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CC - Item 3A - Bulk Mailing Address Labels - Internal Files Box 06901; COUNCIL AGENDA TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER.. DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 RE: BULK MAILING ADDRESS LABELS This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Clark. Attached is a proposal from Ferris Addressing and Mailing, Inc. outlining costs for individual labelling and route-sorting of bulk mailing items in Rosemead. This proposal was sought after.the Mayor Pro Tem expressed concerns that several persons in the City were not receiving items, such as the newsletter and the recent notification sent to all households regarding the change in refuse service. The proposal specifies that it would cost the City an additional $27.50 per thousand to affix mailing labels with the address and heading of "Current Resident" for all households and P.O. boxes in the City. For an additional $18.00 per thousand, the firm would affix names to the resident labels. However, it should be noted that there are only 7,971 verified names available in the 91770 zip code. At $29.50 per thousand pieces, the total cost to affix address labels to mailed items would be approximately $500.00 per mailing. To include names, the cost would increase to approximately $836.00 per mailing. This service would not significantly affect the current postage rate paid by the City for bulk mailed items. FGT:nv C:091091N:4 SEP L0.1991 ITEM No. ff-A X