this same time period, 9 vehicles were observed exiting Norwood Place and 4 were observed entering. DISCUSSION As indicated in the Data, over half of the signal cycles in a one-hour period would block the intersection of Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue. Especially during the morning hours, this could be a result of the "split-phase" operation of the signal at Marshall Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. In addition, the on- ramps to the 1-10 freeway generate a high attraction by motorists. The reported collision history does not necessarily indicate a problem with southbound vehicles blocking access from Norwood Place. Based on the information provided, there is no way to determine if blocking access played a part in the collision. Staff has attempted to contact the resident requesting the parking restrictions at the intersection of Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue. However, we have been playing "phone tag" and have not been able to speak directly with each other. Therefore, staff is not making any specific recommendations on this request. However, we have included below some information that may be helpful in discussing this request. Staff reviewed the parking availability in the immediate vicinity of the intersection in reviewing the request for parking restriction. There is existing red curb on the west side of Walnut Grove Avenue from Norwood Place to -85 feet north. There are no parking restrictions on Walnut Grove Avenue south of Norwood Place. February 5, 2004 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for "Do Not Block Intersection" Sign and/or "Keep Clear" Markings at Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue Page 3 of 3 The reported collision history does identify a collision involving an eastbound vehicle turning left broadsiding a southbound vehicle in 2002. Visibility was not specifically identified as a factor in this collision. In addition, during our field observations, we did 'not locate any vehicles parked in the vicinity of the intersection that may have created a visibility constraint. Based on the observed blockage at the intersection of Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue, the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs and "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings is recommended. This.recommendation is shown on Exhibit A. . With regards to the requested parking restrictions, staff recommends the Traffic Commission take public comment on the issue after which staff may then be prepared to make a recommendation to the Commission. Attachments • Petition for "Do Not Block Intersection" signs • Petition of Parking Restrictions • Exhibit A - Existing Conditions • Exhibit B - Aerial View • Exhibit C - Reported Collisions P:\06-160UI1\RSD12004 Agendas & Documents\Feb-Norwood & WG-Keep Clear.doc :p1'1 .272004 1515 417966 ?.002 ~G+sa~3 ~`~O Oy 'SN .27•.;004 15:Ic t ~L Rom !~J`/ ~~~C l-~O= c ;JS.-'nySLU i 3_ Ns~ w:xtJ FC d~~ f&}-ic G14 J,(,/D n n e i J~ a z+-i 10,.0 ~te.rV Notuvoco. !~f • ~G_ o pZ.~s cxa~~ C41 1?7a r ~t rr (-~~-may !I -may it ~v-oy C- Cr i ~I I~ n Vv-jN( C~/~ g S 33 1 I I SF N+ F (o - el L( gs 3\ t- 1a- ear i M. 27 21004 1516 47966 ?.004,~ ~~Orcrl~~~ (~~c~ ft -d c( E-S~e u.s5 r S3g "~5L-N"P ?~S-Ll 8" I~A !~i."' 2004 .J: -i966 ?.00 J.49, 20' 04 ME) 15:59 CITY OF ROSEiMEAD TEL:626-307-9218 Date: January 13. 2003 To- Ken RulaMnj {Rwemead City Hall From: Rosemead Neighbors on Norwood Place/Walnut Grove Please put sign "No Puking from 7:00am-1 O:am and 4:00pm -7:00pm Monday-Friday on Walnut Grove/Norwood Place. It is very difficult to make a Ief3/right tum to Walnut Grove from Norwood Place. One of out neighbor had an accident because of the block view during rush hours- rm living on 8561 Norwood Place, however, it is tremendous difficult to make left ftmdright tum because big truck parking on the 'right s~tbat block the view during rush hours.. Tbank you for your consideration. Yvonne 1Gguyen . P. 002 8561 Norwood Place " Rosemead, CA 91770 ,v ~~t(J 626-571-1757 Dang Kan t-~ y,~ • rD . Bao Tien Jam" U~ Hai Nguyen Ho u i ~ Hyah T . Brian Hu}t~ Quo Ar11aAA. Sophia Huynh Tracey La C4 1010 d4-~6* A~ p MTV 4~e :N4.27'2004 15:16 °7966 F.006 20 ft. i 32 ft. i I i 1 1 I I 1 I 85 ft. I Paint 12-inch limit lines and "KEEP CLEAR" pavement I markings. I _ I I Norwood Place 40 ft. Install "Do Not Block Intersection" sign on existing street light pole. 64 ft. BE 41 0l I I 1 I I Not to Scale 5 C 11 211 Q '~5t, J7 2.004 15c16 - =-96ri P.007 • ' ' ragc a ut I 1 http://maps.digitaimapcentral.com/CityGIS2/print/print.html Scale: 1" = 200 N CityGIS2 CopyrlpM ® 2002, All RGMs Reserved TN Irdl ation cmlained herein is the proprietary property d ire contntutors supplied under Ilottnae and may rv t be revrc iu ced e.cer!t as it oe eed by DOW Map hoduc 5 FY"I P,rT U 1/26/2004 .'cad. 2;7'.2004 15: 17 0 a o ~ d N O ~a t y O C d y " d E Q E a ° N W N tq p T aC C o w w O U c v c w f.. 0 O 10 O FL N "O h z~ N o~ z p, m, C m Q m ro C7 ~ r O 3 0. 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NEW BUSINESS - 2/5/04 REQUEST FOR "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" SIGN AND/OR "KEEP CLEAR" MARKINGS AT NORWOOD PLACE AND WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION Based on the observed blockage at the intersection of Norwood Place and Walnut Grove Avenue, the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs and "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings is recommended. This recommendation is shown on Exhibit A. With regards to the requested parking restrictions, staff recommends the Traffic Commission take public comment on the issue after which staff may then be prepared to make a recommendation to the Commission. Speaking before the Commission was: Rosalyn Canezzi 8528 E. Norwood Place Rosemead, CA 91770 Ms. Canezzi stated that it is very difficult to get out of her street, especially with Rosemead Boulevard so crowded, and feels a sign is needed so they don't block the cars. Speaking before the Commission was: Lee Kunz 8532 Norwood Place Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. Kunz stated that he is addressing this issue on behalf of the residents on Norwood Place. He does not feel signs are needed, but does feel extending the red curb another 20' feet would satisfy most of the residents, because there seems to be trucks that park there and block the view of the cars. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that if the Commission desires to have red curb extended, that it be extended the entire 32' feet. Commissioner Matsdorf recommended that the Commission approve the signs to be installed. However, to bring back the red curb at a later date after the residents have been informed, to give them an opportunity to speak before the Commission It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, and to bring back the red curb at a later date. Chairperson Knapp informed the residents in the audience that this item will be brought before the City Council, and they're welcome to attend that meeting and speak before the Council.