TC - 04-02-98 2AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting April 2, 1998 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Tirre, Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Ruiz, Quintanilla, & Baffo Pledge of Allegiance: Chairman Tirre Invocation: Vice-Chairperson Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 5, 1998 H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN THE VICINITY OF STEVENS AVENUE AND HELLMAN AVENUE B. SOUTHBOUND DEL MAR AVENUE CURB LANE AT GARVEY AVENUE V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT- Thursday, May 7, 1998, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 I TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER If DATE: MARCH 23, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN THE VICINITY OF STEVENS AVENUE AND HELLMAN AVENUE REQUEST Attached is a letter/petition from the residents of the 3200 and 3300 block of Stevens Avenue. The residents are requesting the installation of red curb in the vicinity of the intersection of Stevens Avenue and Hellman Avenue. They state they are having difficulty turning into and out of Stevens Avenue with the on-street parking allowed at the intersection. The letter/petition also included pictures of the intersection which are attached. CONDITIONS Stevens Avenue is a 32-foot wide north/south roadway which intersects Hellman Avenue to form a "T" intersection. Parking is allowed on both sides of Stevens Avenue except during street sweeping periods. There are no traffic stripes painted on the roadway. The prima facie speed limit on Stevens Avenue is 25 mph. Hellman Avenue is a 40-foot wide east/west roadway with fronting residential properties on both sides of the street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway. A double yellow stripe separates opposing lanes of traffic. The posted speed limit on Hellman Avenue is 30 mph. Figure 1 depicts these conditions. DATA The reported accident history at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Stevens Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1995 through February 28, 1998. This review indicated one reported accident in the vicinity of the intersection. The accident occurred on Thursday, June 22, 1995, 10:20 a. m. The accident involved a westbound vehicle proceeding straight broadsided an eastbound vehicle making a U-turn. The primary collision factor was "unsafe speed". Page 2 DISCUSSION Field review of the intersection did identify vehicles parked in the vicinity. It appeared that the majority of the vehicles were parked for long periods of time. Parking did occur up to the curb returns of both Hellman Avenue and Stevens Avenue. The density of the parking on Stevens Avenue lessened as you traveled south from Hellman Avenue. The favorable accident history indicates vehicles are accessing/traveling the intersection in a prudent manner. If there were accidents involving parked vehicles, a correlation between the volume and location of parked vehicles might be made. Currently, Ingleside Hospital is responsible for cleaning the gutters on the east side of Stevens Avenue from Hellman Avenue to their south property line. This was approved at the request of the Hospital by City staff to accommodate the parking needs of the facility. The installation of red curb at the intersection will improve ingress and egress at Stevens Avenue and Hellman Avenue. However, staff did identify red curb existing on the south side of Hellman Avenue both east and west of Stevens Avenue. No additional red curb, therefore, is recommended on Hellman Avenue. RECOMMENDATION The installation of 50 feet of red curb on the east and west sides of Stevens Avenue at Hellman Avenue is recommended as depicted in Figure 1. Attachments JI: RSD\STEVENS 2' 23' 9' IB EX. RED CuRg f~ -7 STOP ESTOP., FM?DSE D RED CuffeB tea. 32' NO PAP-KI1v6 Mon) C14~f S l~ IbAH- ZPH Z SwEEPiti1G" FIGUkE I w r~l~lU }~l _ :%/i~U AVEQUrr CITY OF ROSEMEAD NO CALE HELLMMJ AvENUE 20 166' Fx_ 2~ Cu~6 so' 1?' From the residents of: 3300/3200 North Stevens Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 To: The Rosemead Traffic Commission CC: Mr. Donald Wagner, Assistant City Manager Re: Parking situation on Stevens Avenue Madam, Gentlemen of the Rosemead Traffic Commission: Jan.. Is. 4s Problem: We, the residents of North Stevens Avenue, are experiencing great difficulties in making left and right turns onto Hellman Avenue from Stevens Avenue or onto Stevens Avenue going south due to vehicles parked on the very end of the street on Stevens Avenue intersecting Hellman Avenue and Hellman Avenue intersecting Stevens Avenue. Solution: Paint the curbs red on both sides of Stevens Avenue (intersecting Hellman Avenue), to the south for at least fifty feet or more and including Hellman Avenue to the west and east. This will give the residents and others a much safer ingress and egress. If possible, a white line in the center of Stevens from Hellman south to just past the hospital parking lot exit would greatly help to keep moving vehicles on the proper side of the street. Thank you, The residents of North Stevens Avenue, Rosemead 3 ?-W Al ,4✓el~J Ave. Jcinc~ ice Mgr4Ine2 32S3 srevens Ave 'av r 71/ 57n/ FOAJ-( JoNL:s 33/z Nn ST (fir his H1/r Xr,7, _ - ,Q~St AN. Ay I 3Z2o S%cl/ s my = c /~G 3 Z 1 N I (c(K/{/L1D G ,?~7cr?~tx~9 321.6 I!- •S'it`1(4!~;eUr /fJE p eve, -A/) 621&vS U TA N. Srf VANS /U, S7~rI~N j ' 3 O q 1J, 1 V U 0 D4_ ti? Sc DYL 19 j✓I~/{/~ /10/1/EGi4 33G ~ S%C /G/ /S /1(~. ~c~ G2~c 3- cQZ IJ.~ENb S A-VL-~ t uar ~+T~~' 61k ~ _ ,1 u gE v SA ~7oS C `/~l~l G~ r ~ca - C o ~~i~ S+P~✓Pn S vC- afl'1'l~t Y~ 33a7~z SVev,S ~yI1 I i o I ~3 ~ 1 N • S+evQ~ns ~-v.~. 3,2j SG.^/ A L^/9 C41f N. S~a1 YAM nl c I SL" ~3 a3~i N . s~C~~ s JaC PA 1) VAS Jit-,e Z- 3 ~ z3 5 ~F✓E ; ~ e ~ , 33Z3 I J G I Hellman ue IL North 711 Easement cl, Emerson Avenue Ingleside Hospital 1/s St evev~5 Aver,~e 4t--((vv\c,r AVe.n,,.P- Fr o h. deg' e(evt~ csP -t-4, 'vZDO 3300 1z)(OCL o~, StevewSl~vE. (D~{-ed io-z3-97~ 2/S 5+even5 Avenue Nell,n flvenu~ 5 -From t~.es~den4s o-F . 3ZDO,t 3300 block o~ 5 4 evehs Ave. (Dated ID-Z3-q?~ ¢~5 0 5/5 S}a.Jens AjwuelI ~ k~cl~w~r JC~~e ~r0 m ~~tC`l ✓C~ T «e 3 ZDD 3 BOO b to c,k oc- 51 evev~s eve. (Lh4eol ~O-Z3-9?~ i TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 24, 1998 RE: SOUTHBOUND DEL MAR AVENUE CURB LANE AT GARVEY AVENUE REQUEST Vice-chairperson Knapp requested staff to investigate the possibility of installing a southbound right turn only lane on Del Mar Avenue at Garvey Avenue. Vice-chairperson Knapp indicated the lane appears wide enough to accommodate this movement. This is based on experience with vehicles passing on the right of vehicles waiting at the signal. CONDITIONS Figure 1 depicts the southbound lanes on Del Mar Avenue north of Garvey Avenue. DISCUSSION Field review of the location identified the southbound curb lane as being 15 feet wide. There is also a "Through Traffic Merge Left" sign approximately 200 feet north of the intersection. This sign notifies motorists that the curb lane will merge with the adjacent through lane. The curb lane merges south of the intersection. Although the existing curb lane can be wide enough for some vehicles to pass on the right, the 15 foot width is not adequate to stripe a separate right turn lane. Generally, the minimum curb lane width, without parking, is 13 feet. This width will generally accommodate vehicle travel on the street (11 feet) with an "extra" width of 2 feet in the gutter area. Therefore, a separate southbound right turn only lane on Del Mar Avenue at Garvey Avenue is not recommended at this time. Attachment JI: RS=ELRTO 1 G ~vEy AVEMue No SC~~E ' i i' LL) Z W 7 Q "NO STpPPN6 ANY TIME D .6 ~IGUk~E I a0 DEL MAP-AVE.IuE AT GAQ\JEY A\/emuE m CITY OF ROSEMEAD N J 'l