CC - Item 5A - Resolution 2004-19 - Recommending that parole be denied to convicted murdered Danny Saul RosalesTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMECITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRUWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 6, 2004 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2004-19 RECOMMENDING THAT PAROLE BE DENIED TO CONVICTED MURDERER DANNY SAUL ROSALES (CDC-22367) At the April 27`h Council Meeting Mrs. Gaytan-Ruiz completed a request to speak form for the purpose of requesting that the City Council adopt a resolution recommending denial of parole to the convicted murderer who killed her daughter, Barbara on January 14, 1979. At that Meeting Mrs. Gaytan-Ruiz chose not to address the Council regarding this sensitive matter because of the young students that were present. Attached is Resolution No. 2004-19 and copies of newspaper articles regarding this issue. As of this date, the cities of San Diego, La Puente, City of Industry, South El Monte, West Covina, Diamond Bar, El Monte, Glendora, Covina, Irwindale, Pomona, Chino and Chino Hills have adopted similar resolutions. RECOMMENDATION If the Council approves the request it is recommended that Resolution No. 2004-19 be adopted and that the City Clerk be directed to forward it to the appropriate agency. MAY 112004 ITEM No. =A.- RESOLUTION NO. 2004-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT PAROLE BE DENIED TO CONVICTED MURDERER DANNY SAUL ROSALES (CDC-22367) WHEREAS, on January 14, 1979, Danny Saul Rosales, while under the influence, attacked four young women, Barbara Romero, Lilia Vasquez, Olivia De La Rosa, and Alice De La Rosa with a hunting knife; and WHEREAS, one of the women, Barbara Romero, died of her wounds; and WHEREAS, two of the other three young women suffered serious abdominal injuries depriving them of ever bearing children; and WHEREAS, Danny Saul Rosales. was subsequently convicted and sentenced to 15 years to life for murder of Barbara Romero; and WHEREAS, prison diagnostic studies state that authorities diagnosed Danny Saul Rosales as an unprincipled and antisocial personality with marked features of inadequacy who accepted no responsibility for the attack and appeared to feel it was fully justified, expressing no remorse for his actions; and WHEREAS, according to a prisoner evaluation report prepared by counselors at the California Men's Colony, Danny Saul Rosales would "probably pose an unpredictable degree of threat to the public...;" and WHEREAS, Deputy District Attorney Jim Jacobs who was in charge of prosecuting the case against Danny Saul Rosales has stated, "The fact that he (Rosales) was under the influence and blaming this attack on that, shows that he will always be a danger. to the community"; and WHEREAS, the date of the next parole hearing for Danny Saul Rosales is scheduled for May 2004; and WHEREAS, paroled felons can be relocated to ANY community WITHOUT notification to the community at large; and WHEREAS, families and friends of murder victims often suffera lifetime of anguish and fear of being re-victimized; and WHEREAS, law abiding citizens deserve a safe living environment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Rosemead, that this Council does hereby find, order and resolve as follows: 1. That the Parole Board is hereby notified that it is the will of the City Council of the City of Rosemead that Danny Saul Rosales remain in prison at this time. 2. That Parole be DENIED to Danny Saul Rosales. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS I ITH DAY OF MAY. 2004. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK CITY OF ROSEMEAD SPEAKER REQUEST FORM If you wish to address the City Council, please fill out the following information and present it to the City Clerk before the meeting commences. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - CITY COUNCIL MEETING DA NAME (Please Print) ADDRESS PHONE Yolanda Gnv-Ruiz - 2408 CaOe Bie Biem~en)da ~ Chino Hills, CA 91709 , REPI.....-...... (Self, name of organization, or other party) REGARDING AGENDA ITEM NU IvMER SUBTECTn, n o ^ tci ckIl~v~ lQ fit e ~e n n~t~r e r-.(,Ver), brief, general description) ~.^n- **I PREFER TO SPEAK AT THE BE OR END_ OF MEETING." E f A1< d as IvV=. kE meeti vrnr•n in he` the Chin g ; Kist. ' i nes crusade to mg+C_hat the ne nas peen d h r ntu derma do n te( p i_ - some clad get, _ role ' e ict A Yolanda Ume.` r ` i 14rs' Kuiz.. . hfc „pussion ,Gayton Ruiz is". rhakm remains in- . g. effints have ,:,the roun s; city. ;council again lately 'gain' requi sting.1.hat cituis ictedmurd, adopt re o ci ris In PIId; j. Rosales is uf).; ing denial of par)le for,Mr. Rosales. who is seeing.-Ins. ill come after sentence at th,e Folsom State "Mrs. Rui ;'a Prison in Sacramento;, eho esident; said said, Mrs. - Ruiz had niiide a ~ City Council similaretlort at the timepl-NI,r. liesda}; her Rosales previous parole;h&ie-' Jith emotion. - ing n,2000. Barbara-- ,Ua}1oii,-Romero, Mrs. Rui s22-pear-olddaugh- ter, and tier three 'friends were aatGickrd iri'tier hou`se,in~Valin- dtt; ahout'20. miles west. of Chino, on:Jtin. 14, 1979; Nos. Ruiz said Chmo.granted her request: and adopted a resolu'tionlasl, Tuesday: She is scheduled_td speak- atA he, Chino. Hills -City Cou ncil meeting on Ttiesda3', march 9.. . Barbara tried i io save her friends. -and. vas.=fait:dly stahhecl' She died on heravay to the hospital, Nlrs` Ruiz said. Pie other Ll reo-ibimien sur- . vived the' att ack: bit( were scri- 'oust), irijcired. D9cg.'Ruiz s d: D1r..Itdsales wais convicted or se ond-degree;murder,in,_1980 'ands,eiitericocl- to J,5 l,oars' to hfe in _pi=ison Ile, has'been, up fur parole Cour`Irnies.-Eveq- z r 1 n t p "r ~a } +^rsl T'."z a t t r U~~~'{ F t. ap ,+;uyy o-„ .7 TUESDAY MARCH 3 2004 by:a l° aw , ,'Yolanda Ruiz BY JOE FLOR KOWSKI-,'~ has been wear-',- STAFF WRITER v S+t S ,:'Tl}i ' ng;the high -CHINO . HILLS °If Yolanda Ruiz haa hei 7xsch'ool'classnngn annyRosaleswill iievergetbutofpnson . v i of headaughter • ~Rosalea convicted nni1980 for killing, iiiza • ` ` = i , Barbara,on a daughter Barbara Romero belup u - in 1979 wiI I chain around J for parole again thissprmg:a' ^ e 'Akvt her necksince { But before his*parole'hearmg is even'set l` , 1979 the year 4 I Rulz of,Chmo Hills will havemade her way e t r ~Barbara 'was, , ' to-sev°eral different cityn o9yincils asking for + murdered Rwz X 1 rtheir. help to keep Rosales locked up a e, a *at' has'been gath s ' " t `x Tonight Rdiz %v1 1I ask the Chino council to rte',.°, l =']`t enngsupport " ' `rte ` t pass-a resolution opposing,; t -t I _ r A + rrom city y + the Rosales s release In the M r t'~10councdstg,y'`1 A, wcomirig.weeks''she 'will'- it, t e i n ` t " her parole Of # ouneils of Chi c, Hills and , claughtetis ' v 4 " de ' ` El Nionte + f t n mur r e r ~ t Ruiz said here is only o es. ` PHOTO PHOH Y DIANA , vvay thnt she would stop her .4 1 1 "n LL ILLST AFF ST r s campatgri against Rosales ,Ft ° . ' t n a+ k ' PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHER s. t r s ,,r: t k~' " ~ l « ,,When m} daughter Bar v` rc z, i bara'comes back tomehe, v O , + r , Y c " can et out Ruiz satd~ 'Barbara ' a rstparole SinceRosnI a t ra r hearutgm1988,Ruiz hascru :Romero :was a QZv4 N sade`dtokeephimlockedup.l,,muideredon : s ~}e + k a ~ 1 Rosales pleaded guilty to ; January. , r ~ f~ ® ~1;4~~` i deathk 1979 ~ 4' stabbmg•Romero to ~ , . + + , to a Jan 15 1979 attack ]n. rs;. + f.+ + t l a° " "r`m'' "`u t Vahnda `anumncoiporated Those who mant to hel area south of W t+` st C ' ' # oyma , p e z k ` ` r r i Rosales al sostabbedthree ra Yolanda Ruiz + r p{ f 7 - 5 othenvomen during the at with her effort, a e atnfE` c - tack'and was sentenced toMto keep Danny rlb e t "~7 f P L ° R ti - l in y ars o t e . , , ,t osa es fvAccordmg to;etate offi apnsoncan'r cials~Rosaleshas appealed?'r contact" Fier at i' , for;parole' four,ltlmesand':."P:oaBox'5203 T ` ~lhas been;denied each time.',West Covina Each time he has been el- ~-CA 91791 r " igible.foryparole;_Rutz hasx+-~3 beenthere % il t besides her presence at the parole hear ` .,But . ings; Ruiz also:brings support from city;coun cils"acrossthe"state" t For:Rosales's last hearing in May 2000, Ruiz',, estimate. ahe'brought 20 to25 resolutions with her..`; a f. f, ast week : ilie La Puelite'City Council' adopted a resolution opposingRosales's parole`' The.La P,uente:resolution'was the',first one I , Ruiz obtained this year butshe said lfe,plans ` o g'e as many as she ! can!,,. r y ~ rt d Rosales s parole hearing has not been set yeti t _ but i5 expected to come sometime in sprang said " 'BillSessaaspokesmanfortheC,aliforniaBoard v t ' ;of PrisonTerms-r': +A".•,i°,~lisin''"sr ' - ~ ' rr ~V}ien someone is deniedlparole they are i ~ .usually demeda;new hearing for one or two ( . years, Sessasaid^ ? lInxRosales sc"ase he has'had to wait four ' - R 7 years;for+a hearing twine which,IS unusual # r' < f'To get Ywo four year denials is usually ari , _ d indication of at problem Sessa said w.'p F C p°~~ 'Ruiz said she will continue to fight agamstr Rosales s release as long as "s' can A'ot dust ° i for herself but for her daughter`°Rmz said i My daughter hasnovoice she said I'm her, - + is , J + t iC VOICe 'o~ ~ ~ iCS 52 > aT'~i'.{,~', p>. t tin ti~ ' Joe Floi howski can 6e reached+by e iii¢il ate ~ : ` I'; yoe.~lgrkowskcCaH.q.elybit etin.comorbyph'oneat, Y,: