TC - 11-04-99AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting November 4, 1999 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chair Quintanilla Commissioners Ruiz, Baffo, & Herrera Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Baffo Invocation: Commissioner Herrera 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Deferred to next meeting. 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR BLUE HANDICAPPED CURB MARKING ON RAMONA BOULEVARD B. REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN ACCESS - VALLEY BOULEVARD AT LOMA AVENUE NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 3319-3333 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD SOUTH OF HELLMAN AVENUE STAFF REPORTS COMMISSIONER REPORTS ADJOURNMENT - Thursday, December 2, 1999, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 TO: Honorable Chairman and Members Rosemead Traffic Commission FROM: Joanne Itagaki, Traffic Engineering Deputy DATE: July 27, 1999 RE: Request for Blue Handicapped Curb Marking on Ramona Boulevard REQUEST Mr. Frank Gonzales, 9255 Ramona Boulevard, has requested the City of Rosemead consider the -installation of a blue handicapped curb marking in front of his residence (letter attached). Mr. Gonzales indicates there is no parking available on or near his home. Mr. Gonzales is currently renting a room at 9255 Ramona Boulevard. . CONDITIONS Ramona Boulevard is an east/west roadway immediately north of the 1-1 D Freeway. In the vicinity of 9255 Ramona Boulevard, parking is allowed on the north side of the street. No parking is allowed on the south side of Ramona Boulevard. There is double yellow centerline striping on Ramona Boulevard. The speed limit on Ramona Boulevard is prima facie 25 mph. The fronting uses on Ramona Boulevard are residential. There are single-family, duplex and apartment complexes on the north side of the street. The 9255 Ramona Boulevard is a duplex type development. Another duplex exists on the east side of 9255 Ramona Boulevard. To the east of this duplex, an apartment complex exists. Another apartment complex exists on the west side of 9255 Ramona Boulevard. Figure 1 (available at the Commission meeting) depicts the fronting uses in the vicinity of 9255 Ramona Boulevard. DISCUSSION Field review and staff discussions with Mr. Gonzales indicate that parking, especially during the evening hours, is significantly occupied on Ramona Boulevard. It is likely that the majority of this parking is from the apartment complexes along Ramona Boulevard. Staff is unaware of any blue handicapped parking spaces marked in front of residential developments within the City. In the past, concern for installing such Request for Blue Handicapped Curb on Ramona Boulevard Page 2 spaces has centered on the removal of such parking spaces when tenants or owners move. The City has no mechanism to track changes in tenants or owners. In addition, past requests have been addressed by finding additional parking on-site or extending driveways to accommodate an additional vehicle. Based on field review and our discussions with Mr. Gonzales, there are approximately 5 parking spaces on-site. He is a tenant of one room of the duplex. Staff has no objection to the installation of blue handicapped curb markings. The City Attorney indicated that Mr. Gonzales should be aware that the installation of the blue handicapped curb does not guarantee its use by Mr. Gonzales. Any vehicle with the proper identification - handicap license plate or placard - can legally use the proposed space. The Commission may also want to discuss this request as a policy issue. When another such request is received, how shall it be. handled? Is there any requirement to verify if, the request is justifiable - handicap license plate or placard? Does the request need to be brought before the Commission? What should be done when a request is received to remove the blue curb? RECOMMENDATION Staff has no objection to the installation of blue handicapped curb markings. Figure 2 (available at the Commission meeting) depicts the length of blue curb and location of appropriate signage. Staff also recommends the Commission consider discussing the issue of blue curb markings in residential areas with respect to developing a policy to be used in the future. Attachments 066UMRsdlRamona Blue Curb Mr. Frank Gonzales 9255 Ramona Boulevard Rosemead, CA. 91770 April 30, 1999 Traffic Commission City of Rosemead Attention: Jessica 'Wilkinson 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA. 91770 Dear Mr. Wilkinson; P ~l MAY 0 3 1999 P! I I am writing this letter requesting your assistance in obtaining a blue handicapped marking My concern for this request is because I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran with an acute degenerative arthritis dLmbilih,., which has been rated 100%.. In addition please note the following considerations which prevent me from completing daily activities: -No parking near my house- -No parking available to me on or near my property- . At is very difficult for me to walk Iona distances- -Surgery was performed on my spine last year, on March 11, 1998, and - September 25, 1998, respectively. I need this blue curb to be painted in front of the property located at 9253 Roin.ona Boulevard (at the edge of the propem) in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act. If you need additional information to help me resolve this matter, I area code (626) 307-8842. Thank you for your assistance. regarding this matter. i Sincerely,/' .Mr. Frank Gonzales can be reached at cc: File TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY( DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 RE: VALLEY BOULEVARD AT LOMA AVENUE - REQUEST FOR WESTBOUND LEFT TURN ACCESS REQUEST A letter, attached, has been received from Mr. J. Frank Quintanilla of the Golden Rose Florist, 9228 Valley Boulevard. Mr. Quintanilla indicates that his customers are making illegal westbound left turns in to his parking lot. Mr. Quintanilla is requesting a left turn lane be installed to provide a legal lane for his customers to turn left in to his parking lot. CONDITIONS The driveway access to the Golden Rose Florist is almost directly across from Loma Avenue at Valley Boulevard. The existing traffic striping at the intersection provides a dedicated left turn lane on Valley Boulevard for eastbound traffic at Loma Avenue. In the westbound direction, a painted median nose exists which does not provide access to the Golden Rose Florist. Beyond the painted median nose, a two way left turn lane exists. Figure 1 depicts the traffic striping at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Loma Avenue. DATA The reported traffic accident history for the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Loma Avenue was reviewed for the period from January. 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. The reported accident history revealed one accident occurring at this intersection during the period reviewed. This accident involved an eastbound vehicle turning left and broadsiding a westbound vehicle proceeding straight. The primary collision factor was identified as a violation of the right-of-way of the westbound vehicle by the eastbound vehicle turning left. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed the entire stretch of Valley Boulevard including the intersection at Loma Avenue. Based on this review, two "T" intersections, including Loma Avenue, have a driveway opposite the street that intersects Valley Boulevard. X .I Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue - Request for Westbound Left Turn Access Page 2 The "T" intersections are at Gernert Avenue and 'Loma Avenue. Each of these intersections has a painted median nose that denies access to the driveway. Field observation of the intersections of Gernert AvenueNalley Boulevard and Loma AvenueNalley Boulevard indicated vehicles were turning left through the painted median nose. This movement was generally within the painted median nose area and the vehicles did not block through traffic. RECOMMENDATION Based on the field observations and the limited number of occurrences in the City, the removal of the painted median nose and continuation of the two way left turn lane is recommended.for the following locations: 1. Westbound Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue, and 2. Eastbound Valley Boulevard at Gernert Avenue. This recommendation is depicted in Figure 1 Attachments JIVRsd\Valley Loma Left Turn Access si t~- I G O L D E N R O,S E F k ' L R I S T August 3, 1999 Ken Rukavina Engineer, City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ken, Good Morning. I sure could use your help with a problem on the street in front of our flower shop. We have received complaints from our customers that the "turning lane" directly in front of our shop ends too soon and if customers make a left turn (if they are traveling West on Valley Blvd.) that it ends up to be an illegal turn. I examined it and it sure seems that way to me too. We asked one of the local L.A- County Sheriff's Deputy's that patrols on the Traffic Motorcycles to take a look He came by, got off his bike, and examined it carefully. He said that the striping is "improperly laid out." Last month, we contacted Steve Trott, the Public Works Observer about this problem. He said that he would discuss it with you and get back to us. As of today, we have not heard from him. I have a recommendation: would you please repaint the striping and paint a "left hand turn lane." This would be ideal and would make it easy for customers to pull a left into our parking lot. This way, they would not be "scared" of making an illegal left turn. The striping as it is now is "bad for business" and needs to be altered. I've seen other commercial lots with a similar traffic situation here in Rosemead and they do have their own left hand turn lane. Please help! Sincerely, J. Frank Quintanilla cc: Frank Tripepi 9228 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD, ROSEIdEAD, TEL (626) 573-8555 FAX (626) 5 aulv.goldenro se Boris t. com fa~ ps. vv-~,p w Loma Ave. Valley Blvd. )M_ Remove painted median nose. Install two way left turn lane. Gel 0 R'1 e Not to scde Valley Blvd. Remove painted median nose. Install two way left turn lane. ~p Figure 1 Gernert Ave. TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY (~+yQ DATE: OCTOBER 26, 1999 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 3319-3333 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD SOUTH OF HELLMAN AVENUE REQUEST A request, letter attached, has been received from Ms. Connie Ta, property owner of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. Ms. Ta is requesting the installation of "NO-PARKING Sign's and paint in front of this property. She indicates there is poor visibility when vehicles park along the curb in front of the property. CONDITIONS The property at 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard has three access points from San Gabriel Boulevard. The property has on-site parking for tenants and customers. On-street parking is allowed on San Gabriel Boulevard in front of the property. However, there is a 2-hour parking restriction on San Gabriel Boulevard. San Gabriel Boulevard is a north/south arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 35 mph. There are two lanes in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Figure 1 depicts conditions in the vicinity of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. DATA The reported accident history in the vicinity of 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1998. This review identified one reported accident summarized below: 653 feet south of Hellman Avenue - Southbound vehicle proceeding straight rearended a southbound stopped vehicle (unsafe speed). The average daily traffic volume on San Gabriel Boulevard is 31,900 vehicles per day. Request for Red Curb at 3319-3333 San Gabriel Boulevard South of Hellman Avenue Page 2 DISCUSSION Field observation of the location identified very few vehicles parking on the street in front of the subject property. The parking on-site was approximately 60% occupied. With few vehicles parking on the street, visibility was not significantly impacted. However, there may be occasions when on-street parking is heavy. During these times, visibility would be inhibited for vehicles exiting the property. RECOMMENDATION The installation of "No Parking Any Time" signs is recommended in front of 3319- 3333 San Gabriel Boulevard. This recommendation is depicted in Figure 1. Attachments M RsM3319-3333 San Gabriel red curb z. JOHN TA STATE FARM INSURANCE AGENCY LIC#FC0629772 3333 N. SAN GABRIEL BLVD ROSEMEAD CA 91770 TEL: (626) 571-2847 FAX: (626) 571-5012 8-16-99 T0: ROSEMEAD =HALL 9938 E. VALLEY BLVD ROSEMEAD CA 91770 ATE DEAR SIR, WE ARE TTY PROPERTY OWNER ON 3333,332-7,3319N. SAN G_43RIEL BLVD.,ROSEMEAD, CA 91770. DUE TO ALkVf COMPLAINTS FROM OUR TENANTS ABOUT THE STREET CURB PARKING IN FRONT OF OUR BUILDING HAS CAUSED POOR STREET VIEW WHENT TFIEY TRY TO PULL OUT TO THE STREET. WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE CITY TO ATSTALL "NO-PARIO NG SIGN' AND PAINT TITE STREET CURB TO PREVENT FUTURE ACCIDENTS. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM THE CITY REC.AROLVG OUR REQUEST. YOlAs TRULYLmzao, , , T Y OWNER lJL--3;Z7LnU U !1 L Not to Scale Proposed Proposed No Parking No Parking FALe Any Time Any Time San Gabriel Boulevard i Existing 2-hour 333 eota Existing parking restriction. \green curb. e ; Go goy Existing red curb. 3399-3333 Sara Gabriel Boulevard JRRsd\Exhibits\3319-3333 San Gabriel