RRA - Item 2 - Authorization to Travel to Salt Lake City for Acquisition of property at 7505 Garvalia - Internal Files Box 069n i ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Q 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 917709 (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 A TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY r~ FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T~ DATE: JUNE 8, 1994 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO TRAVEL TO SALT LAKE CITY TO DISCUSS THE POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF CHURCH PROPERTY AT 7505 GARVALIA AVENUE It has been suggested by the local church authorities, that the Mayor, any member of the City Council and Mr. Foutz, meet with Mr. Simmons and his superiors regarding the possible acquisition of the property. It is their recommendation that the Mayor present a strong case for the need and use of the property as a youth center. The local church authorities are very much in favor of the the City of Rosemead acquiring the property in order to meet community needs. I have attached all the previous staff reports, letters and minutes pertaining to this item. If it is the Agency's decision to authorize this expenditure, it would be appropriate to direct staff to make the necessary arrangements. I FGT:js Attachments A:061494j(2) AGENCY AG1H1 'I JUN 141994 ITEM No. .--,R