CC - Item 4B - fiscal year 2003-04 Budget Authorization to transfer $424,800 from unappropriated reserveTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEME D CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWS CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 14, 2004 RE: FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 BUDGET AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER $424,800, FROM UNAPPROPRIATED RESERVE TO ORGANIZATIONS 4180, 4630, 4640, 4650, 4700, 4710, 4720, 4740, 4780, 4840, and 4870. A review of this year's budget indicates that some. departmental accounts have exceeded their budgeted amounts. Although total expenditures for the City are under. budget, the City auditors are requiring that the City Council take Minute action to approve budget transfers from unappropriated reserve to each department. Listed below are the requested transfers: City Buildings (4180) - $5,400 is requested to cover additional costs for building maintenance and repairs and special insurance. Traffic Signal Maintenance (4630) - $38,000 is requested to cover additional costs for signal maintenance and repairs. Maintenance Trees & Parkways (4640) - $13,200 is requested to cover additional costs for routine tree maintenance and Rosemead Boulevard Median Maintenance. Maintenance Signs and Striping (4650) - $27,350 is requested to cover additional costs for street and traffic signing. Planning (4700) - $3,550 is requested to cover additional personnel costs for the Associate Planner position. Building Regulations (4710) - $240,400 is requested to cover additional costs for building inspections. COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 2 2 2004 rTEM No. ✓ e74 2003-04 Budget Authorization June 14, 2004 Page 2 Engineering (4720) - $19,300 is requested to cover additional costs for public works inspection and supportive engineering. Community Improvements (4740) - $55,250 is requested to cover additional costs for personnel costs and graffiti removal supplies. Solid Waste (4780) - $3,900 is requested to cover additional costs for membership fees. Recreation Fee and Charge (4840) - $14,450 is requested to cover additional costs for class instructors. Dinsmoor Heritage House (4870) - $4,000 is requested to cover additional costs for grounds maintenance and repairs. The estimated expenditures for 2003-04 is $17,795,815. The adopted 2003-04 Annual Budget is $29,544,299. These figures indicate that the City will again come in under budget. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize a transfer of $424,800 from unappropriated reserves to cover additional costs incurred during the current fiscal year 2003-04 for organizations 4180, 4630, 4640, 4650, 4700, 4710, 4720, 4740, 4780, 4840, and 4870. k lo: bu d get2004-05\expovbud.doc