CC - Item I - Cooperatve agreement between the city and agency for street and lanscaping improvements - Internal Files Box 069c=.;. ✓ E M E 2: � w.•Y TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER Cl� FROM: ALFONSO RODRIGUEZ, CITY ENGINEER (^ DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 RE: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND AGENCY FOR STREET AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS IN VALLEY BOULEVARD (MUSCATEL /LOMA) AND CONCRETE REPAIRS TO VARIOUS STREETS Attached for the City Council's review is a cooperative agreement between the Agency and the City for the subject project. The concrete repair project has been budgeted by the City as a General Fund and Local Transportation Sidewalk Grant funded project. In an effort to reduce costs, this project will be designed and bid together with the Agency's Valley Boulevard street and landscaping and concrete repair projects. It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached agreement. AR: js Attachment A:100891j(2) INI ocr g,�g5i I ( v AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR STREET AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS IN VALLEY BOULEVARD (MUSCATEL /LOMA) AND CONCRETE REPAIRS TO VARIOUS STREETS THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 8th day of October, 1991, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter "CITY ") and the ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (hereinafter "AGENCY "). WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code 33000 et seq., the City Council of the City of Rosemead established the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency under authority of the California Community Redevelopment Law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code 33000 et seq., the City Council of the City of Rosemead, by enactment of Ordinance No. 340, on June 27, 1972, has established the Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 1; and WHEREAS, CITY and AGENCY have a common interest in and wish to facilitate redevelopment within the City and to provide for the cooperation of CITY and AGENCY in carrying out redevelopment activities; and WHEREAS, CITY and AGENCY both desire to construct the public improvements and facilities described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree: Section 1. Each party shall have the services and facilities of the other party and its staff. Each party shall also cooperate with the other in providing for redevelopment activities within the City. Section 2. AGENCY shall supply to CITY such information and reports as from time to time the CITY may require. Section 3. CITY will assist AGENCY in the planning, financing, acquisition, construction and maintenance or operation of redevelopment activities undertaken by the AGENCY within CITY in accordance with applicable state and federal law. Section 4. CITY and AGENCY shall jointly undertake the planning, design, and construction of street and landscaping improvements on Valley Boulevard and concrete repairs at various locations. City shall be "Lead Agency ", as defined in Public Resources Code Section 21067 for the environmental review, planning and development of such capital improvement projects. . AGENCY shall pay the cost for the Valley Boulevard and the concrete repairs projects benefitting Project Area No 1, Such payments shall be made in accordance with the findings 3445 of previously made pursuant to Section 3ency Health h d Board Safety Code by the Rosemead Redevelopment y Rosemead City Council. The total AGENCY obligation for the project shall not exceed Two Hay undredcFortofThousand Dollars ($240,000). The CITY shall p Rosemead Area No. of The °r within the City of total CITY No. 1 and not ben Proj jct shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand obligation for the proe Dollars ($100,000). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first written above. CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CHAIRMAN ATTEST: AGENCY SECRETARY 0 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR - CONTINUED CC -E AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS SMALL BUSINESS CONFERENCE IN KANSAS CITY, KANSAS, NOVEMBER 17 -20, 1991 CC -F AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND SISTER CITY CONFERENCE IN TULSA, OKLAHOMA, JULY 6 -11, 1992 CC-G RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR 40th HANDYMAN BID PACKAGE TO LA VERNE CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN McDONALD that the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, McDonald No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC -H APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEKS BIDS FOR STREET AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS IN V ALLEY BOULEVARD ( MUSCATEL /LAMA) AND CONCRETE REPAIRS TO VARIOUS STREETS CC -I COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND AGENCY FOR STREET AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS IN VALLEY BOULEVARD (MUSCATEL /LOMA) AND CONCRETE REPAIRS TO VARIOUS STREETS These items were deferred for further information. CC -D APPROVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FOR DIAMOND RESTAURANT, 9016 MISSION DRIVE Mayor pro tem Clark asked that the applicant be given a copy of the City's noise ordinance. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN MCDONALD, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that the Council grant an entertainment permit to Diamond Restaurant. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, No: Imperial Absent: None Abstain: None Taylor, Clark, McDonald The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Imperial stated that the City does not have a good handle on this and until it does, he is concerned with Karaoke places. CC -J COMBINATION OF NEWSLETTER AND DECEMBER MAILING «•V:+- 1 . Councilman Taylor asked for a review of the original contract price and the inclusion of the recreation schedule. This item was deferred for further information. CC -K APPROVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FOR CHARMING, KTV, 7940 E. GARVEY AVENUE, SUITE 106 Councilman Bruesch asked about the Sheriff's report, asked for a better map showing the surrounding area, and asked that the City noise ordinance be provided at the time entertainment applications are requested. CC 10 -8 -91 Page #10 MEMORANDUM TO: FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: DON WAGNER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1991 RE: VALLEY BOULEVARD Attached is a copy of the Agency Memorandum we gave Margaret Clark and other members of the Agency. This was in response to her request of September 10, 1991 meeting, where she wanted all the background information on Valley Boulevard. In that packet we gave her the following information: 1. February 4, 1991, letter from the Board of Supervisors regarding Valley Boulevard Peak Period Parking Restriction Study 2. Staff Report for the Council meeting of December 11, 1990, Agenda Item regarding Resolution No. 90 -75 - Request to Los Angeles County for Aid to Cities Funds 3. Staff Report for Council Agenda Item from the meeting of September 11, 1990, regarding Engineering Proposal for Street and Landscaping Improvements in Valley Boulevard (Muscatel /Loma) and Concrete Repairs on Various City Streets. 4. Staff Report for the City Council meeting of June 26, 1990, regarding Time Based Traffic Synchronization Along Valley Boulevard. 5. Staff Report for Redevelopment Agency Meeting of February 7, 1989, regarding Study Session for Radio Corrected Time Based Units - Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. 6. Letter dated May 21, 1990, from the County Board of Supervisors regarding Valley Boulevard Reverse Flow Traffic Lane Study. 7. Council Memorandum to Jay Imperial, dated May.10, 1990, regarding Valley Boulevard Planter Modification Status. C C Page 2. 8. Letter dated March 2, 1990, from the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, regarding Aid to Cities Program Response to Board Order of January 3, 1990, Synopsis, All Supervisorial Districts. 9. . Staff Report for the Council Meeting of February 27, 1990, regarding Landscape Parking Lane Planters Along Valley Boulevard. 10. City Council Resolution No. 91 -6, Making Certain Findings and Terminations With Respect To The Redevelopment Agency Payment for Construction of Visual and Traffic Flow Improvements on Valley Boulevard Between Charlotte Avenue and Easterly City Limits, dated February 12, 1991. 11. Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 91 -3, Making Certain Findings and Terminations With Respect To The Redevelopment Agency Payment for Construction of Visual and Traffic Flow Improvements on Valley Boulevard Between Charlotte Avenue and Easterly City Limits, dated February 12, 1991. 12. Letter dated February 9,'1990 from the County Board of Supervisors regarding Valley Boulevard Traffic Signal Synchronization Project. 13. Council Memorandum to Jay Imperial dated October 6, 1989, regarding Landscaped Parking Lane Planters Along Valley Boulevard. 14. Redevelopment Agency Staff Report for the Agency Meeting of February 7, 1989, regarding Study Session for Radio Corrected Time Based Units Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. 15. Minutes from February 12, City Council Meeting June City Council February 27, 7, 1989. DJW:nv the following meetings: City Council Meeting 1991; City Council Meeting December 11, 1990; Meeting September 11, 1990; City Council 26, 1990; City Council Meeting May 8, 1990; Meeting February 27, 1990; City Council Meeting 1990; and Redevelopment Agency Meeting February FGT:H- 2 -N:24 U3 a ROSEMEAD R REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENCY MEMORANDUM TO: VICE CHAIRMAN MARGARET CLARK FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR= DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 RE: VALLEY BOULEVARD At the September 10, 1991 meeting of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency, Vice Chairman Clark requested all items received by the Agency regarding the Valley Boulevard planter modifications project and Los Angeles County's proposals for congestion management along Valley Boulevard. Attached are copies of the requested items as well as Los Angeles County's peak hour parking restriction study. Staff has made an application to receive $56,210 in County Aid -to- Cities Funds towards the Valley Boulevard planter modification project. The City Council's resolution outlines the removal of the protruding planters which will allow for a possible future lane in each direction which is consistent with the revised congestion management requirements of the County Aid -to- Cities (ATC) program (per March 2, 1990 Board Action item). The Application of funds, or approval of the planter modification project, does not obligate the City to approve the peak hour parking proposal, rather, it would merely facilitate implementation if it was Council's decision to do SO. while it is not a requirement for the City to approve the County's proposal in order to receive ATC funds, staff is unsure if the application will be approved if it is Council's decision to disapprove the recommendation of the County's peak hour parking restriction study. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. FGT:)s tac-menz C..- ..-1-i(54) BOARD OF SliPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES E56 PALL OF AOMINIS7RAT:CN LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90012 12131 9744111 PETER F SCMASARVM February 4, 1991 Honorable Dennis McDonald Mayor, City of Rosemead 8838 East valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor McDonald: VALLEY BOULEVARD FEAR - PERIOD PARKING RESTRICTION STUDY The County Director of Public Works has completed a comprehensive study (copy enclosed) of the feasibility of peak - period parking restrictions along valley Boulevard between the Long Beach Freeway and Durfee Avenue in the City of E1 Monte. The findings indicate that the restrictions would greatly improve traffic flow and transit service along this highly congested east -west corridor. These restrictions would link up with similar restrictions in the City of Los Angeles to provide an additional third lane of travel between Santa Anita Avenue in the City of E1 Monte to the intersection of Mission Road /Macy Street near downtown Los Angeles. The Director recommends a four - phased program to implement the restrictions as follows: Proceed with immediate peak -hour parking prohibitions along valley Boulevard at its intersections of Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield Avenue, and San Gabriel Boulevard. Implement peak -hour parking restrictions at Rosemead Boulevard after the parking bays have been removed in the City of Rosemead in June or July 1991. implement peak -hour parking restrictions at Fremont Avenue after the required widening is co-:pie*_ed in 'the City of Alhambra. T C C 'Honorable Dennis McDonald February 4, 1991 Page 2 4. Implement peak -hour parking restrictions along the. remaining mid -block locations after the required widening is completed in the City of Alhambra. In the City of Rosemead, I propose that the County prepare the design plans and install the signs at the key intersection of Rosemead Boulevard, at no cost to your City, immediately following the completion of your contract to remove the parking bays and widen valley Boulevard. Phases 3 and 4, which involve major work in the City of Alhambra, would allow the implementation of the restrictions for the entire route. However, because of the high cost of this work, a schedule for the implementation of these phases cannot be determined now. The Director's staff will be working with the City of Alhambra to move ahead with these phases and will coordinate their efforts with your City to implement the full length restrictions. As always, it is a pleasure to work with you and your City, and I look forward to hearing from you very soon regarding this proposal. Sincerely yours, PETE SCHABARUM Supervisor, First District PS: jeb Enc. cc: Department of Public Works LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC AND LIGHTING DIVISION VALLEY BOULEVARD PEAK- PERIOD PARKING RESTRICTIONS SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS To improve traffic flow and transit service along Valley Boulevard: 1. Proceed with immediate peak -hour parking prohibitions along Valley Boulevard at its intersectjons of Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield Avenue, and San Gabriel Boulevard. 2. Implement peak- hour - parking restrictions at Boulevard °after. -the parking bays "have :been - xe moved by_the -City of Rosemead An_�)une .or -July - 1991.. 3. Implement peak -hour parking restrictions at Fremont Avenue after the required widening is completed in the City of Alhambra. 4. Implement peak -hour parking restrictions along the remaining, mid- block Jocations after,the. required widening is comleted. in the City of Alhambra. (Implementing mid -block restrictions in the other cities sooner would only provide marginal benefits, since the increase in capacity through the other cities would not be gained through Alhambra, where congestion also exists. The full benefits of these restrictions will not be realized until the widening and restrictions are completed in Alhambra.) INTRODUCTION This study assesses the feasibility of restricting parking /stopping and adding a traffic lane An the peak direction during peak periods on Valley Boulevard to help improve traffic flow =and reduce congestion, The original limits were from the Long Beach (710) Freeway to Santa Anita Avenue but were extended to Avenue at the request of E1 Monte. As an alternative, the study also examines the possible establishment of parking restrictions near selected intersections in conjunction with the addition of a localized through lane. Peak -perio 4 restrictions typically result in the addition of a traffic:lmwX&W;eliminate friction between through traffic and parking vehiciesi This increases roadway and intersection capacity and improves the intersection level of service (LOS). It also reduces friction between transit buses and other vehicles by eliminating the need to maneuver in and out of the traffic stream. This study includes a review of the existing'roadway conditions, existing parking /stopping restrictions, parking demand, traffic volumes, intersection LOS, and impact on adjacent development. { { Peak - Period Parking Restrictions Page 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS Between the 710 Freeway and Santa Anita Avenue, Valley Boulevard is typically 76 feet between curbs within 100 feet of right of way. In Rosemead, the widt is reduced to 56 feet between curbs from Muscatel Avenue to Lama Avenue by parking bays. The City is currently in the process of advertising a contract to remove them and to widen Valley Boulevard to 84 feet between curbs. The contract is expected to be completed in June or July of 1991. The striping along this portion of Valley Boulevard consists of two through lanes in each direction and left turn lanes at the intersections. Striping along the remainder of Valley Boulevard provides two through traffic lanes, left -turn lanes at intersections, and a continuous two -way left -turn lane between intersections. There is either limited or full time on- street parking. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. There are 41 signalized intersections. The adjacent development is typically commercial /retail with some industrial and residential areas. Between Santa Anita Avenue and Durfee Avenue in the City of El Monte, Valley Boulevard has raised median and /or insufficient roadway width to accommodate an additional traffic lane. A review of traffic volumes along Valley Boulevard, collected in February 1990, disclosed traffic volumes exceed 40,000 vehicles per day between the 710 Freeway and Fremont Avenue. Volumes range from 25,000 to 30,000 vehicles per day between Fremont Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue (see Appendix A).- There is also a heavy left -turn movement from eastbound Valley Boulevard to northbound Fremont Avenue. Heavy north /south volumes cross Valley Boulevard. on Fremont Avenue, Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, and Rosemead Boulevard. Traffic volumes on the above major cross streets during the peak periods are typically greater than those on Valley Boulevard. Traffic volume information revealed that the morning peak - period along Valley Boulevard occurs between 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and the afternoon peak - period occurs between 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. from the 710 Freeway to Santa Anita Avenue. The average daily traffic (ADT) on the can Bernardino Freeway within the limits of this project ranges from 200,000 to 215,000 vehicles per day. Existing intersection LOS were calculated for five high- volume intersecting routes along Valley Boulevard, including Fremont Avenue, Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, and Rosemead Boulevard. These intersections are operating at LOS D, E, or F during peak periods. Their volume /capacity ratios range from 0.81 to 1.21 during the morning peak hour and from 1.13 to 1.42 during the afternoon peak hour (see Appendix B). The remaining intersections along the route are dot expected to significantly affect capacity in the immediate future. These are intersections with local and local collector streets which serve nearby residential areas. The streets C Peak - Period Parking Restrictions Page 3 c identified above considered major north /south routes through the San Gabriel Valley. As part of the Five -Year Traffic Signal Synchronization Program, a traffic signal synchronization project along Valley Boulevard from Cabrillo Avenue to New Avenue in Alhambra was recently completed using Radio - Corrected Time -Base (RCTB) technology. A RCTB unit is installed with each signal controller along the route which allows the system to remain synchronized. A similar project is scheduled to be constructed in the next several months on Valley Boulevard from Prospect Avenue, in San Gabriel, to Fairway Drive, in Walnut. This project will synchronize the traffic signals in San Gabriel, Rosemead, and at a shared intersection in E1 Monte. All four cities currently have one- or two -hour time -limit parking within the limits of this study, beginning between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m. Alhambra has a posted restriction of No Stopping, 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., along the north side of Valley Boulevard. West of the 710 Freeway, the City of Los Angeles currently has 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. peak - period parking restrictions for westbound Valley Boulevard traffic, and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. restrictions for eastbound traffic, which they plan to extend to 7 p.m. The rideability of the curb lane was reviewed and found less than desirable. There are approximately 50 locations with rises or falls near intersections, in the vicinity of drainage structures. All of these locations are in Alhambra. Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) length of Valley Boulevard. Line 76 operates 152 route, with 66 operating during the peak periods. that run a short distance on Valley Boulevard. An cross Valley Boulevard at various locations. PARKING STUDY Line 76 runs the entire buses each day on this There are three other lines additional seven lines As part of this study, a field review of the demand for on- street parking was conducted during the morning (6 a.m. to 8 a.m.) and afternoon (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.) peak periods. This included a review of the type of adjacent development and identification of potential satisfactory relocation parking on side streets, opposite side of street, and /or off - street facilities. A review of the parking dmiand an the north side of Valley Boulevard during the morning peak - period disclosed that parking is extremely light, with an abundance of nearby relocation parkinga A review of the parking demand on the south side of Valley Boulevard during the afternoon peak period disclosed that parking is generally light, except for several scattered locations along the route, with moderate to heavy parking. However, nearby relocation parking to side streets and /or off - street parking lots can accommodate most of the displaced vehicles. Potential relocation parking to the north side of the Peak - Period Parking Restrictions Page 5 route or by limiting the restrictions to the vicinity of key intersections, which are the capacity constraints. The implementation of the peak - period parking /stopping restrictions the full length-Of the route would involve varying amounts of roadway reconstruction, restriping, and the posting of appropriate signs. A review of existing traffic counts along Valley Boulevard disclosed a morning westbound peak occurring between approximately 6 a:m:_to:9.a.m'. The afternoon• eastbound-.peak occurs between approximately 4 p.m._.-to _7,,p.mlt Significant improvements in traffic flow could be achieved by improving the intersections of Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, and Rosemead Boulevard. These improvements would provide an additional travel lane in each direction through the intersections during Peak periods. We recommend the implementation of peak - period stopping restrictions near the intersections of Atlantic Boulevard, Garfield- Avenue, and San Gabriel: Boulevard which can be accomplished immediately and near Rosemead Boulevard upon completion of the removal of the parking bays in June or July 1991•.+ These regulations would establish or extend stopping restrictions near the intersections. The cities may wish to consider the establishment of full -time parking prohibitions (red curb) at these locations in lieu of peak - period restrictions. Red curb markings are highly visible and more readily recognized by motorists than peak - period signing and would be easier to enforce. In conjunction with these regulations, we 7.ecmlmend -the -instal lationr of -a striped third _traffic -lane aoh. -Airection near. these intersection �pnl Valley Boulevaeas This would include the posting of signs on the north side of Valley Boulevard stating 'NO STOPPING; 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.; EXCEPT SAT E SUN• and striping a third westbound - travel lane through the intersections. On the south side of Valley Boulevard at the same.four identified intersections, install signs stating -•NO STOPPING 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; EXCEPT SAT & SUN* and stripe a third eastbound_travei lane through the intersections. The afternoon peak - period will complement the same identified peak that the City of Los Angeles is posting for eastbound Valley Boulevard west of the Alhambra City boundary near the 710 Freeway. The third travel lane and transitions would be wi`1iajothetproposed restrictions which would begin approximately - 200 1 feet bef orvamm2mdutanection and .extend Jkpproximately 400 - f eet each intersectioM The total cost of signing and striping for these four intersections is estimated at $10,000 (see Appendix D, page 1, for cost breakdown). We recommend adding a third lane and implementation of peak - period restrictions near Fremont Avenue, which is the most congested intersection along Valley Boulevard. However, this would require roadway widening because additional roadway width is needed for the eastbound dual left -turn lanes. The possibility of three eastbound and two westbound lanes was explored, but not considered feasible because of the insufficient turning radius. It would also Peak- Period Parking Restrictions Page 6 require full -time elimination of parking along the north side of Valley Boulevard and leave only one westbound lane during bus loadings. The additional width near Fremont Avenue would be provided by reconstructing the south curb seven feet southerly and transitioning approximately 400 feet east of and 400 feet west of the intersection. A small amount of right of way would be required at the southeast and southwest corners for the reconstruction of the curb returns. The widening would also require the construction of a storm drain to replace the existing box culverts. The cost for these improvements are estimated at $1 million (see Appendix D, page 2, for the cost breakdown). We also recommend that a third through lane in each direction be provided during the peak periods along the entire length of the route. However, this would require roadway improvements in the City of Alhambra to provide a satisfactory ride along the curb lane. This work would include the removal and reconstruction of several drainage structures and some pavement rehabilitation to accommodate the increased traffic loads and to provide a better riding surface. The extent of this work can only be roughly estimated at this time. A detailed recommendation would require field sampling and materials testing. The cost of minimum needed improvements necessary to provide the additional travel lane is estimated at $2.5 million (see Appendix D, page 3, for cost breakdown). Existing improvements in Alhambra are very old and have served most of their useful life. As an alternative to the minimum needed improvements, the City may wish to consider some overall improvements to rehabilitate the entire roadway, possibly widening to Highway Plan Major Standards (84 feet between curbs). This would further increase costs since it would require the relocation of all street lights and traffic signals along the route, as well as parkway improvements. The additional cost for widening is estimated at $3.15 million (see Appendix D, page 4, for cost breakdown). PJB:jeb. T- 4 /VALRPT3 IS] 11 AR VALLEY BLVD 1990 TRAFFIC VOLUMES CROSS : CROSS STREET VALLEY BLVD INTERSECTION STREET 24 HOUR 24 HOUR 24 HOUR NAME VOLUMES VOLUMES VOLUMES FREMONT ---- ---------- 800 /1500 AT X- STREET - - -. 5100 FREMONT -- -- 37000 :--- ------- - - 41000 78000 ATLANTIC : 41000 29000 70000 GARFIELD : 35000 28000 63000 SN GABR 35000 28000 27000 63000 800004 - ROSEMEAEf 53000+- :VALLEY VOLUMES - - -- VALLEY BOULEVARD PEAK PERIOD DIRECTIONAL SPLIT CROSS : CROSS STREET :VALLEY VOLUMES : INTERSECTION STREET :(AM PEAK -HOUR) :(AM PEAK - HOUR) : PEAK -HOUR NAME NIS E/W - - - - - TOTAL FREMONT ---- ---------- 800 /1500 :---------- 1200/1600 : 5100 ATLANTIC : 1100 /1500 700/1500 4800 4400 GARFIELD : 1100/1300 600/1400 3600 SN GABR 1000 /1100 600/900 00.Q.; ROSEMEAD 1900/1500A : --------------- : CROSS : CROSS STREET :VALLEY VOLUMES INTERSECTION STREET :(PM PEAK -HOUR) :(PM PEAK -HOUR) PEAK -HOUR NAME NIS E/W --------- - - - - -: TOTAL FREMONT 900/2400 2500/700 6500 5900 ATLANTIC : 1400/1900 1700/900 1500/1300 6400 GARFIELD : 1900/1700 1400/1500 1200/1100 5200 SN GABR ROSEMEA k: 2600AI5001• 1000/1000 - : - 61001 : Q LLI O LLJ LU t J O O Z N 0 O co J O O d O N > U Z O D Q � U w 2 W C0 w 0) ¢ w z J W_ ¢ G LLJ Z Z Q z o C) w 0 W w LL n ¢ CI) �- J �} vJ � O J Q W � J O Z O W W ¢ w w rt F CO LL O ¢ 0 O co O ( O d O N U U v� Q w O 1 C iV 0 7 O W 0 J 0 > 0 Y W Q c C co L "t co N c co J 0 Q _ W �. 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C O 1 yl b U w •-+ C G y If1 W I ,a E I I I I w I I C i W l O I w 1 x I 1 ro I w I 1 p I ro I 1 I O I I C -1 O j b b U I cu 1 3 E I a1 1 al I W I > C Q) > E I w A I In I 1 w 1 1 9 f ro I w l C I W I 1 I O I C I I I O I I I y I E I W 1 1 H 1 w I I A I I H 1 O I , ..{ I N I I > I 1 I G I I , I 1 , I I 1 1 I I I I I I -- I 1 I 1 I � I I H al I I ro -I 1 F .a >� Z I I p 1 ac 1 � I cn o 1 '] I w 1 I 1 I w I O 1 I � 1 yJ I U 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I m a O >. z U O ro a r r 0 > V) I 11 I m O a U I O a U m U a l rn 4.1 -1 (n O In I ro W a) I U - C yJ 1 ► •^I U '•" m OO a)m xUl I r D mA W + I — I I 1 U 1 r ro a I > w I U U a O In m x W a) E ro z y u u w a� U U a O W 41 1 m y •-1 a w x w w tp y C y •a (1) ♦J C 4 J O y A C G C1 in a! E a N 9 C G O m A U r� o -+ b O C) a a i C C 7 ro C C U1 U H H � >. y U •o aJA \ v u b O C) a > > G G o a ro >. y E aJA C� w (� y > C O O N r c 1 COST SUMMARIES Addition of a third travel lane during peak - periods at 4 key intersections. Signing and striping on valley Boulevard Atlantic Boulevard Garfield Avenue San Gabriel Boulevard Rosemead Boulevard Signing and Striping (Alhambra) (Alhambra) (San Gabriel) (Rosemead) TOTAL $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $10,000 C C 1. Addition of a third travel lane during peak periods at Fremont Avenue with widening of valley Boulevard (100 percent Alhambra) Roadway Reconstruction Storm Drain System Signing and Striping Street Light Relocation Traffic Signal Relocation preliminary and Construction Engineering Construction Total Right -of -way Acquisition $200,000 $400,000 $10,000 $15,000 - -- $100,000_ Subtotal $725,000 --- $225,000 $950,000 $50,000 TOTAL $1,000,000 2 C C Addition of a third travel lane during peak periods along the remainder of Valley Boulevard with minimum needed curb lane improvments in Alhambra (no widening) Modify Culverts at 50 Locations $300,000 Construct Storm raioadway Replace inadequate section, reconstruct curb 1,000,000 and gutter, both sides $ $69,000 Signing and Striping Preliminary and construction $565,000 engineering _ Subtotal $2,434,000 (100 percent Alhambra) Signing and striping, other cities San Gabriel ;4tosomea6d E1 Monte TOTAL * Extent of work required to be determined by soils and materials testing. $18,500 $29x000 $18,500 $2,500,000 9 C. C Addition of a third travel lane during peak periods along the remainder of Valley $Oplanastandards 84 overall fe t improvements Alhambra between curbs (widening to Highway $400,000 street Light Relocation $1,500,000 Traffic signal Relocation $850,000 parkway Improvements preliminary and construction $400,000 .engineering ------------ TOTAL $3,150,000 (100 percent Alhambra) 4