TC - 04-04-96/ . AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting April 4. 1996 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Ruiz, Tine, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Chairman Alarcon Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Ruiz Invocation: Commissioner Larson 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of February 1, 1996 and March 7, 1996. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. "NO LEFT TURN SIGN". This is a follow-up analysis on "No Left Turn" `sign for westbound Garvey Avenue east of River Avenue/Rosemead Place - Commissioner Larson requested staff to review this location for additional traffic control with the recent approval by City Council to install "turtle dots" at another location on Garvey Avenue. V. STAFF REPORTS A. TRAFFIC COUNT. Traffic count comparisons on Garvey Avenue. - This is a comparison of traffic counts taken on Garvey Avenue in 1988, 1993, and 1996. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, May 2, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. a ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 1996 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Alarcon Commissioners: Larson, Ruiz, Tirre & Knapp Ex Officio: Associate Planner: Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison: Lt. Heller CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Alarcon The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Tine 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for January 4, 1996, with a few corrections on Page 3 from Commissioner Knapp and Commissioner Larson. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS AT JACKSON AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this item came from Commissioner Knapp and requested staff to review the traffic conditions at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Graves Avenue. Commissioner Knapp indicated the need for additional controls at this intersection which may include the installation of a traffic signal or stop sign. This intersection was reviewed at the January 7, 1993 Traffic Commission meeting. The Commission voted not to install additional traffic controls at this intersection. The accident history from January 1, 1992 to September 30, 1995, and it revealed three accidents occurring within 100 feet of the intersection. The speed of the vehicles traveling on Graves Avenue provides adequate sight distance for vehicles to exit from Jackson Avenue onto Graves Avenue. The visibility of westbound traffic on Graves Avenue is adequate. The City of Rosemead uses the Caltrans Traffic Manual as a guideline for the installation of traffic signals and STOP signs. Primarily, traffic volumes, pedestrian volumes and accident history are analyzed in these guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of additional traffic controls at the intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue was not recommended at this time. It was recommended the Sheriffs Department monitor Graves Avenue on a regular basis by including it on the radar trailer rotation list. r_ j:. Commissioner Knapp stated that she has seen the radar trailer at this location, and will be posting a copy of this report in her church, as the request are coming from them. Commissioner Knapp inquired if there is a computer program that the City could purchase to log and research past reports. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON HELLMAN AVENUE AT EVELYN AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this report was received from Mr. Adrian Aviles, 3356 N. EvelynyAvenue, for the installation of STOP signs on Hellman Avenue at Evelyn Avenue. Mr. Aviles indicates that eastbound vehicles turning right from Hellman Avenue onto Evelyn Avenue have difficulty maneuvering because of their high rate of speed on Hellman Avenue. He feels the installation of STOP signs will slow down the vehicles so that slower turns can be made. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of a traffic signal or STOP control at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Evelyn Avenue was not recommended at this time. Reported accident data will be monitored at this location to determine any increase in reported accidents for a six month period. Any unusual findings will be reported to the Traffic Commission. Commissioner Knapp stated that the City did a complete/thorough study of Hellman Avenue approximately 5 years ago, and showed very few changes. Commissioner Tirre inquired as to selective enforcement. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that Hellman would usually be enforced. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commission Ruiz and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation in addition to using the speed trailer and posting additional speed signs. V. STAFF REPORTS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that on Hellman the pedestrian signal will be removed. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp invited everyone to attend the Chamber's "Vision" Forum - Rosemead 2005. They will be held on February 28th; March 16th; March 27th & April 17th, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Commissioner Knapp also stated that the Mayor of the City of San Gabriel will be renaming some streets in 'the City of San Gabriel, including Mission Drive. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The next meeting will take place on March 7, 1996. :y ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 7, 1996 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Alarcon, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Alarcon Commissioners-, Larson, Ruiz, Tirre, Knapp Ex Officio: Associate Planner: Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison: Sgt. Edgington was present to introduce Lt. Heller as the new Liaison. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Larson The Invocation was delivered by Chairman Alarcon APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Holm announced that the minutes have not been completed and recommended to continue this item. With no objection, this item was continued to the April 4th meeting. 1 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE -None III. OLD BUSINESS -None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND GARVEY AVENUE - DAY LABORERS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff received a request from Councilman Imperial to review the situation regarding day laborers on San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue surrounding Diamond Square. A suggestion has been made to install "No Stopping Any Time" restrictions around the square. However, what'iis likely to occur with the installation of "No Stopping Any Time" signs is the employers will probably pull into the Diamond Square property to pick up the day laborers. The day laborers will then be on private property at which time the property owners can have them cited by the Sheriffs Department. There is also a possibility the day laborers will relocate to an adjacent street. In the vicinity of Diamond Square, the adjacent streets are primarily residential. This would create complaints from these residents and not solve the problem. RECOMMENDATION: Due to the complexity of this issue, staff was seeking direction from the Traffic Commission Commissioner Larson stated that there is an additional problem on the north side of the street. Chairman Alarcon inquired if traffic enforcement is an option. Sgt. Edgington stated that the City of South El Monte has very strict law enforcement, however, Diamond Square has many more people than South El Monte. Sgt. Edgington stated that the City of Ontario/Pomona set-up areas where people can go. Commissioner Tirre inquired if there is such a location in Rosemead where these people can go? i Mr. Holm responded that there is no place set-up for this at this time, but staff could investigate this issue. We would need to make sure sufficient facilities are available, and that it is convenient enough that it will be used. Commissioner Larson directed staff to contact other cities, such as Monrovia and other surrounding cities, to see what kind of solutions they may have to offer. It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to direct staff to contact surrounding cities, to see what kind of solutions they may have to offer. V. STAFF REPORTS A. RESPONSE TO COMMISSION COMMENTS P Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki noted that she talked to the Boys and Girls Club, Director Anthony Robles, and he is willing to help to resolve the problem and to encourage using crosswalks. Commissioner Larson expanded on his concern that the problem is mainly weekends and evenings when most administration is not around. Commissioner Knapp requested increased police enforcement for "J" walking in this area. Lt. Heller stated that there was recently a Sheriffs Briefing to increase pedestrian enforcement in Rosemead. B. COMMISSIONER WORKSHOP V The Commissioners were asked who would be attending the Commissioner Workshop on Saturday, March 30, 1996, at the Rosemead Sheraton Hotel. Commissioners Alarcon, Knapp and Ruiz stated they would like to attend. C. OTHER COMMENTS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki reported on City Council actions, regarding approval of the Speed Hump Flyer, and that there will be turtle dots installed at Diamond Square rather than delineators. She also reported on the status of the design of signals for New/Newmark and Mission/Earle. . Associate Planner Holm informed the Commission that Planning Commissioner Marvin Lowrey passed away. Mr. Holm informed the Commission that Brad Johnson will be the new person/contact in charge of the Traffic Commission. Sgt. Edgington stated that there are now 2 motorcycle cops in the City of Rosemead. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORT Commissioner Tirre inquired as to the health status of Captain Mirabella. Sgt. Edgington provided an update on his status. Commissioner Larson inquired as to the traffic count is on Garvey Avenue. He stated that the signs on River and Garvey are being ignored. The signs are hard to see. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. The next meeting will take place on April 4, 1996. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER T, DATE: MARCH 20, 1996 RE: FOLLOW-UP ANALYSIS ON "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN FOR WESTBOUND GARVEY AVENUE EAST OF RIVER AVENUE/ROSEMEAD PLACE This item was brought before the Traffic Commission in December of 1994. At this meeting, the Traffic Commission voted to install flexible delineators to prohibit the left turn movements into the center. The agenda item and meeting minutes are attached. The City Council took the Commission's recommendation on advisement and voted to install "No Left Turn" signs for entering and exiting vehicles before the installation of flexible delineators is attempted. At the request of Commissioner Larson, staff has reviewed this location for the possible installation of "turtle dots". There has been continued noncompliance of the "No Left Turn" sign for entering traffic. The Sheriffs Department has reported that selective enforcement of this location has resulted in a number of citations being written. Since the December 1994 agenda report, one accident has been reported at this driveway. This accident occurred on Sunday, August 6, 1995, at 8:15 AM. The accident involved a westbound left turning vehicle rearending a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. The existing "No Left Turn" sign is visible for entering traffic. Motorists, however, are not always aware of the prohibition. Additional posting of signs is not possible due to the geometrics of the location. As stated in the previous agenda item, a reduction in the median length could provide a storage area for left turning vehicles. This would reduce the landscaped median area. This is also a relatively expensive alternative. The installation of "turtle dots" on Garvey Avenue west of San Gabriel Boulevard has recently been approved by the City Council. These dots, however, have not yet been installed. Their effectiveness, therefore, has not been tested. Discussions with the City of Temple City, however, indicate a high rate of compliance at locations where they have installed the "turtle dots". Page 2. RECOMMENDATION Based on the continued noncompliance of the "No Left Turn" sign and the inability to post additional signs, the installation of "turtle dots" is recommended. This installation shall extend from the existing raised median on Garvey Avenue east of River Avenue/Rosemead Place to 90 feet westerly. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachment JI: RSD%GARIVR d Q Q LLd z W 0 (V GARVEY AV. I ~ Q DWY "C" LL n ~ a PRp~~gO !Al'~TALLATIC~ WOT TO SCALE OF "TURTLE ~ N N aaeo7~aeeooeaoae _o N N 30' 20 55' 35' i I D W y "A" O W Y" 5,. ~EXIbT~IJ(~ MO LEFT TURN'bYH9OL N&AJS GEC J GATE CLOSED FIGURE I PRoPo5eD IM'bTALLATYOti1 OF "TURTLE DOTS"'- (IKON CENTER CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 1994 RE: WESTBOUND LEFT TURNS INTO SHOPPING CENTER ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GARVEY AVENUE AND RIVER AVENUE/ROSEMEAD PLACE REQUEST Mayor Bruesch has requested the Traffic Commission investigate the westbound left turn movements into the shopping center on the southeast corner of Garvey Avenue and River Avenue/Rosemead Place. He indicated that cars extend into the through lanes of traffic when attempting to turn left into the first driveway east of River Avenue/Rosemead Place. CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue is 74' wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a raised center median. The posted speed limit on Garvey Avenue is 35 mph. `r The intersection of Garvey Avenue and River Avenue/Rosemead Place is signalized. Left turn lanes are provided on Garvey Avenue at this intersection. The westbound left turn lane is 130' in length at which point the raised center median begins. The first driveway (driveway "A") to the shopping center is located approximately 70' east of River Avenue. The second driveway (driveway "B") is located approximately 75' east of the first. An additional driveway (driveway "C") to the shopping center is located on River Avenue. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. DATA The accident history in the vicinity of driveway "A" on Garvey Avenue east of River Avenue/Rosemead Place was reviewed. This review included. reported accidents from January 1, 1991 through June 30, 1994. There were no reported accidents involving westbound vehicles turning left into driveway "A" of this shopping center. One accident was reported involving a westbound vehicle rearending another westbound vehicle. A cursory field review of the location revealed 2 westbound vehicles turning left into driveway "A" during a 15-minute mid-day period. h _ Page 2 rk x. x DISCUSSION The data regarding this location does not indicate a continuing problem with westbound left turns into driveway "A". However, field review of the location does reveal the potential of westbound' left turning vehicles extending into the through travel lanes. There are several alternatives that can address this issue. They... are depicted in Figure 2 and described below. 1. No Change - Due to the favorable accident history minimum number of left turning vehicles, make no chanc;ra7,_..: to existing conditions. 2. Install Left Turn Sign Restrictions - Install "No Left:'. Turn" signs for entering and exiting traffic. This may.. reduce the number of vehicles turning left arrl.. obstructing through traffic in both the eastbound arr&-- westbound directions. Access can still be gained from the signal at Garvey Avenue and River Avenue/Rosemead Place and driveway "C". This alternative requires compliance by the motorists. 3. Extend Raised Median - This would 'eliminate the possibility of left turns into and out of driveway "A". However, this alternative is not recommended because it would reduce the length of the westbound left turn lane which is already at a minimum. 4. Reduce Length of Raised Median - This would allow left turn access to driveway "A" and reduce the number-.of vehicles blocking through traffic lanes. %A reduction:`in the length of the median of approximately 30' would allow a storage length for two cars. Staff can fully support alternatives 1, 2 and 4. Alternative 2, the installation of "No Left Turn" signs, is recommended as a first step in reducing the potential of westbound left turning vehicles blocking through travel lanes. Should further requests or concerns be made, staff will reexamine the situation at that time. JI: Attachments i RSDGARLT Tkf S `y-S~ - r- . f a J d Q Q (,V 140T TO SCALE G W O 40' 25' 35~ 50' 4o' 25 QL N N GARVEY AV. ~ r N N 70 ' 30' 20, 55' 35' I cwy .,a., owv ,16•. N N 4 vwv GE Q g w ~aoQQ~~ EGt - to o GATE CLOSED FIGURE I WESTBOUND LEFT TURN ACCESS TO SHOPPING CTR, CRY OF ROSEMEAD r 1 ~ Ir.l cJ ~1r 7 -S W U cf1~r~ 7 .I ~I L >Li v~ Q J ~ Qz In W~uI J OU QCflQ f N W a Z W J a '7d OV3W3S0y Y f liJ 7 Q Z W J Q I I ~ I I `h ,i2 I n P u l xz 3 /l E.d LL v w 1 A ;z I ? 1 sin I n ~ I V ~ w' AV 23AIb a V' I I I I ,221.11 P nI ii tl I , ICI I < , W "Id CV3W3502 e V y ~ ay u 0 J I A 6 i jo AV i13Alb e f ~II WI 7 Q Z 02 W J Q 'Id 0V3W360b a i - P - f I I i ly-~ 4 ,xx I I1 A nl O d W a 9 Q Z I i o d`r W Cv Lo f W ~ J - ' W l` Q V 4 - of AV 213Alb ;.1 0V3W350a .o a. v } P'1s ar w `J L I I u I W W} I ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING - ® DECEMBER 1, 1994 " The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order - by chairman Knapp, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boul evard, California. I. CALL TO ORDER The Pledge to the Flag was delivered by Commissioner Beezley The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Alarcon II. ROLL CALL Chairman Knapp Commissioners: Beezley, Larson, Tirre, Alarcon - III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Larson, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for November 3, 1994. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None - V. NEW BUSINESS A. WESTBOUND LEFT TURNS INTO SHOPPING CENTER ON THE SOUTHEAST ® CORNER OF GARVEY AVENUE AND RIVER AVENUE/ROSEMEAD PLACE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that Mayor Bruesch requested the Traffic Commission investigate the westbound left turn movements into the shopping center on the southeast corner - of Garvey Avenue and River Avenue/Rosemead Place. He indicated that cars extend into the through lanes of traffic when attempting to turn left into the first driveway east of River Avenue/Rosemead Place. , Garvey Avenue is 74' wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a raised center median. The posted speed limit on Garvey Avenue is 35 mph. The intersection of Garvey Avenue and River Avenue/Rosemead Place - is signalized. Left turn lanes are provided on Garvey Avenue at _ - , this intersection. The westbound left turn lane is 130' in length at which point the raised center median begins. The first driveway (driveway "A") to the shopping center is located - approximately 70' east of River Avenue. The second driveway (driveway "B") is located approximately 75' east of the first. An additional driveway (driveway "C") to the shopping center is _ located on River Avenue. The accident history in the vicinity of driveway "A" on Garvey Avenue east of River Avenue/Rosemead Place was reviewed. This - review included reported accidents from January 1, 1991 through © June 30, 1994. There were no reported accidents involving i " " westbound veh cles turning left into driveway A of this shopping center. One accident was reported involving a westbound vehicle rearending another westbound vehicle. - - A cursory field review of the location revealed 2 westbound vehicles turning left into driveway "A" during a 15-minute ' mid-day period. The data regarding this location does not indicate a continuing problem with westbound left turns into driveway "A". However, . field review of the location does reveal the potential of . westbound left turning vehicles extending into the through travel lanes. Page 1 Yr; •Thdre•are several alternatives that can address this issue. - 1. No Change - Due to the favorable accident history and minimum number of left turning vehicles, make no change to ' existing conditions. - 2. Install Left Turn Sign Restrictions - Install "No Left Turn" - - signs for entering and exiting traffic. This may reduce the number of vehicles turning left and obstructing through - traffic in both the eastbound and westbound directions. - Access can still be gained from the signal at Garvey Avenue - and River Avenue/Rosemead Place and driveway "C". This - alternative requires compliance by the motorists. 3. Extend Raised Median - This would eliminate the possibility - of left turns into and out of driveway "A". However, this alternative is not recommended because it would reduce the ' length of the westbound left turn lane which is already at a minimum. 4. Reduce Length of Raised Median - This would allow left turn access to driveway "A" and reduce the number of vehicles - blocking through traffic lanes. A reduction in the length of the median of approximately 30' would allow a storage _ length for two cars. RECOMMENDATION: - Staff can fully support alternatives 1, 2 and 4. Alternative 2, the ihstallation of "No Left Turn" signs, is recommended as a !~v first step in reducing the potential of westbound left turning vehicles blocking through travel lanes. Should further requests - or concerns be made, staff will reexamine the situation at that time. - Verbatim Dialogue Begins - - Commissioner Tirre: This morning I sat there for about 15-20 minutes, between 10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m., I think it was. I saw some cars, about 3 cars coming in from the east-end, and they did - stick out into that lane. They sit right by the median there, - and they finally came in, but they did sit there maybe while the other traffic was going through. How about exiting, is there any problem exiting that place going west. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: It is a similar situation as you're coming in. - Commissioner Tirre: They come out of either one, I've seen cars _ come out of the east driveway and they cut all the way across to the median, that is pretty dangerous. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: Now that would be considered - l illegal. Commissioner Tirre: Well, I saw one car do that this morning. Chairman Knapp: The first (3) minutes that I was there this 3 afternoon, I saw two cars do that, and it was really harry, one was a volkswagon and a camper, and I thought where's he going to _ go, I stood there and watched him and said no,.no, no, no. The 6. way this guy did it, he went sort-of right and then jumped into k the thing, I said this we have to stop, it's really bad. Chairman Knapp: One of the things that I was going to suggest, C , - can we put the signs in, because I thought this was one of the problems we had at the Diamond square, where we tried to stop the left turn on Garvey Avenue, that we couldn't post the sign because it is private property. - - - Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: Right, we would have to get S - ~ permission to do this. F Page 2 Chairman Knapp: Also, I think we need to draw an arrow out of _ ® this driveway "A", and say "Right Turn Only" on the pavement. This would be one of the suggestions, I think we should make too. Commissioner Tirre: Joanne, this left turn sign here, the first one, almost directly points into the driveway, not quite, but it . does. It gives you a false impression that two can make a left turn. It's not quite lined up with the entrance, it does give you that impression. I would like to see maybe the 4th ' alternative put into a motion, but you're going to have to remove part of that center divider, plus a couple of trees, and that _ would give you 160' feet from the corner. Chairman Knapp: Then that gives them the opportunity to turn in here, I think we should try to stop them from doing it. One of the things I was concerned about is an access for them to get ' out. I don't understand once you're in the parking lot, why a thinking driver wouldn't go out driveway "C" and go out where you have a light/signal to get you out. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: You can think of it both ways, - motorists coming from westbound Garvey can easily make a left turn at the signal and come into the shopping center. _ Commissioner Alarcon: Can we require the owner of the shopping . center to post some kind of sign that tells them to exit through - " driveway "C". - Administrative Assistant Troyer: You can request it, but we can't! mandate it. Usually matters such as these, we can cooperate with the property owners. If the Commission wishes to - address those issues, we can probably work with the property owner and get him to agree to do something that would be _ _ appropriate. Chairman Knapp: Are we looking at perhaps coming back with some more other suggestions, before we send it the Council. Is that how the Commission is... ' j Commissioner Alarcon: I'm sort-of leaning towards Joanne's alternative, because one it is the least expensive. Commissioner Knapp: I think we should go with No. 2 - Commissioner Alarcon: I think we should ask the property owner - • to do some additional notifications within the shopping center - ' , ~ itself. ~ ~ Commissioner Knapp: So, we're leaning toward taking some action tonight, and choosing one of the alternatives? And then continuing on working with this. Commissioner Larson: On no. 2 where are we going to put the "No Left Turn" sign on the westbound traffic. - Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: The way I have it identified, there is a street lamp right at the driveway we can post for - westbound traffic at that the driveway. So as a car is looking - to turn into the driveway. commissioner Larson: Is that standard for posting a left turn sign? You look across 35' feet of street and all of the sudden you're halfway into your left turn, then what do you do? = Chairman Knapp: Is there a way we can put it on the median itself? Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: I think that might be more confusing than anything. It might confuse the driver at that _ point. Commissioner Larson: There's been a problem since we've put the. dividers in on Garvey Avenue. This is not going to solve anything, it might help us. ,p F Page 3 _ Commissioner Tirre: I would like to see on driveway "B" a "NO ~iTS! Left Turn" sign put up on the driveway/property. Chairman Knapp: Wouldn't a "Right Turn Only" sign be more of a - positive way... Instead of a "No Left Turn". Commissioner Tirre: What would happen if you put in those things " that you have over there at In-and-Out Burger. - Commissioner Larson: That's the answer to both sides of the that intersection. I'm not sure we want to put them up all over the City. Chairman Knapp: Why don't you make that a motion, and make it as - part of our record tonight that we recommend that. Commissioner Larson: You can't shorten the left turn lane - - because you have buses going down the street, and if you want to chase our taxpayers out of the City than we can do these things. _ Commissioner Tirre: Another thing that is happening now is that - when you have a pile-up on the 10 freeway most of the people come - over to Garvey, and it's going to be a mess there. Commissioner Larson: Joanne, what are those things called. . .~.i1 Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki: They're called flexible delineators. Commissioner Larson: I would like to make a motion that we just don't worry about any of the (4) recommendation and go to the flexible delineators. And I think that this would solve the problem, and we might have to come back later and put them up on the other side. Let's take care of this one first. Commissioner Tirre: I would like to second that motion. Chairman Knapp: We already had another motion on the floor - previous to this gentlemen, we had Mr. Alarcon's motion to accept - the alternative no. 2. - Commissioner Larson: Nobody seconded it. Chairman Knapp: The motion dies for lack of a second. We discussed and never had a chance to hear a second on it. Now " your motion Mr. Larson is to just put the delineators and no other additional traffic control, and there is a second on that. Commissioner Alarcon: Before we jump that far, we have just - beautified Garvey Avenue with all these nice medians now we're going to put these ugly things right there. It is one thing at because Mission is pretty ugly. Rosemead Boulevard and mission , I'm not quite sure why we should go that far, so quickly, I think we need to give our citizens a little bit more credit, if we let them ease into it, maybe a little education with a flier in the j.: shopping centers, maybe we can do that before we go all the way = - to the ugly and possibly the best solution. Again, especially because it is my neighborhood. Chairman Knapp: I think it's a point well taken. I didn't get a chance, but I would have second the motion to go with alternative no. 2, but I would have added to put the "Right Turn Only" on the two driveways. We have a motion and a second, would you vote please. Vote results: _ C YES: Commissioner Beezley, Larson, Tirre I_ NOES: Chairman Knapp, Commissioner Alarcon ABSENT: None _ ABSTAINED: None Page 4 v Chairman Knapp: I would like the record to show that I voted - € "No" because I agree with Mr. Alarcon about what he said we . - jumped on it too fast. I kind of like the idea, but not that - fast. We can go back, I think to the other and see if the motion can go back again. - Administrative Aide Troyer: Now if you would like to incorporate - some comments to show in the minutes for Council. Chairman Knapp: Yes, I think I would like to do that, would you Mr. Alarcon? Would you like to ask Sandy to make verbatim minutes on your suggestion? For the whole discussion perhaps. Commissioner Larson: Can I ask a question? On this verbatim - - that we have been doing so often, is it true that when the City Council comes in, if he wants to acquire about something that went through the Traffic Commission or Planning Commission, he _ has access to these tapes, just like anybody else does? Commissioner Larson: Verbatim is great, but we recommend, we're - - not a binding Commission. It takes a Secretary or somebody in staff an 1 1/2 to 2 hours or a lot longer than that to do verbatim minutes, because you play the tape recorder, you go back and forth, you have to make sure you get the words right. We do a lot of verbatim stuff in here and it does get cost effective. ! -Verbatim Dialogue Ends- - VI. MATTERS FROM THE COMMISSION AND STAFF Commissioner Alarcon inquired about the traffic signal at Marshall and Walnut Grove. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will be taking look at this location in January and brought to the Traffic Commission in February. commissioner Larson had a complaint about the American Flags ' being displayed in the condition that they are. He feels they should be replaced or taken down. Commissioner Tirre stated that trucks on Garvey Avenue are still there blocking the view of traffic. Commissioner Larson stated that in talking with Jeff Stewart, he - will be rotating the Parking Control Officers in that area. Administrative Assistant Troyer introduced Carl Holm, who will be the new Administrative Aide working with the Traffic Commission. - - Chairman Knapp inquired about the signal at Del Mar Avenue. , Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that there is proposal f coming to the City to do a street-scape, to look at the whole _ redevelopment area, for medians, street lights, etc. One of the streets named might be Del Mar Avenue. - - VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Traffic commission, the meeting was adjourned. Page 5 r TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER \ DATE: MARCH 26, 1996 RE: TRAFFIC COUNT COMPARISONS ON GARVEY AVENUE Attached is a table reflecting various traffic counts taken on Garvey Avenue. This count comparison has been completed at the request of Commissioner Larson. The traffic count comparison identifies information from 1988, 1993 and 1996. The table is divided by direction and total traffic count volume. The % Change identifies the change in the traffic counts between adjacent years. The comparison of 1988 and 1993 indicated a decrease in traffic volumes in 1993. The most significant decrease occurred east of San Gabriel Boulevard (-34.6%). The only increase in traffic occurred east of Del Mar Avenue (+15.2%). The comparison of 1993 and 1996 indicated an increase in traffic volumes. The most significant increase occurred east of San Gabriel Boulevard (+14.7%). A slight decrease was recorded east of Walnut Grove Avenue (-0.6%). 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