TC - 01-08-98TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 8, 1998 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. H. ROLL CALL B. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. W. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION FOR 1998 V. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. FROM THE AUDIENCE VI. OLD BUSINESS A. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. B. VIII. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF VIII. ADJOURNMENT PLEDGE TO THE FLAG - COMMISSIONER TfRRE INVOCATION - COMMISSIONER KNAPP DECEMBER 4, 1997 THIS PERIOD IS SET ASIDE FOR THOSE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON MATTERS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA NONE REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND HIGHCLIFF STREET KEEP CLEAR MARKINGS ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AT STATION NOA REVISED 01-06-98 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: DONALD J. WAGNER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 8, 1998 RE: REORGANIZATION PROCEDURE The following procedure is suggested for reorganization of the Commission: 1. The incumbent chairperson turns the meeting over to the Assistant City Manager for nomination and election of the new chairman. 2. The Assistant City Manager calls for nominations. No seconds are required for nominations 3. When no further nominations are heard, the Assistant City Manager declares the nominations closed. 4. If there is only one nominee, a motion of his/her election may be entertained. 5. If there is more than one nominations, then the Secretary will call a roll call vote. Commissioners should respond with the name of the nominee they vote for. 6. The candidate polling a majority is the new chairperson. 7. The newly elected chairman assumes the chair, then opens nominations for vice-chairperson. 12-02-93/sb ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION DECEMBER 4, 1997 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Ruiz, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Ruiz Commissioners: Tirre, Quintanilla, Baffo Absent: Commissioner Knapp Ex Officio: Executive Assistant: Jeff Stewart Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Baffo The Invocation was led by Commissioner Tirre 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NONE IL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Dolly Leong 9554 Ralph Street Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Leong thanked the Traffic Commission for re-evaluating the possibility of a traffic signal at Mission and Earle Street. Unfortunately, the City Council did not approve the signal. Ms. Leong stated that right after the City Council denied the signal, there were four (4) auto accidents at this location. Ms. Leong requested a copy of the four (4) accidents that occurred at this location Executive Assistant Stewart stated that the Sheriffs Department will be mailing the accident reports to her. III. OLD BUSINESS A. BUS TURNOUT - JANSON SCHOOL Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that in June and August, 1997, the Traffic . Commission approved various improvements to the bus turn-out on Bartlett Avenue for Janson School. This included the installation of a painted median with flexible delineators (June) and a "post and chain" to close the turnout area (August). Staff met with the school district and reviewed the recommended painted median. The school district indicated their primary concern was relieving the congestion and confusion surrounding the School. Staff then reviewed the overall traffic surrounding the School on both Marshall Street and Bartlett Avenue. This review resulted in the August recommendation to install a "post and chain" to create additional parking on Bartlett Avenue and request the School release and receive students on Bartlett Avenue. This would minimize the number of parked vehicles on Marshall Street. As directed by the Commission, staff reviewed the proposed recommendations with the school district. The school district had concerns for the "post and chain" installation regarding the safety of students. Their primary concern was the possible tripping and "horse-play" around the "post and chain" installation. After considering the needs of the school, staff met with the principal, Mr. Rex Comer, and Dr. Rich Yodites of the school district. They presented the City with a design that would install green curb on Bartlett Street and change the white curb on Marshall Street to staff parking. The school district design would require the installation of a curb in the bus turnout area with an opening on the southerly end of the turnout for emergency fire access. There was then a question as to whether the curb and gutter would be in the public right-of-way. The meeting closed with staff directed to review the right-of-way on Bartlett Avenue to determine if any liability concerns could arise with the installation of curb and gutter. Staff determined the installation of curb and gutter would be in the public right-of-way. Therefore, a complete curb, gutter and sidewalk installation would be appropriate for public access. The installation would require City Council approval for funding of design and installation. Due to the many iterations regarding this item, staff felt it was necessary to bring this issue back to the Traffic Commission for clear direction. Based on the background presented, staff feels there are three options for the Commission to consider: 1. Original Recommendation - Installation of a double-double yellow painted median with flexible delineators. This provides positive direction for motorist to travel in the turnout area in a specified manner. 2. Post and Chain Installation - Installation of posts and chains to create additional parking (similar to a "traditional" curb and gutter). Retain white curb on Marshall Street. 3. School District Recommendation - Installation of curb and gutter on Bartlett Street with a "20 minute green curb" and creating staff parking on Marshall Street where existing white curb exists with a portion nearest the School's driveway a "20 minute green curb". RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting specific direction from the Traffic Commission as to which option to pursue. Commissioner Baffo asked about installing a "No U-Turn" sign. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this is possibility, however, they will probably go down further and make a U-turn. Chairman Ruiz stated that he was afraid that this would be part of the public right- of-way, regarding the curb and gutter. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that this would be ajoint effort with the School and the City. Speaking before the Commission was: Helen Gunther 3664 Dubonnet Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Gunther stated that nobody has contacted the residents in that area, and they should. She also stated that those streets are 6' feet narrower than other streets in the City, and feels there is a real mess at this location with the parents dropping off and picking up the kids. She asked the Commission to look at the safety factor of all the people coming off Marshall. It was moved by Chairman Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve option #3, which is: School District Recommendation - Installation of curb and gutter on Bartlett Street with a "20 minute green curb" and creating staff parking on Marshall Street where existing white curb exists with a portion nearest the School's driveway a "20 minute green curb". N. NEW BUSINESS A. CROSSING GUARD AT NEW AVENUE AND NEWMARK AVENUE In August 1995, the Traffic Commission approved the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of New Avenue and Newmark Avenue. The traffic signal was installed in the Summer of 1996. The crossing guard for this location was retained as part of the original Commission approval. At the request of the City of Monterey Park and as directed by the original approval, we are reviewing the continued need for the crossing guard. Two hours of pedestrian and vehicle turning movement counts were taken on Tuesday, November 4, 1997. During a.m. peak hours, there were approximately 49 pedestrians crossing and during the p.m. peak hours, there were 52 pedestrians. The Caltrans Traffic Manual provides guidelines for the assignment of a crossing guard at a signalized location. The first guideline recommends "at least 40 elementary school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive)" cross the roadway. As ididentified previously, there are over 40 pedestrians crossing the south leg of New Avenue during the morning and afternoon periods. In addition, 49 pedestrians crossed the west leg of Newmark Avenue in the morning. The second guideline is satisfied for the west leg crosswalk. However, the south leg crosswalk does not meet this guideline. The last guideline is justified depending on the traffic signal operation. The signal at this intersection does not have any unusual operation. The signal is green on New Avenue unless a vehicle is waiting on Newmark Avenue. As such, when a pedestrian wants to cross New Avenue, the pedestrian push button is used and a "Walk" signal is given to the pedestrian. RECOMMENDATION: The satisfaction of the second guideline indicates the crossing guard should be retained. The crossing guard should be directed to continue assisting school pedestrians at the intersection of New Avenue and Newmark Avenue. It was moved by Commissioner Tirre, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF - NONE VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. 4