CC - Item 7A - Mayors Committee Appointments for 2004-2005TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD~TY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRO CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 22, 2004 RE: MAYOR'S COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FOR 2004-2005 Attached for your consideration is a list of Mayor Clark's appointments to the various committees. COUNUt APR 2 7 2004 MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS FOR 2004-2005 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY PLAN. COMM. Delegate: Joe Vasquez Delegate: Bill Alarcon Alternate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Margaret Clark CONTRACT CITIES ASSN. Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Joe Vasquez CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Margaret Clark L.A. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Jay Imperial LEAGUE OF CA CITIES LEGISLATIVE DELEGATE PROGRAM Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Margaret Clark SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVT. Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Joe Vasquez SO. CALIF. JOINT POWERS INS. AUTH. Delegate: Gary Taylor Alternate: Joe Vasquez SO. CALIF. ASSN. OF GOVERNMENTS Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Margaret Clark LOS ANGELES AREA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Delegate: Bill Alarcon Alternate: Margaret Clark UPPER SAN GABRIEL VLY WATER DIST. Delegate: Bill Alarcon Alternate: Margaret Clark AMER COMMUNITIES FOR CLEANUP EQUITY Delegate: Joe Vasquez Alternate: Bill Alarcon OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE COALITION FOR PRACTICAL REGULATION Delegate: Jay Imperial Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Joe Vasquez Alternate: Bill Alarcon All Councilmembers are alternates to all committees. wp6.0:ccltrs:ccmemo:2 I MOVE THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN THIS EVENING'S MEETING IN THE MEMORY OF: Deputy David March who was gunned down on April 29, 2002 by a twice deported illegal alien and convicted drug dealer who as. wanted on two counts of attempted murder. Deputy March was a Temple station Deputy who was killed after a routine traffic stop. The murderer fled to Mexico where he hides as a fugitive from American Justice. There will be a special March for Justice Rally to be held on Saturday, May 8`h at the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita. The City Clerk has flyers available up front. Thank you. I MOVE THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN THIS EVENING'S MEETING IN THE MEMORY OF: Deputy David March who was gunned down on April 29, 2002 by a twice deported illegal alien and convicted drug dealer who as wanted on two counts of attempted murder. Deputy March was a Temple station Deputy who was killed after a routine traffic stop. The murderer fled to Mexico where he hides as a fugitive from American Justice. There will be a special March for Justice Rally to be held on Saturday, May 8`h at the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita. The City Clerk has flyers available up front. Thank you.