TC - 11-03-98AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting September 3, 1998 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Tirre, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Ruiz, Quintanilla, & Baffo Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Tirre Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla L APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 6, 1998 H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes, total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes.) III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF GERNERT AVENUE V. STAFF REPORTS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 2542 N. SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - GARVEY WHOLESALE BEVERAGE, INC. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS A. DISCUSSION REGARDING INCREASE OF SHERIFFS' PRESENCE AT SCHOOL LOCATIONS DURING THE BEGINNING OF NEW SCHOOL YEAR VII. ADJOURNMENT -Thursday, October 1, 1998,7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION AUGUST 6, 1998 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:02 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present Chairman Tirre Commissioners: Knapp, Ruiz, Quintanilla & Baffo Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Baffo The Invocation was led by Commissioner Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of July were deferred to September 3, 1998. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Dolly Leong 9554 Ralph Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Leong stated that at the July 2, 1998 Traffic Commission Meeting, she presented the Commission with a letter regarding traffic control on Valley Boulevard. In her letter she requested a summary of location where citations were given and has not yet received it. Deputy Robles explained to Ms. Leong that this is a very lengthy process and very time consuming. These records can be released to the public with a subpena for the records, because they are not public records, they have to go to through the courts. Speaking before the Commission was: Helen Gunther 3654 Dubonnet Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Gunther stated that reflectors were installed on Marshall Street, and they are being taken up, there are 10-12 missing. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that they will have their Maintenance People replace them. III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GARVEY AVENUE BETWEEN SAN ABRIEL BOULEVARD AND DEL MAR AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a letter was received from three business owners on Garvey regarding parking restrictions in front of their property. The businesses include Discount Tobacco, Inc., 7953 Garvey Avenue, Highway Insurance, 7951 1/2 Garvey Avenue and C & I Auto Sales, 7951 Garvey Avenue. The business owner's letter indicates their concern for vehicles parking in front of their property especially during Auto Auction days. They are requesting 15 minute time limit parking restrictions in front of their properties. The request of the three business owners is unique in that they are an "island" surrounded by the Auto Auction. These businesses are on the north side of Garvey Avenue west of the Auto Auction entrance. There is no on-site parking for these businesses, only on- street parking. As can be expected, parking in front of these businesses during Auto Auction days is at a premium. The parking in the vicinity of the Auto Auction has been a concern/complaint from business and property owners periodically throughout the years. Any proposed changes or revisions to the parking restrictions will'affect all properties along Garvey Avenue. Therefore, staff is recommending a "post card survey" be taken of all business and property owners fronting Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the Commission with a sample copy of the "post card survey". RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Traffic Commission direct staff to prepare the "post card survey" as directed and revised by the Commission to the business and property owners of fronting uses on Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. Commissioner Knapp asked if questions 1 & 2 could be re-worded, as to how many stalls are in your lot and how many cars are parked. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Baffo and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the re-wording of questions 1 & 2. B. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 2542 N SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD - GARVEY WHOLESALE BEVERAGE, INC. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that a letter was received from Mr. Phillip Capriccio, Vice-President of Garvey Wholesale Beverage, Inc. Garvey Wholesale Beverage Inc., is located at 2542 N. San Gabriel Boulevard. Mr. Capriccio is requesting red curb in front of his property to provide additional visibility for customers exiting his business. Garvey Wholesale is located on the east side of San Gabriel Boulevard in the vicinity of Newmark Avneue. On-site parking is available for customers of Garvey Wholesale. Several cars were parked in front of Garvey Wholesale and in the general vicinity on San Gabriel Boulevard. The vehicles appeared to be related to the different businesses on San Gabriel Boulevard. Generally, City Policy has been to install red curb, at the recommendation of staff, in front of properties at the request of property/business owners with approval of the affected property/business owners. Based on field review of the location, the installation of red curb adjacent to the driveway access of Garvey Wholesale will provide additional visibility for vehicles exiting the business. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the installation of 30 feet of red curb south of and 50 feet of red curb north of the driveway access of Garvey Wholesale. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the 50 feet of red curb north does not cover the whole property, it's only a portion of their business frontage. Chairman Tirre stated that there is an abandon truck at this location. Speaking before the Commission was: Fred Capriccio 2542 San Gabriel Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Capriccio stated that he would like to see the red curb. As far as the truck, it is not abandoned, it returns at night and blocks the view. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commission Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. C. LEFT TURN LANES ON DEL MAR AVENUE AT HELLMAN AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the County of Los Angeles, in conjunction with the City have developed traffic signal improvement plans that will coordinate the traffic signals on Del Mar Avneue within and beyond the City limits. The northbound left turn lane will be aligned with the new southbound left lane. This will require the removal of parking on the west side of Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. However, parking will be allowed on the east side of Del Mar Avenue. Field review of the parking along Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street was made during different times of the day and days of the week. This review indicated vehicles sporadically park in this vicinity throughout the day. However, the on- street parking was never fully utilized. Parking will be affected by the removal of parking on the west side of Del Mar Avenue. However affected properties have on-site parking available that does not appear to be fully utilized. Therefore, displaced on-street parking can be accommodated on-site of the affected properties. All property owners and business owners affected by the proposed parking changes have been notified by letter. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the "No Parking Any Time" restriction be installed on the west side of Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. Staff also recommends the removal of red curb and "No Stopping Any Time" restrictions on the east side of Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Hershey Street. These revisions to the parking will provide improved traffic flow on Del Mar Avenue and provide better visibility for north bound and southbound left turning vehicles at Hellman Avenue. Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the Commission with design of proposed improvements. Commissioner Knapp asked if the letter had gone out to all the property owners affected Commissioner Ruiz asked why they aren't looking into a left turn signal. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will look into that. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the amendment of adding a left turn signal and adding red curb 50 feet from the crosswalk (1 st driveway) to the end of Hershey keeping the red curb on the east side for a total of approximately 100 feet. V. STAFF REPORTS - NONE VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Quintanilla stated that Cal-Trans needs to get out to clean the on-ramp of Del Mar, that's looking pretty bad. Commissioner Ruiz stated that there was an accident today involving Foothill Transportation, they stopped at the red curb, the bus was driveable, and rather than asking the car/bus to move they allowed them to park in front of the red curb. Chairman Tirre stated that the stop sign on Hellman and Burton is obscured by a big tree. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. There were 6 people in the audience. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, October 1, 1998. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER (1lY l DATE: AUGUST 24, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF GERNERT AVENUE REQUEST A request has been received from a resident regarding the visibility on Gernert Avenue at Valley Boulevard. The resident indicated that vehicles park on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Gernert Avenue blocking visibility for vehicles exiting Gernert Avenue onto Valley Boulevard. The curb area in question fronts the "Manor Plaza" shopping center. CONDITIONS Gernert Avenue is a 36-foot wide north/south residential roadway with parking allowed on both sides of the street. Gernert Avenue is STOP controlled at its intersection with Valley Boulevard. There is no traffic striping on the roadway. The prima facie speed limit on Gernert Avenue is 25 mph. Valley Boulevard is a 76-foot wide east/west primary arterial roadway with parking allowed on both sides of the street. Valley Boulevard is striped with four lanes of traffic, two in each direction, separated by a two-way left turn lane. There is a westbound left turn lane on Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue. The posted speed limit on Valley Boulevard is 35 mph. Figure 1 depicts the conditions in the vicinity of the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Avenue. DATA The reported accident history for the intersection of Valley Boulevard/Gernert Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1997. There were no intersection accidents reported at this intersection during the period reviewed. Valley Boulevard West of Gernert Avenue Page 2 DISCUSSION The "Manor Plaza" shopping center on the southwest corner of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Avenue has on-site parking for its businesses. During field review of this location, the on-site parking was fully utilized with very few open spaces. The on-street parking on Valley Boulevard was also fully utilized. There were no vehicles parked on Gernert Avenue adjacent to Manor Plaza. With the on-street parking fully utilized, visibility for vehicles on Gernert Avenue exiting on to Valley Boulevard was limited. The installation of red curb on Valley Boulevard west of Gernert Avenue will improve this visibility. The proposed red curb installation will displace approximately 3 vehicles. There is on-street parking available on Gernert Avenue to accommodate these vehicles. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the installation of 50 feet of red curb on the south side of Valley Boulevard west of Gernert Avenue. Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. Attachment \066y0\rsd\Gernert at Valley Sn~igll rod Cuo~. RED CURB Q VALLEY 6L\ID• 0 N N 3 iId NOTE: tir:Pins e~kowr\ i'v -~ro.~ v4ti~y e►~d. iw~Provbxcn+ PIaNe. Ww Q W 0 1- Icjue- V,4LLE`I BL. WEST Of::" eeRmepv ,4VE. CITY OF ROSEMEAD