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CC - Item D - Immigration and naturalization service local pilot program - Internal Files box 690- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS f-FRANK ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: G. TRIPEPI, CITY DATE: AUGUST 20, 1991 RE: IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE LOCAL PILOT PROGRAM This item is being presented at the request of Mayor Imperial. PROPOSAL In an effort to secure greater service and support for Rosemead's foreign-born residents, Mayor Imperial and staff entered into discussions with the INS LA District Director, Mr. Moshorak, and his staff. As a result of these meetings, a proposed Local Pilot Program has been developed wherein Immigration and'Naturalization forms and information would be made available to residents at City Hall. This program would be administered by the City Clerk and staff, possibly assisted by local volunteers. INS would provide forms, information, and support as needed. DISCUSSION Anyone who has ever dealt with INS is aware that the vast majority of an applicant's time and effort involves the determination, acquisition, and correct completion of the proper forms for a particular case or situation. At present, the only way for local residents to do this effectively is to go to the INS office in the LA Federal Building. In the best of circumstances, this is an extremely difficult and time consuming process, often involving very long waits and confusing procedures. For anyone with limited English or cultural familiarity, this can be an almost insurmountable difficulty. The result is unnecessary delays and complications in an already arduous process. COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 2.'7 ]991 ITEM No. MANAGER Page 2. This Pilot Program would allow the City of Rosemead to assist residents on a one-to-one basis, in a much more helpful environment. Applicants will be able to accomplish much of what they need in a far more efficient and convenient manner. A significant additional benefit will be the enhanced relations between the City and its foreign-born communities, and the more rapid acculturation of immigrant residents that is sure to result from this contact. INS has developed an information/forms packet which provides the most commonly needed forms and instructions for filing. This collection of forms will cover the bulk of inquiries; for inquires outside this scope, INS has established direct contact points at the District office to answer questions and provide information. INS has also established procedures for the City to order forms as needed. Because INS keeps no information regarding where in their service area inquiries originate, it is difficult to estimate the number of people who will avail themselves of this service at City Hall. However, the INS facility, which serves a seven county area, routinely sees 2,000 people weekly at the downtown information facility. Given the large foreign-born population of Rosemead (and surrounding cities) a planning figure of 10 - 15 inquiries daily is probably workable. Experience suggests about 10 minutes per inquiry, meaning approximately 2 hours of staff time daily. Another hour or two per week would be required for administration and "book-keeping". Spread between the City Clerk, staff, and volunteers, this commitment would not be an excessive burden. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the establishment of the INS Local Pilot Program at City Hall, to be administered by the City Clerk and staff. No additional costs, other than publicity, are anticipated for this program. Staff and INS plan a program re-evaluation after 4 months. FGT:ak S:TRAFIQ(1) CITY OF MONTEREY PARK 320 west newmark avenue • monterey park, california 91754 . municipal services center August 20, 1991 The Honorable Jay T. Imperial Mayor City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Immigration Service Local Pilot Program Dear Mayor Imperial: 04 ~jo N T£RRb a - A °~ttsoa~~r Thank you for your leadership in initiating a Pilot Program to provide immigration assistance to residents via.local City Halls. The City of Monterey Park will be very interested to know about Rosemead's experience before we decide to participate and be responsible for our "fair share". I will be updating our City Clerk, Dave Barron, on this matter. It was a pleasure to meet you and I especially appreciate your sensitivity and caring attitude toward the new residents. Sincerely, 7ti<E'.v'vL..J Suhow Assistant City Manager cc: Chris Jeffers, Interim City Manager SC:kls SLA52 "Pride in the Past - Faith in the Future, Monterey Parr Celebrates 75 Fears of Progress 1916-1991