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CC - Item G - Removal of Flags/Ribbons along Valley and Garvey - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 18,1991 RE: REMOVAL OF FLAGS/RIBBONS ALONG VALLEY BOULEVARD AND GARVEY AVENUE. DISCUSSION On February 12, 1991, Council approved expenditures for the posting of flags, banners, and ribbons along Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue to demonstrate Rosemead's support for our troops in the Persian Gulf. and through a very successful Fourth banners, and ribbons where a clearly sentiment. However, now that returned from Desert Storm and with celebration, the purpose of this Throughout the Persian Gulf war of July celebration, the flags, visible statement of the City's virtually all combat forces hav the culminating City parade and display has been served. Due to thievery and general wear and tear, the cost of maintaining the flags, banners, and ribbons is approximately $500 every two or three months. Additionaly, with the disbanding of the local American Legion Post, flag maintenance and replacement has become problematic. while there is some discussion on the formation of a non-profit veterans group which could take up this burden, no firm plans are yet in the offing. It is recommended that the flags, banners, and ribbons be removed to storage and displayed as usual on the following holidays: Veterans Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Admission Day. FGT:nv S:STFWTR:l ITEM NO. cc -G COUNCIL AGENDA JDL .2 3 1991