TC - 03-07-96AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting March 7. 1996 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Commissioners Larson, Ruiz, Tine, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Chairman Alarcon Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Larson Invocation: Chairman Alarcon I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of February 1, 1996. IL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND GARVEY AVENUE - DAY LABORERS. This is a request from Councilman Imperial to review the situation regarding pedestrian and vehicle traffic around Diamond Square. V. STAFF REPORTS A. RESPONSE TO COMMISSION COMMENTS. This is a follow- up report on items brought up at the January 4 meeting. B. COMMISSIONER WORKSHOP. Saturday, March 30, 1996 at the Rosemead Sheraton Hotel. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, April 4, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CARL HOLM, ASSOCIATE PLANNER DATE: FEBRUARY 29, 1996 RE: MINUTES - FEBRUARY 1, 1996 Please.be advised that the Traffic Commission minutes for February 1996, will delivered to you the week of March 4th, prior to the meeting on March 7, 1996. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. CH:sb/traffic(2) MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER Y1 DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 1996 RE: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND GARVEY AVENUE - DAY LABORERS Staff has received a request from Councilman Imperial to review the situation regarding day laborers on San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue surrounding Diamond Square. A suggestion has been made to install "No Stopping Any Time" restrictions around the Square. The installation of "No Stopping Any Time" signs surrounding Diamond Square is a possible deterrent to employers of the day laborers. Motorists could be cited under California Vehicle Code 21461-failure to obey an official traffic control device. This would be a moving violation, more costly than a parking ticket and would be recorded on the driver's record. Such a violation may discourage the employers to return. However, what is likely to occur with the installation of "No Stopping Any Time" signs is the employers will probably pull into the Diamond Square property to pick- up the day laborers. The day laborers will then be on private property at which time the property owners can have them cited by the Sheriffs Department. This will require additional coordination between the property owners and the Sheriffs Department before implementation can occur. There is also a possibility the day laborers will relocate to an adjacent street. In the vicinity of Diamond Square, the adjacent streets are primarily residential. This would create complaints from these residents and not solve the situation. The City of Agoura Hills has implemented a City ordinance prohibiting day laborers from soliciting in the public right-of-way. This ordinance, however, was approved and implemented based on an identifiable accident history associated with the day laborers. Such an ordinance for the City of Rosemead would require consultation with the City attorney. RECOMMENDATION Due to the complexity of this issue, staff is seeking direction from the Traffic Commission. RSD\DAYLBR MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 1996 RE: JANUARY 4, 1996 TRAFFIC COMMISSION INQUIRIES Several items were brought to my attention during the January meeting. The following is a summary of the actions taken as a result of this discussion. 1. The tree trimming requested on Temple City Boulevard south of Valley Boulevard was reported to Michael Burbank, Director of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Burbank is responsible for tree trimming in the City. 2. A work order request was faxed to Traffic Operations to replace the missing signs on Temple City Boulevard at Olney Street on February 6, 1996. 3. A pedestrian count was taken at the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue. This count indicated a fair amount of students use the north leg of the intersection to cross San Gabriel Boulevard. The pedestrian timing was appropriate for the intersection. There did not appear to be a high number of conflicts with westbound right turns and the pedestrians on the north leg. Therefore, no changes to the existing conditions are recommended at this time. 4. A field review of Garvey Avenue in front of Garvey Middle School was made during the school release period. This review identified a mass exodus of students during release times. However, very few, less than 10 students, cross Garvey Avenue at the midblock location. These students all exited the school at the parking lot east of Jackson Avenue. A review of the accident history from January 1, 1992 through September 30, 1995 identified two mid-block accidents involving pedestrians or bicyclists occurring in 1994. These accidents are summarized below: 1. Westbound right turning vehicle collided with a westbound bicycle. Cause: Driver under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Sunday, June 19, 1994, 8:15 PM. 2. Southbound pedestrian collided with a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. Cause: Pedestrian violation. Friday, July 1, 1994, 6:36 PM. Staff did not review the location during the swap meet times. However, with the limited on-site parking, it is understandable that patrons of the swap meet may use Garvey Avenue for parking. The Rosemead Boys and Girls Club operate the weekend swap meet. Staff has been unable to contact anyone at the Rosemead Boys and Girls Club. Staff will continue its attempts and report back to the Commission at next month's meeting. JI: RMSTATUS 02/23/96 10:52 io:City Manager/Admin From: Page J2 C4t~l , California Contract Cities Association 0 10810 Pe:ameenl Blvd- Swie #202 - Oowne): Caidornia 90241 i310i 8615905 Februarv 22. 1996 TO: ALL MEMBERS. COUNCIL. COMMISSIONERS. CITY MANAGERS%ADMINISTRATORS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: HAROLD HOFMANN. SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIR FAX i11-;j Bo1235E. rj, 77 COMMISSIONER'S WORKSHOP DATE CHANGE SATURDAY, MARCH 30 1996 Sheraton Rosemead Hotel 888 Montebello Blvd., Rosemead Please marl: your calendars!! The lath Alutual Contntissiouer's Workshop has been rescheduled and hill be held Sathu-day, March 0. 1996. We have been fervently working on the program for the workshop, and there are itim aspects of information, as a part of the program that we Have been unable to confirm. The change in date will allow is ample time to finalize the details of this vets important and educational workshop. A final proof-am x\ ill be mailed to.you shorty, however. do not delay in sending iu vour registration. The session will begin with a Continental Breakfast at 3:00 ant. followed by lunch at noon. The workshop will conclude at 4:00 pnt. The cost of the complete program is S70.00 per person and includes all workshop materials. as well as the breakfast and lunch. "The Little Commissioner's Handbook" will also be available for an additional S 10.00.