TC - 03-05-98AGENDA TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGENDA MARCH 5. 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Tirre B. Commissioner: Knapp, Ruiz, Quintanilla & Baffo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. Commissioner Tirre. INVOCATION A. Commissioner Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 5, 1998 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. BUS STOP LOCATION - EMERSON SCHOOL B. TRAFFIC STRIPING ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE - BURGER KING V. STAFF REPORTS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FEBRUARY 5, 1998 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Tirre, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Tirre Commissioners Knapp, Ruiz, Quintanilla, Baffo Absent: None Ex Officio: Assistant City Manager: Donald J. Wagner Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Sgt: Sgt. Robles CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Baffo The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Quintanilla 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for January 8, 1998. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "RIGHT TURN ONLY" SIGN - PARADISE TRAILER PARK, 8069 GARVEY AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this request came from the manager of Paradise Trailer Park, 8069 Garvey Avenue. She is requesting the City install a "Right Turn Only" sign for vehicles exiting the trailer park driveway at Garvey Avenue. She indicated vehicles turn left, travel in the eastbound direction in the westbound travel lanes and access the eastbound travel lanes at the median opening at Pine Street. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the 1990 plans of the Garvey Avenue construction project and field review of the location, the installation of a "No Left Turn" symbol sign (R-17 sign) is recommended. This sign shall be installed in the median of Garvey Avenue directly in front of the driveway of the Paradise Trailer Park, 8069 Garvey Avenue. Commissioner Knapp asked if we should paint the arrows on the driveway, with the word "Only". Chairman Tirre asked if there were any reported accidents. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated none that she saw. Commissioner Knapp asked that we send a letter to the Paradise Trailer Park suggesting that they paint the right turn arrow and put "Only" in their driveway. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the addition of the letter being sent to Paradise Trailer Park, suggesting that they paint the right turn arrow and put "Only" in their driveway. V. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF Commissioner Knapp asked about the raised dots on Marshall Street over the wash, between Muscatel and Dubonnet. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she would have to check into this item. Commissioner Knapp asked about the possibility of putting in a Right Turn Arrow at Del Mar (north side) of the street and Garvey, across Pic N' Save and Pizza Hut. There is signage that says "Thru Traffic Merge Left", but there are still people that go straight across. Commissioner Knapp stated that at the Walnut Grove on-ramp travelling north and making a left turn into the freeway between the hours of 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., the meter appears to be staying on longer than normal, causing a back up on Walnut Grove. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the City Council is aware of this problem, and has directed staff to look into purchase this Cal-Trans Right-Away. -At that time, we will be requesting the assistance of Hilda Solis' office and the assistance from Willdan to re-design the on/off ramp. Mr. Wagner stated that lie could have the motorcycle officers cite motorists for blocking the intersection, and send a letter to Cal-Trans, to see about shortening the wait time. Commissioner Knapp stated that at Janson School, when she was there to pick-up her grandson, she pulled into the cul-de-sac and noticed there were 12 cars backed-up or headed-in at 1:30 p.m., and appeared to be moving rather smoothly. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff is talking with the school, and still being worked out.. She also asked if the motorcycle officers could go to this location and just observe the situation. Commissioner Quintanilla.stated that the timing on,the light is still off at Rio Hondo, Mission and Valley. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she believes the loops are working, but she could have their maintenance people check. Commissioner Ruiz stated that the traffic signal at Marshall and Temple City Boulevard is off, there is only three (3) seconds to cross east and west, only one (1) vehicle is able to make it across. Commissioner Ruiz also stated that cars are being parked right on the curb at the above intersection. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the Sheriffs Department can enforce this situation as part of the vehicle code. Commissioner Ruiz asked if a letter was ever sent to the Von's Distribution Center regarding their J-Brakes, because the problem is still consistent. Sgt. Robles stated that there is nothing in the vehicle code regarding this type of situation, however, they might be violating the City's Noise Ordinance. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that he will speak to Sgt. Wallace about enforcing our City Ordinance with a noise meter, and start off by giving them a warning, send another letter and a copy of our City's Noise Ordinance. Commissioner Baffo stated that going north on Rosemead Boulevard to Garvey, making a left on Rosemead going west, there is something wrong with the lights at this intersection and need to be checked. Chairman Tirre asked if the signals/lights are monitored to see if they're working properly, it seems to take a long time to have them repaired. He also stated that the green light is out at Rush Street (going east). Sgt. Robles stated that the City of South El Monte had 35 collisions in the month of December, 10 of those were in the area of Rosemead and Garvey. Sgt. Robles stated that the week of February 8th - 14th is "National Child Safety. Restraint Week", and they will be actively looking for violators and citing them. In addition, weather permitting on February 7th, there will be 8-15 reserve motorcycles in the Cities of South El Monte and Rosemead issuing citations. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 5, 1998. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~g DATE: FEBRUARY 25, 1998 RE: BUS STOP LOCATION - EMERSON SCHOOL REQUEST Mr. Rolland Boceta, Assistant Superintendent, Garvey School District, has requested a bus zone red curb for Emerson School (letter attached). Currently, Emerson students are picked-up/dropped-off directly in front of the school. This has caused some congestion in this vicinity. Mr. Boceta is requesting a bus zone red curb be installed on Emerson Place at the corner of Jackson Avenue. Mr. Glenn Clanton, substitute crossing guard, has requested additional red curb in the vicinity of the crosswalk on Emerson Place at Prospect Avenue. Mr. Clanton indicated that it is sometimes difficult to assist students across the street when vehicles are parked adjacent to the crosswalk. Emerson Place is a 36-foot wide east/west roadway with fronting residential uses on both sides of the street. Emerson School is located on the south side of the roadway between Prospect Avenue and Jackson Avenue. The posted speed limit on Emerson Place is 30 mph. In the vicinity of Emerson School, a school zone 25 mph speed limit exists. There are yellow crosswalks at the intersection of Emerson Place and Jackson Avenue. There is also a yellow crosswalk on the west leg of Emerson Place at Prospect Avenue. Figure 1 depicts conditions on the south side of Emerson Place in the vicinity of Jackson Avenue. Figure 2 depicts conditions at Emerson Place and Prospect Avenue. The installation of a bus zone red curb on Emerson Place at Jackson Avenue is recommended. The relocation of this bus zone will relieve traffic congestion in the vicinity of the school entrance. This would also relocate some pedestrian/student movements to a less congested area. Based on the request by Mr. Clanton and field review, the red curb on Emerson Place at Prospect Avenue will provide additional visibility for pedestrians. As with many schools in the City, vehicles park as close a possible to school entrances. The additional red curb will move vehicles away from the crosswalk allowing the crossing guard and pedestrians additional visibility. Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that 125 feet of red curb with "No Stopping Bus Zone" stenciled in white be painted on the south side of Emerson Place from Jackson Avenue westerly. It is further recommended that the school district buses be directed to park as westerly as possible in the red curb area to provide visibility at the crosswalk at Emerson Place and Jackson Avenue. Figure 1 depicts the recommendation. It is also recommended that 20 feet of red curb be painted on the north side of Emerson Place from Prospect Avenue westerly. Figure 2 depicts this recommendation. Attachments JI RSD\EMERJACK i No SCALE JA C Kscm Ail. YELLOW CRCS9wgi-K UP s 2NSTALL ZED Cu P-5 W'TN "No 5TOPPIM6 J N Bus ZONE" ~ ~ WF~ITE' STENCIL. ~ ecp W FIC I BUS STOP- EMEPSOM SCH. N CITY OF ROSEMEAD N H v 7 I ae W Q j po suLE W C h STOP -a- 2AISTALL doiS SeNoo~ RED CuR'V xiue 20" C - ,EnEASo PLACE - 27" ti L2' Tb Cp2N 4R- WM~TE WR$ ~ r SWp ol STOP AWLA O xrN 6 I ' MAIM d~uw~cE SEtouwRY G~r.2a.~cE • 349' ' EME R SoN 5~-+1001 Lf6E.~0 ® REp tuRB(E7U5-ri"6) © RED CLiRB C=NSYRLL~ 16U RE Z N EMER50t4 5CH- W - ~M~250~1/PRDSI~ECT- REP CU2$ o~ CITY OF ROSEMEAD t r' GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT ~d92 2730 North Del Mar Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 307-3404 FAX (626) 572-4871 Rolland M. Boceta, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services January 15, 1998 Mr. Jeff Stewart Planning Department City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Stewart: BOARD OF EDUCATION Loretta Gonzalez Earleen Green David Lau Robert Miranda John Nunez SUPERINTENDENT H. Alex Yusem, Ed.D. Our district's special education students are transported by Durham Transportation Company, based in Rosemead. Durham Transportation transports students to Emerson School at 7544 East Emerson Place, Rosemead, CA The present pick-up/drop location of these students is in front of the school, which causes a major traffic jam. In order to alleviate this problem, Durham would like to pick-up and drop students at the corner of Jackson Avenue and Emerson Place. The bus company has requested that the curb at this location be painted red so that cars are not parked, causing a safety problem for students. If you would make the necessary arrangements to have thiscurb painted red, we would be most grateful. Thank you for your assistance. V ry truly yours, i Rolland M. Boceta ' Assistant Superintendent, Business Services RMB:nt cc Emerson School Durham Transportation Equal Opportunity Employer -:Non-Discrimination on Basis of Race, Color, Ancestry, Religious Creed, Sex, Handicap, Age TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER D ~ DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 1998 RE: TRAFFIC STRIPING ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE - BURGER KING REQUEST Commissioner Knapp requested staff review the access of the Burger King development on the north west corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. In addition, this development was conditioned to install additional traffic controls to limit access of the site from San Gabriel Boulevard. Staff agreed to review the required traffic controls after the development was completed. CONDITIONS San Gabriel Boulevard is a 75-foot wide north/south arterial roadway. There are two lanes of travel in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit is 35 mph north of Garvey Avenue and 40 mph south of Garvey Avenue. Garvey Avenue is a 76-foot wide east/west arterial roadway. There are two lanes of travel in each direction generally separated by a raised median. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. The Burger King development is located on the north west corner of the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. There are two access points to the site; one on San Gabriel Boulevard and one on Garvey Avenue. Figure 1 depicts conditions in the vicinity of the Burger King development. DISCUSSION Staff did review preliminary site plans of the Burger King development. At that time, staff determined the need to restrict access into the site from San Gabriel Boulevard due to the lack of a turn lane to get vehicles out of the through lanes of travel. In contrast, the access on Garvey Avenue can occur from the left turn lane for the intersection of Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard. Page 2 ; Field review of the location indicated the southbound left turn lane is 11 feet wide. This width is not adequate to paint a double yellow median and continue to provide a minimum lane width. Therefore, to comply with the conditions of approval for the Burger King project and restrict the northbound left turns from San Gabriel Boulevard into the site, the installation of large botts dots is recommended. In addition, the installation of a No Left Turn symbol sign is recommended to supplement the large botts dots installation. These two recommendations are similar to the installation at the Diamond Square entrance on Garvey Avenue. Commissioner Knapp was also concerned with the location of the southbound right turn arrow in front of the driveway of the Burger King site. Staff believes motorists will not be influenced by the right turn arrow if they are intending to turn at Garvey Avenue. Staff does not identify a significant problem with the driveway access on Garvey Avenue. Vehicles turning left into the Burger King site are in the left turn lane and out of the through travel lanes. Vehicles turning left out of the site may find it more difficult but there are gaps in traffic that allow access to the eastbound traffic flow. RECOMMENDATION The installation of 60 feet of large botts dots and a No Left Turn symbol sign is recommended on San Gabriel Boulevard north of.Garvey Avenue as shown on Figure 1. Attachment JI RSD\SGGARBK GAZVEY AV NO E toy II' - 20 J m ~ W ~ Iz' io" 16 Z ZW5TALL LAR6E 5OZTS opTS. 60 G SNSTALL 1Ztil uo _I LEFT 1'taK~.I SyM130L FIGURE I IV02T14WEST CORNEP, OF SAN GABRIEL BL./GAR\/EY AV. N CITY OF ROSEMEAD N H v 1