CC - Item 4D - Approval of Contractor For Lead testing and Risk Assessment ServicesTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: I4LL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: �Vj' JULY 1. 2004 RE: APPROVAL OF CONTRACTOR FOR LEAD TESTING AND RISK ASSESSMENT SERVICES On September 15, 2000, new federal regulations took effect to help reduce the hazard of lead -based paint in the environment. These regulations affect programs offered by the City of Rosemead that are funded through HOME and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. Specifically, these regulations affect the Residential Rehabilitation Program and the Mortgage Assistance Program. As part of the requirements, the City needs to conduct lead testing and risk assessments for properties that are participating in the City's rehabilitation programs and must conduct clearance tests of HOME purchased properties where peeling paint has been identified and must be remediated. Accordingly, the City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to qualified firms to conduct lead testing, risk assessment and clearance testing in accordance with federal requirements. The contract period is for a maximum of three (3) years, beginning in FY 2004 -2005. cour."C 1. JUL 13 2004 ITEM No.=" o. " 6J-411) Approval of Lead Testing and Risk Assessment Contractor, 2 In compliance with CDBG bidding requirements, staff put out a solicitation for proposals. The City received five (5) proposals: • Barr & Clark • Executive Environmental Service Corporation • Home Safe • Lead Tech Environmental • SCA Environmental Staff has reviewed prices and references, checked contractors' licenses and checked the HUD debarment list. All bidders are fully licensed lead testers /risk assessment. Of the proposals received, Barr & Clark had the lowest overall cost for combined testing /risk assessment and clearance testing. The break down of estimated costs follows: Firm Risk Clearance Testing Total Per Unit' Assessment/Testing Barr & Clark $325 (samples $150 +$15 for each $475($535 included) sample with samples) Executive Env. $450 (samples not $250 (samples not $700 ($820 with included. Cost included. Cost samples) +15 %) +15 %) Home Safe $500 $140 $640 Lead Tech $330 +$15.00 ea $165 +$15.00 ea $495 ($615 with sample sample samples) SCA Env. $725 Test $435 $2,180 $1,020 R/A 'Assumes 4 samples, where samples not included. Samples at $15.00 each unless otherwise noted. Actual projects could require additional samples. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve a contract with Barr & Clark to provide lead testing, risk assessment and lead clearance testing and authorize the City Manager to execute the appropriate agreements. MAILING LIST LEAD TESTING AND RISK ASSESSMENT, 2004 Allied Environmental Services 4570 Van Nuys, #308 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Allstate Environmental Services, Inc. 1450 W. 6" Street, Suite 201 Corona, CA 92882 American Environmental Specialists Co 7400 Center Avenue, Suite 113 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Barr & Clark Environmental 22850 Crenshaw Blvd Torrance, CA 90505 Beach Cities Lead Inspection, Inc. P.O. Box 1571 Manhattan Beach, CA 90267 Converse Consultants 222 E. Huntington Drive, Suite 211 Monrovia, CA 91016 Critical Cleaning Serv, Inc. 1760 Palm Avenue San Diego, CA EOS Environmental, Inc. 507 Mission Street South Pasadena, CA 91030 Home Safe, Lead Testing and Training 24662 Redlands Boulevard Loma Linda, CA 92354 JMR Environmental Services, Inc. 14700 Firestone Boulevard, Suite 104 La Mirada, CA 90638 Lead Tech Environmental 5419 McConnell Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 Ralph Stone and Company, Inc. 10954 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025 SCA Environmental, Inc. 9920 La Cienega Boulevard, Suite 722 Inglewood, CA 90301 Winzler & Kelly 699 S. State College Boulevard, Suite H Fullerton, CA 92381 CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LEAD -BASED PAINT TESTING, RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLEARANCE TESTING INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead, Community Development, is seeking proposals for a qualified'Risk Assessor /Inspector to perform paint testing and risk assessmerits for the City's CDBG- funded Residential Rehabilitation Program. The term of the contract would extend through June 30, 2007. The requested services will be conducted in accordance with federal regulations (24 CFR Part 35 and Chapter 7 [revised] "HUD Guidelines for Lead -Based Paint Inspections) and California regulations (Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8) or as amended during the term of the contract. The successful applicant must have the following qualifications: • Demonstrated ability and staffing resources to undertake the lead -based testing activities and prepare reports as described in the attached General Scope of Services; • Comprehensive experience in conducting lead -based paint testing activities under the federal regulations governing the program's funding source: • Appropriate State licenses and continuing education required to provide said services; and • Ability to promote an effective working relationship with program applicants, contractors and City staff. GENERAL Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. on June 24, 2004 to: City of Rosemead Lisa A. Baker Community Development 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 1 Requirement to meeting all Proposal Revisions — Each applicant shall meet all of the specifications and Proposal terms and conditions. By virtue of the Proposal submission, the applicant acknowledges agreement with, and acceptance of, all provisions of the specifications except as expressly qualified in the proposal.. Non - substantial deviations may be considered provided that the applicant submits a full description and explanation of and justification for the proposed deviations. Whether any proposed deviation is non - substantial will be determined by the City of Rosemead in its sole discretion. Communications regarding Proposal - If a prospective applicant is in doubt as to the true meaning and /or intent of any part of the documents or discovers discrepancies and /or omissions, the applicant may submit to the .City of Rosemead, a request for interpretation or correction thereof. Interpretations or corrections of the documents shall be made only by addendum duly issued by the City of Rosemead, Community Development Department. A copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each potential applicant receiving a Proposal. Such addendum will be considered a part of and incorporated into the proposal documents. Proposal Submission Each Proposal must be submitted in the format required in this Proposal. The Proposal shall be enclosed in an envelope that shall be sealed and addressed to: City of Rosemead Lisa A. Baker Community Development 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 The Proposal shall be clearly labeled with the Proposal name, name of applicant, and submission date and time. Submission of one Proposal only — No individual or business entity of any kind shall be allowed to make or file more than one Proposal, except an alternative Proposal when specifically requested. However, an individual or business entity which has submitted a sub - proposal to an applicant that is submitting a Proposal or who has quoted prices on materials to such applicant is not disqualified from submitting a sub - proposal or to quoting prices to other applicants submitting Proposals. Proposal Withdrawal — An applicant may withdraw its Proposal without prejudice prior to the time specified for the Proposal opening by submitting a written request to the City. The Proposal will be returned to the applicant. No Proposal received after the time specified or at any place other than the place IN stated in this Proposal will be considered. Late submissions and postmarks will not be accepted. Proposal Retention and Award — The City retains the right to retain all proposals for a period of 45 -days after the Proposal opening date for examination and comparison. The City also reserves the right to determine and waive non - substantial irregularities in any proposal, to reject any and all proposals, to reject one part of a proposal and accept the other, except to the extent that the proposals are qualified by specific limitations and to make award to any responsible applicant or applicants as the interest of the City may require. Contract Requirement,— The applicant to whom award is made shall execute a written contract with the City within ten (10) calendar days after notice of award has been sent by mail to the address given in the proposal or within ten (10) calendar days after receipt by applicant of oral communication of the intent to award, whichever comes first. The contract shall be made in the form of the adopted by the City and incorporated in these specifications. The applicant warrants that s /he possesses or has arranged to possess through subcontracts, all capital and other equipment, labor and materials to carry out and complete the work hereunder in compliance with all federal, State, County and local laws and ordinances that are applicable. Failure to Accept Contract — If on notification of intent to award the contract by the City, the applicant fails to enter into the Contract within the specified period of time, the pending award will be annulled. An award may be made to the next responsible applicant that will fulfill every term and condition of the Proposal. Term of Contract — The term of contract is anticipated to be from July 15, 2004 through June 30, 2007. Non - exclusive Contract — The City reserves the right to purchase items listed in the Proposal, as well as any supplemental items, from other vendors during the Contract term. This is especially true if a chosen firm does not supply clearance testers for the City. Insurance — The Contractor shall provide general liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000. In addition, the City, its officers, agents and employees shall be included as additional insureds in all liability insurance policies and endorsements thereto, except for Workers' Compensation and Professional Errors and Omissions. Such insurance shall be primary with respect to any insurance maintained by City and shall not call on City's insurance for contributions. The Contractor's insurance shall not be canceled nor reduced in coverage or limits until after thirty (30) days written notice shall have been sent by certified mail (return receipt) to the City of Rosemead, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. M Workers Compensation — The Contractor shall procure and. maintain, during the life of the contract, workers' compensation insurance or a valid certificate of consent to self- insure for all its employees. In case any of the work is subcontracted, the Contractor shall require all subcontractors to similarly provide workers' compensation insurance for all the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by protection afforded by workers' compensation insurance carried by the Contractor. Failure to Procure or Maintain Insurance — Contractor's failure to procure or maintain required insurance shall constitute a material breach of contract under which the City may immediately terminate the contract. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) — Must be in the amount not less than $1,000,000 and shall be in continuous force from the date of contract award until one year after final acceptance of the last project. Delivery of Records in Case of Termination — If the contract is terminated pursuant to any provision set forth in the contract, the Contractor shall deliver and transfer to the City all materials including all applicant files, written reports, documents or notices, studies, photographs, correspondence, data and materials, regardless of type. Said delivery shall occur within ten (10) calendar days after receipt by either party of said Notice of Termination or as mutually agreed by the parties. GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK The City recognizes the danger posed by lead -based paint hazards and that such hazards can be reduced by identifying the existence of lead -based paint and in providing assistance for safe work practices, interim controls and, where necessary, limited or total abatement. Proposed lead testing and risk assessment activities will be conducted in accordance with federal and State regulations, as stated above, or any amendments thereto. Lead testing, risk assessment and clearance testing activities will only be conducted by an independent lead testing contractor and only personnel who are experienced and who hold, required State licenses may conduct activities. The applicant shall not be affiliated with any painting, remodeling or abatement firm or any firm that poses a conflict of interest or the potential, for conflict of interest. S Combined Lead Testing and Risk Assessment Lead testing will be conducted using an approved spectrum analyzer X -ray Flourescence -Analyzer, or comparable federally approved testing or sampling technique that meets or exceeds federal requirements (HUD /EPA). Selected applicant shall be required to provide proof that testing was conducted by a State of California certified inspector using an approved instrument and that calibration tests, were conducted in conformance with requirements and with the Product Characterization Sheet from the manufacturer. The City shall provide a written list of. projects to be inspected and identify whether testing shall be limited or full and whether it covers exterior and /or interior surfaces. The contractor shall conduct inspections within five (5) business days of receiving a written or email request from the City. Each inspection report provided by the Contractor shall include: 1. Sampling plan that outlines the testing to be done; 2. Tests as required by regulations on each room equivalent and testing component, with room equivalents and testing components to be determined by the inspector; 3. Proof that testing was conducted according to the sampling plan and a written report explaining the results of said investigation. If the inspection results equal or exceed the action level of .07 milligrams per centimeter squared, 0.5 percent by weight or 5,000 ppm (or subsequent action level adopted by State or federal regulations), the Contractor shall provide written notification to the City within 24 -hours of the test results and address of the project tested. If the inspection results equal or exceed the level of 0.8 milligrams per centimeter squared, the contractor will include a statement in a written report regarding worker safety protocols as prescribed by the California Occupational Safety and Health Agency (Cal- Osha). For any project where a lead hazard has been identified, the Contractor =s report will provide recommendations regarding interim controls, safe work practices, abatement, maintenance plane (for interim controls) and post remediation clearance testing. The Contractor will provide two (2) copies of the written combined testing and risk assessment within five (5) business days after tests are conducted and test results are received. The City will distribute one copy to the owner - occupant of the property. Clearance Testing The persons conducting the initial testing and risk assessment may not provide clearance testing of the same property. However, a firm with more than one certified assessor /inspector may provide clearance testing in conjunction with this contract. Clearance testing will be conducted in accordance with federal and State regulations. At a minimum, contractors must wait one (1) hour before beginning clean -up and the clearance inspection may not take place until one (1) hour after clean -up has been completed. Clearance testing will consist of the required dust samples in the interior and exterior as required under the regulations. Except for soil samples, dust samples shall not be composite samples. TIME FRAME FOR IMPLEMENTATION The Contractor shall take action to ensure that the program is fully operational as detailed in the Specifications within ten (10) days after execution of contract and Notice to Proceed. . The Contractor shall allocate sufficient staff and resources to accomplish the estimated 35 annual projects (or estimated 105 projects over the life of the contract). BILLING AND PAYMENT Billing shall be made one time per month at the completion of the work. Billing shall include back -up documentation to support billing. Payment shall be made in accordance with the City's Warrant Register schedule. 0 PROPOSAL CONTENT AND SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Submitted proposals shall be organized in the following manner and contain all of the following requirements. Where a section is not applicable, there should be a written statement regarding why the section is not included. .Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Proposals must be submitted by June 24, 2004. Late submittals and postmarks will not be considered. 1. Cover page including the name of the firm, the address, telephone, fax and email information, and name and number of a contact person 2. Statement of Qualifications 3. Statement of Applicant's Training /Certificates 4. Copies of valid State Lead Risk Assessor /Inspector Certifications for personnel to be assigned to the project 5. A description of prior work for the City of Rosemead, if any 6. A minimum of three references, at least one of which must be from a unit of local government. References need to include name of firm/ government, contact person and telephone number; address, type of work performed 7. Proof of Insurance coverage requirements 8. Statement of Understanding of the Scope of Work, including combined Risk Assessment /Inspection and Clearance Testing 9. Description of Standard Operating Procedures, including a sample report, type of XRF and name and address of NLLAP- approved laboratory used by the company 10.A Statement regarding pending or completed litigation or settlements .regarding services provided by the company, including professional liability for errors and omissions 11. Any exceptions to the Project specifications 12. Fees for performing each combined inspection /assessment and fees for performing each clearance test. Fees should be based on a per job cost 13. Schedule of standard hourly rates 14. Federal certifications rA PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND SELECTION Submitted proposals will be evaluated by a Review Committee on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Demonstrated understanding of the Scope of Services and specifications 2. Demonstrated professional /technical skills and credentials of all staff to be assigned to the project 3. Applicant's related experience and references and the number of staff persons assigned to the project 4. General Quality of completeness of the proposal submitted 5. Cost to the City for sery ices. contracted The City reserves the right to invite any and all applicants to attend an oral interview and /or to request additional clarifying information from any or all applicants. The recommendation of the Review Committee will be submitted to the City Council for award of the contract for the project; award of contract will be based on a combination of criteria stated above. 0 0 E & BARR & CLARK Independent Environmental Testing ASBESTOS• LEAD• PHASE Proposal For Lead -Based Paint Consulting Services 1. Cover Pal4e June 23, 2004 City of Rosemead Lisa A. Baker Community Development 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ms. Baker: As the impact of the recent changes to the HUD requirements are becoming apparent to municipalities and community based organizations all across the country, we have carefully studied the relevant sections of 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X), California's DHS Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8, and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines to better serve our clients. It is important to be in compliance with the regulations and to reduce complications to an already burdened project. Our knowledge and experience can help to minimize the impact of lead related considerations affecting your programs. Barr & Clark is pleased to bid on the ongoing Lead -Based Paint (LBP) consulting work for the City of Rosemead. The following has been provided per your submission requirements: Consultant Information Barr & Clark, Incorporated 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 517 -0805 Fax: (310) 517-0822 Cell: (310) 760 -2112 Contact Person: Matt Crochet Email: matt(cilbctestima .com 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services —City of Rosemead 2. Statement of Qualifications Barr & Clark Environmental was founded in 1992 on one basic premise: provide I" quality environmental consulting services at a fair and reasonable price. Today's property owners and managers are impacted with an ever - increasing number of enviromnental regulatory requirements in the day -to -day management of their assets. Barr & Clark offers affordable and practical alternatives to comply with these regulations and requirements. Barr & Clark is recognized by its peers as a leader in performing Lead -Based Paint Inspections, Asbestos Containing Materials Surveys, and Phase I Reports. If your project requires an abatement specification, project design, monitoring, clearance testing, or overall project management, our qualified staff is prepared to meet any of your environmental needs. Clients from over 25,000 projects have included airport facilities, military bases, financial institutions, health departments, housing authorities, correctional facilities, manufacturing plants, renovation/abatement contractors, large apartment complexes, property management companies, and private homeowners. Barr & Clark offers its clients comprehensive and integrated environmental consulting services. Barr & Clark specializes in providing these services in an integrated manner when construction or other events are in progress. It is recognized that the enviromnental project is often just one of many priorities for the building owner. Whether the other priorities are construction, a loan, or government- assisted funding, the environmental project will always be catered to meet the needs of the client. Barr & Clark's consulting services are designed to facilitate decision - making. Our client's time factors, budget constraints, and overall plan for the property will be considered. Ban' & Clark is proud of its "on time and no surprises" completion of projects. Strict quality control procedures and responsive customer service have earned the devotion of a broad base of clients. When the need for environmental testing or consulting arises, property owners know that Barr & Clark will provide them with a 1" quality, integrated, and cost effective strategy. BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services —City of Rosemead 3 Statement of TraininlZ Certifications of Principals and Key Personnel Robert Clark - President Twelve years experience in environmental assessments and eight years experience in lead -based paint and asbestos related fields. He is an instructor in California and Arizona for the certification of inspectors, contractors and workers. He has participated in a wide range of projects from single family residences and apartments to commercial and industrial structures. His primary efforts are now in the areas of project analysis and abatement design. Certifications include: State of California Certified Lead Inspector /Risk Assessor (I 8) — 8`r' in California! State of California Certified Lead Project Designer (D 8) — 8h in California! California Registered Environmental Assessor ( #06167) Matthew Crochet - Vice President & Project Director, Lead Operations Eleven years experience in lead -based paint field inspections, project designs, project monitoring, operations and maintenance plans, and clearance testing. Range of properties dealt with include single family residences, multi - family dwellings (apartments), commercial, industrial, and government owned facilities (military bases, post offices, prisons).. Mr. Crochet is a member of the National Lead Abatement Council and the California Association of Certified Lead Professionals (Board Member). Certifications include: State of California Certified Lead Inspector /Risk Assessor (I 12) —12`r' in California! State of California Certified Lead Abatement Project Monitor (M 12) — 12 I in California! Alex Romani - Project Director, Lead Operations Six years experience in lead and asbestos - related consulting, field inspections, and project designs for single family residences, apartment complexes, corrumercial structures, industrial sites, and school facilities. Certifications include: State of California Certified Lead Inspector /Risk Assessor (I 10575) DOSH Certified Asbestos Site Surveillance Technician (SST# 03 -3447) Chris Hale — Lead -Based Paint Lupector /Risk Assessor Four years experience in lead - related consulting, field inspections, and project monitoring for single family residences, apartment complexes, commercial structures, industrial sites, and school facilities. Certification includes: State of California Certified Lead Inspector /Risk Assessor (I 12099) BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services — City of Rosemead 4 Copies of Valid California Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor Certifications 3t:ate of California Department of Health Services - inspectorlAssessor 0110311005 Abject Designer 0110312005 Robert ,Clark f D # 8 State of California Department of Health Services -- _car/- Rasai°d r r `tca e Inspector/Assessor 06113!2005 PF`oject Monitor 0611312005 Matthew R.aCrochet, EN State of California Department of Health Services State of California Department of Health Services inspectorlAssessor 04120/2005 ... PPPPPPSSSSSS��t o+ Alex J�Ronnani Ts, a l0,- .:30575± 5 Prior Work for the City of Rosemead Insoector /Assessor 04108/2005 �i -: ID #.: 12099= Barr & Clark has not performed any lead - related consulting work directly for the City of Rosemead. BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services — City of Rosemead 6. References Bill Pro (323) 890 -7240 County of Los Angeles — Community Development Commission 2 Coral Circle Monterey Park, CA 91755 Contract amount: S 98,000.00 Year: 1999 to Present Description: Lead -Based Paint Inspections, Risk Assessments, Project Designs, Abatement Specifications, and Clearance Testing Sergio Tejadillo (213) 808 -8935 City of Los Angeles — Housing Department 1 1 1 N. Hope Street, 7 °i Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Contract amount: S 53,500.00 + S 144,000 for Handyworker Program Year: 1994 to Present Description: Lead -Based Paint Inspections, Risk Assessments, Project Designs, Abatement Specifications, Project Monitoring, and Clearance Testing Tim Esparza (626) 580 -2075 City of El Monte — Community Development Housing Division 11333 Valley Boulevard El Monte, CA 91731 Contract amount: S 45,000.00 Year: 2000 to Present Description: Lead -Based Paint Inspections, Risk Assessments, Project Designs, Abatement Specifications, Project Monitoring, and Clearance Testing Additional References /Referrals: Paul Mesa (213) 922 -9673 City of Los Angeles — Housing Department 111 N. Hope Street, 7`h Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Gary Flora (310) 458 -2232 City of Santa Monica — MERL Program 2121 Cloverfield Blvd., Suite 100 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Ben Phillips (714) 550 -5083. Mercy Charities Housing (Non - Profit Organization) 500 S. Main Street, Suite 100 Orange, CA 92868 An BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Point Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services — City of Rosemead Mark Lazzaretto (714) 562 -3538 City of Buena Park 6650 Beach Boulevard Buena Park, CA 90622 -5009 Terri King (714) 960 -8831 City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Janet Comey (323) 869 -7061 L. A. County Department of Health Services Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program 5555 Ferguson Drive, Room 210 -02 City of Commerce, CA 90022 Tony Cruz (818) 786 -3900 City of Los Angeles — Housing Department Rehabilitation Construction Specialist/Construction Estimator 8121 Van Nuys Blvd. Suite 420 Van Nuys, CA 91402 Dianne Cotto (714) 744 -7214 City of Orange — Economic Development DepmYment 230 East Chapman Orange, CA 92866 -1506 Eric Berg (714) 754 -5023 City of Costa Mesa — Housing and Community Development P.O. Box 1200 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92628 -1200 7 Insurance (Copies of insurance binders are located in Appendix 1.) Insurance Company: Coverage: Expiration Date: Hudson Insurance Company Commercial General Liability Professional Liability Automobile Liability 5 2,000, 000.00 aggregate S 1, 000, 000. 00 each occurrence March 9, 2005 51,000,000.00 Claims Made Basis U1 BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services —City of Rosemead 8. Statement of Understanding the Scope of Work All services provided by Barr & Clark will conform to the requirements as described in the RFP. Combination Lead -Based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessment - The inspection will be in compliance with 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X), California DHS Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8, and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines. Paint testing will be performed using XRF methodology, which is non - destructive. All laboratory samples (dust and soil) will be analyzed for lead content by Patriot Environmental Laboratory Services or SCILAB which are both accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program ( NVLAP), NLLAP, and the California Department of Health Services (DHS). A sample report may be located in Appendix 2. LBP Clearance Testing - Conduct clearance inspection and issue abatement certification in compliance with 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X) and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines. A sample report may be located in Appendix: 3. 9 Standard Operating Procedures (Sample Reports Located in Appendices 2 and 3) Scheduling of the inspection will be inrmediateln upon receipt of the request from the City of Rosemead (a request form will be provided upon selection). Three written reports will be available in approximately 5 working days (usually less!) from the completion of the field inspection. Verbal XRF results are available immediately upon completion of the field inspection (if necessary). Barr & Clark utilizes state -of -the- art- practices, equipment, and techniques in accordance with all regulatory standards while performing LBP inspections. The method employed is X -ray fluorescence (XRF) using a Radiation Monitoring Device Lead Paint Analyzer (RMD LPA -1). It is a non- destructive, non - evasive means of testing. Soil and dust samples collected are analyzed for lead content by an approved laboratory which is accredited by the American Industrial Association (AIHA), the National Institute for Standards and Technology ( NLLAP), NLLAP, and the California Department of Health Services (ELAP). Our office utilizes "state -of -the —art" equipment in order to process all data, laboratory results, and generate inspection reports. Our new computer system and customized software operate with the latest Microsoft Operating System (XP Professional) and Office XP Professional Suite (which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook. PowerPoint, and Access). Other special equipment utilized includes a digital image copier, high speed /capacity fax machine, and an automated mailing system. Combination Lead -Based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessment (including visual assessment and cost effective treatments) - The inspection will be in compliance with 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X), California DHS Title 17, CCR, Division I, Chapter 8, and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines. Paint testing will performed using XRF methodology. All laboratory samples (dust and soil samples) will be analyzed for lead content by Patriot Environmental Laboratory Services which is accredited by the American Industrial Association (AIHA), the National Institute for BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services —City of Rosemead Standards and Technology (NVLAP), NLLAP, and the California Department of Health Services (FLAP). Type of XRF: Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. - RMD LPA -1 (currently own 3 XRF's). LBP Clearance Testing - Conduct clearance inspection and issue abatement certification in compliance with 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X), California DHS Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8, and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines. A sample report may be located in Appendix 3. • A sample Lead -Based Paint/Risk Assessment Report maybe located in Appendix 2. • A sample Lead -Based Paint Clearance Report maybe located in Appendix 3. 10. Statement of Litigation /Settlement Barr R Clark is proud to never have had any litigation or settlements regarding any of our services provided. 11. Exceptions None. 12. Fees All of the following items are not -to- exceed fee quotes. All pricing includes travel (no additional cost for mileage) and laboratory samples. The date to start work is immediate. The following lists the requested cost estimates per your proposal: Combination Lead -Based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessment (including visual assessment) The comprehensive inspection will be in compliance with 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X), California DHS Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8, and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines. Paint testing to be performed using XRF methodology. All laboratory samples will be analyzed for lead content by Patriot Environmental Laboratory Services or SCILAB which are both accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and the California Department of Health Services (DHS). A sample report may be located in Appendix 2. • Single Family Residence $ 325.00 Scheduling of the inspection will be immediately upon receipt of the request from the City of Rosemead (request form located in Appendix 4). The written report will be available in approximately 5 working days from the completion of the field inspection. Verbal XRF results are available immediately upon completion of the field inspection (if necessar);). BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - June 23, 2004 Proposal for Services —City of Rosemead Lead -Based Paint Clearance Inspection Conduct clearance inspection and issue abatement certification in compliance with 24 CFR 35.930 (d) (Title X), California DHS Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8, and the relevant chapters of the current version of the HUD Guidelines. A sample report may be located in Appendix 3. • Per job site visit $ 150.00 • Laboratory samples for dust wipe or soil $ 15.00 each * ( *T)picalli; 3 to 4 laboratot7, samples are taken.) Scheduling of the clearance inspection will be immediately upon receipt of the request from the City of Rosemead (request form located in Appendix 4). The written report will be available in approximately 3 working days from the completion of the clearance inspection. 13. Hourly Rates (only if requested) Hourly rates typically do not apple to lead inspections or clearance testing. The above pricing listed in section 12 includes all services as described and do not require any hourly fees. Schedule of Standard Hourly Rates Per the RFP: • Certified Inspector/Risk Assessor $ 65 /hour (4 hour minimum) • XRF Cost $ 65.00 /site Additionally, Barr & Clark can monitor an abatement project (if necessary and requested). The rates for lead project monitoring are as follows: • Certified Project Monitor $ 65 /hour (4 hour minimum) • Certified Project Monitor /Principal S 85 /hour (4 hour nsinimwn) Please keep in mind that on -site monitoring is not required and usually not necessary. A quality, experienced lead abatement contractor should not need constant monitoring. Final clearance testing will determine ifproper abatement methods and cleanup procedures were followed. 14. Federal Certifications California's DHS Lead -Based Paint Inspector /Risk Assessor, Project Designer, and Project Monitor requirements for certification are much more stringent than the federal certification. Thus, Federal certification is not applicable. However, our Lead -Based Paint hnspector/Risk Assessors, Project Designers, and Project Monitors have complete a 40 -hour, EPA approved training course. BARR & CLARK e, 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Lead Based Paint Consulting Services - Jane 23, 2004 Proposal for Services —City of Rosemead Barr & Clark is proud of our past accomplishments and we are confident that we can provide timely and cost efficient services to the City of Rosemead. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me. Sin�ce�rely, Matt Crochet, Vice- President Bair & Clark, Incorporated 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (310) 517 -0805 Fax: (310) 517 -0822 Cell: (310) 760 -2112 Email: matt a.bctestine.com BARR & CLARK • 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., • Suite 200 • Torrance, California 90505 • (310) 517 -0805 • Fax: (310) 517 -0822 *4%1 Executive Environmental QUALITY SERVICE WITH INTEGRITY SERVICES CORPORATION Los Angeles ♦ Oakland Great Britain REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL For LEAD BASED PAINT TESTING, RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLEARANCE TESTING FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT For The CITY OF ROSEMEAD MS. LISA BAKER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 From EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CORPORATION 507 MISSION STREET SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030 Phone (626) 441 -7050 Fax (626) 441 -0016 June 17, 2004 Proposal No.: EESC 04- 01066 -PO87 507 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030 • Office: (626) 441 -7050 - FAX: (626) 441 -0016 • info @execenv.com www.execenv.com *4%1 Executive Environmental QUALITY SERVICE WITH INTEGRITY June 17, 2004 Ms. Lisa A Baker City of Rosemead Community Development 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 SERVICES CORPORATION Los Angeles ♦ Oakland Great Britain Re: Request for Proposal for Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for the City of Rosemead Dear Ms. Baker: In response to the Request for Proposal, EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CORPORATION submits the following: EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CORPORATION (EESC) is a California Corporation (Corporation No. C2199425) whose principal place of business is located at 507 MISSION STREET, SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030. The principal contact is ROB HILL, VICE PRESIDENT, CAC # 02 -3139, CLP # 2936, who may be contacted by phone: (626) 441 -7050, Fax (626) 441 -0016, e -mail: rhill @execenv.com, or home page URL: www.execenv.com. The RFP indicates that the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as "City ", is seeking the services of DHS Certified Lead Professionals to perform paint testing and risk assessments for the City's CDBG- funded Residential Rehabilitation Program. The City is seeking an applicant with the ability and staffing resources to undertake the lead -based testing activities and prepare reports. Applicants must have experience and possess the appropriate State licenses and continuing education required to provide said services; and the ability to promote an effective working relationship with program applicants, contractors and City Staff. EESC fully understands the "scope of work" presented in this RFP and is completely capable of providing the desired services. We look forward to an initial and continuing working relationship with the City. Sincerely, //V Hill Vice President 507 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030 • Office: (626) 441 -7050 • FAX: (626) 441 -0016 • info @execenv.com www.execenv.com RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 2.0 Qualifications Executive Summary Executive Environmental Services Corporation (EESC) began in 1989. EESC has its principal operations office in South Pasadena, California, from which this project will be staffed. Since its foundation over fifteen years ago, EESC has expanded to its present organizational format of approximately 30 administrative and technical staff personnel providing hazardous materials abatement planning and monitoring. EESC owners, Ed Kennedy and Daniel Ginsborg, began Environmental consulting in 1982 and 1985, respectively. Mr. Kennedy was employed with the Los Angeles Unified School District when the EPA required that asbestos inspections be conducted in all schools in 1982. He was responsible for asbestos inspections and abatement in approximately 120 schools. Mr. Ginsborg began working with Hall Kimbrell Environmental Services, a national company of which Mr. Kennedy was the West Coast Region Manager, and went on to obtain his Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) certification and directed approximately 140 loss control representatives and safety managers for the State Compensation Fund. Each has extensive experience in developing and managing abatement of hazardous materials in buildings. Additionally, the company has attracted highly qualified professionals with extensive experience. Mr. Jeff Hough, whose engineering abilities and 15 years of hazardous materials experience have helped EESC to develop detailed and complete project designs and Rob Hill, whose 27 years of health and safety experience in the U.S. Air Force, plus 14 years of environmental consulting since retiring from the Air Force, as well as our complete staff, meet the needs of all clients whom we serve. Of over 370 school districts, the El Monte Unified School District, El Segundo Unified School District, Lawndale Unified School District, Walnut Unified School District, Buena Park Unified School District, Paramount Unified School District, Pomona Unified School District and Huntington Beach Unified School Districts are just a few of the school districts with whom we are currently working. Also, Lynwood, Monrovia, Sierra Madre, Accelerated Charter School, Bassett, Magnolia, Archer Girls School, Fountain Valley, Chino Valley, Hermosa Beach, Rosemead, and Pasadena School Districts are a few of the school districts for whom EESC has Executive Environmental Services Corporation Gty Vt Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -P087 June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services provided recent hazardous material inspections, project design specifications, and abatement monitoring. EESC has thoroughly reviewed your "Request for Proposal' and is in possession of the required experience, qualifications and expertise needed to assist in completion of this project. Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal # 04- 01066 -P087 June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 3.0 Project Team Training and Certifications EESC staff is comprised of Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs), Engineering Specialists, Certified Asbestos Consultants (CACs), Certified Site Surveillance Technicians (CSSTs), Department of Health Services Certified Lead Professionals, Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs), Certified Hazard Material Managers (CHMMs), Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) and Registered Environmental Assessors (REAs), each having a myriad of technical experience and expertise associated with school, county and commercial modernization programs. Mr. Rob Hill, Vice President, will serve as primary contact for the City. EESC has included the resumes of key staff personnel. These persons are highly experienced and are available to assist you with the completion of the project goals as specified in the RFP. EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CORPORATION PROJECT TEAM Name and Work Years of Certifications and Level of Training . Role Experience Mr. Daniel H. Ginsborg Certified Industrial Hygienist, Certified Safety Professional, Master of . CIH, CSP 18 Science in Industrial Hygiene and Minor Emphasis in Hazardous Waste Principal in Charge Management DHS Certified Lead Inspector/Assessor/Monitor, Lead Project Designer, Mr. Rob Hill Lead Trainer, Certified Asbestos Consultant, Asbestos Project Designer, CAC, CLP, OSHT 28 Asbestos Trainer, Certified Safety & Health Technologist, Certified Safety CSSD Vice President & Security Manager, California Licensed Contractor Mr. Jeff Hough DHS Certified Lead Assessor /Inspector, Certified Asbestos Consultant, CAC, CLP 15 AHERA Management Planner and Building Inspector, Asbestos Project Project Engineer Designer, Engineering Specialist Bachelor of Science in Engineering DHS Certified Lead Inspector/ Assessor /Monitor, Lead Project Designer, Mr. Michael Dill 14 Certified Asbestos Consultant, Asbestos Project Designer, EPA CAC, CLP Management Planner and Building Inspector DHS Certified Lead Inspector /Assessor /Monitor, Lead Project Designer, Ms. Doloras Amador 8 Spanish- speaking Lead Trainer, Certified Asbestos Consultant, Asbestos CAC, CLP Project Designer, Spanish- speaking Asbestos Trainer Mr. Mark Sallin DHS Certified Lead Inspector/Assessor/Monitor, Lead Project Designer, CAC, CLP 7 Certified Asbestos Consultant, Asbestos Project Designer Tammy Tran 3.5 DHS Certified Lead Inspector/Assessor, Certified Asbestos Consultant CAC, CLP Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -PO87 June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTE ICES CORPORATION PROJE Name,and Work Years of tions and Level,of Training Role Experience`. DHS Certified Lead Inspector /Assessor /Monitor, Certified Site Mr. Alvaro Reyes 7 Surveillance Technician, AHERA Asbestos Inspector /Assessor, CSST, CLP . Contractor Supervisor and Project Designer Course Completion Ms. Elizabeth Lewis 3 DHS Certified Lead Inspector /Assessor, Certified Asbestos Consultant CAC, CLP Mr. Larry Wills DHS Certified Lead Inspector/ Assessor, Certified Site Surveillance CSST, CLP 4.5 Technician, Master of Science in Public Health Executive Environmental Services Corporation - City Of Rosemead Proposal # 04- 01066 -PO87 - June 17, 2004 Section 4.0 Valid State Lead Risk Assessor /Inspector Certifications State of California Department of Heahh Services Lead - Related Denificate Expiration Construction ty[x Date Certificate Inspector /Assessor 0111612005 A State of California Department of Health Services Lead - Related Certificate �Ipirat- Construction Construction Tyne Date Inspector /Assessor 05I0112005y Certificate Inspector /Assessor 0811112005' Project Monitor 07/2312004 P%ject Monitor 08/1112005' Michael N. Dill i r ,mss 4 L,. Dorloras Amad'oor State of California Department of Health Services Lead - Related Certificate ExrtirztiQn Construction Tvpe Date Certificate r ThYienam'Tran ID Executive Environmental Services Corporation Proposal# 04- 01066 -PO87 State of California Department of Health Services Lead - Related Certificate Expiration Construction Tyne Date Certificate Inspector /Assessor 05I0112005y " It P eat Monitor. 05101 12005 Project Monitor 07/2312004 . S. Michael N. Dill � . Rrober't�.L`H;,fu' It ID�2936J State of California Deoartment of Healtn Services Lead RC..Med _rnuanen Cons%ru-tlon ifl�C Da l< Ce :aficate Inspector /Assessor 07/23/2004 " Project Monitor 07/2312004 . S. Michael N. Dill ID 380 State of California Department of Health Services LeaC- Related C ^Iacett "_;v7LL Construction _c; utica:c Inspeclor)ASSessor 0 110 712 00 5 L Project Monitor 0 110 712 00 5 Y V' R�yr� Marc A. Sgtlin ; s ID #..; 3 7-2 8 - Of Rosemead June 17, 2004 _RFP — Lead Based Paint Testing Services State of California Department of Health Services Lead-Related Certificate Expiration Construction Type Date Certificate n torlAssessor rZ Ie Monitor 05110/20051• ID 2v State of California Department of Health Services Lead-Related Cerliticale expiration Construction Tape Date Certificate Inspector/Assessor 0612612004 DrtE 4 Larry J. wills ID #: 12310 State of California Department of Health Services Leant- Related GertlN:oe ExiatfgImn Construction TYRg am Certificate in5pectorlAssessor 04r2512005 L Elizabeth ,6. L!2r's Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal # 04-01066-PO87 June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 5 Prior Work with city of Rosemead Executive Environmental Services Corporation has not previously completed projects for the City of Rosemead. However, Executive Environmental continues to provide environmental service needs to the Rosemead Unified School District. Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal # 04- 01066 -P087 June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services I Section 6.0 Client References EXECUTIVCENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CORPORATION" . References Name City of Inglewood Contact &phone # Mr. Khanh Chu (562) 412 -5333 — - — — - -- 1 Address One Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, California 90301 Description of project and EESC provides all ranges of hazardous materials consulting, including services assessments, abatement design and project monitoring /clearances. Name Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs (ASCIP) Contact & phone # Mr. Richard Sams (562) 403 -4340 2 Address 12750 Center Court Drive, Suite 220 Cerritos California 90703 - — - - -- - -- --- _ --- ..... . ....... .... ._. ... ........... -- ---- Description of project and Provided Environmental Consulting Services to ASCIP Members and for ASCIP Asbestos, Lead, Indoor Air Quality, Health & Safety Programs, services Awareness Training. Name City of Alhambra - _... -_, _... -- -- -- Contact and phone number Mr. Al Pagani (626) 570 -5067 _ .... - - - - -- -- - -- - -- 3 Address 111 South 1st Street Alhambra California Description of project and I Numerous hazard materials inspections of City owned buildings and services residences Name Paramount Unified School District - -- Contact & phone # Ms. Cindi Di Paula (562) 403 -4640 ___... . _ 4 Address 15110 South California Avenue Paramount California 90723 ......._ ...... ....._. -...- .. . -- -- - - - -- Description of project and General environmental consulting services including Lead and Asbestos services testing, abatement monitoring and clearance testing. Name Chaffey College Contact & phone It David Wollenberg 5 Address 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91737 Description of project and I Campus wide asbestos and lead inspection, project design and services monitoring Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -P087 - June 17, 2004 RFP — Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 8.0 Statement of Understanding the Scope Executive Environmental Services Corporation fully understands the scope of work as presented in the RFP provided by the City of Rosemead, California, to include, Risk Assessment /Inspection and Clearance Testing. Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -P087 _ June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 9.0 Plan for the Provision of Services 9.1 Technical Operating Procedures At Executive Environmental Services Corporation (EESC) every client is important. We promote the "firm concept" whereby the clients are served by the firm but have the attention of an individual. This enables us to better serve our clients by allocating our staff resources in the most effective manner. We are large enough to have staffing and resources to service all of your needs, but small enough to provide timely personal service. We continually strive to produce work that is of the highest quality. With regard to the City's needs, as indicated in the RFP, EESC will complete the lead testing using an approved spectrum analyzer X -ray Fluorescence Analyzer, or comparable federally approved testing or sampling technique that meets or exceeds federal requirements (HUD /EPA). Testing will be completed by a California Certified Inspector using an approved instrument and that calibration tests were conducted in conformance with requirements and with the Product Characterization Sheet from the manufacturer. EESC typically approaches this type of project as follows: 1) Coordinate with the City officials regarding the written list of projects to be inspected and identify whether testing shall be limited or full and whether it covers exterior and /or interior surfaces. 2) Review existing site information. Obtain existing site /building drawings and determine extent of accuracy. 3) Visit sites to field verify drawings, obtain accessible space measurements and room designations. 4) Prepare site and drawing information into accurate field drawings. 5) Conduct certified site inspections utilizing an X -Ray Fluorescent (XRF) instrument to sample for lead based paint and lead containing ceramic tile. 6) Process data and complete a written report documenting material descriptions and locations. If the inspection results equal or exceed the level of .07 milligrams per centimeter squared, 0.5 percent by weight or 5,000 ppm ( or subsequent action level adopted by State or federal regulations), EESC will notify the City within 24 -hours of the test results and address of the project tested. Executive Environmental Services Corporation - City Of Rosemead Proposal # 04- 01066 -PO87 - June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services 7) If the inspection results equal or exceed the level of 0.8 milligrams per centimeter squared, EESC will include a statement in a written report regarding worker safety protocols as prescribed by the California Occupational Safety and Health Agency. 8) Provide certified project monitors to monitor abatement activities. Complete daily written logs documenting project occurrences. Collect air samples for lead particulate analyses by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). 9) Conduct clearance testing in accordance with federal and state regulations. At a minimum, EESC will wait one (1) hour before beginning clean -up and the clearance inspection may not take place until one (1) hour after clean -up has been completed. Note: Clearance testing will consist of the required dust samples in the interior and exterior as required under the regulations. Except for soil samples, dust samples shall not be composite samples. Provide clearance notice for each portion of the project and a complete written report with a project summary and analytical result. Executive Environmental Services Corporation uses the services of Forensic Analytical and Hygeia Environmental Laboratories located in Sierra Madre, California. Both Forensic and Hygeia Laboratories are NLLAP approved. Executive Environmental Services Corporation - City Of Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -P087 - June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 10.0 Statement of No Litigation Executive Environmental Services Corporation, has no pending or completed litigation or settlements regarding services provided by the company, including professional liability for errors and omissions. Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal # 04- 01066 -P087 June 17, 2004 RFP — Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 11.0 Exceptions to Project Specifications Executive Environmental Services Corporation has no exceptions with the scope of services as presented in this RFP. Executive Environmental Services Corporation City Of Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -P087 June 17, 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 12.0 Fees for Inspection /Assessment and Clearance Testing Inspection /Assessment Clearance Testing Executive Environmental Services Corporation Proposal # 04- 01066 -PO87 $450.00 per shift $250.00 City Of Rosemead June 17. 2004 RFP Lead Based Paint Testing Services Section 13.0 Fee Schedule ,= f EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTA LSE RVICES CORPORATION c` EE HEDULE; r jx, # f F SC z ru " 3 L 1 �F til I y a Cost,; ,Disc i Ilne p .-0 n = r A Principle (Daniel Ginsborg) $128.50 per Hour Senior Consultant (Preparation, Field Work and Report by $118.50 per Hour CIH, CSP, CHP, PE, REAII, Ergonomist, or PhD) Mold Dog and Handler (2.5 Hour minimum) $215.00 per Hour Computer Programmer $115.00 per Hour Consultant/Senior Project Manager (Preparation, Field $98.50 per Hour Work and Report by CAC, CLP, CHMM, ARM, Degreed Masters) Senior Technician /Project Manager (Preparation, Field $72.50 per hour Work and Report by OSHT, REA, Videographics) Technician (Preparation, Field Work and Report by SST, $57.50 per hour Lead Inspector /Monitor) Support Staff (Clerical, Administrative, Data Entry) $45.00 per hour Equipment Use and Maintenance Fee $115.00 per day Travel At 2/3 of the hourly rate Mileage At IRS Allowable Rate Lab work, Equipment Rental and Sub - Consultants Cost plus 15% All other expense (Project supplies and expense, sampling Cost plus 15% media, Printing and Photo Duplication, Commercial Travel Expense, Rental Car, Lodging, Meals, Per Diem, etc.) (overnight services will be charged at a minimum of $25.00) Shift Rate Asbestos /Lead Monitoring includes 4 PCM $450.00 per eight hour, Samples; Lead samples are not included Portal to Portal We bill all travel and mileage portal to portal. Hourly rates are billed in half -hour increments. We charge a 2.5 -hour minimum for use of our Mold Dog and Handler. We do not charge a premium for rush, second shift, third shift or weekend work. Premium Holiday (contact us for list) will double the Discipline's hourly rate. This work is provided based on staff availability. A separate fee schedule for legal services is available upon request. Executive Environmental Services Corporation. City Of Rosemead Proposal# 04- 01066 -PO87 - June 17, 2004 omeSafe June 18, 2004 City of Rosemead Attn: Lisa A. Baker Community Development Department 8838 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: RFP for Lead Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment & Clearance Testing Dear Lisa, We are pleased to again respond to a City of Rosemead RFP for Lead Based Paint related inspection services. As you know we have worked closely with Michael Neal and other Rosemead staff members since 2001. I think HomeSafe is even more qualified today than we were three years ago when we last bid on a Rosemead RFP. Our workload - and experience - has increased dramatically in that time. We now perform services similar to those required in your RFP for many city, county and federal agencies in Southern California. The information provided in this response is desire additional information or a clarification below or on my cell phone at (909) 830 -8366. as complete as possible. However, if you please contact me any time at the numbers Thanks again for the opportunity to bid. We look forward to continuing our excellent working relationship with the City of Rosemead. Sincerely, L. � T. T. GU Ends Response to RFP for Lead -Based Paint Related Services, Appendix A - Certificates Appendix B - Insurance Binder (sample) Appendix C - Sample Job Order Form Appendix D - Sample Clearance Order Form Appendix E - Sample Written Report with typical Lab Results 24662 Redlands Blvd.,Loma Linda, CA 92354 Ph (909) 796 -7565 • (800) 648 -5323 • FAX (909) 796 -2155 www.homesafe.org • www.homesafetraining.com HomeSafe Environmetnal Inc 24662 Redlands Blvd Loma Linda CA 92354 •06/18/2004 - Page 1 RE: City of Rosemead RFP for Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment & Clearance Testing 1. Company Information Name: HomeSafe Environmental, Inc. Address: 24662 Redlands Blvd, Loma Linda, CA 92354 Phone: (909) 796 -7565 Fax: (909) 796 -2155 E -mail: john @homesafe.org Contact: John T. Gura; Office: (909) 796 -7565 Cell (909) 830 -8366 DUNS #: 041906277 EIN #: 33- 0906538 2. Statement of Qualifications HomeSafe, Inc. is a family -owned lead -based paint, asbestos and mold /IAQ testing and training company headquartered in Loma Linda, CA. We are a state certified DVBE /SBE business offering reliable, personalized "hands on" service and guaranteed satisfaction. Since 1996, HomeSafe has been providing lead hazard evaluation, monitoring and consulting services throughout Southern California. Our professionalism and experience has earned us the repeat business of a growing list of city and county agencies as well as from federal agencies like Fannie Mae REO, HUD and VA Property Managers. (see Para 6 below) 3. Certifications: Each HomeSafe professional staff member holds a current California certification as an Inspector /Risk Assessor and /or Project Monitor. HomeSafe also holds California Radioactive Materials License #6180 -36 from the Radiologic Health Branch of DHS. We are also certified as a California Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise /Small Business Enterprise, DVBE /SBE (cert #21309). In addition, HomeSafe is accredited as a training provider ( #HSI -036) for lead-in - construction related courses by the California Department of Health Services (DHS) and is registered with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education pursuant to the California Education Code ( #3604721). 4. Proiecl Personnel (See page at Appendix A for individual certifications) Contract and financial administration for this project is the responsibility of HomeSafe's president, John Gura. With over 28 years experience as a contract administrator in both government and industry, he makes common sense agreements that work efficiently and effectively for both parties. He is also a state certified Lead Inspector / Risk Assessor and a Certified Testing Specialist (CTS) and Certified Mold Assessor (CMA). Quality control and project consulting is the purview of Kathleen Gura. With a decade of combined field and training experience as an Inspector / Risk Assessor and Project Monitor, Kathleen is a recognized LBP expert who is often asked to participate in state or federal conferences and seminars. She serves as Training Director and primary instructor for HomeSafe's accredited lead training classes. Kathleen also teaches lead- related courses for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. As Project Manager, HomeSafe VP Chris Gura will be responsible for day -to -day operational activities. Chris is a certified Inspector / Risk Assessor and Project Monitor with extensive experience in the management of safety programs and personnel. His duties will continue to include job scheduling, inspection assignment and review and approval of all reports. Field Inspectors on this project will include: Christopher Gura and Karen McCauley HomeSafe Environmetnal Inc 24662 Redlands Blvd Loma Linda CA 92354 • 06/18/2004 Page 2 RE., City of Rosemead RFP for Lead Based Paint Inspection Services (continued) 5 Prior Work for the City of Rosemead Since January 1, 2001, HomeSafe has provided Rosemead with on -call lead inspection services. Together we have established a smooth and reliable system that is both responsive and cost - effective. We have performed 54 combos /inspections /risk assessments /clearances for the city over the past 3 years. And, we have enjoyed a mutually trouble -free, harmonious working relationship with city staff and your client homeowners. 6. References HomeSafe performs Lead -Based Paint Inspections and Risk Assessments and provides related consulting services throughout Southern California. We are currently under contract to perform lead - based paint inspection services similar to those required by the RFP to a number of area agencies including: 1. City of Arcadia, Home Improvement Program; Jordan Good, (818) 400 -5166 240 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA 91007 -3499 2. City of Baldwin Park, Housing Division; Jaime Sanchez, (626) 960 -4011 4141 N. Maine Ave. Baldwin Park CA 91706 2. Riverside Housing Development Corporation; Arleen Long or Diana Ramirez, (909) 341 -6512 4250 Brockton Ave, Ste 200, Riverside, CA 92501 3. Neighborhood Housing Services, San Bernardino; Bonnie Brooks, (909) 884 -6891 139 North D Street, San Bernardino, CA 92405 We also provide similar services to the cites of Claremont, Rancho Cucamonga, Escondido, Moreno Valley, Santa Ana, Pomona, Redlands, Monterey Park, Apple Valley, Glendora, San Dimas, South Pasadena and San Clemente. Contacts /references for these cities are available upon request. And finally, our recent client list also includes: Fannie Mae REO Properties Caltrans University of California, Irvine LA Metropolitan Transit Authority US Veteran's Administration US Department of Interior LA Dept of Power and Water Southwest Gas Co. US Forest Service California Department of Corrections Professional affiliations include: National Lead Abatement & Assessment Council; Environmental Assessment Association; Environmental Education Foundation; Indoor Environmental Standards Organization, American IAQ Council, Environmental Information Association; California DHS Task Force: "Shaping the State's Lead Hazard Reduction Regulations'; Inland Empire Lead Awareness Coalition; League of California Homeowners. 7. Insurance HomeSafe maintains commercial liability, workers compensation and E &O insurance coverage. Upon contract award we will insure that you have an updated binder as required. A copy of our current insurance binders for Rosemead is enclosed as Appendix B. HomeSafe Environmetnal Inc 24662 Redlands Blvd Loma Linda CA 92354 •06/18/2004 Page 3 RE.' City of Rosemead RFP for Lead Based Paint Inspection Services (continued) 8. Statement of Understanding We understand and will comply with the requirements of the RFP /Scope of Work. Specifically, we understand the requirements for "combined" lead inspection /risk assessments and clearance tests as described in the RFP. Over the past three years we have successfully completed 54 combo /inspection /risk assessment/clearance jobs for the City of Rosemead. 9. Standard Operating Procedures HomeSafe will provide staffing and other resources as required by the Scope of Work to perform lead evaluation services in compliance with HUD regulation 24 CFR Part 35, Sections 1012 and 1013 of the Residential Lead Based Paint Hazard Act of 1992 (Title X) and applicable California regulations. To maintain accurate job controls, we will continue to use the job order process that has worked so well. This involves completing all sections of a 1 -page form and then either FAXing or E- mailing it to HomeSafe. (We provide computer ready forms to make it easy to "fill in the blanks.) Then, we schedule the job and perform the required service(s) based on your requirements. A sample Job Order Form (Appendix C) and Clearance Order Form (Appendix D) are attached. Procedures for specific lead evaluation services include: a. XRF Testing are performed by certified inspectors using a non - destructive portable X -ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF) on the interior and exterior of each property as appropriate. Protocols used are as prescribed by Chapters 7, HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead Based Paint Hazards in Housing (June,1995 and more recent updates.) and as required in the Statement of Work. b. Risk Assessments & Clearance Tests are performed by certified risk assessors taking dust and soil samples which are sent for analysis to an approved NLLAP laboratory. These tests will be performed as prescribed by Chapter 5 & 15 respectively, HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead Based Paint Hazards in Housing (June,1995 and more recent updates) and as required by the Statement of Work. c. Combined Inspection & Risk Assessments are performed by certified risk assessors following industry standard procedures and as prescribed by Chapters 5 and 7, HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead Based Paint Hazards in Housing (June,1995 and more recent updates) and as required by the Statement of Work. d. Reports for each assigned job include a sampling plan, photograph(s) of the subject property, XRF and /or lab results (as applicable) as well as a complete listing of all XRF test readings, a not - to -scale floor plan and other explanatory material as may be required by applicable state and federal regulations. (See sample report at Appendix E) d. XRF Information We use the EDAX (SciTech) MAP-4 X -ray Florescence Analyzer to take a series of non - destructive samples during testing. The machines are factory calibrated and resourced on a regular (approximately every 9 months) basis. The readings for each job are downloaded via a PC link to our report software which insures accurate data transfer. d. Lab Results of dust and bulk samples are included with each applicable report. HomeSafe uses only certified NLLAP laboratories for testing of paint chip, dust wipe and other samples as required. Labs used include: EMS Labs, Pasadena, CA or Environmental Hazard Services, Richmond, VA. (See typical lab results contained in our sample report at Appendix E) HomeSafe Environmetnal Inc 24662 Redlands Blvd Loma Linda CA 92354 • 06/18/2004 - Page 4 RE. City of Rosemead RFP for Lead Based Paint Inspection Services (continued) 9 Standard Operating Procedures (continued) Finally, our mutual experience over the past three years has shown that the following shared responsibilities make the process efficient and effective: a. For each assigned job, HomeSafe will: 1) Provide all tools & instrumentation required. 2) Assign each testing job to a certified Inspector /Assessor 3) Make an appointment with the property owner /tenant 4) Conduct all evaluations under the provisions of applicable HUD /state guidelines 5) Ship samples to a lab (if applicable). 6) Prepare a written report when lab /test results are received. 7) Project Manager will review and sign final report. 8) Send completed report to requestor within the contract specified time. 9) Provide client with a separate invoice for each job. b. The City of Rosemead's responsibilities include: 1) Identify and assign the properties to be tested 2) Provide the desired scope of work for each project. 3) Make a contact person available during the performance of the required services to assist, including accompanying inspectors into neighborhoods/buildings of concern if required. 4) Provide timely access to assigned properties for required testing. 5) Request jobs from HomeSafe using the correct Order Forms (see Appendix C & D). 6) Notify tenants and owners of subject properties of intent to perform environmental testing and explain HomeSafe's official role in the project. 10. Litigation: HomeSafe has no pending or completed litigation and /or legal settlements of any kind to report. 11. Exceptions: none NOTE: The following page contains proprietary business information and is not for release or distribution beyond what is required as a response to the referenced RFP. HomeSafe Environmetnal Inc 24662 Redlands Blvd Loma Linda CA 92354 •06/18/2004 Pape 5 RE: City of Rosemead RFP for Lead Based Paint Inspection Services (continued) 12. Fees: The per job prices quoted below are significantly discounted from our basic rates and are the same as we proposed three years ago. We require no minimum number of jobs nor do we charge for mileage. Service Delivery Cost per Job a. Inspection (XRF) Assuming property availability, usually $270.00 scheduled within 5 work days of assignment. Includes written report. b. Risk Assessment Assuming property availability, usually $355.00 scheduled within 5 work days of assignment Includes written report. c. Combo Inspection Assuming property availability, usually $500.00 & Risk Assessment scheduled within 5 work days of (same property /same time) assignment. Includes written report d. Clearance Testing We will respond within 48 hours of $140.00 /min chg new requirements. However, if given (includes 4 lab at least 48 hours prior notice we can samples, add'I schedule a clearance to fit your samples $20 requirements. Includes verbal report within ea. if needed.) 24 hours and written report within 5 work days after test date." NOTE: This page contains proprietary business information and is not for release or distribution beyond what is required as a response to the referenced RFP. 13. Hourly Rates: The only hourly fees we have established are a general consulting fee of $90.00 /hour and a Project Design fee of $100.00 /hour. 14. Federal Certifications: N/A State of California Department of Health Services Lead - Related Certificate Ezoiration Construction Tyne Date lnspectodAssessor 0612412005 e ,r State of California Department of Health Services Lead- Related Certificate Expiration Construction Type Date Certificate Inspector/Assessor t0120t20(i4 PFfiject Monitor 10!20/2004 S� ' s Gkeiistaphee J Zura ' ID 7 7 5,xt State of California Depart ment of Health Services Lead - Related Certificate Expiration Construction Type Date K - Inspector /Assessor '04111/2005 PA-ect Monitor 0411112005: ;GG ID• 15� 9s State of Ca Lead - Related Construction Certificate i �iYpgs lifomia Department of Health Services Certificate Expiration Type Date M;spector Assessor x 112J13M APPENDIX A LEAD WIMM E N V I R O N M E N T A L CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LEAD -BASED PAINT TESTING, RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLEARANCE TESTING FROM LEAD TECH ENVIRONMENTAL 5419 MCCONNELL AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 PHONE 310 -574 -6880 FAX 310 -574 -6883 TALLUS5000,AOL.COM CONTACT: STEVEN DENZLER JUNE 24,2004 BEFORE 3:00 p.m. 5419 MCCONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 • PH: (310) 574 -6880 FAX (310) 574 -6883 2 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS A. History Lead Tech Environmental (LTE) has been in business for 9 years. It was formed in 1993 as an environmental consulting company specializing in lead based paint (LBP). Initially, it was a subsidiary of the Rochlin Development Group, a Southern California construction and development firm. Through a personal experience, the firm's former principal, Mr. Gary Rochlin, became aware of the health threat posed by lead -based paint. After his daughter was lead poisoned, Mr. Rochlin formed Lead Tech as both a certified consulting company and a safe and certified lead paint abatement company (never acting as both on the same project). Having a background in both LBP consulting and abatement provides the perfect foundation to advise current clients and interact with lead abatement firms on cost affective lead abatement techniques. Seven years ago, LTE transitioned to exclusively perform LBP consulting. After running the company for 6 years, Steven Denzler officially purchased LTE in October 2002. He is certified in all 4 California Department of Health Services (DHS) lead based paint disciplines: inspector, contractor supervisor, project monitor and project designer. He is an invited expert panelist for drafting and refining the California DHS state exam for lead based paint professionals administered by Cooperative Personnel Services (initial exam in 1998 and 2002, 2003, 2004 revised exams). He is also an invited member of the Southern California Health and Housing Council which meets monthly in Los Angeles to discuss issues related to lead based paint and housing in and around Southern California. LTE has conducted over 5,000 lead based paint inspections, 1,000 clearance tests, 1,000 risk assessments, written over 200 lead abatement specifications and monitored over 200 lead abatement jobs. We have extensive experience working with housing departments utilizing CDBG, Home loans, Section 8 Housing Funds and complying with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. LTE was one of the original four lead based paint consultants that has been working with the Los Angeles Housing Department (LARD) and their 8 field offices for the past 8 years. LTE is currently perfomming lead consulting work pursuant to 24 CFR Part 35 for the following cities: Temple City, Lynwood, Hawthorne, Pico Rivera, South Gate, Handyman Program City of Los Angeles, La Mirada, La Puente, El Segundo, Buena Ventura, Lawndale, Walnut, Calabasas, Agoura Hills, Rancho Palos Verdes, Pomona, Bell, Santa Paula, Fountain Valley, Ventura County, San Diego Housing Commission, Los Angeles City Redevelopment Agency and Community Development Commission for County of Los Angeles (CDC). B. CAPABILITIES LTE is a full service lead based paint consulting company that performs LBP XRF inspections, risk assessments, clearances, abatement monitoring, cost estimates and drafts abatement design plans /specifications and operations and maintenance plans. LTE is a boutique company that specializes in lead based paint consulting. Over 90% of our business involves testing residential structures (primarily singe family residences but also 2 multifamily housing) for lead based paint and providing any additional lead paint services as needed. LTE has 9 years of experience working for municipal housing and economic development departments as lead based paint consultants. We are one of the oldest residential lead based paint consulting companies in Southern California. Based on our experience working with so many different cities, LTE has also worked with over 30 construction specialists and we understand that our job is to facilitate the loan/grant process as efficiently as possible. In general, the construction specialist provides our office with property address, name and phone number of owner or contact person and a description of the service requested. If we have any questions about our scope of work, we will contact the construction specialist prior to scheduling the work. The more information we have the better (e.g. for a screening, we need to know the scope of work to determine what painted components might be disturbed; is the loan in excess of $5,000 which determines if risk assessment is necessary; and is the loan in excess of 525,000 which determines if interim controls of complete abatement is necessary.) LTE must also work in conjunction with private homeowners that are taking out loans with municipal housing departments. Occasionally, the owners are confused and wary of the lead inspection requirement. Prior to scheduling the inspection or clearance test, we explain the process of using an XRF machine to test the residence, the duration of the inspection and its purpose. After completing the inspection, we generally summarize our findings with the homeowner so they have a better understanding. We always try and accommodate the homeowner when scheduling our visit. We have a bilingual inspector and bilingual office personnel to schedule the lead work and explain the process to the home owner or occupant. Note that we only forward copies of our inspection results to the City as it is our client. C. QUALIFICATIONS LTE is uniquely qualified to provide the Scope of Services contained in this RFP because we have been performing those same services for numerous municipal housing and economic development departments for the past 8 -9 years. As a result of 24 CRY Part 35, LTE currently works with about 20 cities that utilize CDBG, HOME funds, Paint Up Fix Up Grants and other funds that originated from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. On a daily basis, LTE performs all of the lead consulting tasks contained in the RFP. We work with City construction specialists, private home owners, lead abatement contractors and general contractors to perform the following: interpret scope of work write ups; schedule the lead inspection/screening/risk assessment /clearance of the residence or apartment unit; perform the lead consulting task; draft the report and provide recommendations as needed; review abatement plans for clearance testing; and draft O &M Plans or Abatement Specifications as needed. Based on our experience working with government agencies, our office is very efficient. We generally try and schedule the initial assessment or lead inspection within a few days of receiving the notice to proceed. Upon completion, we will draft and mail the report within 3 -5 days of performing the assessment. LTE uses 2 calendaring systems to avoid 3 scheduling conflicts. All employees know their work assignments a few days in advance. If necessary, we can schedule jobs on short notice and work on weekends for rush jobs. 3. STATEMENT OF APPLICANT'S TRAINING /CERTIFICATES LTE currently has on staff 4 California Department of Health Services certified lead based paint inspectors /assessors. If our work load necessitates additional inspectors, we utilize two floating inspectors. Three members of our staff are DHS certified project monitors and one is also a project designer. A brief professional profile of our staff is provided below with more in depth resumes and DHS certifications attached hereto in Attaclunent 1. 1. The Project Manager assigned to this project is Steven Denzler, Lead Tech's President. He will oversee all work: review all reports, ensure work is scheduled on time and reports are expeditiously forwarded to the City, interact with City construction specialists regarding cost effective abatement methods, etc. Prior to purchasing the company, Mr. Denzler was the operations manager for Lead Tech for the past 6 years. He has performed over 1000 lead inspections and risk assessments, monitored over 50 abatement jobs, helped devise efficient lead abatement scopes of work, written over 200 lead abatement specifications and conducted over 200 clearance tests. Mr. Denzler has a law degree and is a member of the California State Bar, which provides him with a strong background to interpret Federal, State and Municipal lead based paint regulations. He is certified in all 4 California Department of Health Services (DHS) lead based paint disciplines: inspector /assessor, contractor supervisor, project monitor and project designer. Mr. Denzler has been DHS certified since 1995. In addition to owning and running LTE, Mr. Denzler is a silent partner in an EPA certified lead abatement company in Phoenix, Arizona. As a result, he has a great deal of experience in both lead consulting and lead abatement which allows him to relate to all parties drafting abatement plans or monitoring lead abatement projects. He is also an invited expert panelist for drafting and refining the California DHS State Exam for lead based paint professionals administered by Cooperative Personnel Services. Mr. Denzler helped revise and draft questions for the revised California DHS exam for lead abatement contractors in September 2002, project monitors is 2003 and lead inspectors and contractor supervisors in 2004. He was also one of the original participants in creating the California DHS exam for lead inspectors /assessors and project monitors in 1998. He is also an invited member of the Southern California Health and Housing Council which meets monthly in Los Angeles to discuss issues related to lead based paint and housing in and around Southern California. Mr. Denzler would draft all project designs for lead hazard control or draft all abatement specifications for lead based paint abatement. Mr. Denzler has drafted over 100 abatement specifications for the Los Angeles Housing Department as well as 75 operation and management plans for LAHD and the San Diego Housing Commission. 9 2. Ron Livenmore is our primary inspector /assessor for lead based paint inspections and risk assessments. He is also a certified lead project monitor. He has performed over 1000 lead based paint inspections and risk assessments, conducted over 250 lead paint clearance tests and monitored about 50 lead based paint abatements. He would perform most of the actual field work: lead based paint inspections /risk assessments, clearance testing and project monitoring. 3. Rondel Dodson is another certified lead inspector we occasionally utilize. He has performed about 400 lead inspections /risk assessments and about 500 lead clearance inspections. If Ron Livermore in unavailable, Rondel can perform the lead inspections or clearance tests. 4. Michael Kuretich is one of our project monitors and inspectors and can also act as a project manager. He has a diversified background in lead based paint consulting and abatement and has worked in both the private and public sector. Mr. Kuretich has been DHS lead certified as an inspector /assessor for 10 years. He is also a DHS certified project monitor. Mr. Kuretich has worked in both the private lead consulting sector with Barr and Clark Environmental, Allied Environmental Services and currently with Lead Tech. In addition, lie worked in the public sector administering lead based paint grant programs for the City of Riverside and City of Long Beach. In this capacity, he performed and oversaw the inspections of numerous single and multifamily structures, drafted the abatement plans, reviewed the abatement bids, monitored the lead abatement and performed clearance testing. In short, he oversaw the lead projects from inception to completion. He also was the contractor /supervisor for a lead based paint abatement - company in Phoenix, Arizona. He has monitored over 250 lead abatementjobs and performed over 1,000 lead inspections. 4. COPIES OF CERTIFICATIONS All DHS certificates and professional profiles are attached hereto in Attachment 1. 5. PRIOR WORK FOR CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1 do not believe that LTE has ever been retained by the City of Rosemead. However, LTE's expertise is inspecting residential structures for lead based paint. We currently work in conjunction with at least 20 municipal housing departments or redevelopment agencies. 6. REFERENCES 1. LOS ANGELES HOUSING DEPARTMENT (LAHD) 1994 TO PRESENT LTE has performed lead based consulting work for the LAHD for the past 9 years. In summary, the LADH faxes us the residence address, owners /tenant's name and phone number and we schedule the inspection directly with them. Our office explains to the owner /tenant who we are and what we need to do. We tell them we need access to every room, explain how long the inspection will take and answer any questions they might have. All of our inspectors have conducted lead consulting for the LARD. For some of the field offices, Mr. Denzler provides abatement or interim control estimates for things 5 such as replacing windows, doorjambs, encapsulating building components, paint film stabilization, etc. Mr. Denzler is a DHS certified lead contractor supervisor and is a silent partner in a Phoenix lead abatement company. Therefore, he understands abatement methodologies from both a contractor's perspective and consultants. His abatement estimates are accurate and provide the LAHD construction specialist with a reliable figure when soliciting bids from certified lead abatement contractors. LTE's job is to work with the construction specialist and answer any questions he /she might have or strive to meet any pressing deadlines. In working with construction specialists, LTE understands that home owners (Borrowers) need to repay this money and are not enthusiastic about needing to spend 55,000 to replace windows when all they wanted to originally do is replace a roof and enlarge a master bedroom. Therefore,.we try and advise the least intrusive and most cost affective methods to eliminate any existing lead hazards. On some occasions, we have drafted operation and maintenance plans for owners that did not want any of their loan funds paying for lead abatement. For larger jobs, we might monitor the abatement/interim control project at its inception. Upon completion, we will take clearance samples and draft a clearance report. Most of these residential rehabilitation loans are in excess of 525,000. The lead based paint interim control or abatement cost averages between 53,000- $6,000. In general, the lead abatement involves encapsulating the wood trim, wood walls, stripping or encapsulation door components and encapsulating window fi-ames. Tile removal is another potential cost if the bathroom and kitchen tile require removal. CONTACT PEOPLE FOR LAHD FIELD OFFICE a. Joe Arceneaux, director of Slauson Avalon Housing Office (323) 846 -1520, 5400 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90037. b. Ron Delhomme, director of Arceneuax Delhomme and Company formerly Kedren Park (323) 567 -2322, 9512 S. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90002. 2. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CDC) 1998 TO PRESENT Over the past two years, LTE has performed over 100 lead based paint inspections, visual assessments, clearance tests and risk assessments for the CDC. All of these projects were in the County of Los Angeles in mostly unincorporated cities. Housing and Rehabilitation Loan Program About 25 of these projects were for the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program over 525,000. We performed both a lead based paint inspection and risk assessment on single family homes. Most of the homes were occupied. If we detected lead based paint or existing lead hazards, we also included a comprehensive abatement plan to eliminate the lead hazard. Again, we try and advise cost affective methods ,whenever possible. 6 HOP Program In addition, LTE has performed about 30 visual examinations of interior and exterior painted surfaces to identify lead based paint hazards for the HOP program. LTE first performs a visual examination. If we detect any paint in fair or defective condition, LTE tests those components with our XRF machine to determine if they are lead positive. When we detect LBP in fair or defective condition, LTE takes a dust wipe or soil sample adjacent to the component to determine if a lead hazard exists. Our report will contain interim control or abatement recommendations to eliminate any existing lead hazards. For this program, LTE needs to work in conjunction with the realtors to schedule the job and to advise them what is necessary to pass the inspection. To avoid making multiple visits to the same location, we explain to the realtor what we need to do and advise them that they should first visually examine the residence and have the residence painted and properly cleaned prior to our arrival. This saves everyone time and money. Contact People: Leonor Pascillas (323) 890 -7034 and Margaret Jamerson (323) 890 -7244 Community Development Commission 2 Coral Circle, Monterey Park, CA 91755. 3. CITY OF TEMPLE CITY OCTOBER 2000 TO PRESENT Pursuant to regulation 24 CFR Part 35 and working with the City of Temple City Housing Department, LTE has performed about 50 lead inspections and risk assessments. If a loan exceeds 55,000, LTE only performs a risk assessment if we detect lead in the paint. All of our lead based paint inspections are for the entire residence and meet the HUD Guideline protocol. If our inspector did not detect any lead based paint, we will not perform a risk assessment as it is unnecessary. If LTE detects lead based paint, we take dust wipe samples in areas near the lead positive paint in defective or fair condition. In addition, we may take soil samples in areas with visible paint dust or paint chips or near exterior, lead positive components in fair or defective condition. Subsequent to the testing, LTE reviewed and helped the construction specialist draft the lead abatement scopes of work. Most of these jobs involved federal CDBG funds exceeding $5,000 but less than 525,000. LTE has monitored about 15 lead abatement jobs for Temple City. To reduce the monitoring costs, LTE advised Mr. McGrath that we only need to arrive at the abatement job after containment is set up and just before construction begins to confirm that everyone is on the same page. Therefore, we only monitor for one day. Upon abatement completion, LTE performs a clearance test and forwards a close out report to Mr. McGrath. Contact Person: Phil McGrath City of Temple City (626) 285 -2171, 9701 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780. 4. WATTS LABOR COMMUNITY ACTION COMMITTEE WLCAC (2001- Present) LTE has perfonmed over 300 lead based paint clearance tests for the WLCAC. Mr. Denzler works very closely with the director of the County of Los Angeles Handy Worker Program, Ferman Moore. 7 Contact Person: Ferman Moore 323 -563 -5691, 10950 South Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90059. 5. CITY OF PICO RIVERA 2001 TO THE PRESENT Pursuant to regulation 24 CFR Part 35 and working with the City of Pico Rivera Housing Department, LTE has inspected for lead based paint about 70 single family residences and conducted 25 clearance tests. Most of these jobs involved federal CDBG funds of less than 55,000. We work very closely with Laura Torres (562) 801 -4347. Because the City's paint up fix up program only involves painting the exterior of the residence, LTE primarily performs lead paint screenings and some lead hazard screens and charges a reduced rate to inspect only the areas that will be disturbed rather than the entire residence. Contact Person: Michelle Ramirez City of Pico Rivera (562) 801 -4349, PO Box 1016, 6615 Passons Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660. LTE could easily list numerous other private or municipal clients that have retained our services for lead paint consulting work (Bell, Hawthorne, Downey, South Gate, etc.) Basically, LTE has always been a boutique environmental firm specializing in lead based paint consulting. Our expertise is working in conjunction with municipal agencies, private home owners, realtors and lead abatement and general contractors. We understand the concerns of all these parties and do our best to ensure that any lead paint issues are addressed safely, expeditiously and in as cost affective a mamler as possible. 7. PROOF OF INSURANCE A copy of our certificate of insurance is attached in Attachment 2. Should LTE be awarded the contract, we will make any necessary insurance changes. 8. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCOPE OF WORK A. Lead -Based Paint Inspection LTE understands the City of Rosemead's Scope of work in the request for proposal regarding lead based paint inspections, risk assessments, lead screenings and clearance testing. We perform all lead based paint inspections pursuant to the Housing & Urban Development ( "HUD ") Guidelines For The Evaluation And Control of Lead -Based Paint Hazards in Housing 1997 edition ( "Guidelines "). Unless instructed otherwise, LTE inspects and identifies all testing combinations: room equivalents, components, substrates and paint condition. LTE inspection reports summarize the lead positive components in an easily readable table. We include with our report copies of the inspector's DHS certificate, completed XRF calibration sheet, completed DHS form 8552, floor plan and all field data. It is no problem to schedule the inspections within 5 days of receiving written request provided the residents are available. LTE will send two copies of our report. LTE considers any lead reading equal to or greater than 0.7 mg/cm2 lead positive. LTE can fax the City a list of all components testing lead positive within 24 hours of performing the lead inspection. For any components equal to or greater than 0.7 mg/cm z LTE will provide a statement on all pertinent regulations dealing with lead based paint such as CAL -OSHA requirements, Title 22 waste requirements, etc. Our reports have a specific section detailing cost affective abatement recommendations or interim controls to eliminate or reduce any existing lead hazards found in the inspected unit. B. Risk Assessment Generally, 24 CFR Part 35 mandates both a Risk Assessment and lead inspection if the rehabilitation loan exceeds 55,000. A Risk Assessment is defined as an assessment of a dwelling to check for the presence of lead -based paint hazards. It includes a visual assessment of dust, soil and paint and a written report of the results. In essence, the risk assessor tests to see whether the house contains defective paint and or excessive levels of lead dust on building components such as floors, window sills, window wells or in soil. Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations Division 1, Chapter 8 mandates stringent lead dust limits for floors, window sills, window wells and soil: LTE would first conduct a lead paint inspection. If we detect positive levels of lead based paint, we would visually examine the residence for visible paint dust and take requisite dust wipe samples. We will take dust samples as close as possible to lead positive components in defective condition. In addition, we will take soil samples in bare soil areas and along the residence's drip line. To keep costs low, we recommend performing both a lead inspection and risk assessment at the same time with the results contained in one hybrid report. The report will denote both the locations of any lead based paint identified during the inspection as well as identify if any lead hazards exist during the risk assessment. To determine if a lead hazard exists, LTE takes dust wipe samples and soil samples which we send to a laboratory accredited by both the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and participates in their ELLPAT testing program for AAS analysis. A hybrid lead inspection/risk assessment (minus the field data to reduce size of proposal) is attached hereto at Attachment 3. Please note, if we do not detect any components coated with lead based paint, LTE will not take dust wipe samples. The risk assessment would not be necessary if the Residence's interior and exterior do not contain lead based paint. As part of our risk assessment, we will interview the residents to determine if any children live in the structure. Based on the children's use patters, location of lead based paint, condition of the paint and lead dust levels, LTE will make specific recommendations for either abatement, interim controls, safe work practices, etc E The hybrid report I mentioned provides the City with all the information mandated by 24 CFR Part 35 in assessing whether a lead hazard exists or not. C. Lead Screening Test Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 35, only the painted surfaces that will be disturbed during the rehabilitation need to be inspected for lead based paint. Therefore, LTE can limit its inspection and or risk assessment to only the areas that will be disturbed rather than the entire residence. This saves both time and money. LTE would need a copy of the work write up for the residence's rehabilitation project. We review the general contractor's scope of work and only inspect the areas that will be disturbed for lead paint. If the loan and or grant exceeds $5,000, LTE will perform a risk assessment in the areas that will be disturbed as well as a lead paint screening. We perform lead screenings for the following city housing departments: Downey, Pico Rivera, Bell, Paramount, La Mirada, El Segundo, Rancho Palos Verdes, Ventura and Agoura Hills. D. Lead Paint Clearance Test LTE conducts clearance testing in accordance with the Housing R Urban Development ( "HUD ") Guidelines For The Evaluation And Control of Lead -Based Paint Hazards in Housing revised in 1997 ( "HUD Guidelines "). In addition, LTE uses Ghost Wipes for sampling which meet ASTM El 792 performance requirements. We assign a certified inspector to perform clearance test that did not perform the actual inspection. LTE abides by the regulatory lead dust limits for floors, window sills, window wells and soil samples promulgated it Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations Division 1, Chapter 8 and The Environmental Protection Agency's Residential Lead Hazard Standards TSCA Section 403. The purpose of the Clearance Test is to confirm the lead abatement was properly done and that the Residence was cleaned so that no hazardous levels of lead dust remain in the Residence. In essence, it confinms the contractor did everything in the lead abatement scope of work and that the house is safe for occupancy. The clearance test should be performed as soon as the lead abatement contractor completes the job and performs cleanup. We try to schedule the clearance exam the same day as the contractor completes the clean up. This avoids the potential for cross contamination. LTE always waits at least one hour for any and all lead dust particles to settle on horizontal surfaces. LTE requires a copy of lead abatement contractor's scope of work prior to visiting the site for final clearance testing. After reviewing the scope of work, our risk assessor /inspector visits the site and visually confirms that all the lead abatement work was properly completed. Subsequently, he /she takes dust wipe samples in the areas that underwent abatement and soil samples along the Residence's drip line area. We will not take composite dust wipe samples. We complete a chain a custody form and forward the 10 samples to a laboratory for atomic absorption spectrometry ( "AAS ") analysis. The laboratory is accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and participates in their ELLPAT testing program for lead. Unless requested otherwise, we have the laboratory fax us the results of the AAS testing within 24 -48 hours of receipt. We review the laboratory results to determine whether the Residence is safe for occupancy (i.e. that the sample dust results tested below California DHS regulatory levels). 9. DESCRIPTION OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES For management and coordination purposes, LTE assigns one person as a project manager for each job. That person is responsible for coordinating all work, performing QAQC and discussing the project with the City /County representative, general contractor, abatement contractor, resident, etc. Mr. Denzler is the project manager and is involved with all aspects of each project from initial assessment to drafting the abatement design and any close out report. Generally, we request that the City provide us with the name and phone number of the owner/borrower and address of residence to be inspected and then we schedule the inspection with them and accommodate their schedules. We explain what we need to do, the time it takes, etc. The City or Municipality is our client and we will not provide copies of the lead report to the owners, realtors, contractors, etc. without the prior consent of the city official that ordered the lead consulting work. A. XRF Surveys For accuracy of lead test measurements, we abide by our XRF machine's performance specifications. Our inspectors use a portable XRF lead based paint Spectrum Analyzer manufactured by Radiation Monitoring Devices ( "RMD ") to test for LBP. Our RMD serial number is 1043 and our radiation License number is 5835 -19. We also have access to a second RMD XRF analyzer. LTE calibrates the XRF pursuant to the manufacturer's specifications and regularly verifies 3 XRF readings against pre determined lead samples produced by the National Institute of Standards and Testing (KIST) every 4 hours or at the beginning or end of each LBP inspection. All of these quality control measures produce a 95% confidence level that our XRF readings accurately reflect the actual level of lead in the tested surfaces. In drafting the reports, we use a two step process to avoid errors. The lead inspector /assessor for the particular job drafts the initial report. For QAQC, Mr. Denzler reviews the report and double checks the field data to confirm all appropriate building components are designated as negative or positive for lead based paint. As stated, a copy of our hybrid lead inspection/risk assessment is attached hereto in Attachment 3. B. Clearance Inspection and Testing LTE's lead assessor first requests a copy of the abatement contractor's scope of work if we do not already have it. We generally discuss the scope of work with the contractor prior to visiting the site. The assessor will schedule the clearance test with both the abatement contractor and site resident. We will also notify the City /County. Upon visiting the site, the inspector will conducted a visual examination throughout the entire residence to confirm all tasks in the scope of work was completed in a professional manner. Secondly, the assessor will confirm the site was properly cleaned. If he detects visible signs of paint dust, ripped polyethylene sheeting or other indications that the site was not properly cleaned he will call the office. The office will then notify the City /County construction specialist that the abatement contractor did not clean the site. Rather than waste samples, LTE will visually fail the contractor and immediately notify them of the problem. If the site was properly cleaned, we take dust wipe samples in the work areas and an adjacent area. We may also take a soil sample. We send the samples and chain of custody documentation to Long Beach with.a spiked sample to confirm lab's accuracy. Once the lab results are faxed back to our office, the project manager will review the results and draft the clearance report which states whether the contractor passed or failed the test. C. Laboratory For the past 3 years, LTE has had a corporate account with the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services to test our bulk samples, dust wipes, water, etc. The laboratory is very responsive to our needs be it same day, 24 hour or 48 hour time constraints. The laboratory address is 2525 Grand Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90815. The laboratory director is Mae 562 -570 -4164. 10. LITIGATION LTE has never been subject to legal action for services rendered. 11. EXCEPTIONS TO TIIE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS LTE has no exceptions to the Project specifications. 12 12. FEES A cnmmnr of ginQle family unit pricing is provided in the table below: SERVICE COST SAMPLES 'ECONOMY hour minimum Abatement Bid Assist ORS - 7t " .i 'tiYli2 • Mi i. F '1�;4�� dl+ ' #? 4 „ i ,h ) 2 r... .-1 4 iv hour minimum x.,` DISCOiJNT r.S: Full HUD Lead $300 $290 Paint Inspection Limited Lead $225 for only exterior Screening $275 if test less 50% Lead Inspection $330 as part of lead $15 each $325 + sample & Risk inspection costs Assessment Clearance Testin $165 $15 each The economy of scale discount applies when we can schedule more than one project on the same day. All the fees denoted above include all travel expenses such as gas and report generation. 13. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY FEES LTE rarely charges hourly fees as we bid project by project. However, our hourly fees for certain projects are provided below: SERVICE.,._.. -, ., COST Abatement Monitoring $55 an hour with 3 hour minimum Abatement Bid Assist S50 an hour from our office Project Meetings S50 an hour with 3 hour minimum Please note, LTE is willing to initially meet with our Clients to discuss general matters at no charge. However, for meetings to discuss specific projects and recommendations, LTE will charge at the hourly rate denoted above. 14. FEDERAL CERTIFICATIONS All LTE field technicians and managers are certified pursuant to the California Department of Health Services (CDHS). As I understand Title 17 and any pertinent federal regulations, CDHS certificates for lead based paint are all that is required to be licensed lead based paint professionals in California. No federal certificates are required at this time to perform lead paint consulting work in California. 13 ATTACHMENT 1 DHS CERTIFICATIONS & PROFESSIONAL PROFILES 14 STEVEN W.DENZLER 5419 McConnell Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 Work (310) 574 -6880 Home (310) 837 -1577 Tallus500 @aol.com WORK EXPERIENCE Lead Tech Environmental (4/95- current) PRESIDENT • Owner Operator of an environmental consulting company specializing in lead based paint and asbestos consulting for municipal housing and economic development departments; • Supervise all aspects of the company and act as in house counsel; • Regulatory Officer and Radiation Safety Officer ensuring compliance with all applicable county, state and federal regulations; • California Department of Health Services ( CADHS) designated expert on lead based paint. Participated in 8 CADHS test drafting seminars in Oakland. Worked with CPS to develop and improve California State exams for lead based paint professionals: project monitors, contractor supervisors and inspector /assessors. Maimonides Health Center (1/94 -2/95) In House Counsel/A din inistrator • Drafted all litigation documents and correspondence; • Supervised the collection department; • Negotiated settlements between, insurance company, field doctors and corporate office; • Ran the company when the President took a leave of absence for 9 months. EDUCATION Universitv of Southern California Law School Juris Doctorate May, 1993' • Admitted to California Bar • Emphasis in Environmental law University of California at San Diego B.A. Political Science and History; August, 1989 CERTIFICATIONS /LICENSURE • California Bar Number 167285; • Department of Health Services California Certified: Lead Inspector /Assessor I1261; Project Designer D1261; Project Monitor M1261; Contractor /Supervisor S1261; • Completed Asbestos Inspector, Management Planner, Contractor Supervisor and Project Designer Course; • Completed University of Tulsa 3 day Indoor Air Quality Course. State of California Department of Health Services l Lead-Related Certificate Expiration jJ Construction Type Date Certificate fnspector/Assessor 01/19/1005 upervsor 01/19=5 `. j� Project Monitor 1 { i ° 01/19/2005 F Project Designer ,A;i;� . 011192005 fevyil E`j e lejy' � jiD �s9 2�i1 kdjool Michael Kuretich RESUME 506 Lincoln Avenue Glendale, CA 91205 8182466155 Cell 213 Kuretich@iiotmail. com EXPERIENCE: Lead Tech Environmental June 2001 to present Assistant Manager/Director Conduct direct preliminary surveys and lead -based paint inspections Prepare inspection reports Design effective and economical lead - hazard control strategies for lead - hazard control strategies. Develop accurate cost estimates for lead hazard control work. Supery ise contractors working on lead hazard control projects. County of Riverside, Community Development Representative November 1999 to June 2001 . Provide Administrative and Technical support to the HUD Lead Grant Program Manager/Director Contact individuals, property management companies and government agencies explaining the County of Riverside HUD lead -based paint grant. Conduct direct preliminary surveys and lead -based paint inspections Prepare inspection reports Design effective and economical lead- hazard control strategies for lead -hazard control strategies Develop accurate cost estimates for lead hazard control work Write and administer lead hazard control contracts Supervise contractors working on lead hazard control projects City of Long Beach, Lead Hazard Control Specialist Project Designer August 1998 to Nov 1999 Monitoring lead abatement Projects Lead Hazard Inspections Maintain Cal OSHA Standards Designed lead safe and abatement construction projects Enlist participants in HUD Lead Program Blue Sky Environmental, Supervisor and Manager July 1988 to August 1998 Supervised Lead Abatement Projects, City of Phoenix Submitted Bids for Lead Abatement Projects Maintained OSHA Standards City of Long Beach, Lead Hazard Control Specialist Inspector/Monitor, Designer May 1997 to July 1997 Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment Design lead abatement construction projects Estimating and monitoring costs related to HUD projects Monitored contracted construction companies for regulatory safety compliance Allied Environmental Services, Marketing, Operations Manager Feb. 1997 to May 1997 . Marketing Supervisor contacting various entities for work Operations Manager supervise day -to -day operations Lead Inspections, Monitoring and Project Design Barr & Clark Environmental Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor/Monitor, Marketing Manager April 1994 to Feb. 1997 Marketing Supervisor Health Education Instructor for California Dept. of Real Estate Credit Course in Lead Disclosure. Specializing in Lead Inspections multifamily Units Assessing Lead Hazard Risks Supervisor/Project Monitor Lead - Related Construction Projects HomeLife Realty Salesman April, 1992 to April, 1994 Specializing in RED Sales and Property Management Marketing multifamily units for sale Prepared and repaired homes for sale Inspected and appraised property for major financial institutions. City of Los Angeles, Licensed Water Conservation Retrofitter 1988 to present Part Time State of California Department of Health Services Lead - Related Construction Certificate Expiration Type .. Certificate Date ect essor 05/09/2005 p oject Monitor 05109/2005 Michael Kuretich ID # 460 05/25/2004 06:16 818556600% RON LIVERMORE PAGE 01 Smft of.taWwroa De wM-af:fj&aft $Btv+ce3 4sad- RSlated 1 Exciva�n Gorvsiruction ize Qm . Catiftcate Yasi6or w 4' State of California Department of Health Services Lead - Related Certificate Expiration Construction Tvpe Date Certificate In pectorlAssessor 12/3012004 *n. _V :* _ �lD� ?1 SCA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Engineering and Environmental Consultants A Minority Business Enterprise June 21, 2004 Ms. Lisa A. Baker City of Rosemead Community Development 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Re: Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for Rosemead CDBG- funded Residential Rehabilitation Program SCA Proposal No.: 04113 MOLA Dear Ms. Baker Thank you for inviting SCA Environmental, Inc., to submit a cost proposal to the City of Rosemead for lead -based paint testing, risk assessments and clearance testing in conjunction with the CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program. SCA is an experienced Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Engineering Firm with considerable experience in the field of lead testing and management. We have performed services similar to those described in your RFP for public and private clients, including the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Housing Authority, San Francisco City Housing Authority, Golden Feather Realty Services and others. 1. Contact Information Please direct all inquiries with regard to this proposal to: SCA Environmental, Inc. 9920 South La Cienega Boulevard, Suite 4722 Inglewood, CA 90301 Attention: Mark Osborn, Branch Manager Tel. (310) 258 -0460 Fax: (310) 258 -0260 E -mail: mosborn(a)sca- enviro.com Website: www.sca- enviro.com Please feel free to call me at (310) 258 -0463, x804, you have any questions or if there is any additional information you may require. You may also e-mail me at mosbom cr sca- enviro.com. We look forward to the possibility of being of service, to you. Respectfully Submitted by, SCA End nmerit ,, I Mark shorn , AIA, DHS, CAC, CHMM Branch Manager 9920 La Cienega Blvd., Suite 722 • Los Angeles, CA 90301 • (310) 258 -0460 • FAX: (310) 258-0260 San Francisco • Oakland • Los Angeles Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for City of Rosemead Community Development Rosemead CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program SCA Prowsai No.: 04113 MOLA 2. Statement of Qualifications SCA Environmental Inc. (SCA) is a full service, Minority-Owned Environmental Engineering firm, specializing in hazardous materials management, including lead -based paint inspections, risk assessments and clearances. SCA's current staff includes over 20 environmental professionals, most of who are Department of Health Services (DHS) certified Lead Inspector /Assessors, Project Monitors and /or Project Designers. SCA therefore has ample resources and qualifications to perform the services described in the City's Request for Proposal in a timely and professional manner. In addition to the required DHS certifications of our staff, SCA's Managers maintain advanced credentials as Certified Industrial Hygienists, Professional Engineers, Registered Architects and/or Certified Hazardous Materials Managers. SCA maintains strong financial, human services and information technology resources to fully support our field operations. SCA also owns and operates three Niton Brand X -Ray Fluorescence (XRF) instruments, which will be available for use on the City of Rosemead projects. All work performed under this contract will be in accordance with applicable regulations, including 24 CFR Part 35 Chapter 7 [Revised] "HUD Guidelines for Lead -Based Paint Inspections" and California regulations (17 CCR Division 1, Chapter 8) or as amended during the term of the contract. SCA's program manager for lead -based paint testing, risk assessments and clearance testing under this contract is Mr. Glenn Cass, PE, CHI, who is also certified by the California Department of Health Services as a Designer, Monitor and Inspector /Assessor. Mark Osborn, AIA, DHS, CAC, CHMM, will serve as Sr. Project Manager for the contract: Project Management will also be provided by Mayra Portalatin, EIT, DHS, CAC. The field work under this contract will be performed by SCA's Environmental Scientists, who are certified by the California Department of Health Services as Inspector /Assessors. ➢ SCA's staff is led by 2 Certified Industrial Hygienists, 3 Professional Engineers, 3 Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMMs), a registered Architect (AIA), numerous DHS Certified Lead Assessors/Inspectors, Project Designers, and Project Monitors, Cal/OSHA Certified Asbestos Consultants (CACs) and Certified Site Surveillance Technicians (CSSTs). ➢ SCA has extensive experience in providing similar lead management and asbestos services to local clients, including past and current projects with the Los Angeles _ County Housing Authority (Community Development Commission), Los Angeles City Housing Authority, Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles World Airports, University of Southern California, UCLA and Caltech, among others. ➢ SCA's range of project experience covers the full spectrum of asbestos and lead consulting services including: comprehensive surveys, preparation of Demolition and Renovation/ Abatement and Hazard Control Specifications; preparation of Hazardous Materials Operations and Maintenance Programs; bid assistance; abatement cost estimating; remediation/abatement monitoring; and ambient air testing. SCA's services also include consulting in incidental hazards, such as: PCB transformers and ballasts; mercury- containing switches, thermostats and lamps; radiation - emitting exit signs and other hazardous materials in buildings. SCA also performs air monitoring for VOCs, SVOCs, particulate, metals, sulfur gases and other compounds. ➢ SCA's strong professional architect/engineering background and our extensive experience with large -scale project management, combine to provide our clients with a unique "building systems" approach. This approach can offer our clients considerable of Paint Testin, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for on Program cost and time savings in monitoring projects. The use of experienced architects and engineers as project managers (who are also certified in lead, asbestos and hazardous materials management) also distinguishes us from our competition, who generally do not provide this level of construction and project management expertise to their clients. ➢ The combination of experienced managers and competent and capable field technicians assures our clients of our ability to meet schedules and deadlines. Our track record of satisfied and repeat clients attests to our ability to meet the critical requirements of their projects. ➢ SCA is certified by the State of California as a Small Business Enterprise. We are also certified as a Minority/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/DBE) by various agencies including the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, and Caltrans, among others. ➢ SCA's WBE contract laboratory has many years of experience with asbestos and lead laboratory analysis, and maintains all of the applicable NVLAP, A1HA, and ELAP laboratory accreditations. ➢ SCA's growth and profitability over a period of nearly 12 years attests to its strength and stability as a business concern. The client references included in this proposal attest to these strengths, and to the quality, timeliness and high level of customer service we provide. Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for . City of Rosemead Community Development Rosemead CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program SCA Proposal No.: 04113 MOLA 3. Training And Certificates Following is a partial list of SCA's staff, available for work on City of Rosemead projects Table 1: Selected SCA Staff Licenses & Certifications 4 CH = Gertined Indusinal Hygienist rt = rroressionai engineer - nnr -n -nay num caws ��c AIA = Registered Architect Hazwoper- 40 hr. OSHA DHS = Department of Health Services (Lead Cert.) CHMM = Certified Hazardous Materials Manager CAC = CaVOSHA Certified Asbestos Consultant CSP = Certified Safety Professional CSST = CaVOSHA Certified Site Surveillance Technician 4. DHS Lead Certificates of SCA Staff Refer to Appendix A for the DHS Lead Certificates for persons who will be assigned to City of Rosemead projects. 5. Prior Work for the City of Rosemead SCA has not performed previous work for the City of Rosemead 00��0�0_�000 00-_00__000 • . • - • �������o�000 Kelly LaLonde CH = Gertined Indusinal Hygienist rt = rroressionai engineer - nnr -n -nay num caws ��c AIA = Registered Architect Hazwoper- 40 hr. OSHA DHS = Department of Health Services (Lead Cert.) CHMM = Certified Hazardous Materials Manager CAC = CaVOSHA Certified Asbestos Consultant CSP = Certified Safety Professional CSST = CaVOSHA Certified Site Surveillance Technician 4. DHS Lead Certificates of SCA Staff Refer to Appendix A for the DHS Lead Certificates for persons who will be assigned to City of Rosemead projects. 5. Prior Work for the City of Rosemead SCA has not performed previous work for the City of Rosemead Clearance Testing for on Program 6. References Following is a partial list of some of SCA's current clients who will attest to our-services and capabilities. Most of these references are currently employed by local government entities. Table 2: Current Clients and References Denotes a unit of local government. 7. Proof of Insurance Coverage Requirements SCA meets or exceeds the City of Rosemead's insurance requirements, as described on Page 4 of the RFP. Refer to Appendix B for SCA's current Certificate of Insurance. 8. Scope of Work SCA has read and understands the scope of work as described on Pages 4 -6 of the RFP, including issues with regard to project time frame, magnitude, billing and payment. SCA understands that the services outlined in the RFP include lead risk assessments, inspections and clearance testing, including XRF testing and laboratory analyses by SCA's NLLAP- accredited subcontract laboratory. 9. Description of Standard Operating Procedures SCA schedules its work using a Team approach. Each Team Leader is assigned a staff of technicians, ranging from very seasoned to trainees. This team approach allows for the City of Rosemead's Project Managers to see consistent staffing on projects and uses the resources within the team to rectify staffing problems, answer questions, know client - specific protocols, etc., improving the overall quality and consistency of services. Once a week, the Team Leaders review staffing requirements for the upcoming week and plan for cross - utilizing team members where additional staffing is needed. If any one Team is overworked, assignments can be made to utilize available resources or to transfer overall control of a forthcoming assignment to a new Team. All Managers and Technicians are outfitted with cellular phones. Project Managers operate their phones continually; therefore, we are able to respond either day or night to emergency calls. Technicians are all required to possess reliable transportation, and all of SCA's offices are outfitted with XRFs and other equipment needed for this assignment. Project Approach for Environmental Assessments SCA's technical protocol for performing projects involves a multi - disciplinary approach to solving problems and providing solutions. Our staff represents the fields and disciplines of biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, and environmental science. Our protocol calls for the identification of the regulations and regulatory authorities that govern areas of concern within a Eric Chow, Project Engineer West Knoll Apartments 2001 - Los Angeles County Housing Authority' (Community Development Commission) (323) 890 -7091 present; Palm Apartments, 2004 Harbor Hills 1999 Housing Authority of the Nancy Mazzie, Environmental Coordinator Numerous Housing City of Los Angeles (HACLA)' (213) 252 -4271 Authority Sites 2002- present Los Angeles Unified School District' Vince Brown, Project Manager Numerous schools, 323 441 -2272 approximately 25 sites Golden Feather Realty Services Tammy Masson, Project Manager Lead Risk Assessments, HUD 909 890 -2370 x33 Homebu er Program, 2001 CH2MHill, Inc. - Alex Vargas, Project Manager _BP and Asbestos Surveys and (714) 429 -2020 x2196 Specs. Various LAC MTA sites, 2000 -2001 Bob Jacobs, Project Manager 714 435 -6340 Denotes a unit of local government. 7. Proof of Insurance Coverage Requirements SCA meets or exceeds the City of Rosemead's insurance requirements, as described on Page 4 of the RFP. Refer to Appendix B for SCA's current Certificate of Insurance. 8. Scope of Work SCA has read and understands the scope of work as described on Pages 4 -6 of the RFP, including issues with regard to project time frame, magnitude, billing and payment. SCA understands that the services outlined in the RFP include lead risk assessments, inspections and clearance testing, including XRF testing and laboratory analyses by SCA's NLLAP- accredited subcontract laboratory. 9. Description of Standard Operating Procedures SCA schedules its work using a Team approach. Each Team Leader is assigned a staff of technicians, ranging from very seasoned to trainees. This team approach allows for the City of Rosemead's Project Managers to see consistent staffing on projects and uses the resources within the team to rectify staffing problems, answer questions, know client - specific protocols, etc., improving the overall quality and consistency of services. Once a week, the Team Leaders review staffing requirements for the upcoming week and plan for cross - utilizing team members where additional staffing is needed. If any one Team is overworked, assignments can be made to utilize available resources or to transfer overall control of a forthcoming assignment to a new Team. All Managers and Technicians are outfitted with cellular phones. Project Managers operate their phones continually; therefore, we are able to respond either day or night to emergency calls. Technicians are all required to possess reliable transportation, and all of SCA's offices are outfitted with XRFs and other equipment needed for this assignment. Project Approach for Environmental Assessments SCA's technical protocol for performing projects involves a multi - disciplinary approach to solving problems and providing solutions. Our staff represents the fields and disciplines of biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, and environmental science. Our protocol calls for the identification of the regulations and regulatory authorities that govern areas of concern within a Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for _ City of Rosemead Community Development Rosemead CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program SCA Proposal No. 04113 MOLA project. Once these have been established, the next step is to plan a sequence of activities aimed at providing the necessary data to assess the project site with respect to these regulations. This information is often provided in a Work Plan including standard operating procedures for sampling and analysis of the media to be assessed. Next, SCA will provide the Work Plan to the City of Rosemead for review and after approval would submit the Work Plan to the applicable regulatory authority. After approval of the Work Plan, SCA will implement the Work Plan and monitor the team's adherence to it through the field investigation. When the data from the field investigation is received from the analytical laboratory, SCA will review the data for accuracy and precision based on the QA/QC protocol standard for the industry. An important aspect of our protocol is our internal review of the technical merits of a project. In this review process, SCA chooses members of the project team not involved with the daily aspects of the project to review situations before technical decisions are made and conclusions are reached during the course of the project. In turn, this provides the City of Rosemead with a more thorough approach to environmental issues at hand. SCA's Los Angeles Branch Manager, Mark Osborn, will be the lead person on technical reviews and will ensure that proper quality control/quality assurance procedures are in place during the duration of the project. For each of the steps outlined above in the technical management of the project, an internal review exists in the decision - making process to ensure the correct path has been chosen for the project. Project Approach for Lead -Based Paint Consulting SCA's proposed Project Manager will oversee client management and supervise the assigned Project Technician. SCA's Project Manager will attend any pre - construction project meetings to answer specific, project - related questions posed by the General Contractor, Abatement Contractor, or City of Rosemead's Project Manager. SCA will also provide the services of our Project Manager and /or Project Technician to attend progress meetings as needed during the project. SCA will conduct risk assessments, inspections and clearance testing with DHS Lead Inspector /Assessors. Clearance inspectors will not be the same individuals who performed the risk assessments or inspections. Bulk, wipe and soil samples will be analyzed at SCA's AIHA and NLLAP- accredited contract laboratory. The City of Rosemead's Project Manager will be promptly notified of any unacceptable results. SCA will provide the services of a Jr. Industrial Hygienist to conduct wipe sampling for lead to show the acceptability of dust control procedures at the project limits and as otherwise required to show compliance with applicable regulations and specifications. SCA will also provide the services of appropriate professional personnel to advise on technical matters arising during the course of the lead project. A copy of SCA's inspection, risk assessment or clearance report will be provided to the City of Rosemead at the completion of each project. SCA will provide final lead clearance inspections and testing as noted in the RFP.. This will include a rigorous visual inspection of all work surfaces to ensure that visible dust or debris is not remaining in the work area. If the results of the visual inspection are satisfactory, then SCA will carry out dust wipe or soil sampling in the work area, as applicable. While characterization of waste is usually completed by the Demolition or Abatement Contractor, SCA's Field Technicians are capable of assuring proper packaging, sign -off of hazardous and non- hazardous waste manifests, and segregation of wastes in compliance with the City of Rosemead's requirements. For lead -based paint inspections, the lead content of representative suspect lead -based paints (LBP) and ceramic tile surfaces will be measured utilizing a Niton XRF Model XL -309, XL- 700, or XL -703 series Spectrum Analyzer. Sampling will account for colors, textures, and substrates to represent the overall conditions impacted by the proposed project. Representative quality assurance samples for LBPs or lead glazing can be collected for analysis of lead content by flame atomic absorption by SCA's contract ELAP- and NLLAP- accredited laboratory. In addition to the XRF sampling, SCA can conduct dust wipe samples within areas scheduled for Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for !mead Community Development MG- funded Residential Rehabilitation Program at No.: 04113 MOLA renovation or abatement. Ouality Assurance Program To guarantee delivery of work consistent with the City of Rosemead's needs, SCA will remain in constant contact with the City of Rosemead's Project Manager. The City of Rosemead's Project Manager will have cellular phone numbers, e-mail addresses and voicemail extensions for SCA's Key Personnel. In addition, SCA's Project Manager will provide the City of Rosemead's Project Manager with a written description of the proposed scope of work prior to commencement. The City of Rosemead will be provided with daily reports indicating a description of the day's work activities, the percent completion, and all available testing and clearance data. SCA also maintains a rigorous Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Program to assure all work is conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and the City of Rosemead's requests. QA/QC issues include training and qualifications of personnel and laboratories, the various field and laboratory QC procedures, the report review, etc. A copy of this QA/QC Program can be made available to the City of Rosemead, if needed. 10. Pending or Completed Litigation or Settlements SCA has no pending or completed litigation or settlements regarding services provided by the company, including professional liability for errors and omissions. 11. Exceptions to the Project Specifications SCA does not take any exceptions to the project specifications as outlined in the City of Rosemead's RFP. Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk City of Rosemead Community Rosemead CDBG - funded Resic SCA Proposal No.: 04113 MOL Clearance Testing for on Program 12. Per -Job Fees for Inspection /Assessments and Clearance Tests ea -^ nspecuons � `s_. ff, uantrty�' '� qi ,riceE � ry . ; _,eea Site Survey (includes travel tune s. roject Management o• pectrum Analyzer 0.5 ay ma Report - s• Shipping, Binding, lVineagge, etc. ota W is w assessment an of amp mg�tn ;*� a n-.. - . r ............... ..,..i..c -r - „�� —..,� Site Survey and Interviews trave tune .0 _. ... I r,�k uan fM # �.;O .e s. O " "�.A, of _ rice Lam.. --.I L�� ;� ,x, jt �.,!;,. eel d e. . Project Management O. XRF Spectrum Analyzer Tay > IT > Wipe Samples typical)** ea. Soil amp es ea. Final eport 4 s. Shippmg, Binding, etc - rolect Iota]S Site Inspection (travel tune s. Project Management s. Wipe amp es ea. Shipping, Mileage, etc. -Total * It is possible tot two assessments are periormea by one seA inspector to me same day a me sues are in close proximity, in which case economies in travel time, project management and shipping would be realized. A second site could therefore be inspected for an additional $500. ** Includes 15% subcontractor markup. The above estimates assume inspections and sampling for individual dwelling units. Incremental increases in the numbers of samples collected and time on site would be realized for multiple unit properties. Please note that SCA made certain assumptions in its proposal, which have a substantial impact on the dollar amount. These should be taken into consideration when evaluating our proposal (against competing ones) on the basis of price: • SCA assumes a total of three (3) clearance wipe samples, with 24 -hour turnaround for laboratory analysis, per clearance, covering composite floors, windowsills and window troughs. • SCA assumes a total of 2 soil samples, with 24 -hour turnaround for laboratory analysis, per risk assessment. • SCA's fees include travel time to and from each site. The following are not included in SCA's fee proposal and may result in charges in excess of the enclosed flat rate prices: • Repeat visits to sites due to access limitations or clearance failures. • Sampling in excess of the three (3) clearance wipe.and (2) soil samples per site. • Turnaround times for laboratory analysis or report deliverables less than as stated herein. If should also be noted that inspections and assessments of multiple sites might result in a reduction in SCA's fees. Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment City of Rosemead Community Developme Rosemead CDBG. funded Residential Rehab $CA Proposal No.. 04113 MOLA Clearance Testing for on Program Page 9 13. Schedule of Standard Hourly Rates Refer to Appendix C for SCA's current fee schedule of hourly rates. 14 Federal Certifications As discussed with Carol Godlewski of the City of Rosemead, federal certifications are not required for this submittal. Please notify SCA if any additional materials are required. Appendices: A. DHS Lead Certifications for Selected SCA Staff B. SCA's Insurance Certificate C. SCA's Fee Schedule D. Sample Report Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for - City of Rosemead Community Development Rosemead CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program - SCA Proposal No.: 04113 MOLA - Page 1 Appendix A: DHS Lead Certifications for Selected SCA Staff State of California Department of Health Services Le9d.Related C?rnriear� Construction TlEe �at` Certificate project Monitor 06/2212005, r J k®13 Mark H. Osborn, ; 1D #: 6167 Ms. Mayra D. Portalatin SCA Environmental, Inc. 9920ia Cienega Boulevard, Suite 722 Inglewood, California 90301 State of California Department of Health Services - Inspector /Assessor - 0211912005 w I ==T L: -n A � ft Mayra D. Portalatin _ ID #: 8075 Mr. John R. Brand SCA Environmental Inc. 9920 South LaCienega Boulevard, Suite 722 Los Angeles, California 90301 State of C.: - - Inspector /Assessor 01/31/2005 i John R. Brand = 12080 Mr. Jeffrey W. Schmidt SCA Environmental, Inc. 9920 South La Cienega Boulevard, Suite 722 Los Angeles, California 90301 State of California De .. �3h.R?I partment of Health Services .�tec {/ Ins.pector /gssessor 01/27/2006 Iff r f Jeffrey; W, Schmidt . ID #: 13634 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING PREVENTION BRANCH 1515 CLAY STREET, SUITE 1801 OAKLAND, CA 94612 (510)622 -5000 - September 21, 2000 Mr. Cheukwai C. Siu 1828 Ivanhoe Avenue Lafayette, California 94549 IN Dear Mr. Siu: Your California Department of Health Services (DHS)_Lead Certificate(s) has been renewed. Please note that vour expiration date(s) changed From this point forward it will be your date of birth. Type of Certificate Certificate ID 4 Expiration Date 06/16/2004 Inspector /Assessor I -851 06/16/200$ Project Monitor M -851 06/16/200 Project Designer D -851 The enclosed certificate card/sticker serves as your proof offull certification renewal by the Department. (If you received a sticker, please place it on the front left side of your certificate ID card, over your name and the old certificate information. Do not cover your photo with the sticker.) Please note that alteration of any information or fraudulent use of your card/sticker my result in revocation of your certificate. If your card is lost, stolen or inaccurate please notify DHS immediately. Do not cut up or destroy your card when your certificate expires. To ensure that your certificate is renewed before it expires, please submit your next renewal application to the Department at least 120 days before the expiration dates) above. Call the Lead Related Construction Information Line at 1- 800 -597 -5323 for renewal forms and instructions. (From outside California, call (510) 622 - 5072.) If you change your home or mailing address, please notify the Department within 30 days by calling 1- 800 -597 -5323 or by writing to us at 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1801, Box C, in Oakland, California, 94612. If you fail to notify us of changes in your address, we will be unable to send your certification materials in the future. Thz.k you for your cooperation and continued efforts in helping to prevent childhood lead poisoning. Sincerely, Lame L. Lance, Dr.P.H., R.E.A., Chief Lead Hazard Reduction Section Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING PREVENTION BRANCH 1515 CLAY STREET, SUITE 1801 - OAKLAND, CA 94612 - , .(510) 6225000 June 27, 2000 Mr.Glenn R. Cass SCA Environmental 80 Grand Avenue, 4th Floor Oakland, California 94612 Dear Mr. Cass: Your California Department of Health Services (DHS) Lead Certificate(s) has been renewed. Please note that your expiration dates changed. From this point forward it will be vour date of birth. Type of Certificate Certificate ID # Expiration Date Inspector /Assessor I -717 07/22/2004 Project Monitor M -717 07/22/2004 Project Designer D -717 07/22/2004 The enclosed certificate card/sticker serves as your proof off/1 certification renewal by the Department. (If you received a sticker, please place it on the front left side of your certificate ID card, over your name and the old certificate information, Do not cover your photo with the sticker.) Please note that alteration of any information or fraudulent use of your card/sticker my result in revocation of your certificate. If your card is lost, stolen or inaccurate please notify DHS immediately. Do not cut up or destroy your card when your certificate expires. To ensure that your certificate is renewed before it expires, please submit your next renewal application to the Department at least 120 days before the expiration date(s) above. Call the Lead Related Construction Information Line at 1- 800 -597 -5323 to request renewal and instructions. (From outside California, call (510) 622- 5072.) If you change your home or mailing address, please notify the Department within 30 days by calling 1- 800 -597 -5323 or notify us by writing to us at 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1801, Box C, in Oakland, California, 94612. If you fail to notify us of changes in your address, we will be unable to send your certification materials in the - future. Thank you for your cooperation and continued efforts in helping to prevent childhood lead poisoning. . - - - -- -- ._. -.. Sincerely, swam action A .. gamnn,.mm„.aims.n,naa !ead- RelatetlC Certifctbn Glenn R Cass � - Interim Certificate Larrie L. La .H., R.E.A:, Chief Inspector /ASSessor. : Lead Hazard Reduction Section 1 -717 (Exp.l1R22/01) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch Project Monitor NI-717 (Exp:07 122/01) - Project Designer D -717 (Exp.07/22 /0.1) . - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING PREVENTION BRANCH 1515 CLAY STREET, SUITE 1801 OAKLAND, CA 94612 - (510)622.5000 June9,2000 Mr. Sub Harto SCA Environmental, Inc. SO W. Grand Avenue, 4`" floor Oakland, Califomia 94612 a ECEN. !. JUN 1.5 2000 A ENVIRONMENTAL, IN - Dear Mr. Harto: Congratulations! You have satisfied the California Department of Health Services (DHS) lead cenification exam requirement (as defined by Title 17, California Code.of Regulations, Section 35001 et seq) and have been granted full certification status for the following certificate(s): Certificate ID # Expiration Date Type Certificate 14 Inspector/Assessor 1-7845 05/03/200 The enclosed sticker /card serves as your proof offitll certification by the Department. (If you received a sticker, please place it on the front left side of your certificate ID card, over your name and the old certificate information. Do not cover your photo with the sticker.) Please note that alteration of any information or fraudulent use of your card/sticker may result in revocation of your certificate. If your card is lost, stolen or inaccurate please notify DHS immediately. Do not cut up or destroy your card when your certificate expires. Please note that your certificate ID number has not changed. But your expiration date(s) has changed. To ensure that each full certificate is renewed before it expires, please submit your renewal application to the Department at least 120 days before the expiration date(s) above. Call the Lead - Related Construction Information Line at 1- 800 -597 -5323 for renewal forms and instructions. (From outside California, call (510) 622 - 5072.) You do not have to take the certification exam again to renew your certificate(s). If you change your home or mailing address, please notify the Department within 30 days by calling 1- 800 -597 -5323 or by writing to us at 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1801, Box C in Oakland, California, 94612. If you fail to notify us of changes in your address, we will be unable to send your certification materials in the future. Thank you for your cooperation and continued efforts in helping to prevent childhood lead poisoning. Sincerely, Larrie L. Lance, Dr.P.H., R.E.A., Chief sw•drw,,,. Lead Hazard Reduction Section Lead -Rely ateedd Construe Ion Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch Certificate Sag! Harto - Inspecior /Assessor 1- 7845,(Eip05 /03/02) Lead -Based Paint Testing, Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for City of Rosemead Community Development Rosemead CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program SCA Pmoosal No 04113 MOLA Appendix B: SCA's Insurance Certificate 0 r OnnStl- 107A RCAFNVIR01 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 0'8—/07/03 M+ CER Dealey, Renton & Associates P. 0. Box 12675 Oakland, CA 94604.2675 510 465 -3090 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. - INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED SCA Environmental, Inc. - 33419th Street Oakland, CA 94612 ' INSURER A: American Ins. Co. INSURER B: American Automobile Ins. Co. INSURER c; Greenwich Insurance Company wsuRER D: INSURER E: - THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUE IECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. SR Im TYPE OF DISURANLE "MY NUMBER POLIO EFFECIV MY EXPIRATION DATE iMMIDDID0 LAIRS A GENERAL LUPoMTY MZ)(80817220 - 08/10/03 08110104 EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 FIRE DAMAGE (My u'+ We) $t000ODD X COMMERCU,LGENERALLIABILRY Policy Excludes MEDEXP("MNPaRPn) s5 DOD CLAIMS MADE a] 000.R Claims Arising PERSONAL $ ADV INQUIRY $1 000 ODD out of the OENEFA.AGGAEGATE s2 000 ODO Performance of GENT AGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIESPEA: PRODUCTS- COMPgP AGG 32DG0000 Professional X POLICY PR6 LOC services A AyrGMO X M.E UABIIm ANYA O MZX80817220 08110103 0 &10104 COMBINED WNGLE UNIT (Es=,.ny $1,000,000 BODILY NLURY T) $ ALLOWNEDAUTOS SCHEDULEDAUTOS - BONLYINWRY X X HREDAUT05 fRXI-0WNEO AUTO$ . PROPERTY DAMAGE (P.'¢ WM) $ GARAGE UASILRY .ALTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S OTHER THAN EA ACC S ANY AUTO S AUTO ONLY: AiG ExCE59 UABxfFY EACH OCCURRENCE S AGGREGATE S OCCUR MCWMS MADE S DEDUC71BLE $ RETENTION $ B woRXERS COWFNSATWH AND WZPI7096868601 08!10103 0811 0/04 x we BrAnr oEH. 1 E.L EACH ACC1DENi S7 OOO DOO EMPLAYEAY UASILRY E.L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $t 000000 E.L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT I S7 DDO GDO C DneR Professional PECD00444201. 08110103 08/10104 $1,000,000 per claim lability Incl. Pollution _ $2,000,000 annl aggr. e al Liability coverage DESGyInOM OF OPERATKINSADCAlgNBNFlI1LlES £X0.UBIOH3 ADDED BY EHD0114EMENTSPECYL FROMNSNS For work performed by the named Insured only. - - REDrISURERLETTER: CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE HOLDER "W RED ACORD 25-S (7/97)1 of 1 SM90570 DAC 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ANYLFTHEABOVEOEBCPoBlDPOLICES BE LASClLL[D SEFORE MEEYPM1gN ""SAMPLE CERTIFICATE— DAR THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TOUAIL3O— DAYSWFYREN For Proposals Only. NOTICETOTXE CEMIFICATE HOLDER NAM ED IOTHE /EFT. BUTFAILURE TODOSOWALL IMPOSE NOOBLIGATIOM OR LIABLLRYOF ANYNND UPON THE INSUBEN.IFS AGENTS OR NEFMESENTATNES. AUTH OFD REPRFSENTATNE ACORD 25-S (7/97)1 of 1 SM90570 DAC 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Lead -Based Paint Testing. Risk Assessment and Clearance Testing for City of Rosemead Community Development Rosemead CDBG - funded Residential Rehabilitation Program Appendix C: Fee Schedule SCA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Engineering and Environmental Consultants TITLE Senior Consultant Consultant Architect (AIA) Industrial Hygienist III (CIH') Industrial Hygienist II Senior Project Manager Project Manager Junior Industrial Hygienist Industrial Hygiene Technician Registered Geologist (RG) Sr. Biologist Staff Biologist Geologist Construction Specialist Professional Engineer (PE" Sr. Project Engineer Project Engineer Design Engineer Environmental Engineer III Environmental Engineer II Environmental Engineer I Environmental Scientist II Environmental Scientist I Environmental Technician II Environmental Technician I Computer Scientist III Computer Scientist II Computer Scientist 1 Laboratory Analyst Drafter /Graphics Artist (CAD) Administrative Manager Technical Editor Sr. Designer Information Specialist _ Word Processor Administrative Support Courier HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE LEVEL Professional V Professional IV Professional IV Professional I I I Professional 11 Professional I I I Professional 11 Technician III Technician It Professional IV Professional IV Professional 11 Professional 11 Professional Professional IV Professional I l l Professional 11 Professional I Professional I l l Professional 11 Professional Professional 11 Professional Technician II Technician I Professional III' Professional 11 Professional I Professional Support Staff III Support Staff III Support Staff II Support Staff II Support Staff II Support Staff II Support Staff I Support Staff FEEL $ 170 $ 130 $ 130 $ 115 $ 95 $ 95 $ 85 $ 55 $ 45 $ 110 $ 110 $ 75 $ 75 $ 60 $ 130 $ 100 $ 70 $ 60 $ .90 $ 75 $ 45 $ 70 $ 60 $ .55 $ 45 $ 90 $ 75 $ 60 $ 45 $ .80 $ 70 $ 70 $ 60 $ 60 $ 40 $ 35 $ 20 Certified Industrial Hygienist '• Professional Engineer t Premium time will be billed at the above rate plus 16% for field work over 8 hours /day and /or required after 6:00pm and before 7:00am on weekdays and all hours on weekends and holidays. Time spent on deposition or court appearances and their related activities will be billed at above rate plus 100 %. Schedule 2000 -37 v2; Revised: 01/02/01 SICK ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. r Engineering and Environmental Consultants EQUIPMENT FEES AND OTHER SERVICES Analysis of Asbestos Samples: _ Air Sample in Field $ 5.00 /sample' Air Sample in Laboratory: Phase Contrast Microscopy ( <12 -hr turnaround): 1 -10 samples /day $ 22.00 /sample Larger Projects.. - Quoted for Project or $15 1ea Transmission Electron Microscopy (as quoted by Micro - Analytical""): 158 hours turnaround $ 125.00 /sample 524 hours turnaround $ 100.00 /sample 548 hours turnaround $ 90.00 1sample :55 days turnaround $ 75.00 /sample Outside /Blank Mounting and Log -In $ 24.00 /sample Bulk Sample in Laboratory (with 3 to 5 -day turnaround as quoted by ALSF) -: Friable and Non - Friable Samples- $ 10.00 /sample - Vacuum - $ 30.00 /sample Metals by Atomic Absorption (for turnaround time as quoted by Micro - Analytical)"': Air for Lead by AAS /ICP (5524 hrs turnaround) $ 25.00 /sample Air for Lead by AAS /ICP ( >24 hrs turnaround) $ 15.00 /sample Paint, Soil and Wipe for Lead by AAS/ICP (:524 hrs turnaround) $ 25.00 /sample Paint, Soil and Wipe for Lead by AAS /ICP ( >24 hrs turnaround) $ 15.00 /sample Water Sample for Lead by AAS /ICP (524 hrs turnaround) $ 25.00 1sample Water Sample for Lead by AAS /ICP ( >24 hrs turnaround) _ $ 15.00 /sample Other Metals - - Quoted for Project Equipment Rental Microscope Personal (Low Volume) Sampling Pump High Volume Pump Video Surveillance System HEPA Vacuum Cleaner Porta- Counter Borescope B & K 1302 Multi -gas Analyzer /CO2 Monitor Niton XRF Analyzer Mini -Ram Monitor$ Miscellaneous Equipment per.Day Expendables: PCM Sampling Cassette TEM Sampling Cassette Detector /Smoke Tubes HEPA Cartridges PAPR Cartridges Tyvek Coveralls Polaroid Film $ 40.00 /day $ 6.00 /day $ 7.50 /day _ $ ' 10.00 /day $ 12.00 /day $ '100.00 /day $ 40.00 /day $ 200 /100 1day $ 250.00 /day 85.00 /day 1.5% of Replacement Cost 3.00 /sample 4.00 1sample 4.00 /each 5.00 /each 16.00 /each 5.00 /each 10.00 /packet Out -of- Pocket Expenses- Cost + 15% Mileage $ 0.32 /mile Analysis by phase contrast microscopy in accordance with NIOSH Method 7400. •• Includes charges for services, equipment and facilities not furnished directly by SCA such as, but not limited to: travel costs; report reproduction and binding costs; long distance communication; shipping charges; courier costs; miscellaneous supplies; equipment rental; and outside laboratory fees. '^ Costs indicated plus 15% handling. Schedule 2000 -37 v2; Revised: 01/02/01 scA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Engineering and Environmental consultants .' EQUIPMENT FEES AND OTHER SERVICES Equipment Rental: PID (10.6 eV) $ 85.00 /day FID $ 140.00 /day OVA $ 160.00 /day 02 /CO2 / %LEL/H2S Multimeter $ 85.00 /day Sound Level Meter- Type II $ 50.00 /day Geiger Counter $ 75.00 /day Lantec GA -90 02/CO2 Monitor $ 150.00 /day Draeger Hand Sampler $ 15.00 /sample tube CO2 Monitor $ 100.00 1day Mini -Ram or DustTrak aerosol Monitor $ 85.00 /day Temp /pH /Conductivity/DO /ORP /Micropurge Flow Cell $ 110.00 1day Turbidity Meter $ 65.00 /day 2" Centrifugal Lift Pump $ 75.00 /day Peristaltic Sampling Pump $ 50.00 /day Oil/WaterInterface Probe $ 185.00 /day Soil Sampling Kit (auger /slide hammer) $ 65.00 /day Field Radios (pair) $ 15.00 /day Cell Phone $ 15.00 /day + $0.35 /min 35mm Camera $ 15.00 /day Digital Camera $ 25.00 /day 5 kW Generator $ 60.00 /day. Light Truck, 2WD $ 45.00 /day + mileage 1 -ton Truck, 4WD $ 80.00 /day + mileage SCBA w/ 30 minutes of air $ 110.00 /day Confined Space Tripod/Winch w /130' line $ 120.00 /day 600 -1200 cfm Electric Blower $ 55.00 /day 500w Work Light $ 5.00 /day 100' Extension Cord $ 3.00 /day Traffic Barricade $ 5.00 /day Miscellaneous Equipment per Day 1.5% of Replacement Cost Expendables': 1.6 "- diameter Bailer (Polyethylene/ Teflon) $ 10.00/$25.00/ ea 2 "x6" Brass Sample Tube, with Teflon liner and end caps $ 5.00 /ea 6 -mil Polyethylene Sheeting $ 40.00/100 foot roll Distilled Water $ 2.00 /gallon Ice $ 5.00 /cooler Gasolinemarket price Level A/B PPE TBD per project Level C PPE $ 50.00 /day . Level D PPE $ 18.00 /day Laboratory Fees Cost + 15% Includes charges for services, equipment and facilities not furnished directly by SCA including, but not limited to: travel costs; report reproduction and binding costs; long distance communication; shipping charges; courier costs; miscellaneous supplies; equipment rental; and outside laboratory fees. Schedule 2000 -37 v2; Revised: 01/02/01