TC - 01-04-96AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting January 4. 1996 7:00 p.m. Call to Order: Commissioners Larson, Knapp, Ruiz, Vice-Chairman Alarcon, Chairman Tirre Roll Call: Reorganization This is the tim Commission to Chairperson and for the next year. for the Traffic select a new Vice-Chairperson Commissioner Tirre Pledge of Allegiance: Invocation: Commissioner Ruiz L MINUTES - Regular Traffic Commission meeting of December 7, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is 3 minutes; total time allocated is 15 minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. REVISION #2; DRAFT SPEED HUMP FLYER. Staff has revised the draft flyer based on the Commission's comments on December 7, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend City Council approval of draft Flyer. B. DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER - FLEXIBLE DELINEATORS. Staff has drafted a sketch of installing delineators on Garvey Avenue west of San Gabriel Boulevard, Diamond Square. RECOMMENDATION: Traffic Commission policy. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. NONE V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT Thursday, February 1, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CARL HOLM, ASSOCIATE PLANNER DATE: JANUARY 4, 1996 RE: REORGANIZATION PROCEDURE The following procedure is suggested for reorganization of the Commission: 1. The incumbent chairperson turns the meeting over to the Associate Planner for nomination and election of the new chairman. 2. The Associate Planner calls for nominations. No seconds are required for nominations 3. When no further nominations are heard, the Associate Planner declares the nominations closed. 4. If there is only one nominee, a motion of his/her election may be entertained. 5. If there is more than one nominations, then the Secretary will call a roll call vote. Commissioners should respond with the name of the nominee they vote for. 6. The candidate polling a majority is the new chairperson. 7. The newly elected chairman assumes the chair, then opens nominations for vice-chairperson. traffic/sb ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 7. 1995 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Tirre Commissioners: Larson, Knapp, Ruiz Absent: Commissioner Alarcon Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Carl Holm Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki Sheriff Liaison: Miller CALL TO ORDER: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Ruiz The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Larson I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Larson, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for November 2, 1995. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS A. REVISED DRAFT SPEED HUMP FLYER Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff was directed to revise the "draft" speed hump flyer. The revisions included a re-wording of a paragraph and the inclusion of graphics. In addition, the flyer has been reformatted to fit in a standard business size envelope. Commissioner Knapp requested that the word "Many" be changed to "Some", in the paragraph named "WILL THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD USE SPEED HUMPS?" Commissioner Knapp also requested that the paragraph named "WHAT ARE SPEED HUMP?" be changed. After discussion of possible wording, the Commission tabled this item and directed staff to reword this paragraph. Commissioner Knapp further directed staff to check if there are any current lawsuits in the City of Pasadena, regarding Speed Humps. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that during the September 7, 1995, Traffic Commission meeting, Commissioner Larson requested staff review the traffic conditions on Garvey Avenue west of San Gabriel Boulevard. Commissioner Larson was specifically concerned with westbound vehicles turning left into the Diamond Square shopping center. Page 1 RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that no changes be made to the existing traffic controls at the Diamond Square shopping center driveway on Garvey Avenue at this time. Commissioner Larson stated that cars are stopping in the #1 lane to go left into the center and holding up traffic. Commissioner Knapp suggested installing flexible delineators. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki clarified the extent of flexible delineators. It should be 50' each side of the driveway. V VI VII It was moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp and carried unanimously to install flexible delineators west of San Gabriel Boulevard to the divider. This item will come back to the Commission with a diagram prior to the City Council's approval. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Aide Holm briefly explained the staff reports/information sheets presented in this agenda packet. Administrative Aide Holm stated that the City has hired a new crossing guard who will be working at New and Newmark Avenue. There will also be a new crossing guard-placed at Mission and Newby. Administrative Aide Holm stated that past Commissioner Beezley's family is having a garage sale for the next two weekends to sell some of Mr. Beezley's belongings/collectibles. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will be expecting her second baby in July, 1996. Commissioner Knapp stated that residents are requesting a stop sign or speed humps at Graves and Jackson, to reduce speeds. Commissioner Knapp inquired as to when a white crosswalk was installed at Rush and Delta. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated she would investigate it. Sgt. Miller stated that there is now a full-time Sergeant and he plans on attending the Traffic Commission meetings. Chairman Tirre stated that on Ivar and Garvey at the flower shop, there are banners strung up on the street signs. Chairman Tirre stated that the yellow stripping on San Gabriel Boulevard going west, seems to be peeling up. Commissioner Larson stated that the yellow stripping is the peeling up by Savon's at Beeches Market. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next meeting will take place on January 4, 1996. Page 2 STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEERIP DATE: DECEMBER 20, 1995 RE: REVISION NO. 2 - DRAFT SPEED HUMP FLYER DISCUSSION Attached is REVISION NO. 2 of the DRAFT speed hump flyer. As discussed at our December meeting, two revisions have been made to the flyer. These revisions include a sentence under "What are Speed Humps?" and a sentence under "Will the City of Rosemead use Speed Humps?". The following is the draft wording and the revised wording for your reference: WHAT ARE SPEED HUMPS? DRAFT Speed humps are designed so that the occupants of a vehicle don't get thrown about when going over the hump, however, there is no mistake about having crossed from one side of the speed hump to the other. REV. NO. 2 Speed humps are placed across a roadway to encourage vehicles to slow down as they pass over them. They are intended to allow a vehicle to pass over at a reasonable speed, but would create an uncomfortable jarring if crossed too quickly. WILL THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD USE SPEED HUMPS? DRAFT Although many cities have installed speed humps on public streets, REV. NO. 2 Although some cities have installed speed humps on public streets, Please review and comment on REVISION NO. 2 of the DRAFT flyer. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission approve REVISION NO. 2 of the DRAFT speed hump flyer. Upon approval, it will be submitted to the City Council for final approval. Once Council has approved the flyer, the flyers will then be distributed by staff as needed RSD\SPDHP TRAFFIC COMMISSION Y O m N - N a 'O = (1) (1) N N N a) a) C Q U Q) U V al N m c m m Y a N L N_ N C- ~ry N L O U .C/) co c 'c N m O L O m m Q .r w c 3 E 7L5 a) LLI a) m m> o N U) ° o a m" La) m c -o > U 3 o N N a) m (D c o N > r a) m ° Nm woorn Lcm m a - aa~c um~° W co M O M 0 m e c 3 a) m-0 a s Z- v) a a) r L L m U' O = o N U C Q > N O a) E N W p U a) -O N a) N a) m cr. E m 0) M ° i a) m c w t c a) c o m' v L N L aD LL= Nn iNL a)a) Z C N (D (n o -o )u a w M a ° m (n N L U N U to m N N N O a N a) m a m U N O N E U a _ O C_ 0 G) N U 7 m L 'Vi » N E L a) N O> -O m a) E o° L c a) I► W .U O CD L) L 7 E N N QI x L O f6 m C m O L N N N U fn E N CD E C-) = E cD aa)ia Q) a) w E a)-0 m m E aa)) aa)) aa)) 6 Q) = W N 0 CL E m ''0 U E a) ° - a a.- > L U L 'p 7 L a a L L O m in vai cn a a.C a) a ° to ° 3 c~ I- m L 3 N (n Q) 3 -00 w a) m o a) a)-0 o >,o m c o 'o a a) >,a) a o m o LL c~. a) ° w c c~. m m Ovn Q°L m m 'm0 N 'O Q. N 3 N 0 U m L Q- a) a)) m U) 3 is p L ° c a`) I. c o c 'n c c 3~ o3~jUN J~ 0=0 3 cm (n CL 2 a) m=03 E m n ~ a) 5 o y= o 0 0 o N Q L N 3 m N 0 r- W Q p) U m c a L W C'4 N CD cow >,a 3 ' W CU L o N. 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C _T U 0 U a7 O C U a3 N U F- N .C a3 .L J T N Vl a (U O O 5 O U C" E U ~ N O- d' O 0 N O Q y UL (D W L (D w a N O N ~ C L O F- C N a) U "p ~ C C T8 U L "T N N N O -O O C (0 d L N C N O a L a) C~ YOB N a~ N N O M w a) O N 00f E L (6 a) 0 ~ a7 " O d a) o N rn L U N cn C: C: M (D a-- 0 a) E.~ E a ('w; .L.. L - N a) N U) m o O` Q.C a) a) a) C O N C 7 a) (D N N O U O ?i N a) r O . > O N 2 ~wU.N~ m= a) p J > O Q w n = J ~co< U U p w W J Q w w>2i Cl)w~ 0000 M 00 00 w w O W C C :E: _ w w N v a) ~wUn O t3),C a7 ~ V) U d o0 G L. y00 1Q O ` aS N Z O G ~co ri g cc O co) U G d V N STAFF REPORT = TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: DECEMBER 20, 1995 RE: DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO DIAMOND SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER - FLEXIBLE DELINEATORS As requested by the Traffic Commission, staff has prepared Figure 1, attached. This figure depicts the installation of flexible delineators on the double yellow line on Garvey Avenue west of San Gabriel Boulevard. As discussed by the Commission, these delineators will p ohibit vehicles from turning left in to and out of the Diamond Square Shopping Center. Attachment JI: RSD\GARWOSG TRAFFIC COMMISSION 0 I z II D io m ~ I IIII N I N I U o I m° I I Cm L A~ I. ~ I Gm N' ~ A i i i I -Ti D Rl C7 C~ ~ S r 9 OI~~ d ,n wa4~ D o la Z m i/T f 1 mim C m D TO - C pi ~