CC - Item 4F - Authorization to Attend Conference with League of California CitiesTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEATY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRO CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 20, 2004 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS EXECUTIVE FORUM AND ADVANCED LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS, JULY 28-30,2004, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference: There will be sessions on development, traffic, environmental requirements, transportation and water quality. Council and staff attend this conference on an annual basis. There is an additional workshop scheduled for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning that includes sessions on budgeting, redevelopment and governance. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designee. COUNC!L AGENDf~ APR 2 7 2004 ITEM No. ~ ~ C' ~ OF LEAGUE E _CITIES Leadership 2004 MAYORS AND Through COUNCIL MEMBERS Learning EXECUTIVE FORUM Wednesday, July 28, - Friday, July 30, 2004 Monterey Conference Center, Monterey ;VAe# 57ow ;Vda a Zaat- Rw&&Ar'ci rg tke 946vce You Will Want To Attend If You Are A... ➢ Mayor ➢ Council Member ➢ City Manager You Will Benefit From This Program By ➢ Exploring the 12 Keys to Public Leadership ➢ Determining why the challenge of smart decision making requires a grounding of good character and ethics ➢ Learning about housing, transportation, and water issues affecting your city ➢ Discussing key city issues and current hot topics such as the state budget ➢ Making and renewing valuable contacts and friendships h6 ➢ 1 i Earn Advanced Leadership credit in the Mayors and Council Members Academy Be sure to sign up for the Mayors and 11 Council Members Academy-Advanced i thi L d hi Wo k h ll ow ng s ea ers p r op fo s conference. Three ways to Register: . -Register online at www.eacities.org/events -Fax the Registration Form -Mail the Registration Form Wednesday -7u(y 28, 2004 Please note: Session times, titles, and topics are subject to change. Registration Open 11:00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Opening General Session Twelve Keys To Public Leadership 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Learn to lead without regrets and how to leave a legacy. The Twelve Keys show how to grow, not swell, with power by implementing the three purposes of leadership: helping people deal with change, how to resolve conflicts and reach their full potential. General Session Policy First, Politics Last - Reclaiming The Future Policies over politics should be the theme to reconcile sonic differences and move forward. Listen to some perspectives on how this may be accomplished. Welcome To Monterey Reception Enjoy this unique event featuring the foods and history of Monterey. Gather for food and drink in the Memory Garden located behind the Pacific House in Custom House Plaza between the DoubleTree Hotel and the ocean. A limited number of tickets will be available on a first come, first serve basis to the nearby Maritime Museum, which celebrates Monterey's rich seafaring heritage. League staff will distribute museum tickets at the garden entry to those interested. Meet back at the Memory Garden at 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. for a delicious dessert buffet. Thursday -7u(y 29, 2004 Breakfast Briefings and Discussion Briefing: Hillside Development Cities in foothills have unique issues regarding development. Explore specific ideas to address hillside development in your city. Learn how others have dealt with this issue and what policies need to be reviewed prior to approval of such a development. - Discussion Forum: Hot Topics What are the current topics of interest? Come to discuss the major issues in your city and share potential solutions to problems. Briefing: Smart Traffic Synchronized traffic lights for buses and/or light rail and other technology used in transportation can help ease traffic congestion. Discover how some cities use technology to keep transit schedules on time and traffic running more smoothly. Discussion Forum: Small Cities What do small cities have in common besides low population? Join in a discussion of small cities issues that should heighten awareness of policies and other issues to help you make better decisions for your small community. Livable Communities: Making The Interdisciplinary Connections This session will examine livable communities/smart growth strategies from a number of different perspectives including, transportation, public health, crime prevention and economic development. Learn the community design elements that serve the overlapping needs of each of these disciplines. Come away with some ideas and see the big picture of creating livable communities. Thursday. y 29, 2004, continued ~ie( Concurrent Sessions . California Environmental Quality Act Task Force Accomplishments An update of the major issues such as zoning, greenfields, density, design of neighborhoods, etc. From members of the League's CEQA Task Force. On-Line Communication And The Brown Act You receive an email with all council members on the distribution list. You `reply all' and send a response. You could be in violation of the Brown Act and may not know it. Discover how email and other electronic communications have provided new interpretations of the Brown Act and what you can and cannot legally do. . Building Neighborhoods Not Houses Neighborhoods are what people want, not urban sprawl. This session will cover the elements that make a neighborhood great. We will then learn some strategies for getting from here to there from local officials who are making it happen. Transportation Budgeting And Financial Overview What is the status of the Transportation Equality Act for the 21" Century ("TEA 21)? -Get up to date information on the future funding of transportation from the Local, State, and Federal level, and learn what it means to your city. Water Supply And Quality - What's In Common? Water quality is always a major issue in California. What does water quality and supply have in common? Identify resources and options to provide water for your cities that you may want to consider. General Session Challenges Staff And Elected Officials Face - Good Decision Making City elected officials and city staff are sometimes faced with issues and situations at work that challenge their principles and standards of behavior. For example, with contracts and procurement, what if a major contractor has a development proposal up for vote at a council meeting and the contractor is also a major campaign contributor to one of the council members or has contributed moneys to other community developments such as a park? How do you deal with the situation? Find out that knowledge as well as strong character are necessary to make the right decisions. General Luncheon The League And Key City Issues What do you need to know regarding current legislation and other city issues? How will the November election results potentially affect city revenues? What can you do to embrace the priorities of the League Board and take action plans back to your city. Afternoon Concurrent Sessions - Round One Energize Your Downtown! Co-Sponsored By The League's Latino Caucus Many cities face the challenge of transforming their neglected downtown into a vibrant city center that generates bustling commercial and retail business AND exudes energy to attract evening dining, entertainment and an exciting residential lifestyle. The focus of this participatory work session is to highlight required major steps, including: 1) creating a vision and "buy-in"; 2) addressing planning development zoning issues; and 3) attracting qualified developers. NOTE. This is continuous workshop from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. with unscheduled breaks. You are encouraged to participate in the full workshop. Thursday jufy 29, 2004, continued Local Control vs. Federal Communications Act Authority Over Public Right Of Way Who has authority over regulating the public right of way in city neighborhoods - communications companies or the city? Large green communication boxes could be planned for your city neighborhoods and what can you do about it? Listen to city officials who are dealing with this and discover action that can be taken for preserving neighborhood atheistic. Traffic Calming Cities use many traffic calming methods such as speed bumps, traffic calming circles, stop signs, etc. in neighborhoods when necessary. What happens if any emergency vehicle needs to travel down a road with several speed bumps when time is critical, even life threatening? Join in a discussion of these consequences and other considerations before making decisions regarding traffic calming issues in your city: PERS Issues - What Policy Leaders Need To Know If you vote to approve a 3% at 50 for public safety employees, what will it really cost and how will you fund it? The decisions you make today regarding all CaIPERS benefits will affect your city's finances for years to come. Evaluate your city's contracts, policies, and budget implications as it relates to one of the most expensive benefit programs your city offers. What you don't know can hurt you! Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community Increased traffic congestion, loss of open space, and high infrastructure costs are pointing to a need to increase densities in our conmmnities. However, citizen opposition to the "D" word can be paralyzing. At this session you will be provided design guidelines for compact housing that will make neighborhoods even better and. tools for working with citizens to alleviate their concerns. Concurrent Sessions - Round Two Energize Your Downtown! Co-Sponsored By The League's Latino Caucus Many cities face the challenge of transforming their neglected downtown into a vibrant city center that generates bustling commercial and retail business AND exudes energy to attract evening dining, entertainment and an exciting residential lifestyle. This is the continuation of the 2:00 p.m. session. The Future Of Your Fire Service And Why You Should Care Look into the future of the fire service, and specifically the policy implications of it, so you can prepare to deal with what's ahead. This challenging session will offer views from diverse perspectives, and explore how and why new roles and relationships need to be created. Refinancing With City/Municipal Bonds - Untapped Revenue For Cities Municipal bonds are one alterative to help a city provide increased revenue. Listen to city representatives discuss the purpose of issuing muni-bonds and the distribution of funds among city expenditures. Maximizing Transportation Choices: Alternatives To The Auto What are some policy considerations when evaluating projects to support alternate forms of transportation such as the installation of bike lanes, high occupancy vehicle lanes, etc.? Explore reasons why commute alternatives are not just good for decreasing traffic but also makes good health sense. Quality Driven Performance Reviews What criteria do you use in your city for evaluating your city manager and staff? Defining performance standards, goal setting, and accountability are necessary but not sufficient measurements. Compare and contrast evaluation methods in producing fair and equitable measurement criteria. General Reception The League's Caucuses will provide an evening of good food, good company, and an opportunity to meet and greet new friends as well as familiar faces. Each has a story to tell that may help you do your job better. Friday . July 30, 2004 Breakfast Issue Briefings and Discussion Formes Character Building And Capturing The Publics Trust - Co-Sponsored By The League's African- American Caucus What does the public think of you? City officials are in a unique position to gain public confidence or create turmoil. Building public trust can be destroyed even if your behavior has the best of intentions. This session will heighten your awareness of character traits that help prevent ethical dilemmas. The result is more respect in your community and thus greater public confidence. Discussion Forum: City-School Cooperation - Maximizing The Tax Dollar Cities and schools have many common interests and goals. In this open forum, learn what your city can do to maximize use of public resources and also help prepare our next generation of citizens. Discussion Forum: Cities And Technology - What Works And At VNrhat Cost What technology is available to make your life easier and how can you use it? This interactive session will explore real problems and how technology can help solve them. Learn what works and the costs involved. Briefing: New Strategy For Hiring A City Manager . Learn how two representatives of the Beverly Hills Council spearheaded a unique and very rapid process for hiring a new City Manager. Hear side issues from a business perspective. The three-month process was executed on time, with room for unexpected and last minute changes. The panel will discuss the ingredients for a successful recruitment and orientation. Briefing: Lesson From Disasters: What Policy Leaders Need To Know Is your city prepared to handle a major disaster such as a massive fire or earthquake? How would you, as a policy leader, plan a strategy for your city to handle a major emergency in the best way? Learn from the experiences of others so your city will be well prepared and you can be a hero. Closing General Session Stuff Happens (And Then You Fix It!) How do you deal with the chaos that we encounter in our daily lives? This keynote address will inspire and instruct with humor and style. John Alston motivates, while infusing a spirit that encourages people to apply character, decency and common sense when "Stuff Happens." He stresses accountability, personal performance, and a no-more-excuses approach for dealing with changes, challenges, and contingencies. Mayors and Council Members Academy - Basic Leadership Graduation Ceremony Adjourn - Noon OF E AGoU E ITIES Leadership 2004 MAYORS AND COUNCIL Through MEMBERS ACADEMY - ADVANCED LEADERSHIP Learning WORKSHOP'S. Friday, July 30, - Saturday, July 31, 2004 Monterey Conference Center, Monterey. You Will Want To Attend If You Are A... Mayor Council Member You Will Benefit From This Program By 7 Developing knowledge in key subject areas 9 Learning skills to help you in both public office and private life Making and renewing valuable contacts and friendships > I I' Earn Advanced Leadership credit in the Mayors and Council Members Academy Be sure to also register for the Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum July 28-30, 2004. Three ways to Register: -Register online at mwnwacities.or%vents -Fax the Registration Form -Mail the Registration Form Friday Jufy 30, 2004 Preliminary Program Please note: Session times, titles, and topics are subject to change and you must select one of the four sessions to be registered for this leadership conference. Registration and CityBooks Open 11: 00 a. in. - 5:00 p. in. Concurrent Workshop Sessions All workshops are in two parts: Friday afternoon 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. (Part 0 and Saturday morning 8:30 a.m. - noon (Part II) as indicated. Effective Governance Processes - Part I Councils struggle with how to ensure that their work and goals are accomplished in the most effective way, how they can hold staff accountable, and how they can best engage the public. This workshop will provide a new way of approaching these challenges. It will assist you to see more clearly how the council can set clear policies which allow staff to perform at their best, yet still be accountable to you. You will gain a fresh perspective and be provided with new tools. It will help you rethink how the council conducts its business and what you can do to improve its procedures. Part II follows on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. - Noon. The Fiduciary Responsibilities Of Elected Officials: Budgets, Audits And Meaningful Reports - Part I As a trustee of the city, you have a special and serious obligation to safeguard the fiscal assets of the public. Do you know how to best carry out this responsibility? Do you know the right questions to ask? Do you know what to look for in financial reports to determine if things are fiscally sound? Do you know how to identify trends? Come to this session for practical answers. Part II follows on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. - Noon. Understanding Redevelopment: Purpose, Powers, And Funding Part I If your city has or is considering a redevelopment agency, learn the basics of what a redevelopment agency does and how it is financed. This .is the workshop to give you a solid introduction to this valuable tool. Gain an understanding of redevelopment fundamentals that apply to every agency including thelegal basis and powers of a redevelopment agency, how project areas are adopted, how property tax increments work, and buying and selling property. Part II follows on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. - Noon. Building Collaborative Partnerships: An Introduction To Interest-Based Problem Solving And Negotiations - Part I Cities are becoming increasingly interested in cultivating relationships with employees and citizens whose values embrace community building. This includes approaches to negotiations, workplace relationships, and customer service. While you may not always be at the table, it is essential that you have a working knowledge of the principles and processes that are at work and the vital role that elected officials play in encouraging and supporting these approaches. This intensive and interactive two-part workshop will give a solid introduction to these increasingly valuable tools. Part II follows on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. - Noon. Reception 5.00 - 6:00 p. nt. Enjoy this chance to relax before exploring Monterey for dinner. Renew some friendships and network with fellow colleagues. Saturday Lucy 31, 2004 Continuation of the workshops from Friday afternoon Noon - Adjourn Also... Take advantage of the valuable and informative on-line educational programs on LeaguE-Campus: Take any of the five following courses by clicking on www.cacities.or,g/ed ONLY $65 each! Designed specifically for city officials, these courses include: Guardians of the Public Checkbook: The Basics of Municipal Finance Keys to Serving on a City Advisory Board or Commission The Roles, Responsibilities, and Protocols for City Councilmembers Public Sector Human Resources Effective Advocacy Series These courses carry partial credit in the Mayors and Council Members Academy. By these courses, you can actively participate in the Academy and also save time and money.