CC - Item C - Request from Rosemead high School for Participating in the run/walk - Internal Files Box 069v TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1991 RE: REQUEST FROM ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE FOURTH ANNUAL RUN/WALK AGAINST DRUGS, JANUARY 25, 1992 Attached is a letter from Rosemead High School requesting our participation in the this annual event. As the letter indicates, last year the City contributed $3,000 for approximately 700 t-shirts. This year they are requesting $5,000 to cover the cost of 1200 t-shirts. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City's participation in this event and appropriate the necessary funds. FGT:nv A:121091N:1 COUNCIL AGENDA DEC 1 0 1991 ITEM No. DENTON D. TODD Principal Pslenwab Ng4 5r4aut, 9063 EAST MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 286.3141 November 26, 1991 Mayor Jay Imperial City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor Imperial: P.J. RUPERT Assistant Principal Instruction RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD AN NOV 27,1991 Pee 718'y'1101LU41IZI;1,I41516 This letter is written on behalf of Rosemead High School requesting the cooperation of the City of Rosemead in sponsoring the Fourth Annual Run/Walk Against Drugs/ Alcohol/Tobacco to be held on January 25, 1992. The program will involve an outstanding heptathlon competitor as an inspirational speaker and awards presenter for the 1, 2 and 5 kilometer run/walk. The target group is students in the Rosemead schools ranging from kindergarten to twelveth grade. It will take place on the campus track of Rosemead High School. We once again plan to award a T-shirt to all participants and prizes for the school having the greatest number of participants as well as individual prizes in each level. Rosemead High School anticipates a crowd in excess of 1,200 for this event. We are charging a nominal entrance fee of $1.00 per runner. (This will help insure a commitment and allow us to determine the number of runners we must accommodate.) As you may recall, last year, the City of Rosemead covered the cost of the T-shirts, a figure of around $3,000.00 for approximately 700 T-shirts. We ran out due to the tremendous participation of the schools in our community. This year to take care of the number of participants we will need to order 1,200 shirts. We are requesting from the City of Rosemead $5,000.00 this year so we will have enough T-shirts for all participants. Your consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully yours, P.J. Rupert Assistant Principal for Instruction cc: Frank Tripepi