TC - Item 5A - 2010-11 Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program, Cycle9ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 8, 2010 SUBJECT: 2010-11 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (SR2S) PROGRAM, CYCLE 9 SUMMARY The purpose of the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) grant program is to educate our community on pedestrian and bicycle safety issues and to encourage children in grades K- 12 to walk and ride their bikes to school in a safe environment. Every public school in the City has a SR2S plan. The program also suggests walking routes to schools and helps address pedestrian travel deficiencies along these routes. Staff is working on a grant application for Garvey Unified School District campuses and is requesting input and support from the Traffic Commission. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission: 1. Provide input on proposed traffic safety measures to be included in the SR2S grant application; and 2. Authorize the Traffic Commission Chair to.sign a letter of support for the grant application on behalf of the entire Commission. ANALYSIS On April 15, 2010, Caltrans announced a call for projects for the SR2S Cycle 9 Program. The goal of the SR2S program is to improve safety awareness by encouraging schoolchildren to take on a healthier lifestyle by walking and bicycling to school. The program also helps local agencies fund traffic calming measures and safety improvements to ensure safe travel for children to and from school. In Fiscal Year 2009-10, the City received a state Safe Routes to School (SR2S) grant award in the amount of $499,000. This was the first year that the City of Rosemead received these grant funds. The work includes traffic safety and pedestrian improvements within a 2-mile radius of Rosemead High School. In June 2010, the City Council awarded a contract to start this improvement work, which is scheduled for completion in August 2010. In response to the popularity of this grant program, staff was directed to pursue additional grant funds for Fiscal Year 2010-11 for schools in the southwestern area of the City. Traffic Commission Meeting July 8, 2010 Page 2 of 2 School areas that will be included in the grant application include Garvey Intermediate School, Bitely Elementary School, and Emerson Elementary School. Staff has met with school officials from the Garvey Unified School District in early June to discuss the grant process and conceptual improvement plans. Garvey representatives were very supportive of this grant program and intend to provide support letters for the City's grant application. Grant applications are due later in July and will include a full review of traffic, accident history, and proposed improvements near each school site. Tentatively, the project includes the following improvements: • Repair Sidewalks/Curb Ramps in compliance with ADA accessibility requirements • Add In-Pavement Flashing Lights at appropriate crosswalk locations • Add Speed Feedback Signs at appropriate locations • Upgrade Street Signage to a high visibility florescent yellow green color • Restripe Street Markings and Crosswalks with a high visibility design At Thursday's Commission meeting, staff will provide a map with proposed improvements and locations for the Commission's review. Staff would like further input from the Commission and members of the public related to traffic concerns adjacent to these school sites. Public Notice This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: CHRIS MARCARELLO Public Works Director