TC - 01-07-99AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting January 7, 1999 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Vice-Chairperson Knapp, Commissioners Ruiz, Quintanilla, & Baffo Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Ruiz Invocation: Commissioner Baffo I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 3, 1998 (Minutes for November 5, 1998 will be deferred to the next meeting) H. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION FOR 1999 HL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes.) IV. OLD BUSINESS - None V. NEW BUSINESS A. CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S SPEED HUMP POLICY B. REQUEST FOR REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS ON EARLSWOOD DRIVE BETWEEN IVAR AVENUE AND ROSEMEAD PLACE VI. STAFF REPORTS VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VIII. ADJOURNMENT -Thursday, February 4,1999,7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION DECEMBER 3, 1998 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice- Chairperson Knapp; at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Vice-Chairperson Knapp Commissioners: Ruiz, Quintanilla & Baffo Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Aide: Jessica Wilkinson Deputy Traffic Engineer: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Quintanilla The Invocation was delivered by Vice-Chairperson Knapp 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by the Commission, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for October 1, 1998. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Glenn Clanton 3244 Leyburn Drive Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Clanton stated that he is speaking in behalf of himself and several residents who are concerned with the City streets getting smaller these days. III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY FOR 1998 Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the City of Rosemead is currently surveying the prevailing speeds on various City streets. Due to the construction work on Valley Boulevard, three streets will not be surveyed until construction is complete. These streets are Valley Boulevard, Mission Drive and De Adalena Street: With the construction, altered traffic flow is anticipated on these streets and would not represent normal traffic conditions. An Engineering and Traffic Survey is intended to be the basis for the establishment, revision, and enforcement of speed limits for selected streets within the City. The survey enables the Sheriffs Department to utilize radar for speed enforcement. The California Vehicle Code enforcement by radar is applied. The CVC also specifies the surveys must be conducted every 5 years. Elements of an Engineering and Traffic Survey include the measurement of prevailing speeds, reported accident history, and roadway characteristics not readily apparent to the motorist. The measurement of prevailing speeds is collected with the use of a hand held traffic radar. The speeds for a minimum of 50 vehicles in each direction, or a total of 2 hours, are observed and recorded. The surveys are conducted in good weathers conditions and during off peak periods. The Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) reports are used to determine the number of reported accidents on a given street segment. This information is then translated to an accident rate (accidents per million vehicle miles) and compared to average, or anticipated, accident rates on similar roadways. Roadway characteristics not readily apparent to the motorist can include proximity to schools, uniformity with existing speed zones in adjacent jurisdictions and pedestrian activity. They do not include width, curvature, grade or surface conditions of a roadway. A determination is made whether any roadway characteristics not readily apparent to the motorist are significant to warrant a change in the speed limit. Commissioner Ruiz asked that if under major truck routes, if it would be possible to concentrate on the speeds trucks are travelling throughout the surface streets. Vice-Chairperson Knapp asked if there was going to be a staff meeting regarding this location for some input from the Traffic Commission. . Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the study includes a good sampling, no specific vehicles indicated. She added that this would be a separate study. Commissioner Ruiz concluded that it would be important to have such statistics. Vice-Chairperson Knapp observed that traffic counters have avoided Valley, Rosemead Boulevard, Lower Azusa, Ellis Lane, Marshall and Grand, and inquired as to why they are not part of the study. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that due to increased traffic, the study must concentrate on speed increments. Vice-Chairperson Knapp asked if there was going to be a staff meeting regarding this location for some input from the Traffic Commission. Deputy Traffi Engineer Itagaki stated that she will notify the Commission of the review meeting. V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE FROM ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 24, 1998. Administrative Aide Wilkinson stated that at the November 24th City Council Meeting, the City Council approved 2 items listed below that the Traffic Commission approved at the November 5th meeting. 1. Yellow Crosswalk at San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue 2. The request for additional traffic controls on Mission Drive in front of Rosemead High School. In addition, they approved for the advertisement recruitment and interviews for the unexpected vacancy on the Traffic Commission. There is only one application filed thus far. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ruiz wished everyone a "Merry Christmas". VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. The next scheduled meeting will be on January 7, 1999. MAYOR: ROBERT W. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOE VASOUEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK JAY T. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR f if(A Poscmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 288-6671 , FAX (626) 307-9218 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JESSICA WILKINSON, ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE,~Ckl- DATE: JANUARY 7, 1998 SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION PROCEDURE The following procedure is suggested for reorganization of the Commission: 1. The incumbent chairperson turns the meeting over to the Administrative Aide or another City staff representative for nomination and election of the new chairman. 2. The Administrative Aide/ City staff calls for nominations. No seconds are required for nominations. 3. When no further nominations are heard, the Administrative Aide/City staff declares the nominations closed. i 4. If there is only one nominee, a motion of his/her election may be entertained. 5. If, there is more than one nominations, then the Secretary will call a roll call vote. Commissioners should respond with the name of the nominee they vote for. 6. The candidate polling a majority is the new chairperson: 7. The newly-elected chairman assumes the chair, then opens nominations for vice-chairperson. 12-02-93/sb i TO: HONORABLE VICE-CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: DECEMBER 24, 1998 \ RE: CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S SPEED HUMP POLICY REQUEST At the request of the Planning Commission, the policy regarding the installation of speed humps within the City of Rosemead is being brought before the Traffic Commission for reconsideration. Attached is the pamphlet prepared by staff and the Traffic Commission regarding speed humps. The pamphlet states the following: "The State of California does not recognize the speed hump as an official traffic control device. There are no standard designs developed for installation of speed humps. This is an additional concern for liability exposure to the City. Therefore,.the City of Rosemead does not install speed humps on public streets." The Planning Commission indicates that several cities have installed speed humps. Staff informed the.Planning Commission that several studies have shown the installation of speed humps does not significantly affect speeds on roadways. In fact, some studies have shown that speeds increase between consecutive speed humps. Also, some cities are removing speed humps due to the ineffectiveness, complaints of noise and/or increase in traffic volumes on adjacent streets. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requesting direction from the Traffic Commission. Staff supports the current City policy. However, should the Traffic Commission wish to reconsider this policy, staff would like direction on how to proceed. Attachment 066Ui11Rsd1Speed Humps PC p w W En O M LL O } U V CZ o e W cjft% p 2 J Q O J > t~ = J r } co Q CJ } U p w Q Q w w> w 2 U)LLivw) OMO M ab 00 C T O O N O d E T (ND L N U N NN E5 0 O N 0- a ¢ - E, al L3 N N C O = c L N as N = C 1] C CL ° N,O M ~ N a'o : Q a) L N -0 O) Y C n3 N L O N C c 3 a) CL m U C -0 V) U E -0 N' N N s E M L) S a E O N. ca U N- E C 7 T ' Q N N Q) m 0) ? N N N . Q N C N L.. O N N O N .tn V ~ C n. L O (D .c a) O 0 M a) > N O 70 N a L a) a x N .U a) O N L C M G O U N (6 a) o a) N E ~ E O U) O °L C N N y o. a L V) H te a T - N O O. C a) N N N O N L M N a) O N a) d G h 7 7 -0 (r o ` O r_. L N L m ` w O a N - a) N (fl 2 3 a) 3 N U U m co c T E O O. a) O N a) U) E m N o) C G C tt to o N U a) a) > C N 7 _T Q a) L U M R zz CL a) "O ' i a N ~ U U N w C 70 N I- 7 w 1 v C N ° N a i w a) a) N 3 m t aGi c7 0 0 CL -C a) m N O O ai n tLnmo° 0 a cm ~ E ( O ' m o v E N ~ U co C T O > N a) C N N - C U C Q) C U U N N E L O- 3 N N 7 a) -O O N O L p U c a7 n1 N N L O T j O 'E O ° Q U .n w Y ~c m M N N a v= m m N a) m a) a) c > I o m U U a) w m c o a) -O N-C N L N_ N C Vl Q a) L L L U _ m c m O L a) m m Q c L U O" m N -O c 3 E 7 a) m n> N O U N N 0-0 N m c m W N m _0 a) (D cn (D m N `n d- O N -0 O U) O) L C N N Q) m m W co a) m m o moo 0 m e o 3 a) o o c ~ a N oN ~oENm o0a")•o NQ° tea) cn m E m E Y o Y c o m N a) -o S a L L U O a) -p N L co Ca a) N L a) a) a) C) a) a) LL Z N L 0 L) cn a) (n En cz a) E U) (n N C) m r) C: ui 0- m N v > c a > 'N m E L a) >1 0 CL w a) > E 3 w L :tf c: 6) a) W o a) c L U 7 > a) ~ c L p •O E a a) E m me r L m` c CD m o a N E N O O N N N E N N a) N (D C fl. N. a) N N C) U Q c a) a) N N W W N m o a ao E a°> 0. oar ~ =3 a a>r o `ti LL C N N U) 0- C_: (D a_ ° 3 U m L 3: N U) 3 C L Z p) J 0 a) L m • • • • Q N n. c m m W L m o U~ m O.L. C -C a) -0 E cn cu CL m"a)cu m ~cn ❑.o0w m a) a) m W -a L L U) 3 m o a) a) n N o Uca - L c W c co ,c -o 3~ a o_ ° O .S o_0 o N. N N m es a) 75 U z -6 a) N=3 a) N .c 7 E m N O c (n O C/) Q a) L 7 O ~a) Q LmL to omm3 WW , m EM0m cN0- a) L W f m c ac) ° N aa)) W ` a) H oa L a) m° •c p .n •c W CL > L N. a) N a) m.5 ~-o a`)~~ N a N U E C N W CO -Fu (D v mo 'U' ca)>mm >>m L) E -6 (D uj L) Z CL u) C o_ N L L u) Z= 4 7 L a) 'E a a) a) I (D 7 fO c> a) > (D Q J C) > c0 w U N a) - L Q -c X (`6 -0 N O N C T ~ O` a) U O' O N O O Y = y N cL a) a)n.cmEUNOmU.o ~Z. a`)Ea)~.o O- CL N O- 7 c m= m c 7 L c L (D M C/) m 0) en L N 0-co 7 0- F-LF- > a) m (D cn L.. O L a) . O N .E EN wE QW 3a)tn ~-0 N (D CL No= a) Z~ m r-0 E ' 0- o° QQ N oc~v na)o N 0 U) Q. L m .fl O c L c (D U) 0 M 0)3: I'll C: 0- E N cW W (ry O1 m z -0 Z~ a) a) 0 .0 O N N .Y.. N, N N =owa~ Zcn QC:L ' mm 'flo m W ~(D(Da.o Qa N M00) c~N' m cn -0 to a) a) N aNi ~o W Q m a00La o 0 o c 0 0~ oN am a EoIcc E omNa t4 Of)-, c f* ~Q E _C(D a) to- o am rn~ ~.2 m W W o >.L m 0> c am' mN ~W vaci a~~~~o am)>~~°E Qccn a)a) nErE5cL CL o w o- o.mo C7 0L CO U U .c L cq =o Q c a) c in f- TO: HONORABLE VICE-CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: DECEMBER 24, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS ON '3 . EARLSWOOD DRIVE BETWEEN IVAR AVENUE AND ROSEMEAD PLACE REQUEST A request has been received from Ms. Ramirez, 14508 Cullen Street, Whittier, for the installation of speed humps on Earlswood drive. She was mailed the City's pamphlet regarding speed humps. Ms. Ramirez is now requesting the installation of reflective pavement markers on Earlswood Drive. Ms. Ramirez indicates that there have been several "near accidents" on this roadway especially between Rosemead Place and Greendale Avenue. CONDITIONS Earlswood Drive is a 36-foot wide roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a skip-yellow centerline. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway. DATA The reported accident data on Earlswood Drive was reviewed. The three-year period reviewed was between January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1997. The reported accident history revealed the following four accidents: Location & Description Date & Time 1. 261' north of Hershey 08/08/97 @ 1:42 p.m. Southbound vehicle proceeding straight broadsided an eastbound vehicle turning left (Improper turn). 2. 280' east of Ivar 09/04/97 @ 2:30 p.m. Southbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended a southbound parked vehicle (Improper turn). Request for Reflective Pavement Markers on Earlswood Drive between Ivar Avenue and Rosemead Place Page 2 Location & Description Date & Time 3. North of Greendale Avenue 10/15/96 @ 4:00 p.m. Southbound vehicle passing btoadsided a southbound vehicle turning left (Wrong side). 4. 66' east of Ivar 09/26/96 @ 11:15 p.m. Westbound vehicle proceeding straight collided with a fixed object (Driver alcohol/ drugs). DISCUSSION The striping on Earlswood Drive is clearly visible and has raised reflective pavement markers (RPMs). Parking on Earlswood Drive during field review indicated moderate parking. Staff has no objection to the installation of additional reflective pavement markers on Earlswood Drive. However, staff is concerned with the increase in noise with the installation of additional reflective pavement markers. The fronting uses on Earlswood Drive are residential. The increased noise may not be acceptable to the residents. Should the Traffic Commission wish to recommend the installation of additional RPMs, staff recommends placement of an additional RPM between the existing yellow stripes (Alternative "A" Striping Pattern). Other placements of RPMs are depicted in Figure 1 for Commission consideration. The speed limit signs on Earlswood Drive are clearly visible. However, as a reminder to motorists, it is recommended Earlswood Drive be placed on the list for the stationing of the Radar Trailer. The Radar Trailer is used to remind motorist of the posted speed limit on a roadway and displays the motorist's speed. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Earlswood Drive be placed on the City's list for the stationing of the Radar Trailer. Attachment 066Ui 1 \Rsd\Earlswood Earlswood Drive Striping Pattern Existing Striping Pattern Yellow stripe. \Yellow reflective pavement marker. Alternative "A" Striping Pattern O ❑ D ~O ❑ Additional yellow reflective pavement marker. Alternative "B" Striping Pattern ® ❑ . " ® ❑ Non-reflective yellow pavement markers. Alternative "C" Striping Pattern ❑ ® 5~_\® ❑ Non-reflective yellow Additional yellow reflective pavement markers. pavement marker. FIGURE 1 0661 i1 \Rsd\Exh Fig\Earlswood