TC - Item 4A - Neighborhood Traffic Management Program - Petition ProcessROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 8, 2010 SUBJECT: NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM -PETITION PROCESS SUMMARY Over the last several months, the Traffic Commission has worked on the development of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) including a traffic calming toolbox, criteria for the installation of traffic calming devices, and a flowchart/step-by-step guide that would be used to assist residents with the installation of traffic calming devices. Staff has developed a petition form that will be used by residents to gain neighborhood support for the installation of a traffic calming toolbox device. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review and comment on the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program petition form. ANALYSIS The attached petition form would be used by a resident to address a traffic issue. As proposed, the process for initiating a review of traffic conditions would involve greater resident input and participation over the City's current process. This new process ensures that traffic issues are driven by a neighborhood and not just one or two individuals. In several areas of the petition and process, you will notice that the policy still needs further clarification from the Commission. Specifically, the Commission must decide whether a petition may be initiated by a property owner, a renter or tenant, or some combination of both. Over the past several months, Commissioners have discussed the pros/cons related to this policy decision point. Some of these pros/cons are included below for your review: Including Only Property Owners • Property owners do not live in the area and are not faced with day-to-day traffic challenges for a neighborhood. • Renters would be left out of the public input process. Including Only Renters • Renters may live in a property for a short duration. • It will be extremely difficult and time consuming for staff to verify if a renter actually Traffic Commission Meeting July 8, 2010 Page 2 of 3 lives at a property. Currently, staff is able to easily verify residency at an address through LA County assessor's records. • The validity of a petition may be difficult to confirm without investing a substantial amount of staff time to verify residency records (utility bills, driver's license, etc). After reviewing these issues, it seems that a combination of property owner/renter involvement is the most productive way to maintain an inclusive process while also minimizing the amount of time that will be spent on each traffic calming request. Staff is proposing that the petition allow for 1 vote per residence or address, the approval of the property owner on record, and if necessary, a designated proxy vote for each address (in the case of a renter at a property). Proposed Process 1. Petition is circulated among neighborhood. 2. Resident at 1234 Main Street is asked to sign the petition in support of the installation of a traffic calming device. 3. Resident at 1234 Main Street is a property owner. Resident includes contact information and signs in support or opposition. 4. Resident at 1234 Main Street is a renter. Resident includes contact information and signs in support or opposition. Resident must also include landlord/property owner contact information. Staff verifies that property owner agrees with the "proxy" vote for the traffic calming device. If a Property Owner Does Not Agree with Renter's Proxy Vote • Property Owner would make the final determination on the support or opposition of the traffic calming device. Timeline This is one of the final steps in developing the City's NTMP. Following the approval of the petition forms and guidelines, the entire Neighborhood Traffic Management Program will be reviewed by the Traffic Commission at a future meeting. Once finalized, we will begin to schedule workshops with the public and public safety officials to discuss the document and take input. Members of the Commission have indicated that it may be beneficial to share the NTMP with members of the City's Public Safety Connections Committee and Neighborhood Watch Block Captains prior to finalizing the full document. Following this outreach process we will present the final draft document to the City Council for consideration. Public Notice This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Traffic Commission Meeting July 6, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Submitted by: CHRIS MARCARELLO Public Works Director Attachment 1: Policy and Flowchart Attachment 2: Toolbox Application Criteria City of Rosemead I I'm If f /N 2RPORATE01% Neighborhood Traff if I~ Prepared by: eMendin WILIV W I L L D A N your Engineering region TABLE OF CONTENTS Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Process NTMP Flowchart Request Form_________________ Neighborhood Petition 1 Neighborhood Petition 2 Page Level One Tools-,,,,-„---,------ 4 • Education Workshop... 5 • Enhanced Sheriff Enforcement and/or Public Safety Patrol 6 • Radar Speed Monitoring Trailer„-------------------------------------„-------„-, 7 • Neighborhood Traffic Watch Program,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,____.. 8 • Higher Visibility Crosswalk • Pedestrian Crossing Signs 10 • Radar Speed Feedback Sign_______ 11 Level Two Tools 12 • Traffic Signal Adjustments to Discourage Cut-through Traffic 13 • Turn Restrictions via Signage. 14 , Rumble Strips/Dots 15 • Crosswalk Warning System/In-Roadway Warning Lights 16 • Speed Hump Speed Table 18 • Mid-block Narrowing. 19 • Lane Narrowing/Lane Reduction - Striping 20 • Textured Pavement 21 • Parking Restrictions 22 Level Three Tools 23 • Raised Crosswalk-- 24 • Raised Intersection 25 • Traffic Circle 26 • - Restricted Movement Barrier 27 • Entrance Barrier - Half Closure 28 • Partial Street Closure - Forced Turn Barrier 29 • Diagonal Diverter 30 • Full Street Closure (Cul-de-sac) 31 • One-Way Street 32 • Raised Center Median..... 33 • Chokers at Intersections.... 34 • Roadway Narrowing - Curb Extensions 35 • Roadway Narrowing - Chokers 36 July 2090 - Draft-4 -2- Level Three Tools (continued) • Landscaping - Parkway 37 • Landscaping - Raised Center Median 38 • Enforcement- Red Light Photo Tools Used in Other Cities (Informational) 40 Table 1 - Neighborhood Traff ic Management Program Toolbox Application Criteria 44 July 2010 - Draft-4 -3- Draft 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Process July 2010 The process by which a perceived problem or concern is identified, reviewed, and possibly mitigated consists of a series of education, enforcement, engineering and evaluation steps. The process is summarized in the following steps and on the flow chart on page XX. 1. Initial Concern/Problem from a Resident or Groups of Residents The City's initial involvement in mitigating a neighborhood traffic concern begins with a concern/problem expressed by an individual resident or a group of residents and/or an observation by City Staff. The concern generally involves a perception that a significant number of motorists traveling through a neighborhood are violating the law in some way, such as speeding. 2. Initial Review by City Staff The Deputy Public Works Director and/or City Traffic Engineer will review the concern to determine whether or not it can be handled at the staff level or if the request requires consideration under the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP). The following criteria will be used to assess the requests: • Field review and observation of the street or neighborhood of concern. • Contact with Los Angeles County Sheriff regarding any reported accident history and/or incidents on the street or in the neighborhood. • Collect vehicle speed measurements and traffic volume counts as necessary. • Optional: Meeting with requestor, Sheriff representative and City staff. If it is determined that the concern can be handled at the Staff level, Staff will process the request and notify the requestor and Traffic Commission of actions taken. If it is determined that the concern falls under the NTMP, then the process continues. 3. Neighborhood Petition for a Traffic Management Engineering Study (Engineering Study) The initial requestor and/or neighborhood representative must circulate a Neighborhood Petition as shown on page XX. This petition must clearly identify the study limits, either as a street with specific limits or a neighborhood with the boundary streets shown. A map may be attached to the petition to better identify the limits of the study. ;The peti"to'n:inust be Stgned'by at-Ieast.XX%'of the properly Page 1 of 3 Draft 2 After this petition is received by City Staff, Staff will first determine if XX°% of the property oinrners/tenants' is represented. If this percentage is satisfied, a Traffic Management Engineering Study (Engineering Study) will be initiated. The Engineering Study will consist of two parts. The first part will be data collection and analysis. If Part 1 supports the implementation of traffic management measures, Part 2 of the Engineering Study will be undertaken. Part 2 of the Engineering Study will be the determination of which measures found in the City's Toolbox Measures would be appropriate to address the concerns of the residents as well as the analysis of Part 1. 4. Traffic Management Engineering Study (Engineering Study) Part 1 - The City will collect the data required for the Traffic Management Engineering Study. Based on the concern expressed and Staff knowledge, the data collection will include, as necessary: • traffic count data (24-hour and/or turning movement counts), • vehicle speed measurements, • reported accident history, • field review and documentation, • pedestrian count data, • traffic related citations, • any other pertinent information. Upon completion of Part 1, City Staff will determine if the Engineering Study should move forward to Part 2. If City Staff determines the implementation of traffic management measures is not supported by the data, the petition requestors will be notified. If City Staff determines the use of any one of the City's Toolbox Measures would be appropriate for use, we will proceed with Part 2 of the Engineering Study. The City Traffic Commission will be advised of the status of this petition. Part 2 - In this part of the Engineering Study, City Staff will determine if, or what, minimum traffic criteria of the City's Toolbox Measures is satisfied. However, the use of any Toolbox Measure should address the data collected in Part 1 as well as the needs of the residents. Generally, the Engineering Study (Parts 1 and 2) will require 6 - 8 weeks to complete from validation of the petition. The size of the study area may affect this estimated schedule. 5. Traffic Commission Reviews Traffic Management Engineering Study City Staff will present the completed Traffic Management Engineering Study to the Traffic Commission for their review and/or modification as appropriate. This agenda item will be scheduled as soon as possible after the completion of the Engineering Study pending availability of the Traffic Commission and previously Page 2 of 3 Draft 2 scheduled items. To insure a full and comprehensive consideration of each NTMP, only one Engineering Study will be presented at any Traffic Commission meeting. The Traffic Commission meeting is the formal opportunity for residents requesting the NTMP to present their concerns and it is strongly encouraged that the neighborhood attends their scheduled meeting. The recommendations of the Traffic Commission will then be forwarded to the City council for consideration and further action. 6. City Council Reviews Recommendations of Traffic Commission City Staff will present the Traffic Management Engineering Study along with the recommendations of the Traffic Commission to the City Council for consideration. Upon City Council approval, Toolbox Measures will be installed by the City at no cost to the residents. 7. Installation of Toolbox Measures The Toolbox Measures approved by the City Council will be installed. Depending on the Toolbox Measures approved, the installation time varies. Larger, Capital Improvement type Toolbox Measures, may require the preparation of engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates for construction. In addition, the City may delay the installation of Toolbox Measures to obtain grant funding for the installation. 8. Monitoring and "After" Study Data Ninety (90) days after the installation of the Toolbox Measures, data will be collected to determine the effectiveness of the installation. The data collected will be similar to the data collected in Part 1 of the Traffic Management Engineering Study. 9. Report to the Traffic Commission City Staff will present an "After" Study Report to the Traffic Commission. This Report will summarize the results of the before and after data collected for this NTMP. The initial resident/neighborhood that made the request will be notified of this agenda item. If the "After" Study Report indicates the installed Toolbox Measures did not address the problems identified by the initial requestor/neighborhood representative, City Staff will re-analyze the possibility of implementing additional Toolbox Measures. A second Traffic Management Engineering Study would be presented to the Traffic Commission. Page 3 of 3 City of Rosemead - Neighborhood Traffic Management Program . July 2010 - Draft 2 Resident/Neighborhood equest Form Available from C i Initial Review by City Staff i City Staff cannot address concern forhood Petition Available from C1N I City Staff Receives and Reviews I Neighborhood Petition 6 - 8 weeks from validation of Petition V I Traffic Management Engineering Study Completed Management Engineering Study If traffic calming criteria are met and the TC concurs Traffic Commission Recommendations Forwarded to City Council City Staff implements appropriate Toolbox Notify: Traffic Commission Neighborhood and Traffic Commission Data does not support need for Notify. Resident/ Part 1 - Data NTMP. No further Collection and action necessary. Neighborhood Analysis and Traffic Commission Part 2 - Determine Toolbox Measures appropriate for use. City Council Denys NTMP Request Notify: Resident/ Neighborhood an Traffic City Council Authorizes Installation of Toolbox Measures Toolbox Measures Installed at No Cost to Residents Monitor 1 Approximately 90 days after installation i Collection of °After" Study Data i I Report °After° Study Results to Traffic I Commission I City Staff Researches Possible Grant Funding for I Installation of Toolbox Measures Notify: Residents/ I I I I I 0 Z I aoyE ail p m m n I- 9v` 9 0 v w CO ¢ 1 ~ I I CITY OF ROSEMEAD Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Request Form Prior to submittal of a written request, please contact the Deputy Public Works Director at (626) 569-2100 to discuss your neighborhood traffic concerns and to set up a meeting time, if necessary, to discuss the process, toolbox measures, and options. If necessary the City's Traffic Consultant and/or Public Safety staff will also aid in discussing the residents' traffic concern at the time of the scheduled meeting. You may send mailings to the following address: City of Rosemead - Public Works Department c/o Neighborhood Traffic Management Program 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Description of Problem: Describe the location and problem/hazard you are experiencing. If applicable, indicate specific days and times the problem occurs and attach pictures and sketches, if needed, to illustrate anything that may be unclear. Attach additional pages if necessary. Requested Traffic Calming Measure(s): Refer to the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Toolbox App- lication Criteria for a detailed description of possible measures. Describe the traffic calming measure(s) you would like the City to consider implementing. Also indicate possible alternatives, If any, and attach additional pages if necessary. Contact Person: Please provide the following contact information. Name: Address: Email: Home Work Cell CITY OF ROSEMEAD Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Neighborhood Petition 1 We, the undersigned, desire, agree with, and request the implementation of the following traffic calming measure(s) as detailed in Table 1 of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Toolbox Application Criteria. Street(s) location and limits: I understand that the proposed traffic calming measure(s) may have ad irect impact on my property as the traffic calming measure could be placed directly in front of my property. I acknowledge that I have read the detailed description of the traffic calming measure(s) being proposed in Table 1 of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Toolbox Application Criteria. Petition Spokesperson: Telephone No: Note: Each petition page must have the same information presented to the petition signers (proposed toolbox measures, street(s) limits and possible impact to property). This provides complete notification to signers. Please Print Clearly Name Street Address Telephone No. Date Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O Q W W in LL O r V t0 i O a C N aJ E oc y R ~ O v 0 I-- w 0 O -0 O Z L O L 01 z c a N N a N ro N N 7 ro N E C E U U C cd O N o U w _0 o ro U C Q O O_ m¢ m~ CD 75 d F0 E E Y c`O 0 o CO CD a` 0 0- c m m a ro C 0) ro ro = C N o as ro F i O N O N L a 0 ~m N L O) .y °z N N a c 7 O m r = ro 6 .0 Ca H a c co c O .ro U 0 N m Cn acn 5s 0 N U L N n 7 N N i ro m N N E ro OI N c E E m ca. U ro U ` co Y m ~o`0 N c d C L.9 -r- 0 QC) d 'c C in O Ea U O a Q. CL ccz 'ro Q -0 o .0 ro 00 a CO ~ Co d co a~ m m o L L d N C Eco m E N (D m -o co c =3 CD ca 3 c° d 0 E c U L) m E F- - co O N O U d ` i0 O -0 0. L a~ 0 z O Q . N E- y o O ro o .L.. C r m a-0 J- U ro o H c a C roa' a O N ro o a a o c 7 N i - -0 O. 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