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CC - Item H - Posting of Flags in honor of operation desert storm - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: rFIRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY DATE: FEBRUARY 6, 1991 RE: POSTING OF FLAGS IN HONOR OF OPERATION DESERT STORM At the request of staff, the Rosemead American Legion submitted the attached proposal for posting the flags along Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue in honor of Operation Desert Storm. Several cities in the area, among them Duarte and Temple City, are already doing so. Posting of the flags would slightly increase the cost of our current program. It is estimated that this would cost the City an additional t $790.00 for the balance of the year. i Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the posting of flags along Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue in recognition of operation Desert Storm, and authorize the necessary expenditures from unappropriated reserves. FGT:nv A:021291N:2 COUNCIL AGENDA FEB 1 2 1991 ITEM No. MANAGER )(d •Thmdcy o` 'xh month ar 00 P.M. ROSEMEAD AMERICAN LEGION POST 425 P.O. BOX 97,-. ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA 91770 TO: Don F9agner, Assistant City Manager February 9, 1991 FROM: Frank C. Larson, Rosemead Post 425 SUBJECT:Flag Program-Desert Storm Period RECOMMENDATION As per our discussion referencing an estimated cost for displaying of the American Flag during the war in the Mid-Nast, a survey was made on time and material. The survey was projected from the presnt time through December 3, 1991. The net cost to be approximately $1,000.00. It is recommended that 60 3'' X 5' American Flags and 60 6' X 3/4" poles be purchased form Hortie Van Distributor, located at 1940 Walnut, in Pasadena, who now has them in stock. There were five(5) vendors contacted and the above vendor was the only one who had them in stock, all others stated a 3 week to 4 month wait. Cost of the flag: 3'x5' cotton c? approx. $24.00 ea. x 60 $1440.00 Cost of the pole: 6'x3/4" alumn. 9 approx. $12.00 ea. x 60 720.00 Total $2160.00. BACKGROUND Presently there are 97 flag holders in the city. Due to Thivery and wear 40 flags must be replaced. The request for the extra 20 is that they will be used for replacements due to thivery or vand"elisim. At a later date we may have to go a less costly flag kit if this becomes a major problem, and the flag kits.become available. COST OF PROGRAM 60 flags 3x5 $24.00 each 60 poles 6'x 3/4" $12.00 each Displaying of flags(presently in the flag program) Maintenance of program(includes monitoring, putting replacements purchased by the city) $25.00/week @38 Repairing. of 8 flag holders @ $5.00 each,(includes when it can be procured) S $1440.00 720.00 330.00 up weeks 950.00 material 40.00 .ib Total $3480.00 page 2 COST RETURN Presently the Rosemead American Legion Post Displays and takes down the flags nine(9) times aeach year, stores them and has them cleaned for a total cost for the year of $3020.00. VTith the displaying of the flags to start the program shown in the cost above, this reduces the 76,3020.00 to $2690.00 which is saved TOTAL OVER-ALL COST OF PROGRAM The total over-all cost of this program projected through December 31, 1991 is: Purchasing of flags and Maintenance of Program $3480.00 Savings due to not displaying and taking the flags down eight(8)times -$2690.00 Total cost of program $ 790.00