CC - Item 5A - Request from commissioner bill ortiz for reappointment - box 070G9 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK DATE: MAY 7, 2003 RE: REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER BILL ORTIZ FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Attached is a letter from Commissioner Ortiz requesting reappointment to the Planning Commission. If granted, this appointment would expire in May 2005. It would be appropriate to consider this request at this time. Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 13 2003 I ITEM No. - 74- - April 15, 2003 Honorable Mayor and Members Rosemead City Council I am submitting this letter in order to request that you consider my. reappointment as a member of the Rosemead Planning Commission. My term expires in May, 2003. As you know, I have served on the Planning Commission for a number of years dealing with various issues relating to housing, density, and commercial developments. Additionally, being a resident, I am concerned with the future of Rosemead. All decisions that I make have been based upon what I feel would be best for our City. With these thoughts in mind, I respectfully request that I be reappointed a member of the Rosemead Planning Commission. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM "BILL" ORTIZ Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark No: None Absent: Alarcon Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION A. REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER BILL ORTIZ FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM CLARK that the Council reappoint Commissioner Ortiz to the Planning Commission. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Vasquez, Clark No: None Absent: Alarcon Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. STATUS REPORTS - None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - Councilmember Clark requested that the study session scheduled for May 20, 2003 at 7:00 p.m., be changed to 6:00 p.m. instead. Councilman Taylor stated that he may not be able to attend that meeting. NTH. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked what will be discussed at the study session. Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, replied that the items discussed will be City Hall remodel; esthetics of the Garvey Avenue Bridge; and authorization to proceed with public meetings regarding the installation of medians on San Gabriel Boulevard. Mr. Nunez pointed out that building medians on San Gabriel is not a good idea since the State is in such a bad condition financially. Councilman Taylor stated that most street improvements funding comes from federal grant money, which is allocated to the cities. If the City does not spend it, then their money is allocated to another city.