TC - 02-02-01PF 17 AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance: FEBRUARY 2, 2001 7:00 p.m. Chairman Quintanilla, Vice-Chair Ruiz Commissioners Baffo, Herrera, Knapp Commissioner Baffo Invocation: Commissioner Herrera 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 7, 2000 2. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION FOR 2001 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 4. OLD BUSINESS 5. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR LEFT TURN PHASING AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND MISSION DRIVE. 6. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SOUTH OF ELLIS LANE. 7. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 8. ADJOURNMENT - Thursday, March 1, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 7, 2000 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Ruiz, Commissioner Herrera & Commissioner Baffo Absent: None Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice-Chairman Ruiz The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Baffo 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Herrera, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the amended minutes for November 2, 2000, regarding the clarification that a vehicle coming out of the Laundromat nearly hit her (Helen Gunther). H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Chuck Lyons 4222 Arica Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Lyons stated that a couple months ago, the Principal of Encinita School along with some parents came to the Traffic Commission requesting some help on Encinita Avenue. As a result of that meeting, a portion of the curb was painted red in front of the school, another portion of the curb was painted white for loading and unloading and installing speed bumps on the pavement. However, they have some additional concerns; there are no signs posted or anything written on the pavement, they felt the lemon-yellow (bright) signs would be helpful. The white curb does not indicate what can or can't be done at this location. Mr. Lyons stated that people are still parking in the red and the white curbs, and feels signs would be helpful along with Sheriff enforcement; he would also like to see the red curb extended around the corner. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the City has received a grant to replace the existing signs with the bright yellow signs throughout the City of Rosemead, in addition, staff will look into the white curb situation. M. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR "RIGHT TURN ONLY" SIGN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GARVEY AVENUE AND WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that during the November, 2000 regular Traffic Commission meeting, Mrs. Helen Gunther requested staff to review the shopping center on the southwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. Mrs. Gunther indicated the driveway access on Walnut Grove Avenue has been the site of some "near miss" accidents. She has requested the installation of a "Right Turn Only" sign for vehicles exiting the driveway. The shopping center on the southwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue has one driveway access on Garvey Avenue and one driveway access on Walnut Grove Avenue. The driveway on Walnut Grove is less than 50 feet from Garvey Avenue and accesses northbound Walnut Grove Avenue within the left turn lane. The reported accident history on Walnut Grove Avenue south of Garvey Avenue was reviewed for the period of January 1, 1997 through March 31, 2000. There were two reported accidents that appear to involve the subject driveway on Walnut Grove Avenue. Field observation of the southwest corer of Garvey Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue was made during the late morning hours. Parking within the shopping center was at 40% capacity. There were 3 vehicles observed exiting the shopping center, 2 turning left and 1 turning right. The reported accident history does not identify a pattern of accidents associated with the Walnut Grove Avenue driveway. However, this driveway is close to the intersection and vehicles turning left from the driveway can have a significant affect on traffic flow of the two roadways. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of a "Right Turn Only" sign was recommended for vehicles exiting onto Walnut Grove Avenue from the shopping center on the southwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. Commissioner Knapp stated that she would like to a white right turn only arrow at the driveway. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the addition of white right turn arrows at driveway. B. REQUEST FOR "NO TRUCK" SIGNS ON FERN AVENUE AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that during the September, 2000 Traffic Commission meeting, an item was discussed regarding trucks traveling on La Presa Avenue and Bartlett Avenue south of Garvey Avenue. As a result, City Council approved the installation of "No Trucks Over 3 Tons" signs on these streets. Since these signs were installed, staff has received several complaints that trucks coming from the south are accessing these areas by turning from Walnut Grove Avenue onto Fern Avenue then traveling northbound on La Presa Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The residents are requesting trucks be prohibited on Fern Avenue east of Walnut Grove Avenue. B. REQUEST FOR "NO TRUCK" SIGNS ON FERN AVENUE AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE- CON'T Fern Avenue is a residential street with no centerline striping and parking permitted on both sides of the street. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. The intersection of Fern Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue is signalized with yellow crosswalks on 3 legs of the intersection. Walnut Grove Avenue is a secondary arterial throughout the City. It is also a truck route in the City. Walnut Grove Avenue has two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove Avenue is 40 mph in the vicinity of Fern Avenue. During the late morning hours, no trucks were observed to be traveling on Fern Avenue, La Presa Avenue or Bartlett Avenue. However, there was one large truck parked on the east side of La Presa Avenue facing north. Based on the fact that Walnut Grove Avenue is a truck route and Fern Avenue is parallel to Garvey Avenue (another truck route) and is one block south, it is possible that trucks are taking a short cut through this neighborhood area. It would appear that the most direct route for these deliveries would be to and from Garvey Avenue. To minimize the trucks from traveling through this neighborhood area south of Garvey Avenue an east of Walnut Grove Avenue, the installation of "No Trucks Over 3 Tons" signs was recommended on Fern Avenue at Walnut Grove Avenue. This installation is also recommended on Klingerman Avenue at Walnut Grove Avenue since Klingerman Avenue is also a route that accesses La Presa Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. Such installations should minimize and prevent trucks from traveling in the neighborhood and delivering to businesses on Garvey Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of "No Trucks Over 4 Tons" signs was recommended on Fern Avenue at Walnut Grove Avenue and on Klingerman Avenue at Walnut Grove Avenue. It was further recommended that "Truck Route" signs be installed on Walnut Grove Avenue at Fern Avenue and at Klingerman Avenue. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that some of the businesses that are recipients of these deliveries are on Garvey Avenue, and Garvey Avenue is a truck route, therefore, the most direct route would be Garvey Avenue. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he feels that Municipal Code needs to be re-visited by the City Council so it will be enforceable at the Municipal Courts and not thrown out, as it had been in the past. He feels that Code is very vague and not enforceable. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, and carried unanimously to approve the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation. C. REQUEST FOR VARIOUS ITEMS IN THE VICINITY OF ROSE STREET AND ARICA AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that staff has received a request from residents in the vicinity of Rose Street and Arica Avenue. They have 3 issues that they would like address. Request for red curb at fire hydrant on the south side of Pitkin Street immediately east of Encinita Avenue - Concern is vehicles waiting for school children block access to hydrant. Request for "Stop" signs at the alley north of Mission Drive between Arica Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue - Concern is speeding vehicle. Request for "Stop" signs for northbound and southbound Arica Avenue at Rose Street - Concern is speeding vehicles. Deputy Traffic Engineer explained each item separately. 1. Request for Red Curb at Fire Hydrant on the South Side of Pitkin Street immediately east of Encinita A venue. Pitkin Street is a residential street that creates a t-intersection with Encinita Avenue. There is a yellow crosswalk on the north leg of the intersection controlled by a school crossing guard. Pitkin Street is stop controlled at its intersection with Encinita Avenue and is directly across from Encinita Avenue. There is an existing fire hydrant on the south side of Pitkin Street immediately east of Encinita Avenue. The hydrant is clearly visible. There is no existing red curb at the fire hydrant. Field observation of Pitkin Street at Encinita Avenue was conducted during the late morning hours. School was already in session and few vehicles were parked on Pitkin Street or Encinita Avenue. During school start and release times, it is obvious that vehicles would desire to park on the south side of Pitkin Street at Encinita Avenue due to its proximity to the school entrance. As such, vehicles parked in front of the fire hydrant would be in violation of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22514 that states: "No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant except as follows: a. If the vehicle is attended by a licensed driver who is seated in the front seat and who can immediately move such vehicle in case of necessity. b. If the local authority adopts an ordinance or resolution reducing that distance. If the distance is less than 10 feet total length when measured along the curb or edge of the street, the distance shall be indicated by signs or markings. C. If the vehicle is owned or operated by a fire department and is clearly marked as a fire department vehicle." RECOMMENDATION #1 The CVC does not indicate red curb is necessary before enforcement can occur. Therefore, staff has no objection to the installation of red curb at this location should the Traffic Commission so desire. 4 2 Request for "Stop" signs at the Alley North of Mission Drive benveen Arica Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue The alley north of Mission Drive between Arica Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue provides "back door" access to a development fronting on Mission Drive. There is parking on the south side of the alley with a block wall to residential uses on the north side. The alley is approximately 24 feet wide. There are no traffic control devices within the alley. During field observation, only one vehicle (a motorcycle) was observed using the alley. There were approximately 4 vehicles parked on the south side of the alley. CVC Section 21804 governs vehicles entering onto a street or roadway from an alley and states: a) The driver of any vehicle about to enter or cross a highway from any public or private property, or from an alley, shall yield the right-of-way to all traffic, as defined in Section 620, approaching on the highway close enough to constitute an immediate hazard, and shall continue to yield the right-of-way to that traffic until he or she can proceed with reasonable safety. b) A driver having yielded as prescribed in subdivision (a) may proceed to enter or cross the highway, and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching on the highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle entering or crossing the intersection." RECOMMENDATION #2 The CVC states the vehicle entering the highway from an alley shall yield the right-of- way to all traffic. However, with very few public alleys in the City, it is possible that Rosemead motorists are not aware of this requirement. Therefore, the installation of "Stop" signs for vehicles exiting the alley north of Mission Drive at Arica Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue is recommended. 3. Request for "Stop" signsfor Northbound and Southbound Arica Avenue at Rose Street. Rose Street is an east/west residential roadway approximately 36 feet wide. There is no striping on the street and parking is permitted on both sides of Rose Street. Rose Street is "Stop" controlled at its intersections with Encinita Avenue, Arica Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph on Rose Street. Arica Avenue is a north/south residential roadway approximately 36 feet wide. There is no striping on Arica Avenue. Parking is permitted on both sides of the street. Arica Avenue is "Stop" controlled at its intersection with Mission Drive. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph. The reported accident history at the intersection of Rose Street and Arica Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1997 through March 31, 2000. There were no reported accidents within the intersection during the period reviewed. There was no traffic count gathered on Rose Street or Arica Avenue due to the recent Thanksgiving holiday. However, a conservative estimate of the traffic counts on Rose Street and Arica Avenue would reflect the average traffic count of a "normal" residential street of approximately 2,000 vehicles per day. For comparison, the 1999 traffic count on Olney Street was 1,615 vehicles per day. Field observation during the late morning hours identified very few (less than 5) vehicles traveling through the intersection of Rose Street and Arica Avenue. Visibility from Rose Street of vehicles traveling on Arica Avenue was adequate and uninhibited by trees or bushes. The primary concern of the residents in this neighborhood is the "speeding" vehicles. The residents have requested the "Stop" controls to "slow-down" traffic. The purpose of "Stop" controls is to assign right-of-way. The basic "Stop" control is typically assigned to the street with the least volume of traffic. Beyond this basic level of control, multi-way control is usually reserved for those locations where the volume of traffic exceeds 500 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of an average day and where traffic on each roadway is nearly equal. Through numerous studies, traffic engineers have concluded that "Stop" controls are not necessarily effective as a speed deterrent or useful as a means to displace unwanted traffic volumes. These studies found that speeds resume within a few hundred feet of the actual "Stop" location and that compliance to unjustified "Stop" controls is poor For these reasons, "Stop" controls for the sole purpose of controlling the speed and volume of traffic is not recommended. RECOMMENDATION #3 The favorable reported accident history, adequate visibility and the residential nature of Rose Street and Arica Avenue support the existing level of traffic control. Therefore, the installation of "Stop" controls on Arica Avenue at Rose Street is not recommended at this time. Speaking before the Commission was: Mr. Chuck Lyons 4222 Arica Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Lyons thanked the Deputy Traffic Engineer on the first (2) items. Mr. Lyons feels stop controls are needed on north and southbound Arica Avenue and Rose Street, due to the speed of the drivers in morning with the children going to school. He is concerned with the neighborhood and the safety of the children. Mr. Lyons also presented the Commission with a petition signed by IS residents requesting the stop sign. Speaking before the Commission was: Julia Garnant 4212 Arica Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Garnant stated that it was her brother that was stuck by a car at the corner of Rose Street and Arica Avenue. She stated that there are a lot of families on these streets and feels this location is very dangerous and requires the need for a stop sign. Item #1 - It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to approve the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the addition of painting the red curb in front of the fire hydrant and around the corner to the crosswalk and 15 feet beyond the crosswalk. Item #2 - Commissioner Ruiz asked if staff could post a "No Parking in Alley" sign on the north side of the street. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation with the addition of the "No Parking in Alley" sign on the north side of the street. 6 Item #.I - It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Herrera and carried unanimously to deny the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation and approve the installation of "Stop" signs for northbound and southbound Arica Avenue at Rose Street and to install "4-Way Stop" sign attachments to the existing and proposed stop signs a same intersection. Commissioner Knapp thanked Mr. Lyons for coming to the Traffic Commission meeting and expressing his concerns. Mr. Lyons thanked Ms. Ann Bowers for making a presentation on the beautification project at Encinita. He also thanked the Commission and the Deputy Traffic Engineer for their help. V. STAFF REPORTS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the City applied for an LED Program Grant to replace all traffic signal heads to LED lights. The City did receive the grant for approximately $ 121,000.00. The lamps must be replaced by June, 2001. VI. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson wished everyone a happy and safe holiday. Commissioner Knapp stated that the trains are up and running at her house for anyone that would like to come over and see them. Commissioner Baffo addressed the audience and thanked and encouraged them to come to our meetings with their concerns. Sgt. Hancock introduced himself to the Commission, he will be the new Traffic Officer Liaison for the City of Rosemead. Commissioner Ruiz asked staff what was being done with the red curb behind Barbara Larson's house, signs are not up and trucks are still parking there. Commissioner Ruiz asked Sgt. Hancock to have the motor officers do more commercial type enforcement when it comes to trucks speeding in the City. Sgt. Hancock stated that he will discuss this matter with Sgt. Wallace. Chairman Quintanilla also thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and for their input and wished everyone a happy holiday season. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m., with I I people in the audience. MAYOR: MARGARETCLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: JAY T IMPERIAL COUNCILMEMBERS: ROBERT W. BRUESCH GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASQUEZ Posemcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JESSICA WILKINSON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER 4 uu DATE: JANUARY 29, 2001 SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION PROCEDURE The following procedure is suggested for reorganization of the Commission: The incumbent chairperson turns the meeting over to the City staff representative for nomination and election of the new chairman. 2. The City staff representative calls for nominations. No seconds are required for nominations. 3. When no further nominations are heard, the City staff representative declares the nominations closed. 4. If there is only one nominee, a motion of his/her election may be entertained. 5. If there is more than one nominations, then the Secretary will call a roll call vote. Commissioners should respond with the name of the nominee they vote for. 6. The candidate polling a majority is the new chairperson. 7. The newly-elected chairman assumes the chair, then opens nominations for vice-chairperson. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JANUARY 24, 2001 RE: REQUEST FOR LEFT TURN PHASING AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND MISSION DRIVE REQUEST Commissioner Ruiz requested staff investigate the possible installation of left turn - phasing (left turn arrows) on Walnut Grove Avenue at Mission Drive' Commissioner Ruiz indicated he identified a need for left turn phasing especially in the peak hours. Upon considering Walnut Grove Avenue/Mission Drive for left turn phasing; staff_ determined data should be collected to analyze all directions (northbound,- southbound, eastbound and westbound) for left turn phasing installations. CONDITIONS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide north/south roadway through the City.- There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. There are northbound and southbound left turn lanes on Walnut Grove Avenue at Mission Drive. The posted speed limit on Walnut Grove. Avenue is 40 mph. Mission Drive is a 64-foot roadway generally traversing the City in an east/west= direction. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double" yellow centerline. There are eastbound and westbound left turn lanes on Mission Drive at Walnut Grove Avenue. The posted speed limit on Mission Drive is 40 mph. Exhibit 1 depicts the general striping conditions at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive. DATA The reported accident history for the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1997 through March Request for Left Tum Phasing at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive Page 2 31, 2000. There were 7 reported accidents occurring at the intersection. These accidents are summarized below and on Exhibit 2: Description Time Day & Date 1. Southbound vehicle proceeding straight 11:30 AM Sat., 03/13/99 broadsided a northbound vehicle turning left and an eastbound stopped vehicle (P.C.F. = Vehicle ran stop sign/signal). 2. Southbound vehicle turning left broadsided 6:35 PM Tues., 04/20/99 an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F. = Vehicle did not yield right-of-way). 3. Eastbound vehicle proceeding straight 12:35 PM Thurs., 05/13/99 broadsided a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F. = Vehicle ran stop sign/signal). 4. Southbound vehicle proceeding straight 1:15 PM Sun., 06/27/99 sideswiped a northbound vehicle proceeding straight ' (P.C.F. = Vehicle did not yield right-of-way/ Inattention of driver). 5. Southbound vehicle proceeding straight 10:15 AM Sat., 10/09/99 broadsided a westbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F. = Vehicle ran stop sign/signal/ Inattention of driver). 6. Westbound vehicle making a U-turn 1:00 PM Tues., 01/27199 collided head-on with a southbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F. = Vehicle making an improper turn). 7. Westbound vehicle turning left broadsided 12:25 PM Sat., 12/5/98 an eastbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F. = Vehicle did not yield right-of-way). P.C.F. = Primary Collision Factor Turning movement counts were also taken at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive during the AM and PM peak periods. The AM peak hour was found to be 7:30 - 8:30 AM. The PM peak hour was found to be 5:00 - 6:00 PM. These counts are depicted on Exhibit 3. Request for Left Turn Phasing at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive Page 3 A left turn delay analysis was also conducted at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive during the AM and PM peak periods. A delay analysis records the number of vehicles waiting in the left turn lane at the start of the green phase and then records the number of vehicles that turned left in the green phase. Exhibits 4A - 4D summarize the left turn delay analysis. DISCUSSION The installation of left turn phasing is based on guidelines presented in the .Caltrans Traffic Manual. The Traffic Manual indicates that left turn phasing ,should be considered when one or more of the following conditions exist: 1:.: Accidents. Five or more left turn accidents for a particular left turn movement during a recent 12-month period. 2. Delay. Left-turn delay of one or more vehicles which were waiting at the beginning of the green interval and are still remaining in the left turn lane after at least 80% of the total number of cycles for one hour. 3._ Volume. At new intersections where only estimated volumes are available, the following criteria may be used. For a pretimed signal or a background- cycle-controlled actuated signal, a left turn volume of more than two vehicles per approach per cycle for a peak hour; or for a traffic-actuated signal, 50 or more left turning vehicles per hour in one direction with the produce of the turning and conflicting through traffic during the peak hour of 100,000 or more -4. Miscellaneous. Other factors that might be considered, include but are not limited to: impaired sight distance due to horizontal or vertical curvature, or where there is a large percentage of buses and trucks. Analysis of these four items was conducted at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive for all directions (northbound, southbound, eastbound, and westbound). Northbound and Southbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Mission Drive 1. Accidents. During the 3-'/< years of reported accidents reviewed, only two accidents involving northbound or southbound left turning vehicles were reported (one northbound left turn - #1 and one southbound left turn - #2). Both these accidents occurred in 1999. However, this does not meet the Caltrans guideline. 2. Delay. In reviewing the delay analysis, there were no cycles in which northbound or southbound left turn vehicles were delayed during the AM and PM peak periods studied. The majority of vehicles approached the Request for Left Turn Phasing at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive Page 4 intersection on a green phase and completed their left turn in that phase. This does not satisfy the Caltrans guideline. 3. Volume. Turning movement counts indicate that 195 northbound vehicles turn left during the 7:30 - 8:30 AM peak hour (highest peak hour count). The opposing southbound through traffic volume is 483. The product of these counts is 94,185. This is close to the Caltrans guideline however it does not meet the. guideline of 100,000. For the southbound vehicles turning left, the highest peak hour volume was observaed,during the 5:00 - 6:00 PM peak hour at 49 vehicles. The opposing northbound through traffic volume is 533. The product of these counts is 26;117:.=This does not meet the Caltrans guideline of 100,000. 4. Miscellaneous. Field observation of the intersection in the northbound and southbound directions does not indicate any usual condition. The north leg of the intersection,"turns" slightly westerly beyond its intersection with Mission Drive:.-°' However, this horizontal curve does not affect the visibility of the traffic signal heads for southbound traffic. Eastbound-.-and Westbound Mission Drive at Walnut Grove Avenue 1. Accidents.-During the 3-'/4 years of reported accidents reviewed, only one accident. (#7) reported involved an eastbound or westbound left turning vehicle. This accident occurred in 1998. However, this does not meet the Caltrans guideline. 2. Delay.--...In•. reviewing the delay analysis, only 3 cycles in the westbound direction - were.found to have delay (more vehicles waiting in the left turn pocket than get through on the green phase). These 3 cycles are "circled" on Exhibif.4A and occur around 8:00 AM. This amount of delay does not meet the Caltrans guideline. 3. Volume: Turning movement counts indicate that the peak left turning volume in the eastbound direction is 90 vehicles in the 7:30 - 8:30 AM peak hour. The opposing westbound through traffic volume is 784. The product of these counts is 70,560. This does not meet the Caltrans guideline of 100,000. For the westbound vehicles turning left, a volume of 190 vehicles was observed during the 7:30 - 8:30 AM peak hour. The opposing eastbound through traffic volume is 425. The product of these counts is 80,750. This does not meet the Caltrans guideline of 100,000. 4. Miscellaneous. Field observation of the intersection in the eastbound and westbound directions does not indicate any usual conditions. The roadway Request for Left Turn Phasing at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive Page 5 alignment is straight with clear visibility of the traffic signal and on-coming traffic. RECOMMENDATION Based on the analysis presented above and the favorable accident history, the installation of left turn.phasing in all directions of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission=Drive is not recommended at this time.. It appears that the volume of traffic on Walnut Grove Avenue may, in the future, increase to a point where left turn phasing may be required. Therefore, staff will re-evaluate this location in a year's-time: Attachments Rsd\2001\Feb-Mission &.welnuBGrova LT phase request Ct 64' is NoDODE DR"W@ 15 12 10, 12, 15 Q 0 0 14' 1110 11' 18' Not to Scale 64' W "An q COLLISION DIAGRAM CITY OF LOCATION: REPORTING PERIOD: Rosemead Walnut Grove Ave/Mission Dr 01/01197 to 03131100 IIIIIIIII In C O Walnut Grove Ave L CL b O pµ,. O~ O t' oc Y. Q T C.. cr 16 Sat., 12/5/98, 12:25 PM m c w Z Vehicle did not field ri ht-of-wa j;5 F7 L 117 Thurs., 5/13/99, 1235 PM Vehicle ran sim 3 0 VEH. MOVING AHEAD <<< 0 VEH. BACKING UP. PEDESTRIAN -*C4- HEAD-ON SIDESWIPE -+0-► REAREND RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN DIMMED 4 _ ❑ PARKED VEHICLE ❑ FIXED OBJECT O PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY ® INJURY • FATALITY FTC - FOLLOWING TOO CLOSE HBD - HAD BEEN DRINKING H/R - HIT AND RUN ILC - IMPROPER LANE CHANGE IP - IMPROPER PASS IT - IMPROPER TURN RS - RAN STOP/SIGNAL ROWA - RIGHT-OF-WAY AUTO ROWP - RIGHT-OF-WAY PED SPD - SPEEDING WS - WRONG SIDE OF STREET L - LIGHT D - DARK 0 Q C N ed O ~ c rn N A O FLIE Tues., 127/98, 1:00 PM Vehicle made improper turn =1''•-L - .ac * 4 d 'N a@y - ~ NT N Ji\Misc\Power Point Temp.\Collision Diagram 2 Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts Not to Scale I Mission Drive 90/66 425/818 . -i 157/96 Legend 000/000 - 7:30-8:30 AM/ 5:00-6:00 PM Peak Hour Traffic Counts z Q ~ J S M m LO M 00 92m, 0 CD C) m m c c JlRsd\Exh Fig\2001\Feb-Mission & Walnut Grove TMC - <<ACCUTEK » << 21114 TRIGGER LANE << DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 File Name :287701 << (909) 595-6199 FAX: (909) 595-6022 > Site Code :00287701 Start Date :01/1812001. ' Page No : 1 VVALNUI UMUVC AVC. Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound App. Int. StartTme Right Thru Left ToApp. tal Right Thru Left Tote' , Right i Thru Left ToW~ : Right Thru. _ Left Total Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 . 1.0 : 1.0 1.0 1.0 . 1.0 1.0.E-. -1.0 0700 AM 8 76 7 91. 7 150 36 193; 12 34 33 79 21 50 2 73 436 07:15 AM 11 122 4 137 10 181 36 227.. 17 46 41 1061 24 627, 93 563 07:30 AM 18 106 15 139 7 190 47 244 35 72 49 156 39 109 .'13'- 161 700 07:45 AM 34 119 10 163. 10 201 57 268. 49 94 62 205 37 'io - `23 161 797 Total 71 423 36 530 34 722 176 932. 113 248 185 546, 121 322 - 45 488 2496 08:00 AM 26 129 11 166 12 216 51 279 24 61 47 132 43 105 ; -,36 184 761 08:15 AM 23 129 13 165 18 177 35 230 20 49 37 106 38 110",-'718` 166 667 08:30 AM 26 121 15 162 7 163 37 207 - 20 60 30 110 45 118 :.-'=F6 169 648 08:45 AM 16 90 3 109 9 156 30 195 18 72 25 115 34 .:91-11° 136 555 Total 91 469 42 602 46 712 153 911 82 242 139 463 160 424 - 71. 655 2631 BREAK _ 04:00 PM 11 79 14 104 14 107 19 140 30 79 26 135. 33 164y r,13: 210 589 04:15 PM 12 70 - ' 12 94 10 85 19 114 34 94 39 - 167 21 153'"`'."18-" 192 567 04:30 PM 17 81 18 116 12 101 24 137 31 106 36 173 20 . 153,_.:24,., 197 623 04:45 PM 6 75 8 89 9 101 18 128 39 93 27 159 24 155 '.'12.. 191 567 Total 46 305 52 403 45 394 80 519 134 372 128 6341 98 6257-f67790 2346 05:00 PM 13 65 23 101 11 108. 24 143; 44 114 29 187' 16 -220.;.' 22258 689 05:15 PM 17 82 11 110 - 8 114 16 138: 45 132 28 205. 22 195'- ?13' 230 683 05:30 PM 8 82 19 109 9 121 21 151: 37 156 51 244 32 206 --,17 255 759 05:45 PM 6 75 11 94 16 99 23 138 30 131 43 204 ` 26 197. - = 14 237 673 Total 46 304 64 414 44 442 84 570 156 533 151 840 96 818 -__66 980 2804 Grand Total 254 1501 194 1949 169 2270 493 2932 485 1395 603 _ 2483 475 2189 _249 2913 10277 Apprch % 13.0 77.0 10.0 - 5.8 77.4 16.8 19.5 56.2 24.3 16.3 75:1_" 8.5. Total % 2.5 14.6 1.9 19.0 1.6 22.1 4.8 28.5 4.7 13.6 5.9 24.2. 4.6 21:3-•"-2.4 28.3 WALNUT GROVE AVE. MISSION DR. WALNUT GROVE AVE. I MISSSION DR_. Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound A App. Int. Start Time Right Thru Left ToApp' tal Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right : Thru Left Total Total Peak Hour From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of i Intersection 07:30 AM _ Volume 101 483 49 633 47 784 190 1021 126 276 195 599 157 425 .90 672 2925 Percent 16.0 76.3 - 7.7 4.6 76.8 18.6 21.4 46.1 32.6 ! 23.4 63:2: 13.4 07:45 34 119 10 163 10 201 57 268 49 94 62 - 205 37 101. 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