TC - 08-01-96Y AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting AUGUST 1. 1996 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Ruiz, Tirre, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Chairman Alarcon Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Tirre Invocation: Commissioner Ruiz L APPROVAL OF MINUTES - IL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON HELLMAN AVENUE AT LAFAYETTE STREET- This is a request for parking restrictions on Hellman Avenue at Lafayette Street on both the south and north curbs. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "SCHOOL ZONE" SIGNS NEAR BITELY SCHOOL- This is a request for the installation of "School Zone" signs on Fern Avenue near Bitely School. B. REQUEST FOR "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN AT CIRCLE K STORE- This is a request for the installation of a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway of Circle K on Walnut Grove Avenue. V. STAFF REPORTS A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD This is a follow-up report on questions regarding faded striping on Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard brought up at the July 11, 1996 meeting. B. STATUS OF LEFT TURN LANE ON DEL MAR AVENUE AT HELLMAN AVENUE This is a follow-up report on questions brought up at the July 11, 1996 meeting. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, September 5, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 11, 1996 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Alarcon Commissioners: Larson, Tirre, Knapp & Ruiz Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Brad Johnson Acting Deputy Traffic Engineer: Chris Turnbull CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Alarcon The Invocation was led by Commissioner Tirre 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for June 6, 1996. Commissioner Knapp stated that her abstained vote was because she was not present at the June 6, 1996 meeting. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON HELLMAN AVENUE AT LAFAYETTESTREET This request was received from two concerned citizens who live in the area of the Hellman Avenue and Lafayette Street intersection. Both letters were requesting a review of the intersection and state that it is difficult to turn from Lafayette Street onto Hellman Avenue: Red curb was requested to prohibit parking on Hellman Avenue at Lafayette Street. Deputy Traffic Engineer Turnbull presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: Administrative Aide Johnson stated that staff is recommending this item be continued to allow more time to notify the residents in the area. Commissioner Knapp would like staff to contact Durham Transportation concerning the bus that seems to be parked there almost all the time. 02/03/97 16:42 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC ROSEREAD is 003 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JULY 3, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON HELLMAN AVENUE AT LAFAYETTE STREET REQUEST A request has been received, letters attached, from two concerned citizens who live in the area of the Hellman Avenue and Lafayette Street intersection. Both letters are requesting a review of the intersection and state that it is difficult to turn from Lafayette Street onto Hellman Avenue. Red curb was requested to prohibit parking on Hellman Avenue at Lafayette Street. CONDITIONS Hellman Avenue is a 40 foot wide east/west roadway posted 30 miles per hour (mph). There is one lane of traffic in both directions separated by a single yellow skip stripe. Parking is allowed east of Lafayette Street for fronting homes located on Hellman Avenue. Lafayette Street is a 34 foot wide north/south roadway with no striping. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. Lafayette Street is stop controlled at its intersection with Hellman Avenue. Parking is allowed on both sides of Lafayette Street. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA A review of the City's accident history from January 1, 1993 to December 30, 1995 was made. The accident history revealed the following: 02/03/97 16:42 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC ROSEMEAD 1@004 Qescrintion Date Time 93' west of intersection 3/2/93 6:20pm Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight rear end a eastbound slowing vehicle. Within intersection 2/19/94 6:35pm Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight sideswipe eastbound parked vehicle 100' east of intersection 4/5/94 5:30pm Southbound vehicle backing broadside a eastbound proceeding straight vehicle. Within intersection 2/26/94 11:50am Eastbound vehicle broadside northbound bicycle Within intersection 9/17/94 9:00am Northbound left turn vehicle sideswipe southbound left turn vehicle. Within Intersection 4/27/95 9:25pm Northbound right turn vehicle sideswipe eastbound proceeding straight vehicle. 57' east of intersection 8/25/95 7:00pm Northbound pedestrian and westbound vehicle proceeding straight. 60' east of intersection 10/16/95 11:55am Eastbound vehicle stopped sideswipe eastbound proceeding straight vehicle DISCUSSION A field review of the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Lafayette Street was completed in the early evening. Vehicles parked east of the intersection on Hellman Avenue creates a visibility obstruction for north and southbound traffic turning from Lafayette Street. On-street parking on Hellman Avenue and Lafayette Street is fully utilized. On Hellman Avenue east of Lafayette Street, it was observed that a small school bus and a truck were parked on the south curb. For the northbound direction, vehicles visibility is further constrained by the grade difference of Lafayette Street versus Hellman Avenue. The accident history, however, does not indicate a continual pattern. 02/03/97 16:43 FAX 6952120 R'ILLDAN ASSOC ROSEMEAD r~005 A review of the sight distance requirements was completed for the intersection based on the speed limit of Hellman Avenue and guidelines contained in the Caltrans Design Manual. Given a sight distance triangle of 330 feet, the installation of red curb east of Lafayette Street for approximately 40' on the north curb and 60' on the south curb is recommended. The red curb restrictions would eliminate approximately 5 total on- street spaces on Hellman Avenue. The residents fronting Hellman Avenue at these proposed red curb locations have driveways and parking available on site. Figure 1 depicts the proposed conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the field review of this intersection and a sight distance review. it is recommended that 40 feet of the north curb and 60 feet of the south curb of Hellman Avenue east of Lafayette Street be painted red. Attachments ct: p:066\chris\rosemead\helaf 02!01/97 16:45 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC ROSEMEAD zppg 2s--°r6 O eJ h-cm c,\:5-Q uAj to atEAj(- ° - ~i,a LJ~ c,k a C.a axe L U , he-V (>5 cc k U ~o I I I`%1-GYY1 ~4'~ C~-S~ell e~ Lt -1- hLn GLt LLZ(L L~l } L r L ~~}4 nt-1 a n D CnP to ahc~,_`-E .t1.L'.~ v c cCrCr+ D Cq ~~77D l TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEE DATE: JULY 24, 1996 RE: REQUEST FOR "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN FOR CIRCLE K DRIVEWAY LOCATED ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND GARVEY AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from Councilman Bruesch to review the installation of a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway of Circle K on Walnut Grove Avenue. The concern is that vehicles turning left from the Walnut Grove Avenue driveway and proceeding south on Walnut Grove Avenue cause problems for southbound Walnut Grove Avenue left turning traffic. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide north/south roadway. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction with no parking allowed on street in the vicinity of the driveway. The Circle K driveway is located approximately 40 feet north of the Walnut Grove Avenue/Garvey Avenue intersection. A traffic si09gnal exists at the Garvey Avenue intersection with left turn phasing provided for all directions. The post speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 miles per hour. Figure 1 depicts existing conditions. DATA The accident history in the vicinity of the driveway was reviewed from January 1, 1993 through March 30, 1996. The accident history is summarized as follows: Description Date Time 90' north of intersection 12/11/93 11:20am Northbound vehicle turning right broadside westbound left turn vehicle. 75' north of intersection 4/22/94 6:25pm Northbound vehicle proceeding straight sideswipe Northbound proceeding straight vehicle DISCUSSION A field review of the location revealed that motorists turn left at the driveway and either enter the southbound left turn lane or attempt to enter the southbound through lanes. Should a queue exist for the southbound through, the vehicle that turned left from the driveway waits for an opening in the left turn pocket. Since left turn phasing exists at the traffic signal, southbound left turn traffic that arrive after the Circle K vehicle has positioned itself in the pocket must wait an additional cycle. In addition, the westbound right turn traffic at Garvey Avenue is fairly high, which makes the left turn out of the driveway difficult. Southbound traffic attempting to turn left into the driveway, experience little difficulty . The accident history does not indicate a continual pattern. Two alternatives exists to resolve the identified problem. One is to install a "No Left Turn" sign at the driveway exit. The other is to install a raised median for the length of the southbound left turn pocket. This improvement could be incorporated into the Walnut Grove Beautification project (construction estimated to begin sometime in late 1997). However, the alternative would be extended to include the south approach for purposes of alignment and consistency. The median alternative would eliminate the left-in movement to the Circle K. Bot Dots were not considered since the left-in movement does not present operational problems. The "No Left Turn" sign installation can be implemented in a timely manner and can be removed should the median alternative be selected. Given this, it is recommended that the "No Left Turn" sign be installed at the Circle K driveway exit. Figure 1 depicts the proposed conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on a field review of the driveway, it is recommended that a "No Left Turn" sign be installed at the Circle K driveway exit per Figure 1. Attachments p:066\chris\rosemead\wa I left Lv 1 j 1 > 1 ( 3 1 Q 1 W > 1 1 , 0 1 1 CIRCLE K r 3 V ~ 1 Z NSTALL SIGN do POST 1 Q R17 ! 1 cgs \ ` 1 Gym GARVEY CITY OF ROSEMEAD WILLDAN A330CIATE3 QltlNEERS uN F .ERS EXIST. X-WALKS AVE. INSTALLATION OF NO LEFT TURN" SIGN FIGURE 1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER/ DATE: JULY 24, 1996 RE: STATUS OF LEFT~TURN LANE ON DEL MAR AVENUE AT HELLMAN AVENUE r At the July 11 Traffic Commission meeting Commissioner Knapp inquired about the status of the Left Turn Lane on Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. Review of past Commission meetings indicated that the project was conceptually approved by Caltrans but funding was not available. Attached for reference are Traffic Commission items completed in May and July of 1993 for the subject project. Discussion with City staff regarding this proposed project revealed that the recommended improvement is scheduled to be completed with the Beautification Project for Del Mar Avenue. Construction is anticipated to begin sometime in 1998. p:066\ch ris\rosemead0el hel I TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN, AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: KEN JOHNSON, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JULY 29, 1993 RE: STATUS OF LEFT TURN LANE ON DEL MAR AVENUE AT HELLMAN AVENUE The installation of the left turn lane has been discussed with Caltrans and they have approved the project. The project is currently on hold because no funding is available for the installation. Engineering is looking into potential funding sources, but the project is currently unfunded. It will proceed when funding is available. J 11 KJ:nv ~s A:TRAFFIC 20 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MAY 17, 1993 RE: SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE ON DEL MAR AVENUE AND HELLMAN AVENUE DISCUSSION As you are aware, the City of Rosemead has received a verbal approval for the installation of a southbound left turn lane on Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. This approval was received from Mr. Lan Jew of Caltrans District 7. As a follow-up to this conversation with Mr. Jew, I sent a letter to him on May 17, 1993. A copy of this letter is attached. In order to move this item to the next step, staff is requesting direction from the Traffic Commission. Be advised that the City budget is of concern at this time and Redevelopment funds are also minimal. JCI:nv Attachment A:TRAFFIC:11 MAYOR: ROBERT W. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOE VASOUEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK DENNIS MCOONALD GARY A. TAYLOR May 17, 1993 Mr. Lan Jew Senior Transportation California Department District 7 Traffic Branch 120 S. Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Mr. Jew: f ~ i~c~ ~~oses~cad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 Engineer of Transportation This letter is a follow-up to our discussion on May 5, 1993 regarding the installation of a left turn pocket for southbound Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. As we discussed, you have no objections to this installation. You further recommended that the City of Rosemead design the left turn pocket similar to those at Garfield Avenue or Atlantic Boulevard. The City of Rosemead will be preparing conceptual plans for your review. Upon your approval, we will be requesting an encroachment permit from Caltrans for the installation of the left turn pocket for southbound Del Mar Avenue at Hellman Avenue. Thank you for your immediate response to this request. If you have any questions, please contact me at (310) 908-6226. Sincerely, `zar/ JOANNE ITAGARI Deputy Traffic Engineer City of Rosemead JI:nv cc: Jeff Stewart Executive Assistant Al Rodriguez City Engineer STAFF:TRAFFIC:3 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS TURNBULL, ACTING DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: JULY 24, 1996 RE: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD STRIPING At the July 11 Traffic Commission meeting Commissioner Knapp indicated that the striping on Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard were faded. In addition Commissioner Ruiz asked if the City uses reflective material in the paint itself. Discussion with City staff regarding these two street segments indicated that both of these roads are programed for improvement as part of the City's Beautification Projects. Walnut Grove is scheduled for construction in late 1997 and San Gabriel is scheduled in 1999. In the mean time, staff has contacted Traffic Operations to restripe these two streets as part of the City's ongoing striping maintenance program. The paint used City wide is per the Caltrans Standard Specifications and includes the application of glass beads which is the reflective material in the paint. Two coats are typically applied on new surfaces, one coat for repainting. Due to these new beautification projects (Walnut Grove, Del Mar, and San Gabriel) and the fact they include rubberized asphalt overlays, the application of three coats will be specified. This is being specified due to the absorption nature of the rubberized asphalt when first applied and the tracking of rubber material by vehicles which cause initial fading. p:066\chris\rosemead\wa Isg b