TC - 11-02-95r� r. Y• " AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting November 2. 1995 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Knapp, Vice - Chairman Alarcon, Chairman Tine Pledge of Allegiance:. Commissioner Larson Invocation: Commissioner Knapp I. MINUTES - Regular Traffic Commission meeting of October 5, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. DRAFT SPEED HUMP POLICY. Staff drafted a brochure that outlines a City policy for speed humps as an informational tool. ' RECOMMENDATION: Review and recommend City Council action on draft flyer. V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, December 7, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. 7 STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI. DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: OCTOBER 25, 1995 RE: DRAFT SPEED HUMP FLYER DISCUSSION During the August 3, 1995, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff was directed to develop an informational flyer discussing speed humps. The intent of this flyer is to provide staff with a tool to distribute to residents requesting speed humps to slow traffic in their neighborhood. Speed humps are not recognized by the State of California as traffic control devices. As such, there are no acceptable standard designs or guidelines for their installation. This presents an increased liability potential for the City. Therefore, speed humps are not installed on public streets within the City of Rosemead. Attached is a DRAFT informational flyer discussing speeding and speed humps. This flyer was complied from staff experience working in the City and a similar flyer produced by the City of San Buenaventura (Ventura). The Ventura flyer is also attached for your reference. This is a DRAFT flyer. The addition of graphics will come at a later time. Staff is requesting the Commission to review this DRAFT for content only. Staff would like this flyer to address the standard questions raised by residents and to clearly explain speed humps. Please review and comment on the flyer with these points in mind. After staff has addressed these comments, a REVISED DRAFT will be prepared, with graphics, for approval by the Commission. Then, a FINAL DRAFT will be submitted for approval by the City Council. Once Council has approved the flyer, the flyers can be distributed by staff as needed. JI RSDSPDHP TRAFFIC COMMISSION addition, the recent passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act has resulted in challenges in the use of speed humps. Many local governments, including the City of Rosemead, are waiting for the State of California to recognize the speed hump as an official traffic control device before considering the installation of speed humps. Therefore, the City of Rosemead does not install speed humps on public streets. However, the City of Rosemead does use the Sheriffs Department to slow down speeders by the enforcement of the California Vehicle Code. In addition, the radar speed trailer is used to remind motorists of the speed limit of a roadway as well as identify their travel speed. These tools have been helpful in reducing the speeds on residential streets. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions concerning traffic in the City of Rosemead, please call City Hall at (818) 288 -6671. SPEEDING and SPEED HUMPS SPEED BUMPS Speeding on residential streets in the City of Rosemead is a common complaint. Residents often request the installation of speed bumps or speed humps as a solution to this problem. ARE SPEED HUMPS AND SPEED BUMPS THE SAME? Speed humps and speed bumps are very different. A speed bump has a very short width, normally 6 to 8 inches, and can be 5 to eight inches in height. Speed bumps are normally found in parking lots. They require a motorist to slow and almost stop before driving over the bump. These types of bumps are not usually found on a public street. WHAT ARE SPEED HUMPS? Speed humps are 12 feet wide and approximately 3 inches high. They are generally installed in groups that are spaced evenly between humps. Speed humps are designed so that the occupants of a vehicle don't get thrown about when going over the hump, however, there is no mistake about having crossed from one side of the speed hump to the other. WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF INSTALLING SPEED HUMPS? There have been several tests on speed humps conducted throughout the world. The results have raised questions about their effectiveness. The results of the various tests indicate: • Speed humps do not significantly reduce vehicle speed once the vehicle has left the speed hump. In fact, the discomfort and shock sometimes decrease as vehicle speeds increase. • Speed humps may present a potential hazard to all vehicles including bicyclists, motorcyclists, emergency vehicles as well as people using skateboards and roller skates. • Speed humps cannot be designed to meet the specifications for all types of vehicles because of the wide variety of handling and ride characteristics. • Traffic volumes on streets adjacent to streets where the humps are located often increase when drivers try to avoid the speed humps. • Speed humps increase noise levels 10 to 20 decibels when wheels hit the pavement. Increased noise is particularly bothersome in residential areas. WILL THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD USE SPEED HUMPS? Although many cities have installed speed humps on public streets, the legality of the speed hump is not certain. Injuries caused by speed humps may result in significant additional liability for the City. In xf S0 z OW .,_ o z �. ca U 3/95 6t1 w W A �_ c c y w w C E v v =° v ° E' r tt < E .= u A I"' y �' m Vj y y e ao= c� L E c y o y •ra s c = �s Q y�Q us AU G 3i n. °_ .e a i G G u m R u E v y c� m o, o c. �' v o °' n :7 � c a o iy� A � `o r Q vsEE —� ta 7°— FEkEFE:?� evpeppD a�i p�7�{ o= c o ea. Lnau.F6c.6 `�FFFUC'A d A a •o v B' c 0 c n. THE CITY OF SAN BUENAVENTURA ENGINEERING DIVISION a'S 501 Poli Street ��NOev t�O� P.O. Box 99 Ventura, CA 93002 3/95 6t1 w W A �_ c c y w w C E v v =° v ° E' r tt < E .= u A I"' y �' m Vj y y e ao= c� L E c y o y •ra s c = �s Q y�Q us AU G 3i n. °_ .e a i G G u m R u E v y c� m o, o c. �' v o °' n :7 � c a o iy� A � `o r Q vsEE —� ta 7°— FEkEFE:?� evpeppD a�i p�7�{ o= c o ea. Lnau.F6c.6 `�FFFUC'A d A a •o v B' c 0 c n. Stz� c w E m F ono d an d E° .wS. 3• � = 0 CL � _ ° ,^ cr H ? 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ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Tirre Commissioners: Larson, Knapp, Alarcon Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison: Miller CALL TO ORDER: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Knapp The Invocation was delivered by Vice - Chairman Alarcon I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Alarcon, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for September 7, 1995. II. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB, 7500 BLOCK OF GRAVES AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report regarding a request that was received from Mr. Ronald Jones, 7517 Graves Avenue, regarding the vehicles traveling on Graves Avenue. Mr. Jones indicated the vehicles are traveling on Graves Avenue at excessive speeds and that exiting the residential driveways on the north side of the street is "very dangerous ". Mr. Jones requested the installation of red curb in front of his residence and to the east to increase visibility from his driveway. It was recommended that due to the speeds observed on Graves Avenue, it is recommended the radar speed trailer be stationed on Graves Avenue at the next possible opportunity. This should be followed -up with selective enforcement by the Sheriff's Department. In addition, staff will review the geometic conditions on Graves Avenue with the Deputy City Engineer. This review will determine if a change is possible to improve visibility. Staff will report the findings to the Traffic Commission when completed. Mr. Holm stated that he notified the City of Monterey Park of this item, but received no comments. Commissioner Knapp recommended the radar trailer be placed for cars travelling westbound. It was moved by Commissioner Alarcon, seconded by Commissioner Larson and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. Sheriff Miller noted the action and said he would place this location on the rotation list for the radar trailer for westbound traffic. Page 1 } V VI. VII B. MARSHALL STREET EAST OF WALNUT GROVE - CONGESTION Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report that came from Commissioner Knapp, requesting staff to review the location of Marshall Street east of Walnut Grove Avenue, due to the traffic congestion occurring especially in the morning peak hour. During this period, traffic from Janson School, commuter traffic and traffic associated with the First Evangelical Church of the San Gabriel Valley (Church) cause congestion and confusion on Marshall Street. It was recommended that the Commission receive and file this report. Staff will notify the Commission of any complaints arising from the actions described in this report. STAFF REPORTS - None COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Larson stated that center on Garvey, going westbou across into the left turn lane. inquired if staff could look at Commissioner Larson stated that the street at the Auto Auction, They park in the left turn lane intersection. the entrance to the shopping id, cars stop, and can't get Commissioner Larson this location. trucks are unloading cars in the street above Kelburn. and block at the Carl Holm stated that the Planning Commission will be reviewing an extension of their Conditional Use Permit at their next meeting, on October 16th. He will address this issue on behalf of the Traffic Commission. Commissioner Knapp stated that when the new company took over they promised they would do all their loading in E1 Monte, then shuttle them in. Commissioner Larson would like to see more enforcement at this location. Commissioner Larson stated that on the northwest corner of Cortada and Rosemead Place, there is debris left from the street Contractor. Commissioner Knapp informed the Commission of the "People for People" fundraising dinner at the Rosemead Community Center on Saturday, October 14th. Chairman Tirre inquired as to when the median striping is going to be done on Earleswood. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that it is all done on one contract, and should be done shortly. Chairman Tirre stated that weeds need to be removed on Hellman and Walnut Grove on the Cal -Trans lot. Chairman Tirre stated that the "No U- Turn" sign is down on Hellman and Walnut Grove going southbound. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next meeting will take place on November 2, 1995. Page 2 •r