CC - Item E - Request from Rosemead High School for placing a Banner - Internal Files Box 069TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER, DATE: APRIL 4, 1991 RE: REQUEST FROM THE ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR PLACING A BANNER ADVERTISING THE ANNUAL PARENTS EXPO Attached for your consideration is a request from the Rosemead School District requesting that they be allowed to hang a banner across Valley Boulevard at Ivar Avenue. What is somewhat unusual about this request, is they are requesting that the City pay for the installation and removal of the banner. In the past, the City Council has authorized the use of City poles for such banners, however, the civic groups have been required to pay the cost of installing the banner, as.well as providing liability insurance. It is therefore recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the request for hanging the banner, and deny their request for the City to pay for the cost of installation. FGT:js A:040991j(8) Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA APR I a 1991 ITEM No. .C_ 3640 NORTH RIO HONDO AVE., ROSEMEAD WALTER EMERSON, DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT JULIE FRIESE, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT- INSTRUCTION STEVEN CARY, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT- BUSINESS April 2, 1991 Mr. Donald Wagner Assistant City Manager Rosemead City Hall 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Wagner, FAX (818) 443-7470 CALIFORNIA 91770, PHONE (818) 443-0173 BOARD OF TRUSTEES JAMES TRAINOR PRESIDENT ROBERT HARRIS CLERK RANDALL CANTRELL MEMBER MARIE ORTIZ MEMBER JOSEPH VASOUEZ MEMBER Rosemead School District will be hosting it's 2nd Annual Parent Expo "Education: Shaping A World That Will Last" at Muscatel Junior High School on Saturday, April 27, 1991, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The morning will feature keynote speakers, workshops in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese for parents and students and tables featuring local colleges and universities as well as community services. In order to publicize this very special event to all of the Rosemead Community, we would like to request that the City Council allow the Rosemead School District to have a 4-foot wide by 25-foot long banner hung across Valley Boulevard at Ivar Avenue at no cost to the District. Your immediate response will be appreciated. Sincerely, I~116lJltu.~.~ Walter Emerson Superintendent