CC - Item 4H - Acceptance of Deeds for Street Purposes - 7900, 7901, 7907, 7913, 7914, 7916, 7920, 7938 Virginia; 3033 Denton; 7863, 7867, 7901 GarveyTO: BILL CROWS, CITY. MANAGER FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 17, 2004 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS FOR STREET PURPOSES 7900, 7901, 7907, 7913, 7914, 7916, 7920, 7924, 7938 VIRGINIA STREET; 3033 DENTON AVENUE; 7863, 7867, 7901 GARVEY AVENUE On November 5, 2002, the Rosemead Community Development Commission authorized staff to begin the preparation of plans and specifications for the Virginia Street Improvements project. The project involves the reconstruction of Virginia Street from Denton Avenue to the west end, and the construction of a new Strathmore Avenue from Virginia Street to Garvey Avenue. The street improvements include new pavement, curb and gutter, driveway approaches, sidewalk, curb ramps, street lighting and a storm drain. The new Strathmore Avenue will be aligned with the existing Strathmore Avenue south of "Garvey Avenue. This project will allow the City to vacate Denton Avenue to the Los Angeles Dealer Auto Auction ( LADAA), and significantly reduce conflicts and disruptions to the neighborhood that currently occur on Denton Avenue. Since the western portion of Virginia Street is a private street and the area over which the new Strathmore Avenue will be constructed is owned by LADAA, the City was required to acquire the necessary road right of way from LADAA and the affected property owners via road deed dedications. The right -of -way acquisition involved dedications from a total of 13 parcels of property along Virginia Street and the new Strathmore Avenue. Attached for your information are copies of the road deed dedications. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the dedications; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to record the deeds together with the certifications of acceptance. Attachments 2004rsmd /staff rpt/city COUNCIL MAR 2 3 2004 ITEM No. - ff. CC-9 Terms and Conditions for Signing Easement Deed and Permit to Enter Private Property for Reconstruction Purposes of Strathmore Street November 8, 2003 Re: APN 5287- 038 -021 City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles State of California The following terms and conditions are between David Hui Chuan Wu and Shu -Ling Lee, husband and wife ( "owners ") and Spectrum Land Services, as a representative or ( "agent ") for the City of Rosemead. The following three (3) conditions are necessary for the owners to sign the easement deed and permit to enter private property: 1. The City of Rosemead will replace and construct a six -foot (6') chain link fence on the owner's property to be located along the east property line. The existing fence is currently located on the adjacent owners' (Auto Action) property. The owners will be responsible for any additional improvement or upgrades. 2. The City of Rosemead will provide for a driveway access to owners' property from Strathmore Avenue. The driveway will be a minimum of ten feet (10') in width and located at the northerly end of the easterly property line and will provide access to Strathmore Avenue.. The driveway is subject to approval by the City of Rosemead Engineering Department. The City of Rosemead will provide driveway access only from Strathmore Avenue to the property line. Any additional cost associated with the existing parking or grade variations will be the responsibility of the property owners alone. The aforementioned terms and conditions are subject to approval of Adel Freij, Vice President of Willdan and Ken Rukavina, P.E., City Engineer for the City of Rosemead. Vii' David Hui Chuan Wu f6e Peterson, President Spectrum Land Services ° 4� Shu -Ling Lee WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk .City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 COPY SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE A.P.N. 5287 -037 -018,019 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CALIFORNIA AUTO DEALERS EXCHANGE. LLC a Delaware corporation dba LOS ANGELES DEALER AUTO AUCTION hereby GRANTS to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Caliada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A" and "B " attached heretoRtrd bv, reference ade a part hereof. Dated: 1 2003 C�JS STD FJv�+ i0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LDS (-)%4rY -1e S I On 0 et01 - ) ert_ IS, " r o0 —�7 before me, personally appeared Ed Y w . P / l I Px M personally known to me or prove to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(!4 whose names ,P lo to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that fSY 1 efthey executed the same in hi authorized capacity(iex), and that bys�q >`thcir signature(s).on the instrument, the person(s}or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s).acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal t Signature L F r, r - •t� Los "J!Q_�9," C „envy rtyro:-.c.�z.�sCec27.2J�'�,� EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 - 037 -018,019 Those portions of Lots 18 and 19 of Tract No. 4747 in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: .Beginning at the northwest corner of.said Lot 18; thence along the north lines of said Lots, North 89 °25'23" East, 81.73 feet to the beginning of a curve in the northeasterly line of said Lot 19 concave southwesterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; thence along said northeasterly line and curve easterly and southerly 26.74 feet through a central angle of 76 °36'31" to a point of cusp with a nontangent curve concave northerly, having a radius.of 32.50 feet and a radial line of said curve to said point bears South 57 0 13'29" East; thence westerly along said curve 48.19 feet through a central angle of 84 0 56'52'; thence North 62 0 16'37" West, 30.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 99.50 feet; thence along said curve northwesterly 34.13 feet through a central angle of.19 °39'08" to the west line of said Lot 18; thence along said west line nontangent North 00 0 31'49" West, 1.13 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,742 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit `B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: D& � 0. ( PtL q - 1 9 -0 - 3 David O. Knell, PLS 5301 Date C:laaproject %wpdocs \virgin iastreetlegals152 8 7- 03 7 -01 8- 1 9.doc September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B '�/7 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION LOT 3 I LOT 4 I LOT S I LOT 6 SHEET 2 OF 2 O VIRGINIA _ S TREET . , N 1 N89 'E — T 1 1 N ...... N89.25'2,,. e. , F R, S , ♦• l l >39 1 3� '• �1 PI OI • o iD IG O IN 214: •9 ' Toi TRACT NO. 474 o a Go J N • m o LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 N89.25'23'E LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 L =48• Q1 0 r` M 0 go N N Z 0. a 50 — 52 LOT 19 101.74' LOT 24 *76 R 20.00' L 26.74'_ n. / 0 0 20' 1 N T M O 1 0 1_ co 3 N N T f Z 3 • a 0 P LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 N89.25'23'E LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 L =48• Q1 0 r` M 0 go N N Z 0. a 50 — 52 LOT 19 101.74' LOT 24 *76 R 20.00' L 26.74'_ n. / 0 0 20' 24' T W 0 Z I > W 3 • a� V P o Z m O IZ W O (D (LOT 0 48 ° R= 20.00' L= 31.43' A, w;va.a H 0 PLAN SCALE , =aD' DATE ADGZZ. zoos SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWNBTDI. BEYERBACH 5297- 03T-019.019.DGN 13191 CP055N0AUS P.pNM.Y NONTN. SUITE .09 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I ON ,NUUSTNY. 0. 91746 -3 497 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEIEAD /TIRGINIAST (562) 908200 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287 -037 -018 9621 SO FT 492 SO FT 9129 SO FT 5287 -037 -019 9535 SO FT 1250 SO FT 8164 SO FT I r o , s;s '77777 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION s 9 s ry 0 J s 0 M ti 1_ LANDS 0J 1mPRD1 DENTON AVE. (TO BE VACATED) - p1 2 /- PROJECT W SITE 9s � ss a 99 I r o , s;s s s ; as _ ry °C 9 -9 < m a ss I r o STRATHMORE ��� AVENUE s;s GA-81i SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1 100' L DENTON AVENUE STRATHMORE AVENUE LOT ; as °C 1 i mIR. 54 1 71 - 72 LOT 2T "LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 LET 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 TRA N0, 7223 m.1S. 35 32 W;11a.. WILLDAN SCALE r =100 DATE ADG22. zooi TO ACCOMPANY IM7 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 1]191 CP066HOA.6 P<HKY1T NOFTN. SORE .09 INDUSTRY 9,T46 -3497 DRAWN BY D.BEYERBACH 037 - 10.19 -1 . OGN [ SKETCH L E GAL DESCRIPTION 15621 9081200 CHECKED BY D•KNELL RDSEIEAD /VIRGINIAST WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 A.P.N. 5287 -038 -024, 5287- 037 - 14,15,20,21 COPY ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT 1S PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CALIFORNIA AUTO DO@LERS EXHANGE, LLC, a Delaware corporation, dba LOS ANGELES DEALER AUTO AUCTION hereby GRANTS to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Canada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: - See Exhibits A" and "8" attached hereto nd b this reference made a part hereof. Dated: /0 f 1 3 ,200 3 Los t °� /� �a �f v STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LD3 4 I(lP) t✓12 S ) On ne tob�r � 3 200 3 before me, personally appeared personatly known, to me (or proved o me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(-).whose nam is/ subscribed to the within ins ment and acknowledged to me that�she# hey executed the same' in /W, authorized capacity(ies. , and that b hi )herfthe4r signature(s) on the instrument, the person(4or the entity upon behal of which the person(s)- acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal JUMI. ER Y:r Corr�ro�s<icn & )330537 (} 'i�P;cta!• Public — Ccliforn;G Signature L ` �a + � Los Anodes -Co ` " P:ly Comm. Expires Dec 27, MQ �:cu- 3r�_vi Legal Description APN 5287 - 038 -024 APN 5287 - 037 - 014,015,020,021 Those portions of land in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California, being a portion of the East 10.00 feet of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County, together with portions of Lots 14, 15, 20 and 21 of Tract No. 4747 as per map recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of said County Recorder, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 14; thence along the north lines of said Lots 14 and 15, North 89 0 25'23" East, 56.49 feet; thence South 00 0 34'37" East 5.00 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 9.50 feet and to which point a radial line of said curve bears North 00 °34'37" West; thence along said curve westerly and southerly 14.91 feet through a central angle of 89 °56'53 "; thence parallel with the easterly line of said Lot 88, South 00 0 31'30" East, 349.11 feet; thence South 45 0 19'40" East, 7.09 feet to the north line of Garvey Avenue, 100 feet wide; thence along said north line, South 89 0 52'30" West, 52.00 feet to the west line of said Lot 20; thence along said west line North 00 0 31'30" West 353.72 feet to the beginning of a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 9.50 feet; thence along said curve northerly and westerly 15.42 feet through a central angle of 93 0 01'20" to the west line of said East 10.00 feet of Lot 88; thence along said west line, North 00 °31'30" West, 25.01' to the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on said map of Tract No. 4747; thence along said prolongation North 89 0 25'23" East, 10.00 feet to the east line of said Lot 88; thence along said east line South 00 °31'30" East, 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 17665 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit °B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: k �'�I O Y L� A 1 -I a.0 ( ' -f L.S. 5301 $ David O. Knell, LS 5301 Date Exp, 12 -31 -03 c:\eaproject \wpd ocs \virg in iastreetlega ls\5287- 037- 014.doc September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 528T -03T -014 9551 SO FT 8904 SO FT 647 SO FT 5287 -03T -015 9551 SO FT 34 SO FT 9517 SO FT 528T- 037 -020 9055 SO FT 8444 SO FT 611 SO FT 5287- 037 -021 9075 SO FT 1 SO FT 9074 SO FT 5287- 038 -024 1 9704 SO FT 269 SO FT 9435 SO FT INDICATES R/W DEDICATION DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) SHEET 1 OF 3 Z SCALE: 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W 7 2 W N u� Ca m STRATHMORE AVENUE } W > a < Q w —� ; i( p a {/\ .& n WILLDAN SCALE 1' =100' DATE AUG22. 2003 SKETCH s I J 4— F I m 1 s ENGINEERS PLANNERS r 037 - 14.20-1 s r J q. W a ' r s- 13191 CROSSROADS PARKWAY NORTH. SUITE 405 L E GAL - - -SCR I PT I O N s / ss CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSENEAD /VIRGINIAST -9 s-9 _ J Q -9 -9 � a / ` 5 r ST / / FJ o L1• / / 'AVENUE / / / / i' /7//// LANDS OF T' i S N GADR I L PROJECT 1MPROVFM Nf COMPANY I I LOT a I 1 M. R. 54 X71 72 LOT 27 LOT 26 IM 2S Un 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 TRA N0. 722 M,B. SHEET 1 OF 3 Z SCALE: 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W 7 2 W N u� Ca m STRATHMORE AVENUE } W > a < Q w —� ; i( p a {/\ .& n WILLDAN SCALE 1' =100' DATE AUG22. 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS PLANNERS ORAMN BY D.BEYERBACH 037 - 14.20-1 13191 CROSSROADS PARKWAY NORTH. SUITE 405 L E GAL - - -SCR I PT I O N / INDUSTRY. CA. 91746 -9497 (562) 908-6200 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSENEAD /VIRGINIAST \` \\ EXHIBIT 451311 SHEET 2 OF 3 - 11/x/' INDICATES R/W DEDICATION N89'25'23 'E 10.00' N00 31'30 "W 25.01' I _ % _ j 0= 93'01'20" �% " R= 9.50' -- L =15.42 /, LAN OF TH SAN GAa 9 L IMPROVEMENT COMPANY LOT M, R, 54 —.71 N00.31'30 "W O 20.00' VIRGIN STREET 't N89 "E N89 'E - O 56.49' N ' X 5.00' 3 RAO 3 f , +' = D�9 ''•• R =9.50' L= 14.91' ^ f � ^ x}747 m .3�, o M C3 go I N ? F c Ifl as ° °D i X a z '� o_ of w ate'` f a n �F co N a t . � F// a u1 °�M ^ 50 - 52 i ' OY 14 LOT 15 I ' LOT'20 LOT 21 r / SEE SHEET' :3 i', wwa.. WILLDAN SCALE 1' =40' DATE AUG 22.2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS R PLAN WTH. DRAWN BY D. BEYERBACH 5287 - 037 - 14.20 -2.DGN 1191 CAOSSHOdpS P <FCM>Y NONTH. SURE 405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION INDUSTRY. Ca. 91746-3497 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSE4E A0 /VIAGINIAST 11 EXHIBIT 1113 SHEET 3 OF 3 ® INDICATES R/W DEDICATION SEE SHEET 2 ` i LOT ° 14_ ' LOT IB - :' - /�.. LOT 21 H LANDS Or THE SAN CASRJEL IMPR COM PANY 4747 N89 O I('1 0 GARV AVENUE — O W to Q O W :E 7 Z Z F W c a N \ W� /V� \ (5621 9081200 CHECKED SCALE I'=90 DATE AUG 22 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D.BEYERBACH 5281-037 - 14.20 -3.0GN 3 191 CPOSSPOAOS PARKWAY NpgTN. SUITE X06 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N INOU9TNY. CA. 9,H6 -719] CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEIEAD /vIRGINl AS7 W Z ' � co as i f co o un W 0- Q 3 Z n M °o - �a M R. 54 71 72 i✓ , 66 ._..� N45 :• 7.09' N89 O I('1 0 GARV AVENUE — O W to Q O W :E 7 Z Z F W c a N \ W� /V� \ (5621 9081200 CHECKED SCALE I'=90 DATE AUG 22 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D.BEYERBACH 5281-037 - 14.20 -3.0GN 3 191 CPOSSPOAOS PARKWAY NpgTN. SUITE X06 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N INOU9TNY. CA. 9,H6 -719] CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEIEAD /vIRGINl AS7 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 QOGLff .. A.P.N. 5287 -038 -016 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED .. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CALIFORNIA AUTO DEALERS EXCHANGE. LLC. a Delaware corporation. dba LOS ANGELES DEALER. AUTO AUCTION hereby GRANTS to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Canada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A "and "B " attached hereto axd by l 's ref e =ade_ a part hereof. Dated: / 0// - 3 , 200 3 C - ,s Ay �y �� ns ff T � � / STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF L-05 hft(oe�)e.S ) On oL tbt ) X 13 , ; before me, personally appeared E6wa vi Pu Il I, -u— personally known to me ( or prove to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) [o be the person(?) whose name(st subscribed to the within inst ent and _ acknowledged' to me that he executed the same in() authorized capacity(ies), and that b)si erkbeir signature( on the instrument, the person(�}or the entity upon behalf of which the person(4acted, executed the instrument. - WITNESS my hand and official seal. JEMNIFER'vw ���� Coinrr,ssi;;n ; ;3sG537 �— ` mNO:ur; Public – Cal;iornic. Signature Los Angeles Couni kly COI11T. E •vc [], i EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 - 038 -016 That portion of Lot 88 of Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County lying south of and adjoining the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County and lying westerly of the west line.of the east 60 feet of said Lot 88, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of said westerly prolongation and the easterly line of Tract No. 7223, as per map recorded in Book 85 Page 38 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; thence along said easterly line, South 00 0 31'30" East, 17.47 feet; thence North 89 0 28'30" East, 2.50 feet along the prolongation of a radial line of a curve concave northerly and having a radius of 32.50 feet; thence southerly and easterly along said curve, 68.19 feet through a central angle of 120 0 12'30'; thence North 59 0 16'00" East, 24.16 feet to the beginning of a curve concave southeasterly having a radius of 99.50 feet and which is tangent at its easterly terminus to the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of said Virginia Street at said westerly line of the east 60 feet of Lot 88; thence easterly along said curve, 52.37 feet through a central angle of 30 °09'23" to said westerly line; thence northerly along said westerly line, nontangent North 00 0 31'30" West, 20.00 feet to said westerly prolongation of the centerline of Virginia Street; thence along said prolongation, South 89 °25'23" West, 122.20 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 4,279 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit 'B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: II �D D -le -0 3 S. 5301 c David O. Knell, PLS 5301 Date (( -31 -03 C:\a aproject\wpdomNvirginiastreetlegalsk5287-038-016.doc September 2. 2003 RXRS 0 PL AN SCALE 1' =40' DATE AUG 22. 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS PARKWAY Xp PLANNERS DRAMN BYD.BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -016.DGN 1]191 CPOSSR0A05 RNTX. SUITE 405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION IXOUSiRY. CA. 9116 -1a9T CHECKED BY D.KNELL RDSEIEAD /VIRGINIAST (562) 909E200 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287- 038 -016 28495 SO FT 4279 SO FT 24216 SO FT / P 'A fV J I I ~ I J T J r ry U) s INDICATES R/W DEDICATION SHEET 1 OF 2 Z SCALE: 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W Z W Q STRATHMORE AVENUE s W a Q 0 w;na.. I WILLDAN SCALE 1' =100' DATE AUG22.2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY C- -�'�/ ENGINEERS . PLANNERS DRAWN BY D.BEYENBACH 038-16 -1.DGN / /_\ / 11191 CR096R0A06 PARKWAY NORTH. SUITE 405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION INDUSTRY. 0A. 9174G-3497 CHECKED BY D.KNELL aOSENEAD /VIHGINIA 15621 909{200 I ST DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) / P 'A fV J I I ~ I J T J r ry U) s r Ic s , mm ry m s s N Q __ T ~ s Q s J >, Q BTRATHMORE ,_ 1m AVENUE s I s;s I LANDS OF., T4E SAN GAB; I EL IImov M� f COMPAN LOT j as PROJECT SITE NI . R . 54 I` . 72 LOT Z7 LOT Zb LOT 25 LOT 24 LOT 23 L07 22 LOT 9 TRA T1 N0. I M, 7223 B� 85 38 L DENTON AVENUE W Z W Q STRATHMORE AVENUE s W a Q 0 w;na.. I WILLDAN SCALE 1' =100' DATE AUG22.2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY C- -�'�/ ENGINEERS . PLANNERS DRAWN BY D.BEYENBACH 038-16 -1.DGN / /_\ / 11191 CR096R0A06 PARKWAY NORTH. SUITE 405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION INDUSTRY. 0A. 9174G-3497 CHECKED BY D.KNELL aOSENEAD /VIHGINIA 15621 909{200 I ST �V- copy WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE A.P.N. 5287- 038 -021 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, DAVID HUI CHUAN WU and SHU -LING LEE. Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants. hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Callada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and this ejerence made apart her oj. Dated: 200 3 Davviiidd F ui Chuann7Wu Shu -Ling Lee ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF LoS On /V0✓ 9" ;Ley3 before me, personally appeared a v a fl at personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s)iVare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in Ns/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by Ms/hcr /their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ' 'tc YAFEN SU NOTARY PUBLIC Signature �G— Nunber Pages:FOUR vaFENSUI - 1 C ^.;sion #1309549 "- z i :.�'c,'�.`,.. = N� ; -y r-.;biic - California z L•s Angeles County \=-- ''.`:Co" Er.^.iRSJun17,2005 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 - 038 -021 That portion of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said Lot 88 with the north line of Garvey Avenue, 100 feet wide: thence along said east line North 00 °31'30" West, 5.00 feet; thence South 44 0 40'22" West, 7.05 feet to said north line; thence along said north line North 89 °52'30" East, 5.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 13 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: 0. — David O. Knell, PLS 5301 Date L.S. 5301 D C:\aap September o3 ct\wpd \virginiastreetlegals \5287- 038 -021.doc \9Exp.12 -3 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287 -038 -021 6250 SO FT 13 SO FT 6237 SO FT i 1 s s 038 -21 -1 .DGN » q. F W 1 I _ T r ry S r LEGAL W x`7/7; INDICATES R/W DEDICATION SHEET 1 OF 2 Z SCALE. 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W Z W > m 0 >n 1� STRATHMORE AVENUE W Q s v wi WILLDAN DENTON i AVE.(TO BE lV VACATED) TO ACCOMPANY s i 1 s s 038 -21 -1 .DGN » q. F W 1 I _ T r ry S r LEGAL W s ~ s `� J INOU6TRr. LA. 9,1<6 -li9T INDUSTRY. 1562, 908-6200 CHECKED BY DANELL ROSEIEAD /VIRGINIAST -9 s ~ ss � ry s z° s-9 a -9 -9 > I i STRATHMORE ~ IF AVENUE S r -91-9 F PROJECI LANDS Or 7' r : S N DASR 1 L S I T E 1 NIPROVE:M Ntf COMPANY I LOT i BB M, R. 54 I 71 72 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT Z LOT N LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 TRA 11 N0. 722: 1 Y1.8 . 85 32 SHEET 1 OF 2 Z SCALE. 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W Z W > m 0 >n 1� STRATHMORE AVENUE W Q s v wi WILLDAN SCALE 1' =100' DATE ADCZZ.2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS n PLANNERS OflAMN BY D.DEYERDACH 038 -21 -1 .DGN \ w 1 3191 CRO SSROAD S PARKWAY NORTH. SMITE .0 5 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N `� J INOU6TRr. LA. 9,1<6 -li9T INDUSTRY. 1562, 908-6200 CHECKED BY DANELL ROSEIEAD /VIRGINIAST J O' 0 = W A of I M. E3. �I 50 - 52 b Ln GA RVEY N89 .52'300E ' %. SEE DETAIL BELOW AVENUE 6 Ln I i 9. 0 n P��y o'n n -x 0 O z ' - 5.00' - - -- N89' 52' 30'E 50.00' - / D— E— T— A —I —L NO SCALE W cc O S O W a > � a w . m wc»a.o WILLDAN SCALE 1' =40' DATE AUG 22, 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY �- -] ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D•BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -021.DGN INDUST 1,9, CFO5 o, 46-34 SU,iE .U9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . 91T<6 -3<91 CHECIlEO BY 0•ANELL ROSEIEAD /VIRG INIAST (5621 62) CA 908E200 EXHIBIT „B„ SHEET 2 OF 2 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION J O' 0 = W A of I M. E3. �I 50 - 52 b Ln GA RVEY N89 .52'300E ' %. SEE DETAIL BELOW AVENUE 6 Ln I i 9. 0 n P��y o'n n -x 0 O z ' - 5.00' - - -- N89' 52' 30'E 50.00' - / D— E— T— A —I —L NO SCALE W cc O S O W a > � a w . m wc»a.o WILLDAN SCALE 1' =40' DATE AUG 22, 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY �- -] ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D•BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -021.DGN INDUST 1,9, CFO5 o, 46-34 SU,iE .U9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . 91T<6 -3<91 CHECIlEO BY 0•ANELL ROSEIEAD /VIRG INIAST (5621 62) CA 908E200 N89 TRACT NO.; I 4747 50.00' o N O I i N co 1+1 1 I L ANDS OF THE SA A GASR I r L 1 MPRDY MSN7 COMPANY 4>0 co Ln a - I " `° 1 N Ln O I _ Z 3 J LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT ss a M.R, —I 54 J1 y 2 ^r i J O' 0 = W A of I M. E3. �I 50 - 52 b Ln GA RVEY N89 .52'300E ' %. SEE DETAIL BELOW AVENUE 6 Ln I i 9. 0 n P��y o'n n -x 0 O z ' - 5.00' - - -- N89' 52' 30'E 50.00' - / D— E— T— A —I —L NO SCALE W cc O S O W a > � a w . m wc»a.o WILLDAN SCALE 1' =40' DATE AUG 22, 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY �- -] ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D•BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -021.DGN INDUST 1,9, CFO5 o, 46-34 SU,iE .U9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . 91T<6 -3<91 CHECIlEO BY 0•ANELL ROSEIEAD /VIRG INIAST (5621 62) CA 908E200 copy WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 A.P.N. 5287- 038 -014 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ISMAEL CHAVEZ and AMELIA CHAVEZ, Trustees of the Ismael and Amelia Chavez Revocable Livine Trust dated February 27. 2001. hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Catlada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A" and " B " attached hereto and by this reference made as part hereof. Dated: /0-1 12003 ---I(4 d- � m Isael Chavez (lam ✓"'� � Amelia Chavez STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LoS �} , eA eS. ) ' ' ,IENnUFER 1'CJ 1' ��� z � =-ai � ril i•lolo(y P:Jh11C -- C!:'i!OflliG :i On QdlObP/l, Leo , a 0 03 LOS HI'1 jSICS -00W Ply Comm.E�ires before me, personally appeared I"5MCte -[ CAILt Ve�.. , I�tM2,li.C� VYl�f;l��� personally know a or ro me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the perso cse nam re ubscribed tote- wit m instrument acknowledged to that he /she the exe ted the s e in his/he their authorized capacit ies and that by his/her hei signatur s n the instrument, the perso r the entity upon behalf of which th (s) e pers (s cted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature V~J EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 - 038 -014 The southerly 20.00 feet of that portion of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 88; thence along the north line of said Lot South 89 0 23'02" West 60.00 feet; thence parallel with the east line of said Lot South 00 0 37'55" East 210.00 feet to the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence along said prolongation North 89 0 23'02" East 60.00 feet to the east line of said Lot 88; thence along said east line North 00 0 37'55" West 210.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,200 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: i� o ° ky\ kJ d 0 03 ° 53 4 S. 01 David O. Knell, P S 5301 Date 12 -31.03 C: taaproject\wpdocslvirgin iastreetlegalst5287- 038- 014.doc September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN N0. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287- 038 -014 12600 SO FT 1200 SO FT 11400 SO FT 1 J SITE s s J >n W s , 4 y H INDICATES R/W DEDICATION DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) P 1A ss SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1'= 100' m n (V s 0 1 J SITE s s J >n W s , 4 y H F 9p J W � � LOT I STRATHMORE FIF AVENUE s 519 ' W LANDS OF A—E s a < N MAN COMPANY o 0 J 0 I Q V 1 M,R. 84 ;71 I ' s DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) P 1A ss SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1'= 100' m n (V s 1 SITE s s r >n s - s , 4 y H J F 9p J LOT I STRATHMORE FIF AVENUE 519 ' W L DENTON AVENUE W 7 Z W STRATHMORE AVENUE PROJECT SITE LOT I as ' W LANDS OF A—E SAN GAE3R I E:L a 1 MPROV MAN COMPANY o I 1 M,R. 84 ;71 I 72 - LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 1 L" 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 7RA No, 7223 M.�, 85 38 ; WILLDAN ENGINEERS • PLANNERS SCALE 1' =100' DATE AUG22. 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY �� \ /v /\ // 13191 CROSSROADS PARIf11A] NORTN. SMITE .DS INDU 91]ab -3A9] ORAMN BY D•BEYERBALH 038- I4 -I.OGN L E G A L DESCRIPTION ( 5621 9OB E2O0 00 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEWAD /VIRGINIAST EXHIBIT "B" ���77 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION SHEET 2 OF 2 NE CORNER LOT 88 N LANDS OF THE SAN GABRIEL IMPROVEEMENT COMPANY. M.R. 54 -71 -72 N89 i 60.00' 2 LOT 1 TRACT ND. Q 0 0 1 0 co o M o LOT N as r " co N An Z IL a LANDS V THEr SAN GASR 1 rL 1MPR V M ~NT COMPANY 3 3 N Yf MI 1l1 r r n n 0 0 0 0 z z N89.23'02'E 20.00 N89 I - �i M. R. 54 71 —_ 72 LOT 2 4747 O 20.00' a VIRG STREET N89 23'02'E O N LOT 14 LOT 15 1 i M-E3. 50 — 52 w:»a.e N SCALE 1' =40' DATE AUG 22. 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS RS 0 • PL ANNERS DRAWN BY D.BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -014.DGN Nug 13191 CRO SSROAD S PAR A. 9 46-34 SUITE .a5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION INDUSTRY. OA. 911.6 -3.9T 15621 9081200 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEMEAD /VIRGINIAST WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: . City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE A.P.N. 5287- 038 -023 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE'CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SHERYL L. HEIMAN aka SHERYL LYNN HEIMAN a married woman as her sole and separate vro YU -TSUN YOUNG, a married man as his sole and separate property. and IRENE STEPHENS a married woman as her sole and separate property , as tenants in common hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Canada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A " and `B " attached hereto and by this refer nce made a part hereof. Dated: oZ� �� 200 Sheryl Lfrm Hei n Yu -Tsun Young Irene Stephens STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF D? 1 ti On FEB /6, Z before me, personally appeared s/d-�eyl L YHN 9,WMAd — (o rproved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(Ag whose namex is/ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she /tq y executed the same in bic/hgr /thq(r authorized capacity(jQ, and that by /hl/t1)1(ir signature(A on the instrument, the person(, or the entity upon behal f of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal Signature m WNOTOAA MES L. MC DANIELCMM...1360432 [ CJ MM P -ICCALIFORNIA —m OHANOECOUNTY to Q y Te'm EKp, Juno i 206 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 -038 -023 The northerly 20.00 feet of the westerly 50.00 feet of the easterly 60.00 feet of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County lying south of and adjoining the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Containing 1,000 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: b kr d 0-01, 9-(E-03 David O. Knell, S 5301 Date C:\aaproject \wpdocs \virgi niastreetlega Is \5287 -038 -023.doc September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287- 038 -023 6000 SO FT 1000 SO FT 5000 SO FT z 2 J ,- -9 -9 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION L DENTON AVENUE PROJECT SITE t f I 88 W LANDS Or THE SAN GAD111E1_ s 1MPROV M.EN COMPANY o M.R. 54 -131 72 ldT 27 LOT 26 M 25 LAT 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 TRA f NO, - 7 M.D. 85 38 SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1'= 100' WILLDAN SCALE I' = - IW' DATE AUG22. 2003 ENGINE SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY / ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D•BEYERBACH 038- 23 -1.DGN 11191 CROSSROADS PI NORTH. SUITE .09 INDUSTRY. 08 CA. 9 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N (562i 900 -6200 1T.6 -J.9T CHECKED BY O•KNELL ROSEWAD /VIRGINIAST DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) Iy z 2 J ,- -9 -9 if) S W I - Q t 1 (D t+ Q -9 J -9 -9 -9 -9 22 n c J = v F O L i I =;w STRATHMORE ,AVENUE STRATHMORE U '¢ S S1-9 AVENUE PROJECT SITE t f I 88 W LANDS Or THE SAN GAD111E1_ s 1MPROV M.EN COMPANY o M.R. 54 -131 72 ldT 27 LOT 26 M 25 LAT 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 TRA f NO, - 7 M.D. 85 38 SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1'= 100' WILLDAN SCALE I' = - IW' DATE AUG22. 2003 ENGINE SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY / ENGINEERS • PLANNERS DRAWN BY D•BEYERBACH 038- 23 -1.DGN 11191 CROSSROADS PI NORTH. SUITE .09 INDUSTRY. 08 CA. 9 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N (562i 900 -6200 1T.6 -J.9T CHECKED BY O•KNELL ROSEWAD /VIRGINIAST �- W,11d.a WILLDAN sI LE 1 40' DATE AUG 22. 2003 SKETCH ENGINEERS . PLANNERS Di TO ACCOMPANY 7 Y / AYN BY D. BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -023.DGN i 9+ CROSSROADS R�NRWAY NoRTX. SUITE SOS INDUS EA. 91746-3497 CHECKED BY D.KNELL RDSEIEAD /VIRGINIAST L E G AL DESCRIPTION c 5621 62) 908E200 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: COPY PY City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 A.P.N. 7- 038 -023 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE 528 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SHERYL L. YOUNG, a married man as his sole and separate property, and IRENE STEPHENS a married woman as her sole and separate property, as tenants in common hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Canada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A " and "B " attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Dated: 2 / 1 /T_ 200 y STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Sheryl Lynn Heiman Irene Stephens On a I , 2 J a / �/ before me, personally appeared I IA T S t,) n personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the personfa)'whose namely,) is/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /sheahey executed the same in hisiliaFLtheir authorized capacity(jea}, and that by hivJwd3heir signature,(aj-on the instrument, the person(Wor the entity upon behalf of which the persor4racted, executed the instrument. MATTHEW CHI WITNESS my hand and official seal. Commission 91360283 ¢ b - Notary Public - California Signatur Los Angeles County r ® , ' '" My Comm. . Expires Jun 9, 20M ■ EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 -038 -023 The northerly 20.00 feet of the westerly 50.00 feet of the easterly 60.00 feet of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County lying south of and adjoining the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Containing 1,000 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: Ul,.' d 0. L(4-u-c- 9 -i F -03 David O. Knell, PLS 5301 Date C:taaprojedlwpdoc WirginiastreetlegaIs 15287 -038 -023.doc September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287 -038 -023 6000 SO FT 1000 SO FT 5000 SO FT 1 r I- � F W 1 m n ro r eT. J 1 W 1 C 1 * ...1 .- J 7.77 ,x' INDICATES R/W DEDICATION DENTON AVE. (TO BE VACATED) PROJECT SITE — LOT 1 as LANDS Or 7,~Jr SAN GABRI EL 1MPR0 COMPANY 1 1 M.R. 54 -:11 72 1 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LIT 24 LOT 23 L.OT 22 LIT 9 SHEET 1 OF 2 Y SCALE: 1'- 100' L DENTON AVENUE W z 2 W > < N to — S W STRATHMORE AVENUE s W a a 0 I 7RA N0, 7223 M. -a. 8 5 38 w;lld.e WILLDAN scuE I' =100' DATE Auczz. zoos SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY IM7 ENGINEERS • PLANNER$ 13191 CRMSROADS PARKWAY NOR IN. SUITE .OS DRAYN BY D.9EYERDACH 039- 23 -t.DGN IMUSTRI CA ITT46-3417 CHECKED BY D.ANELL flOSEYEAD /VIRGINIAST L E G A L DESCRIPTION 15621 908-6200 f O � 1 t J 9 1 r I- � F W 1 m n ro r eT. J 1 W 1 C 1 * ...1 .- J a ' R s� J s z -9 -9 J v s s STRATHMORE F �� AVENUE 1 -91-9 PROJECT SITE — LOT 1 as LANDS Or 7,~Jr SAN GABRI EL 1MPR0 COMPANY 1 1 M.R. 54 -:11 72 1 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LIT 24 LOT 23 L.OT 22 LIT 9 SHEET 1 OF 2 Y SCALE: 1'- 100' L DENTON AVENUE W z 2 W > < N to — S W STRATHMORE AVENUE s W a a 0 I 7RA N0, 7223 M. -a. 8 5 38 w;lld.e WILLDAN scuE I' =100' DATE Auczz. zoos SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY IM7 ENGINEERS • PLANNER$ 13191 CRMSROADS PARKWAY NOR IN. SUITE .OS DRAYN BY D.9EYERDACH 039- 23 -t.DGN IMUSTRI CA ITT46-3417 CHECKED BY D.ANELL flOSEYEAD /VIRGINIAST L E G A L DESCRIPTION 15621 908-6200 EXHIBIT "B" INDICATES R/W DEDICATION 20.00' %% i --------- - - - - -- N89 "E 50.00' -� SHEET 2 OF 2 NI 0 N VIRGI STREET N89 "25'23'E 00' O N N89'25'23'E LANDS Or 7Hr SAN GASRIEL I fROYEMEN7 COMPA14Y 0 LOT 88 `-- 50.00' 1 N89'25'23'E WILLDAN 1 0 1 o 0 L07 14 1 0 1 1 IL9t C ENGI NE E N SUITE SOS N 1 1 1 m 1 _ M 1562 1 908 -6200 � 1 OANELL co 1 n o co N 0 1 = 1 Z tn °= TRACT NO Z a 1 a 1 N89'25'23'E LANDS Or 7Hr SAN GASRIEL I fROYEMEN7 COMPA14Y 0 LOT 88 LOT 15 4747 LOT 20 M .R.. 54 171 - 72 1 1 1 WILLDAN 1 a0' 1 AN ENGIE • PLANNERS 0 PL 1 m , IL9t C ENGI NE E N SUITE SOS m , 1 N a J 1 1562 1 908 -6200 W 1 OANELL Z 1 1 J , '1 } 1 J w � 1 1 1 1 LOT 15 4747 LOT 20 M .R.. 54 171 - 72 LOT 21 M. 50 - 52 1 1 1 1 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION W;lld.e WILLDAN SCALE I'= a0' DATE aUG 22. 2003 AN ENGIE • PLANNERS 0 PL IM7 ENGINEERS IL9t C ENGI NE E N SUITE SOS DRAIN BY D.BEYERBACH 5281 -038-023.DGN INDU 6. 91716 91 1562 1 908 -6200 CHECKED BY OANELL ROSOCAVVIRGINIAST LOT 21 M. 50 - 52 1 1 1 1 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 COPY A.P.N. 5287 - 038 -023 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CARADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SHERYL L. HEIMAN, aka SHERYL LYNN HEIMAN, a married woman as her sole and separate property, YU TSUN YOUNG, a marred man as his sole and separate property , and IRENE STEPHENS a married woman as her sole and separate property as tenants in common hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Canada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A " and "B "attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Dated: Al2E 2001- Sheryl Lynn Heiman *1Yl2ov� a STATE OF Ci4i H ARh+r COUNTY 017' V \are C R2 1 Yu -Tsun Young Irene Ste hens before me, personally appeared r f.vt 2 personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS on hind atad f(icial sea . i Signature KELLY CLARK Notary Public Arizona Maricopa County My Commission Expires May 23, 2006 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 -038 -023 The northerly 20.00 feet of the westerly 50.00 feet of the easterly 60.00 feet of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County lying south of and adjoining the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Containing 1,000 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: DctUd 0. 9-(F David O. Knell, FILS 5301 Date C:\aa project\wpdocekvirginiastmetlegais\5287:cj38-O23.doc September 2.2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287 -038 -023 6000 SO FT 1000 SO FT 5000 SO FT' 1 2 � / p WILLDAN lu O J SKETCH Cp J IM7 ` BRAWN BY 0.1 EYERBaEH 1 J INDICATES R/W DEDICATION L DENTON AVENUE PROJECT SITE LOT I 88 W LANDS OF T' E SAN GABRI_L ' a IMPROY N COMPANY a I M.R. 54 - 71 72 LOT 27 1 LOT 26 LOT 25 1 LOT 24 1 LOT 23 LOT 22 L1Tf 9 TRA Y N0, 7223 1 M.B. DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) y, 1 1 1 2 � / p WILLDAN lu O J SKETCH Cp J IM7 ` BRAWN BY 0.1 EYERBaEH 1 J D E S C R I P T I O N • i 56z" 909 -6zw CHECKED BY B.(NELE flOSElEAO /VIRGINIAST >` c � F -9 , s J -9 ,n J N J O J O 1 J J STRATHMORE I AVENUE STRATHMORE �- •¢ S u� Sis AVENUE PROJECT SITE LOT I 88 W LANDS OF T' E SAN GABRI_L ' a IMPROY N COMPANY a I M.R. 54 - 71 72 LOT 27 1 LOT 26 LOT 25 1 LOT 24 1 LOT 23 LOT 22 L1Tf 9 TRA Y N0, 7223 1 M.B. 8 38 1 1 1 W;IId a WILLDAN SCALE t"= too' oarE auczz. zoo3 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY IM7 ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 13191 [ROSSRUAUS .ARC.AY RURTR. SUITE .05 INDUSTRY CA. 9 "'6-349] BRAWN BY 0.1 EYERBaEH 038- 23 -t.OGN LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N • i 56z" 909 -6zw CHECKED BY B.(NELE flOSElEAO /VIRGINIAST SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1 100' EXHIBIT "B" ® INDICATES R/W DEDICATION . . N89 "25'23 "E 50.00' - SHEET 2 OF 2 N I o N VIRGI STREET N89 "E N N89 "25'23'E m LA NDS Or THE SAN GAD' 1 L IMPROVEMENT COMPANY W Z J Y J W LOT as M.R. 54 - 171 - 72 LOT 20 i LOT 21 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 M. E), 0 - 52 I 1 \ WWi ll ] J .. n WILLDAN LJI_/ ENGINEERS R PLANN RTk. gt9N dlOS680�OS IKNKKkY MpiTN. SUITE .OS \ INOUSTRY. p. 9NT.6 -3.9T 15621 908-6200 50.00' N89 "25'23 "E \\ o 0 LOT 14 1 1 LOT 15 0 O 1 � 3 • m M • 1 p 1 O � 1 _ n r CO 1 p N to 0 °= Z 1 z , , TRACT N01 4747 Z a 1 a 1 1 1 50 00' 1 N89 "25'23'E m LA NDS Or THE SAN GAD' 1 L IMPROVEMENT COMPANY W Z J Y J W LOT as M.R. 54 - 171 - 72 LOT 20 i LOT 21 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 M. E), 0 - 52 I 1 \ WWi ll ] J .. n WILLDAN LJI_/ ENGINEERS R PLANN RTk. gt9N dlOS680�OS IKNKKkY MpiTN. SUITE .OS \ INOUSTRY. p. 9NT.6 -3.9T 15621 908-6200 copy WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 A.P.N. 5287 -038 -012 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS, IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CHIN YUEN YEE a married woman as her sole and separate property as to her undivided /] interest and HSIAO PING LAU a stele woman as to her undivided !� interest as Tenants in Common, hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND,PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property. in the City of La Cafiada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and by t! is reference made apart hereof. Dated: i 601 3 200 C— Chin Yuen Yee 6 V Hsiao Ping Lau STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los AN G-C L es ) On NOVe 7OF-RL 3U. }003 before me, personally appeared C/iM Vl/a f-ivD ht5fho . j N 6— Lli L ) personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) Ware subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she/they executed the same in hi5/krr /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hic/hYr /their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS "nd and Signature Q AMY E. MATSUSHITA 6 COMM. #1377682 m NOTARY PUBLIC = CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES COUNTY w My Comm. Expires Oct. 1, 2006 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 - 038 -012 That portion of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: .Beginning at a point in the north line of said Lot 88 distant South 89 0 23'02" West 120.00 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 88; thence parallel with the east line of said Lot, South 00 °37'55" East, 210.00 feet to the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, which point is the True Point of Beginning; thence along said prolongation, - South 89 °23'02" West 60.38 feet to the beginning of a nontangent curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 37.50 feet and to which point a radial line of said curve bears North 62 0 47'53" West; thence along said curve northerly and easterly 40.70 feet through a central angle of 62 0 10'55" to a line parallel with and 20.00 feet northerly of said prolongation; thence along'said parallel line, North 89 0 23'02" East, 27.21 feet to said first mentioned parallel line; thence along said first mentioned parallel line South 00 °37'55" East, 20.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 1,017 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit `B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: \ o o David O. Knell, PLS 5301 Date L.S. 5301 (()� C:\ aaproject \wpdocs \virginiastreetlegals \5287 - 038- 012.doc \ V Exp' 12 - "03 September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER 5287 -038 -012 13062 SO FT 1017 SO FT 12045 SO FT F- I in W P N ¢ I 9 9 ) I - r 7 1. '7/, INDICATES R/W DEDICATION 9- s O s -9 s r '4 LANDS Or ImPR01 L" M I R. PROJECT SITE SHEET 1 OF 2 Z SCALE: 1'= 100' r SAN GAO I EL CIE T COMPA Y as I L DENTON AVENUE W z Z W STRATHMOREI AVENUE W < v ITRAC�i.ur w I m LOT 25 g.l No. a� Sal e k - 2 !2zs ��-\ — ft w - : /y / WILLDAN SCALE 1• =100 DATE AUGZZ• 2003 ENGINEE SKETCH. TO ACCOMPANY `vJ RS R LANNS DRAWN By 13191 C NGINEE PA* P PL N ER ER SURE 405 D. BETERBACH 038 -12 -1. DGN INOUSTRY. CA. 91T46 -3491 LHECeED By 0.(NELL RDSENEAD /VIRGINIAST LEGAL D E SCR I P T I O N 15621 908-6200 DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) � P l}] fV ' 1 J 9 F- I in W P N ¢ I 9 9 ) I - °D 9 9 U) 0 N N IO _ s- < R) N v 5 5 m > o i STRATNMORE �,iF AVENUE -9 19 r SAN GAO I EL CIE T COMPA Y as I L DENTON AVENUE W z Z W STRATHMOREI AVENUE W < v ITRAC�i.ur w I m LOT 25 g.l No. a� Sal e k - 2 !2zs ��-\ — ft w - : /y / WILLDAN SCALE 1• =100 DATE AUGZZ• 2003 ENGINEE SKETCH. TO ACCOMPANY `vJ RS R LANNS DRAWN By 13191 C NGINEE PA* P PL N ER ER SURE 405 D. BETERBACH 038 -12 -1. DGN INOUSTRY. CA. 91T46 -3491 LHECeED By 0.(NELL RDSENEAD /VIRGINIAST LEGAL D E SCR I P T I O N 15621 908-6200 EXHIBIT " B„ :SHEET 2 OF 2 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION. p NE CORNER LOT 88 N LANDS OF THE SAN GABRIEL IMPROVEEMENT COMPANY. M.R. 54 -71 -72 �. -•• N89.23'02'E 182.20' ' _ 62.20' •`'- 120.00' •' LOT I LOT 2 TRACT ND, 4747 cm 0 I Co N1 o ° o ° S C; m LOT 88 w N tn Z a a LANIOS M F THr SAN G AaRI EL 1MPR VEMrNT COMPANY a W N A n 1N N G O N � p. N IT ■ Z N 2 - - •.--------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- X20. 00' C4 VIRG STREET p " 60.38' '•'1 N89023'02 "E .... 62.20' -' p N89 N Y N62_47'53 -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOT 14 LOT 15 I I I I M . 54 - 71 - 72 M. S. 50 - 52 I wina.. WILLDAN SCALE 1' =40' JDATE AUG 22. 2003 1 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ENGINEERS •PLANNERS DRAWN BY D.BEYERBACH 5287 -038 -012.DGN 11191 C9066NOS05 PARKWAY NORTH. 9017E 409 LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N INDUSTRY. CA. 91 T<6 -3<9T (5621 9084200 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEIEAD /VIRGINIAST COPY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 A.P.N. 5287- 038 -013 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PRESENTED FOR RECORDING BY THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 AND IS ALSO EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX EASEMENT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of, which is hereby acknowledged, NGA SIEU TRUONG, a married woman as her sole and separate property and MINH TAN TRUONG, a married man as his sole and separate property, all as Joint Tenants hereby GRANT to the City of Rosemead an easement for ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES in the real property in the City of La Canada Flintridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Exhibits "A " and "B" attached hereto and by this reference made part hereof. Dated: 4 u 200 ga Sieu Tru ng Minh Tan Truong STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF C0; ZS On k)Qt1VAA 2m-3 before me, personally appeared 04e, Si Cx personally known to me (or proved to me onThe basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heAshe /they executed the same in hisAhcr /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hisAter /their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS hand and official seal. THOMAS B. BRISTOW Sig re A Carnmlssion # 1281965 stay Public - CaIRanlo Los Angeles County QMyComrnaPkMOCt27.Z04; EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description APN 5287 - 038 -013 The southerly 20.00 feet of that portion of Lot 88 of the Lands of the San Gabriel Improvement Company in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California as per map recorded in Book 54, Pages 71 and 72 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said County described as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of said Lot 88 distant South 89 °23'02" West, 60.00 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot 88; thence along said north line South 89 °23'02" West, 60.00 feet; thence parallel with the east line of said Lot South 00 0 37'55" East, 210.00 feet to the westerly prolongation of the center line of Virginia Street as shown on map of Tract No. 4747 recorded in Book 50, Page 52 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence along said prolongation North 89 °23'02" East, 60.00 feet to aline parallel with said east line and which passes through the point of beginning; thence along said parallel line North 00 0 37'55" West, 210.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,200 square feet, more or less. See Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Prepared under my supervision: 1) 4 0. ' 11 4 -0 David O. Knell, PLS 5301 Date C:\aaproject\wpdocskvirginiastreetlegals\5287-038-013.doc September 2, 2003 EXHIBIT "B" APN NO. TOTAL AREA DEDICATION REMAINDER - 5287- 038 -013 12600 SO FT 1200 SO FT 11400 SO FT J n s al ss v M. R. 54 -.71 I 72 INDICATES R/W DEDICATION DENTON AVE.(TO BE VACATED) LANDS Dr 7 r: AN GA7R1 1MPR0Y1rM N7 I COMPANY PROJECT SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W Z W s N 0 U) Ell STRATHMOREI AVENUE a W SITE lV s 1 ss 1 J m J n s al ss v M. R. 54 -.71 I 72 � 9 s � � — N N s ° Z J 3 LOT 27 N t V! � N O J _ v ~ pp J 9p J Q 7RA ' i m.13. 5 I STRATHMORE I 1 AVENUE 1 -9 1-9 LANDS Dr 7 r: AN GA7R1 1MPR0Y1rM N7 I COMPANY PROJECT SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1'= 100' L DENTON AVENUE W Z W s N 0 U) Ell STRATHMOREI AVENUE a W SITE LOT as c s v M. R. 54 -.71 I 72 LOT 27 LOi 26 LOT 25 L07 24 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 9 7RA i m.13. N0. 7223 25 32 Ww WILLDAN E PLANNE RS SCALE + = 100' DATE Auczz. z003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY /V / ) n ta v\ .,. CRO SSROAD S P R ,�, 91 INDUST P1NKYIY NY. CA. 91146-3497 SUITE .OS INDUSTRY. OflAMN BY D.BEYERBACH 038- 13 -I.DGN LEGAL D E S C R I P T I O N \J�/ c5621 908 - 6200 CHECKED BY D.KNELL I ROSEYEAD /VIRGINIAST EXHIBIT "B" SHEET 2 OF 2 r ° INDICATES R/W DEDICATION y NE CORNER LOT 88 N / LANDS OF THE SAN GABRIEL IMPROVEEMENT COMPANY. M.R..54 -71 -72 �- N89.23'02 "E 120.00' ---� 60.00' 60.00' LOT 1 LOT 2 TRAOT ND, 4747 - M - �1 ° o o_ co p N 0 N LOT r` as co N 11'1 Z a a LANDS. r THE SAN OA8RIEL 1MPR VEMENT COMPANY 3 n � r � /1 A p - O z 2 N89'23'02 "E 20.00'fe i 20.00' N VIRGIN STREET N89'23'02 "E `— 60.00' —' N89 "E N '-- - - ---- a%% - ---------- -- LOT 14 LOT 15 1 1 M,R, 54 — 71 72 1 m,B" 50 - 52 1 \mo w i l i a . .. W LDAN SCALE t' =40' DATE AUG 22, 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY !/ ENGINEERS S • PLANNERS DRAMN RY D.BEYERBACH 5287 - 038 -013.DGN - . 1]191 CROSSROADS VAHK11T NgiTN. SUITE 405 INDUSTRY. CA. 91746 -3497 CHECKED BY D.KNELL ROSEIEAII /41RCINIAST LEGAL D E SCR I P T I O N 15621 908-6200