CC - Item 7B - Consideration of Proposal friom Ms. America for High School Presentation - Internal Files Box 069y TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER �,/— DATE: AUGUST 30, 2001 RE: CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL FROM MS. AMERICA, SUSAN JESKE FOR A HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTATION ON STUDENTS AGAINST VIOLENCE & THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION On Tuesday, July 23, 2001, Mayor Jay Imperial, Rosemead High School Principal Dr. Diane Bladen, and staff met with Ms. Susan Jeske, the current Ms. America, to hear her proposal for making a presentation at our local High School. The Program is titled "Students Against Violence & The Importance of Education' and centers around a one hour presentation at a school assembly. The fee for this service is $1,000 and is an eligible expenditure of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) funds. RECOMMENDATION If the City Council is in favor of the Program, it is recommended that staff be directed to co- ordinate the event with Ms. Jeske and the Rosemead High School and authorize the expenditure of LLEBG funds in an amount not to exceed $1,000. ccstaff:msamericaprogram As- 4 E P X2001 ITEM No. Sus -an Jeske, The Reigning Presents "STUDENTS AGAINST VIOLENCE "THE IMPORTANCE OF AN EDUCATION" www.MsAmericaPageant.com r, ivy% y� x F M1 �Tf � Yi hre. IA L f 1 1 ! YY Presents "STUDENTS AGAINST VIOLENCE "THE IMPORTANCE OF AN EDUCATION" www.MsAmericaPageant.com r, • ASSEMBLIES & KEYNOTES • GRADUATIONS - Commencement Speaker • BANQUETS • Ms. America opens her program with the National Anthem. • Susan holds the WORLD RECORD, published in the Guinness Book of Records, for singing the National Anthem at the most events in a 24 -hour period. • Anywhere a speaker or professional singer is needed. w ¢ � - r� ♦{,��p� • .Y I J �G� V,,,, ' , 4 ` W1 ' "l.�r" .l.r, i �( ur1aN' ,"{,'M OME + r. y W Buena Park High School, Buena Park, CA Over a million people have crowded into auditoriums to hear the inspiring message of the reigning Ms. America, Susan Jeske. Traveling 10 to 15 thousand miles per month, Ms. America speaks to high school students about her platform on "Education" and "Students Against Violence." Always with a specific strategy, Ms. Jeske provides insight on exploring the realities of our changing and turbulent world. With a special program designed for student involvement, Ms. Jeske gives students the tools to keep their school violent free. Through her own life experience she also tells the students about how she learned about the importance of an education. Susan speaks to teenagers about their world and the choices they must make. With Ms. America's ability to relate, she motivates and inspires all who listen to hold onto their dreams, discover their potential and pursue their life with "purpose and passion." Ms. America challenges young people not to make excuses but to make dreams - and not to set limits, but to set goals. Through all her unique experiences and education, she has gathered tremendous life skills and leadership skills - and now hopes to share her message of inspiration and practical advice with students all over America. Regents College - Bachelor of Science - Magna Cum Laude - 3.87 GPA Has sung for 6 U.S. Presidents, Queen of Thailand and Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher. Personal Letters of congratulations from Presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. "Congressional Community Service Award" - U.S. Congress. "Woman of the Year Award" - Leukemia Society Ms. America is SPONSORED Her PROGRAM is tailored specifically for high school students. The anticipation of Ms. America's appearance along with and her celebrity status will create excitement among your students. Ms. America's appearance can generate publicity for your high school on TV, radio and newspapers. Proclamations can be presented to your school will be given at the program from local dignitaries, such as: Mayor, Counsel Member, Congressman, Assemblyman, Superintendent, State Senator, Governor, etc. Students are given the chance to learn journalist skills by interviewing Ms. America for your school newspaper, yearbook and high school campus TV station. �7 Susan and First Lady, Barbara Bush Susan with President and Mrs. Reagan "Having heard you sing the National Anthem.... It is a delight to know that countless many have heard your rendi- tion of this beautiful, national song!" PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN "It is so pleasing to know that there are people like you who still carry the spirit of our country with them." PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON "1 feel Ms. Jeske went above and beyond our expectations. She responded to the students in a professional yet personal manner giving them a rare opportunity to work with a celebrity." MRS. AMY CAMBELL, Rancho Verde High School "Never in my years of teaching have I been so impressed with a guest as I was with you. Your manner with the students was friendly as well as sincere." MRS. ELAINE LERNER, Pegasus School One girl came up to me after your speech and said, "Ms. America is truly a role model, she has given me so much incentive. I was afraid of what would happen to me after I graduated from school, but she eased my mind a great deal." . FAYE GRUNEAU, Association with the Scottish Rites Board "Your Students Against Violence" assembly program was so powerful and sincere that I will give you entree to all the schools in my district." MICHAEL ESCALANTE, Superintendent - Fullerton High School District 6 - STEPS TO ACCOMPLISH BEFORE MS. AMERICA'S ARRIVAL AT YOUR HIGH SCHOOL. STEP 1 - STUDENT PLEDGE Please have a group of students create their own special PLEDGE for your school that will be used at the assembly program. Below are various pledge ideas that have been written. Your students need to read them over and pick and choose the wording that best suits your school. FOR INSTANCE: Some schools have a problem with students bringing guns to school, yet other schools don't. If your school does have a problem with guns then make it part of your PLEDGE. If not then leave it out. Name Your PLEDGE that is appropriate for vour school. Names that have been,used are: "I Will Pledge," "Peace Pledge," "The Honor Code," "Tolerance Pledge," "The Husky Pledge," "Our Pledge Of Peace And Respect," etc. Once your students have written your school PLEDGE, you need to write the PLEDGE on a large poster or butcher paper. Size: 8 X 4 feet. You can get free butcher paper at the local supermarket store in the meat department. Tape them together to make it the correct size. ** Give a copy of Your schools PLEDGE to Ms America when she arrives at your school. Regular typing paper 8.5 x 1 I." PLEDGE IDEAS THE NO- TAUNTING PLEDGE I will pledge to be part of the solution.. I will eliminate taunting from my own behavior. I will encourage others to do the same. I will do my part to make my community a safe place by being more sensitive to others. I will set the example of a caring individual. I will eliminate profanity towards others from my language. I will not let my words or actions hurt others. And if others won't become part of the solution, 1 will. TOLERANCE PLEDGE I pledge to be part of the solution, not the problem. I will eliminate taunting from my own behavior, and encourage others to do the same. I will do my part to make my community a safe place by being more sensitive to others. 1 will set the example of a caring individual. I vrill eliminate profanity toward others from my own language. OUR PLEDGE OF PEACE AND RESPECT We the students of Pen Argyl Area High School, pledge to respect ourselves, our peers, and our community. We will not tolerate behavior or actions degrading toward each other or our learning environment. By abiding to this commitment, we will be better people and make Pen Argyl Are High School a more caring, understanding and accepting student body WE PROMISE: We will accept the diversity of others. We will be kind and considerate of everyone's ideas and feelings. Our actions will promote a save and positive environment. We will be an effective role model through word and deed. We will be part of the solution and not the problem. STUDENT PLEDGE I Ail] never bring a gun to school; I will never use a gun to settle a dispute; I will use my influence with my friends to keep them from using guns to settle disputes. My in choices and actions, when multiplied by those of young people throughout the country, will make a difference. Together, by honoring this pledge, we can reverse the violence and grow up in safety. OATH OF RESPECT We the students of Conifer High School, pledge to respect ourselves, our peers and our community. We will not tolerate behavior or actions degrading toward each other or our learning environment. By abiding to this commitment, we will be better people and make Conifer High School a more caring, understanding and accepting student body. STEP 2 - IAVITE YIPS * First can to invite VIPS to the assembly program and then send a letter of invitation on your school stationery. Enclosed is an example letter to invite local dignitaries to the assembly program. Send invitation letter to: Mayor, Superintendent, Councilman, Congressman, Assembly Person, Chief of Police, Governor, School Board, etc. * Ask for a Certificate or Proclamation to be presented to the School Principal at the assembly program. If the Dignitary cannot attend then ask them to send a Representative from their office to present the Certificate or Proclamation to the school. * * *Ms America has been collecting a key from each city where she presents her program and would be delighted to receive one from your city. Please ask your Mayor if he can accommodate and present it to her at the Assembly Program as well as give a Certificate or Proclamation to the school. HIGH SCHOOL STATIONERY Honorable (John Doe) 123 State Street _ City, State. Zip Code DATE Dear (Governor, Senator, Congressman, Mayor, etc.): 1 would like to invite. you to. a very important special Assembly on (date) at (time) to honor (name of your High School) for participating in the "Students Against Vwlence" Our guest of honor will be Susan Jeske, the reigning Ms. America. Born and raised in Littleton, Colorado Ms. America travels 10 to 15 thousand miles per month presenting her Assembly Program nationwide. Susan has been featured in more than 75 television programs, 25 magazines, over 100 radio shows and has sung for 6 U.S. Presidents. She provides a special message encouraging students to take a stand against violence at their local high school. We would truly appreciate your participation to joining the reigning Ms. America in saluting this program. A Certificate or Proclamation from your office presented to the school during the Assembly Program would add support for ouw endeavor. Please feel free to add a .short message while presenting your Certificate or Proclamation. If you cannot attend for any reason, we would appreciate a Representative from your office to present your Certificate or Proclamation during the Assembly Program. Enclosed are examples of what other Dignitaries have written on their Certificates or Proclamations. We are expecting press and television coverage at the Assembly Program. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, (Principles Name) * ** When sending a letter to the MAYOR please add the following addendum. * ** Ms. America has collected a Key from the Mayor of each city where she has presented her program We would really be honored if Mayor (John Doe) could present a key from our city to Ms. America during the Assembly Program. MAYORAL PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, violence occurs all to often in America's schools, and the threat of violence inhibits the abilities of students to acquire knowledge; and WHEREAS, Ms. American, Susan Jeske of Littleton, Colorado, created a program entitled, "Students Against Violence," following the tragic events at Columbine High School last April; and WHEREAS, Ms. American, Susan Jeske is coming to The Colony High School on April 20, 2000 to present her program on "Students Against Violence," and "The Importance of Education; and WHEREAS, the City of The Colony is interested in promoting the cause of giving students the tools to keep their school violence free; and WHEREAS, her tour of local high schools is sponsored by the New Millennium Travel Service of Arlington, Texas; THEREFORE, I, William W. Manning, Mayor of The Colony, do hereby proclaim April 20, 2000 as STUDENTS AGAINST VIOLENCE DAY in The Colony, Texas, and urge all students to follow the advice of holding onto their dreams, discovering their potential and pursuing their life with "purpose and passion." In witness whereof. I have set my hand and caused the seal of the City of The Colony. Texas to be affixed this 20's day of April 2000. n ATTEST: Patti A. Hicks, TRMC, City Secretary iam W. Manning, i STEP 3 - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT ASSEMBLY PROGRAM Ms. America needs 12 students and a favorite teacher to volunteer to be part of her assembly program. At this part of her assembly program she is going to ask the High School students to share a horrible nightmare with her. "The nightmare is that the shooting didn't take place at Columbine High School. It took place at their High School and that these are the 12 students and teacher that were violently murdered. Lets get to know these victims better." Ms. America will ask each student, "What was your name, grade level, future aspiration, school involvement and three adjectives that describe them such as, caring, sensitive, funny, hard worker, giving, perseverance, who is your best friend, what would you miss the most about your best friend_ school, etc." Ms. America will ask the favorite teacher what inspired them to be a teacher and what the students mean to them. What would you say to the students if this was the last time that you saw them? The volunteers need to be seated in their chairs before the assembly program starts. The assembly program will be more effective if you tell the volunteers to not tell anyone that they are going to be part of the assembly program or what it is about. If a parent of the student volunteers could attend the assembly program, then I would ask the student what they would like to say to their parent if it was the last time they would see them. After Ms. America interviews each volunteer they should stand behind their chair with their back to the audience. All the volunteers will. walk off the stage slowly after Ms. America interviews the teacher. They will return to the stage when Ms. America calls them back carrying the PLEDGE with them. STEP 4 - ASSEMB -L E PROGRAM SET -UP PLEASE HOLD THE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM IN THE GYM. PLEASE PROVIDE A MICROPHONE WITH A LONG CORD. XXXXXXXXXXXX T PODIUM MCSP VVVVVVV Seat the 12 Student Volunteers on the X. The Teacher Volunteer sits where the T is. 'Ms. America is M. Student President is C. Sponsor of the Assembly program is S. Principal is P. YIPS and Dignitaries is V's. STEP 5 MS. AMERICA suggested INTRODUCTION Presented by the student body President at Assembly. The reigning Ms. America has traveled to 26 countries and 50 states. She has been featured in more than 75 television programs, 25 magazines and over 100 radio shows. She has performed at over 1500 events including performances for 7 U.S. Presidents, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, The Queen of Thailand and several Prime Ministers and Ambassadors the world over. Ms. America has raised over 1 million dollars for charity organizations and is a spokesperson for Fortune 500 .companies. A professional actress she has appeared on daytime Soap Operas, "Days of Our Lives," "Young and the Restless," "Bold and the Beautiful," and can be seen in Movies and Television Commercials. Ms. America travels over 10,000 miles each month speaking to students, volunteer organizations and politicians about -the prevention of School Violence. She is directly responsible for implementing PLEDGES around the country to prevent violence in schools. Her efforts have been recognized not just in the United States but also worldwide. Last June of 2001 Ms. America was Knighted as "Dame Commander" in Scotland by His Royal Highness Prince Michael for her efforts to stop school violence and received the official title "LADY" Susan Jeske. . A professional vocalist, Ms America holds the Worlds Record, published in the Guinness Book of Records, for singing the National Anthem at the most-events in a 24 -hour period. And we would like very much for her to please start off our Assembly Program with her rendition of the National Anthem that achieved her a World Record. Please give a round of applause to the reigning Ms America and knighted (PAUSE) "LADY" (PAUSE) Susan Jeske. STEP 6 - PRESS RELEASE L Instructions: Ms America, Susan Jeske will be coming to your school soon. While Susan's combination of vibrancy and beauty is newsworthy on its own, what makes Susan Jeske's appearance at your school a MUST for your local media is her message! Below is a press release shell that you can distribute to your local media. We've provided it as a courtesy and encourage you to use it to generate interest in this impressive presentation. Mail Press Release so media will. receive it 5 days or Fax 3 days before Ms. Americas' appearance at your school to newspapers, TV networks and radio stations. Then you need to follow up the day before Ms. Americas' arrival with phone calls to ask if they received the Press Release and if they will be sending out a reporter to cover the event. FORMATING SUGGESTIONS • Use 81/2 x 11 paper. • Have ready for press: Directions to your school and a map to fax them if requested. • Use a minimum of one -inch margins on each side of the paper. • Use a BOLD typeface for the headlines to draw attention. • Capitalize the first letter of all the words in' the headline (with the exception of "a ", "an ", "the ", or prepositions such as "of', "to' , or "from ") The combination of upper and lower case makes it easier to read. • Complete the paragraph on one page instead of carrying it over onto the next page. • Use only one side of each paper. • Use the word "- more -" between two dashes and center it at the bottom of the page to let reporters know that another page follows. — more — • Use three number symbols immediately following the last paragraph to indicate the end of the press release: # # # FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Doe Heritage High School 1234 S. Park Hill Drive City, State zip Phone: (714) 123-1234 Fax: (714) 321 -4321 E -mail: HeritageHS @aol.com MS AMERICA COMES to (HIGH SCHOOL NAME HERE); ANTTI VIOLENCE MESSAGE ORIGINATES CLOSE to HOME (Your City, State — Date you send out release) — Susan Jeske, the reigning Ms America, is scheduled to visit (your high school) on (date) at (time). This vibrant and internationally recognized beauty not only brings a message of encouragement and hope to high school students around the country, she also brings a serious anti - violence message that comes from her heart. A native of Littleton, Colorado, Jeske is all too familiar with the unsettling trend toward school violence and has vowed to do something about it. In her widely heralded one -hour educational presentation titled, "Students Against Violence, " Ms.. America challenges students to face the hard truths and uncomfortable realities that result from violence in today's high schools. "My family lives in Littleton and my nieces and nephews go to school there. I've met students who were there during the shooting and it breaks my heart," the highly motivated Jeske points out. "The fact that this is my hometown motivates me to tell others about the perils of school violence. If I can just reach one student at each assembly, I'll feel like it's more than worth my time to travel to these schools." To dramatically make her point during each assembly, the school randomly selects a dozen students and one teacher. She encourages the crowd to get to know the "volunteers" and then tells everyone that they are dead — the victims of random school violence. It's an extremely effective visual lesson. -MORE- Ms America to Visit Page 2 At the conclusion of the presentation; students will be asked to take a pledge against school violence. Each school has its' own unique pledge that the students composed. At the conclusion of the assembly at (your high school) students Ail] take a non - violence_ pledge that was written by the students. Ms. America, who has spent the last six months traveling across the country, has visited over 75 high schools. She has been featured on more than 75 television programs, 25 magazines, and over 100 radio shows. e Guinness Book of Records for singing the National A professional vocalist, she is currently listed in th Anthem at. the most events in a 24 -hr period (17 events). Susan has performed at over 1500 events and in front of seven U.S. Presidents, numerous foreign Heads of State and dignitaries all over the world. Ms Jeske's efforts have been recognized not just in the United States but worldwide. June of 2001 she was "Knighted" as Dame Commander in Scotland at Sterling Castle by His Royal Highness Prince Michael for her efforts to stop school violence and received the official title of Lady Susan Jeske. Ms. Americas' presentation, which is being underwritten by (name of Sponsor), is designed to encourage and motivate high school students. Because her message is so important, Jeske strongly encourages the public to attend this motivational I information here) and visit the Ms. America website at presentation. For more details, contact (your schoo w•ww msamericapaEeant.com. # ## STUDENTS AGAEqST V70LENCE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM 60 MINUTE FORMAT All students and teachers are asked to wear their school colors in a ribbon Symbolizing the Students Against Violence Campaign. Student Counsel Members can make the ribbons. 12 Students and one teacher will be seated up on stage facing the students. Welcome and introductions of Dignitaries. • Have the Dignitaries off stage and when they are introduced have them walk on. Or they can just be seated and then introduce them from where they are seated. Introduction of Ms. America given by the Student President. National Anthem sung by Ms America. • Ms America will be off stage and after a short introduction, she will walk on stage and then sing the National Anthem. Keynote Speaker — Susan Jeske, Ms America. • Talk about growing up in Littleton, Colorado. • Ask students to share a nightmare with her. The nightmare is that the shooting didn't take place in Littleton, Colorado but it took place in their hometown. • The 12 students and teacher were not killed at Columbine High School but the 12 students and teacher that are seated on stage here were the victims. • Ms America interviews each of the students and teacher. After she interviews them they will turn their backs to the audience. Symbolizing Death. • Ms America asks the students how they would feel if this was to happen at their high schooL How do they feel about losing these students and teacher? • The victims on stage will then slowly walk off stage. Symbolizing death. • Ms. America tells the students about her experience of going back to Littleton for the memorials. Her family is a friend of the victim Cassie Bernal who was xuot after she told the killers that she believed in God. • Ms America talks to the students about another student she met who told her that the killer let him go because he did one thing. • Reads a letter that a student sent her. • Ms America talks to the students and says that this does not have to happen in - their school. • Asks the students to take a PLEDGE. This pledge will be given to the students a head of time. They can add to it or delete from it what they like so that the pledge fits each schools needs and desires. • The 12 students will bring back the Pledge that is made on big poster board. Symbolizing life and that this is another way to make their school violent free. • Ms America asks the students to join her in her "Campaign Against Violence" by taking the Pledge with her. • If time permits: Question and answer period. Sponsor of this event will be introduced by Ms. America. The sponsor will say why they sponsored the event and bow they care about the students and the community etc... Proclamations will be presented to the Principle of the School and to Ms America. If the Dignitary cannot come to the assembly program then ask for a representative from their office to appear on their behalf. Proclamations can be given by: • Governor • Senator • Mayor • Congressman /Congresswoman • Superintendent • Chief of Police • Assemblyman/Assemblywoman • Counsel man/Counsel woman • School Board Member, • And others. Final remarks and thank you for being here. Ms America is available to meet with the Journalism Students of the school so that they can have the experience of working with and interviewing a professional. The interview can be written up and printed in the school newspaper. if the school has the facilities for school television then she will be available for that interview also.