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CC - Item 5A - Immigration and Naturalization Service Local Pilot Program - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER--"~- DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 1991 RE: IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE LOCAL PILOT PROGRAM This item was continued from the August 27th meeting at the request of the Council. Staff has investigated specific questions and concerns raised by Councilmembers regarding this Pilot Program. Contact with area churches and community groups revealed none that provide direct assistance to residents for Immigration and Naturalization matters. Two churches indicated that they refer people to Catholic Charities of Los Angeles. According to Catholic Charities, they do provide assistance in filling out and filing forms for a fee which ranges from $75 to $400. In addition, one church refers to a private law firm, which provides assistance at their ' normal fee. Neither Garvey nor Rosemead School District has any established program for this type of assistance. As for the forms themselves, there is no authorized distribution point outside of INS offices. Law firms can obtain forms for clients, but on a limited basis only. Another principal concern was the potential that this Progam might quickly overwhelm staff resources. For the reasons outlined in the initial staff report, estimating the number of people that would avail themselves of this service is difficult. It is conceivable that the response would be beyond staff capability, in which case measures could be taken to limit staff time spent on this Program, and to limit access. However, experience with other City programs has shown that midstream changes in programs with heavy demand often leads to considerable consternation and dissatisfaction among residents. COUNCIL AGENDA SEP 1 '0 1921 ITEM No. Page 2. Finally, there were some questions regarding the INS process and what service could be provided in this Program that would be of substantive value. In general, the immigration and naturalization process involves only obtaining correct forms, filling them out and filing them, an interview under certain circumstances, and adjudication by INS. Obtaining the correct forms involves not just travel to an INS office, but also dealing with an admittedly overburdened staff. This situation can make it extremely difficult to obtain the forms needed for a given situation. The opportunity to deal with someone locally, who could perhaps briefly query an applicant to ensure comprehensiveness and accuracy, would alleviate this difficulty to a large extent. If the City Council is in favor of appropriate to direct staff to take it with a review after four months. the Program, it will be the necessary steps to implement FGT:nv A: