CC - Item 4E - Authorization to attend national league of cities annual conference - Box 070G9~ TO: LYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 16, 2003 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE, MARCH 7-11, 2003 WASHINGTON D.C. Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's agenda includes discussions on Homeland Security, the Federal Budget, Public Safety, Electronic Commerce and Telecommunications. The Council has authorized attendance in the past and it has proven to be of benefit to the City. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, City Manager, City Attorney and staff as assigned by the City Manager. AGENDA JAN.2 8 2003 ITEM No.:• 9- e- - a000Z DO 'umburyseM M K'anuaAV ecnenjAsuuad l0£l ainxusul sacu3 jo m&aj lsumpKi Special Events Friday, March 7 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Leadership Training Institute Seminars 5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Orientation Session for First Time Attendees 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Constituency and Special Group Meetings Saturday, March 8 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. NLC Board of Directors Meeting NLC Advisory Council Meeting Leadership Training Institute Seminars 10:00 a.m. - Noon Legislative Briefing and Priorities Update 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Polict~ Committee Meetings * Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (EENR) * Finance, Administration, and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) * Human Development (HD) 3:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Policv Committee Meetings * Communirv and Economic Development (CED) * Information Technology and Communications (ITC) * Public Safety and Crime Prevention (PSCP) * Transportation Infrastructure and Services (TIS) 5.15 P.M. - 7:00 p.m. Constituency and Special Group Meetings Sunday, March 9 7:30 am.- 5:30 a.m. Steering Committee Meetings * Information Technology and Communications (ITC) * Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (EENR) * Human Development (HD) 5:30 a.m. - 1000 a.m. Celebrate Diversity Breakfast 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Opening General Session Noon - 1:15 p.m. Roundtable Networking and Lunch Noon - 1:00 p.m. Steering Committee'vleetings - * Commumtv and Economic Development (CED) * Finance, Administration, and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) * Public Safety and Crime Prevention (PSCP) * Transportation Infrastructure and Services (TIS) 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. General Session 2:45 p.m - 4:15 p.m. Workshops on Lobbying Priorities 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 1) m. State League Caucuses and Receptions Constituency and Special Group Meetings/Events Monday, March 10 9:00 a.m. - 10x0 a.m. General Session on Congressional Priorities 10:45 a.m. - Noon 12:15 p.m. - 130 p.m. 1,45 p.m. - 330 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 P.M. 5:15p.m.-6:30 pm. 630 p.m. - S:00 p.m. Tuesday, Mat 9:00 a.m. - Noon General Session on Administration Priorities Roundtable Networking and Lunch Workshops on Lobbying Priorities Closing General Session State League Caucuses and Receptions Reception and The Capitol Steps ch 11 City Lobby Day on Capitol Hill Sunda}' March 9 Celebrate Diversity Breakfast 8:30 am - 10:00 a.m. Fee: $33 ($30 on site) The 17th annual Celebrate Diversity Breakfast will feature a keynote speaker who will provide a perspective on "diversity' issues facing A'merica's cities and towns. The breakfast is sponsored by five NLC constituency groups. Monday, March 10 The Capitol Steps 7:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m. The Capitol Steps will perform on Monday this vear (instead of Sundav) as part of a conference wrap up to energize the delegates for City Lobby Dav on Tuesday mornint. This troupe of Congressional employees provides bi-partisan fun for everyone. Dates to Remember February 7, 2003 Deadline for advance registration and housine requests. All requests must be postmarked by this date. After this date, all dele_ates must register onsite at hither rates. February 7, 2003 Deadline for Cancellations. Cancellation letters must be postmarked by this date and are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. There are no refunds for cancellations after this date. How to Register To register for the 2003 Congressional City Conference, fill out the registration form and return it with your check, city purchase order, or credit card information to the NLC Meeting Services, postmarked by February 71 2003 or register online at www.nlc.org * Each delegate, guest, speaker, member of the press, and any other conference participant must register. There is a $50 youth delegates fee. There is no charge for press registrations with proper press credentials. ' * No telephone registrations or cancellations will be accepted. * Payment (check, city purchase order, or credit card) must be included with advance registrations. * People unable to meet the February 7 deadline will have to register onsite at the meeting and make their own hotel reservations. Refunds will be made for cancellations received by February 7, 2003, subject to a $50 cancellation charge. Cancellation letters must be postmarked by this date. No telephone cancellations will be accepted. No partial refunds will be made if you decide not to attend particular functions. Hotels * If you need hotel accommodations, please check the appropriate box on the registration form. * NLC will make a hotel reservation for you when you register for the conference. * Rooms will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. *.All conference sessions will be held at the Washington Hilton Hotel. The 2003 Congressional City Conference will offer all the traditional events - Leadership Training Institute seminars, the Celebrate Diversity Breakfast, policy and steering committee meetings, state municipal league caucuses, and constituency group events - as well as the major new plan for high visibility lobbving on the NLC federal advocacy priorities. while at the same time your responsibilities to stlments. Discover the ,a governor of voui ca r a. q piLearnhou.tlie effec0euse of-te g can.seivethe"needs of vouneom andhelpimproveaty,govir`n-nei performance. U nth a fans oiirt cures explore the public poha r that the internet and tahnology The session will be held at the If Institute to• ElecaoncGoV- r- v,j 4P hSt• Busesudl leave Hihou'H p .LJ street endance at S:30 M ? i r t t~ k 4 J . EffectiveCommumcati Stratemes_for a Cultural "r y r'a ChangingConstituenm 9 Ou am a.00 psi" ~d'; t ,is x;r Registration Fee Sl a0t -Competency: Communrcato t _ riu• . . hl. tlmihepoliual utic-sociala i nomic unpactof changing cont. Lam how'w1ttire an dictate ac rr¢ponses when there is nota cle litandmg_of inotdIEd.Ques on'd Leah effective strate6es and mt a sett mg a "multicultural and in con ntuent Base crating an incl message that promotes o-t semi r pohcmy and,gencral civil Itberiie .._z CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT IN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM... allows loal elected cifftciah to organize their professional devel- opment around critical skills necessary for effective leadership. The program is built around five core leadership competencies: (1) Cornerstone; (2) Competent Practitioner; (3) Communicator; (4) Collaborator; (5) Catalyst. To obtain more information or enroll in the Certificate of Achievement in Leadership program, contact the Leadership Training Institute hotline at (202) 06-3170. orm ain- a a high for Effective Leadcr! .1:30pm-5:00pm 'Renistration Fee S93 1:30pm-5:00pm .,-.r'4,ii Registration Fee. ,S95E,:•-` y.' Competency: Communic`ator' . Learn how to relax, hew~to'".talkyouur testimony', how to'think on vour feet' and make policy makers or legislators want to listen. Learn winning ways to deliver your message, sell your ideas and yourself. Discover the formula for suc- cess in even the most hostile climates as you learn the tools necessary to deliver your message. may; Mardi 8, 2013= I7ie Call of Leadership ):00 am- 5:00 pm Registration Fee: 5150 Competency: Cornerstone' ' What you most w more inside-out i 'vation'and model LTILunchedn`''': .Saturday, Mauch 8„2003_ Leadership TrainingInstitut.e iPart cipan[& Recognition Luncheon = =Noon 1-30 pm . "Registration Fee: S30 ' " ~An excellem opportunity to network s rand-share information with your rol,-' ll n g iks Bronze, Silver and Cold b !Certificate level recipients in the" - ;,iCertifiate of Achievement in ,-L'cadeiship,Fpgram will be recognized. dorm Facihtatoi` a6f+:. su+, Uaie'rship Tranu_ng Council 8, 2003 croup work to explore vourpersonal:.1 'drive and calling a a Ica' ur 'Std t'POhtICS)and Influence lfi p, + ~S t ,'=1 30 pm- 5:00 pm Registration Fee' S95 MOriltllg OCIiIILIAiJ r~ i iCornpetency: Cornerstone x `:Power, politics and influence are three "Y, 1r13[i:[l 8, 2~3 ' fealities not only within business and A`n+,7T ea ersh a .industry , but also within communities Ld p to -tDnerse;CommiuutV yr Pbvr a and goverment. Understand the 9 OO.arti "Noon + c a>~`'„z n:, ' nature of politics beyond the concept of a' n 72 kr uhogets what and when' as you explore a.i e ttrahoq F ee S9a 'C ompetennf'Collaborztor -boa vour efforts to persuade and lead < } ,individuals within these contexts an be ;Gpand voui.au areness,of the fattors - more easilc accomplished by under `-that mf uence hit percepiohs and 'standing the basic Concepts of leader- ;'examm'e', o .those ,e rce pnpgs m(luence ship and power within an organization. behavtoi and actions when interacting "with peoplc'who are dtffe'rent-ethnic.' t If Aristotle' Were MavoT gender, a ul turc _ race, "rel igi on abili- The New Soul of Governance . t'ties anddigabihties <De'velop your lad- 7:30 pm - S:OO pm crship awareness and skills necessary for , Registration Fee S95 '-grown win win interdependent rely Competency: Collaborator:, ,+tio shrps.ma diverse community Examine some of the gratest, most $ eeaak So They W U Listen practical wisdom we have for improving ' 0 am :Noon processes in all matters of local gover ReEs eoistralion Fee: S93 Conipctcncx: Communicator nasty and community building' The Four Foundations of Human Exce0ence _ ~ 3?Lcar3n how preparation. presentation and -Truth, Beautv, Goodness and Unity - - provide us with a wealth of direction for r,persuasion can expand your leadership , fulfilling Aristotle's claim that a city is a eland help you set positive change in "partnership for living well." A unique - ;mntion wnhin vour corrununin. Learn and engaging seminar that will inspire and practice presenting from an audience von with fresh insight for building 2 viewpoint. Learn how to improve your seongei collaborative partner-ships in presentation abilities and realize how, clear vour communitv.' " communication serves your constituents to better understand your leadership. Ten Habits of Highly Balancing Governance , Effective Governing Bodies and Representation on = 1:30 pm-5:00 pen - Registration Fee: S95 City Councils _l v Core Competency: Caralvst. - 9:00 am- Noon 'Exploie how governance effectiveness Registration Fee: S95 wines from dedicated leaders applying Competency: Competent .productive disciplined processes in ful- Practitioner filling their purpose and vision. Learn , The ultimate success of council mem-.; - the ten habits that are proven techniques - hers depends upon your effectiveness as essential to better governance and highly governors of your communist - effective governing bodies. understand Broaden your understanding of the hou,to achieve leadership effectiveness nature of council roles and the potential $v anticipating changes and being conflict between them. Learn to devel- vision-driven in the leadership that you op better skills for goal setting, policy- bring to your local government role. v immediate pollutants. Mr. Bruesch stated that this idea would be cost prohibitive as each trap was estimated at $1000 per unit - multiply that by all the storm drains on each street and staff time to maintain and clean the traps on a regular basis, etc. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Item CC-H was removed for discussion purposes) CC-A ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ON VARIOUS STREETS CC-B ACCEPTANCE OF STREET DEDICATION FOR PARCEL MAP 26400 - 8925 CORTADA STREET CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 25TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL ASIAN ORGANIZED CRIME CONFERENCE, MAY 25-30,2003, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING, FEBRUARY 12-13, 2003, MONTEREY _CC-E AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE, MARCH 7-11,2003, WASHINGTON, D.C. CC-F REQUEST FOR BUS LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONE ON LOWER AZUSA ROAD FROM ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL CC-G REQUEST FROM MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION CC-I COALITION FOR PRACTICAL REGULATION (CPR) MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2003 CC-J ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUEST TO PLACE TWO (2) BANNERS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD DURING FEBRUARY-MARCH 2003 CC-K APPROVAL OF 2003-04 BUDGET CALENDAR CC-L PURCHASE OF ADVERTISEMENT IN TRIBUTE JOURNAL FOR THE 19TH ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THE HEART FOR THE LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER,IMARCH 8, 2003 CC-M AUTHORIZE. SUPPORT OF LEGISLATIVE REFORM TO CURTAIL ABUSE OF UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: CCMn4:1-28-03 Page N5 4 Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-H PARTICIPATION IN LOS ANGELES AREA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY AND APPROVE OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AT A COST OF $2,637 FOR FY 2002-03 Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if the City is meeting the State mandated diversion rate? Councilman Taylor stated that other cities are joining the Joint Powers Authority in an effort to provide a better solution and to pool resources to have a stronger voice in Sacramento than exists for individual cities now. Mr. Nunez stated that many people do not have or do not use their recycling bins, that all recyclables are thrown in with the regular trash. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council approve participation in the Los Angeles Integrated Waste Management Authority by adoption of the Joint Powers Agreement; designate funds in the amount of $2,637, from the Health/Solid Waste portion of the budget to pay for the City's first year's prorated annual membership fee, and designate a representative from the City Council to serve on the Authority Board of Directors. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. MOTION BY MAYOR BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that Mayor Bruesch be appointed to serve on the Los Angeles Area Integrated Waste Management Authority. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CCMIN:1-28-03 Page n6