TC - 05-03-01AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead. California 91770 Regular Meeting MAY 3, 2001 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Ruiz, Vice-Chair Herrera Commissioners Baffo, Knapp, Quintanilla Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -March 1, 2001 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes) 3 4 5. 6. 7 OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON THE WEST SIDE OF SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD IN FRONT OF DIAMOND SQUARE. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON March 27, 2001. COMMISSIONER REPORTS ADJOURNMENT - Thursday, June 7, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 1. 2001 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Ruiz at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Ruiz, Quintanilla, Knapp & Herrera Absent: Commissioner Baffo Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Jessica Wilkinson Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice-Chair Herrera The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for February 1, 2001. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Glenn Clanton Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Clanton stated that there are large tractor trailers causing traffic problems on Garvey Boulevard with blocking traffic. III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REOUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS ON EMERSON PLACE BETWEEN DEL MAR AVENUE AND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: The residents have requested something be done to reduce the speeds on Emerson Place. In addition, the Sheriff s Department has suggested the installation of stop signs on Emerson Place at Kelbum Avenue as a possible means of reducing these speeds. However, based on the data and analysis of this report, the installation of stop signs at this location is not recommended at this time. It was recommended, however, to replace the existing "Pedestrian Crossing" signs with fluorescent yellow green signs to provide enhanced visibility of the crosswalks on Emerson Place at Kelbum Avenue and at the Garvey Park crossing. In addition, the repainting of the crosswalks on Emerson Place at Kelbum Avenue and the Garvey Park crossing was recommended. Chairman Ruiz opened the floor for those in the audience wishing to speak in this matter. Speaking before the Commission was: Nancy Wilson 8049 E. Emerson Place Rosemead, California 91770 (Verbatim) I received a notice last night at 5:00 p.m., that you were having a meeting tonight otherwise I would have had more of my neighbors here. In the years I've lived there four (4) children have been killed. Three months ago a boy was hit on a skateboard because the driver was going too fast. As you go down Emerson going east, there's a rise where the San Gabriel Flood Control Channel is, you cannot see over that rise. The man was going very quickly, did not see the child, he applied his brakes, still hit the child, came up on the sidewalk, hit a tree, knocked down a brick wall. If there were any pedestrians on the sidewalk, he would have killed them, without question. A couple years ago a man was driving too fast down our street, coming west and came into my yard up on my steps about 4 minutes before my children entered the house. Now this is the month of March and at the end of June Garvey Park is open. We have a great deal more that 50 people crossing Kelbum and Emerson in the Summer time, and most of the people are under 3 feet tall. We've had children hurt many times, and most of the people are under 3 feet tall. I think that a stop sign is a lot cheaper than a child's life, we have many elderly people that use the Park for exercise in the morning, and they're very sweet, but they don't know to obey the laws and they don't look before crossing. There isn't too much difference between older people and children. I wouldn't want to see anyone injured or hurt. This has been a problem that has been going on forever. Last night at 8:30 p.m., our neighborhood racers came out and were racing up and down the street, they know very well there are no police officers there at night, they also know because it is not an area where it's well lit compared to other streets, that they can race from Del Mar to Emerson and back many times. Years ago we use to have a Suburu dealer at the end of Emerson on San Gabriel Boulevard, well there were two cars racing away from two police officers and they didn't realize it was a dead-end street, flew over into the Suburu's parking lot and wiped out their total inventory. This is not the first time, it happens on a daily basis, we have a lot of children and in the Summer time you have 300 children going to the pool. How many more children have to be hurt before we can put up a sign. If the City cannot afford a stop sign, I will gladly donate the money for the stop sign, I don't want to see anymore children hurt and I don't want to see any of my older neighbors hurt either. But, it's a nightmare at night, you can't pull into your driveway safely for fear of being hit. And, also if your making a left turn off of Kelburn onto Emerson going east, you better make it very quickly, because someone going to come up off that rise at 40-50 mph and hit you. I was brought up that you obey the speed limits, but I can't talk for other people. I understand the rule of the 500 cars and I understand all of the traffic, but I think a child is worth a lot more. (End of Verbatim Minutes) Speaking before the Commission was: Glenn Clanton Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Clanton stated that he was a crossing guard at this location about 8 years ago, and back then traffic was like a race track, and now it's getting worse because instead of going down the freeway, they're coming down the side streets. Speaking before the Commission was: Mr. Bicciche 8056 E. Emerson Place Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Bicciche stated that he has lived at this location for 57 years and feels that traffic is abominable and feels a stop sign is warranted at this location along with the dots. Speaking before the Commission was: Louise Gamboa 8019 Emerson Place Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Gamboa stated that she has been a resident since 1956, and does not feel this location is safe for her children. Her concern is especially during the Summer when children are crossing to get to the pool. Commissioner Knapp stated that traffic has increased with more people coming to California. She agrees with the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, but would like to see the stop sign and the dots installed on the curb and across the bridge. In addition to stop ahead on both ways going east and west. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if there will still be selective enforcement at this location. Sgt. Wallace stated that this complaint was addressed for a 2 week period, enforcing in the morning and in the evening, as a result deputies wrote over 140 citations for speeding. He will also have his deputies address the late night racers. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KNAPP, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER HERRERA TO APPROVE THE AMENDED TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION TO INCLUDE REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS ALONG CURB BEFORE BRIDGE, REPAINT CROSSWALKS YELLOW AT KELBURN AVENUE AND EMERSON PLACE AND IN FRONT OF GARVEY PARK ENTRANCE ON EMERSON PLACE, INSTALLATION OF 3-WAY STOP SIGN AT KELBURN AVENUE AND EMERSON PLACE, INSTALLATION OF ADVANCED WARNING SIGNS ALONG EMERSON PLACE. Yes: Knapp, Quintanilla, Ruiz & Herrera No: None Absent: Baffo Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN ON FEBRUARY 13, 2001 Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that all seven traffic items that went before the City Council Meeting on February 13'h, were approved by the City Council. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp invited everyone to attend the Annual "People for People" Birthday Luncheon at Charley Brown's Restaurant on March 20h, for a fundraiser. The cost of the tickets are $25.00. Chairman Ruiz recommended that Mr. Glenn Clanton re-introduce the problem with the tractor trailers to the City Council, and that possibly he could initiate a re-study of the truck routes. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. There were I 1 people in the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for Thursday, April 5, 2001. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY p~ DATE: APRIL 16, 2001 \ RE: Request for Red Curb on the West Side of San Gabriel Boulevard in Front of Diamond Square REQUEST A letter (attached) has been received from Mr. Steven Zuckerman, Diamond Square LLC. Mr. Zuckerman is requesting the installation of red curb on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard south of Garvey Avenue at the south end of the Diamond Square Shopping Center. Mr. Zuckerman indicates this area of San Gabriel Boulevard is the last remaining location that parking is allowed. He also indicates that other red curb areas have proved successful in keeping "contractors" from hiring day laborers. CONDITIONS The majority of the west curb of San Gabriel Boulevard between Garvey Avenue and Newmark Avenue prohibits parking with red curb and signs. There is an area immediately north of Newmark Avenue that allows parking and is in front of a small commercial development. North of this development is an area in front of Diamond Square that also allows parking. This is the area Diamond Square has requested the installation of red curb. Exhibit 1 depicts the red curb on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard. DATA The reported accident data in the vicinity of the unmarked curb on San Gabriel Boulevard to Newmark Avenue was reviewed for the period between January 1, 1997 and September 30, 2000. Only one accident was reported in this area. This accident occurred 173 feet north of Newmark Avenue and involved a southbound vehicle proceeding straight rearending a southbound slowing vehicle. The primary collision factor was identified as following too close. 2 Request for Red Curb on the West Side of San Gabriel Boulevard In Front of Diamond Square Page 2 DISCUSSION Field observation of the location revealed light on-street parking during the mid- day period. This is probably due to the availability of parking in the Diamond Square parking lot in the vicinity of the subject location. Observations were not made during the early morning hours when "contractors" are soliciting day workers. The reported accident history does not indicate a pattern of accidents occurring in the area of the subject driveway. This would indicate that motorists are negotiating the driveway appropriately. The concern regarding hiring of day laborers in the vicinity of Diamond Square is not new. The Traffic Commission has discussed this previously and has taken action with regards to this issue. However, it appears Diamond Square will always attract "contractors" and day laborers. RECOMMENDATION The installation of red curb on the west side of San Gabriel Boulevard from approximately 600 feet of Garvey Avenue to the southerly most driveway of Diamond Square is recommended. This recommendation is depicted on Exhibit 1. Should the Traffic Commission desire, no parking any time signs could also be installed in place of the recommended red curb. Attachments Rsd/2001/May-Diamond Square Red Curb MAR.-27'O1ITUEI 13:55 CITOF ROSEME.40 TEL:626-Snit-9218 P.002 DIAMOND SQUARE LLC Sop S. S.N G.ABRrFL BIND., SUITE IUU, D.4R LTABRIEL, >I I Io Pnov& 626 285.5550 FAx: 626 .5.0003 March 19, 2001 Don Wagner The City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead CA 91770 Re: Request for red painting of roadway curb; SWCSan Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue Dear Don: This letter is to serve as a request for the application of red paint on the small, unpainted portion of the curb indicated on the enclosed drawing. We request this so that our security guards can keep "contractors" from hiring day laborers at this portion of the roadway. We have had some, success with this approach on portions of the street that are already painted red, and would like to remove this remaining "safe harbor." If you would prefer, we can also, upon your approval, do this work ourselves. We appreciate your continuing attention to this problem, and thank you most kindly for your consideration of this request. Respectfully, Steven Zuckerman Manager M.4R. -2%^ O11TUE) 15:56 CITY OF ROSPE.4D TEL 626-607-9218 P. 003 GARVEY AVE. 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