CC - Item 3D - Resolution 2003-04 - Challenging The Storm Water/Urban Runoff permit for the County of LA - Box 07097 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROBERT L. KRESS, CITY ATTORNEY DATE: JANUARY 28, 2003 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-04 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE FILING OF A LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE STORM WATER/URBAN RUNOFF PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE INCORPORATED CITIES THEREIN, EXCEPT THE CITY OF LONG BEACH (NPDES NO. CAS004001) Summary: Forty-nine local cities, Los Angeles County, the Building Industry Association, the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, the Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality and other interested parties appealed the Municipal NPDES Permit (Storm Water Permit) adopted by the Regional Board Water Quality Control Board in December of 2001 to the State Water Resources Control Board ("State Board"). The Storm Water Permit imposes substantial new and unfunded mandates that are believed to exceed requirements under existing State and federal law, including terms requiring the treatment of storm water to meet numerous anticipated numeric water quality standards. The State Water Resource Control Board denied the Cities' and Others' Petitions, without holding a public hearing. The State Board's action has left the city with no other viable alternative, other than to file litigation in State court to challenge the Storm Water Permit. Recommendation: That the City Council ratify the filing of litigation challenging the NPDES Permit, by joining in the suit with the ad hoc group of Los Angeles County cities known as the Coalition for Practical Regulation (CPR) and ratify the retainer agreement with the law firm of Rutan & Tucker for litigation services in this matter. GO.UNCIL. AGE.YAM1, JA hl 28 2003 ITEM ^.o. =.1b January 28, 2003 Page 2 Fiscal Impact: If all existing Cities within CPR who were in the Appeal to the State Board join, the cost of litigation for CPR cities is estimated at approximately $3,000 per city. Background: The City is required to obtain coverage under an NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Permit under the federal Clean Water Act, in order to discharge storm water from its storm drain system. The storm water permits are issued for five- year periods. The City is currently implementing the third five year permit. Prior storm water permits focused on the City implementing cost-effective Best Management Practices ("BMPs"), such as increased street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, public education, waste-oil recycling programs, construction site run-off mitigation measures and the installation of certain post-construction structural treatment control measures. The latest storm water permit has "upped the ante" by requiring that our storm waters not violate water quality objectives or standards contained in the Water Quality Control Basin Plan for the Los Angeles Region, which in many cases will result in cities having to comply with numeric effluent limits, irrespective of the "maximum extent practicable" standard set forth under the Clean Water Act. The Basin Plan for the Region was originally adopted in 1973, setting numeric discharge standards for sewer treatment plants, oil refineries and factories. State regulators now appear to be attempting to enforce numeric surface water quality standards city storm water discharges from City storm drain systems, and to impose responsibility and liability on the Cities if these numeric standards are not met. If left unchallenged, the proposed storm water permit could be interpreted to require that storm water meet drinking water standards in many locations. A November 22, 2002 Guidance Memorandum from US EPA provides that municipal storm water permits "typically can be expressed in BMP's, and that numeric limits will be used only in rare instances". US EPA recognizes that storm water discharges due to rainstorms are "highly variable in frequency and duration and are not easily characterized," and that "only in rare cases will it be feasible or appropriate to establish numeric limits" for municipal storm water discharges. US EPA further stated that the variability in the flood control system and minimal data available, "make it difficult to determine with precision or certainty actual or projected loadings" for the cities. It is unclear if US EPA Region IX or the State will even follow this new national guidance. January 28, 2003 Page 3 Incorporation of TMDLs into Permit U.S. EPA entered into a storm water Consent Decree in Los Angeles County in 1999. The Consent Decree mandates that EPA develop TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads) for 92 analytical units in the Los Angeles Basin, including TMDLs for flood control channels, lakes, creeks and other water bodies, by 2003, with some 33 TMDLs to be adopted by 2006, to be incorporated into the Permit. The TMDLs will set numeric limits for cities and could include other impractical and unobtainable TMDLs, similar to the "ZERO" Trash TMDL. The Cities were not informed, invited or asked to become a party to the Consent Decree, which was entered by the Federal District Court in San Francisco. This failure to include the Cities occurred despite the fact that the Cities are being asked to fund, implement and maintain storm water programs and devices necessary to meet the TMDL standards. The Storm Water Permit effectively allows for the automatic incorporation of the TMDLs into its terms, whether or not practicable, and in spite of the existence of specific numeric limits to be imposed on municipalities. There has been significant dialogue within EPA Headquarters regarding the viability of the TMDL program nationwide, and EPA has estimated a nationwide funding gap of $500 billion in unmet water quality needs. Major Impact on City Services and the Local Economy Cities have consistently expressed concern that the latest Storm Water Permit will trigger expensive storm water treatment - including chlorination to treat bacteria found in storm water, and reverse-osmosis to remove metals, such as copper and zinc. The Cities have also consistently expressed their concern that the costs of the storm water treatment programs are inappropriately being shifted down to the local government level. Cities are already struggling to fund existing city services, and are finding it is difficult to secure new funding sources for storm water programs. Local storm water fees and taxes are required to comply with Proposition 218, as affirmed by the recent Appellate Court decision in Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association v. the City of Salinas (2002) 98 Cal App 4'h 1351. Caltrans Headquarters has similarly grown increasingly concerned about the costs of meeting numeric water quality objectives for runoff from the State's freeways. In 1999, Caltrans commissioned a study to examine the technology and costs of meeting the new standards. The Caltrans study examined compliance with numeric limits for the January 28, 2003 Page 4 jurisdictional boundaries under the Los Angeles NPDES Permit. The study resulted in a projected cost of $53.6 billion to the County of Los Angeles and the urban area cities (the desert communities and the City of Avalon were not included). The Caltrans study has been heavily criticized by Regulators and the Environmental Community. Thus, certain CPR Cities commissioned an independent study that included a peer review of the Caltrans study by the University of,Southern California, School of Engineering and School of Policy, Planning and Development. The USC study is scheduled to be formally released in January, but confirms the calculations in the Caltrans study that the costs of meeting water quality objectives to Los Angeles municipalities will be in the tens of billions and as high as the hundreds of billions of dollars. I This USC study has verified that the Storm Water Permit, combined with the Basin Plan and the TMDL Consent Decree, will require the advanced treatment of storm water and urban runoff. The USC study examined various rainfall and storm water plant scenarios, concluding that treatment costs will range between $44 billion and $283 billion for the Los Angeles region. Projected costs per household are estimated to range between $6,670 and $41,173, over this same twenty-year period. Major Issues with the Storm Water Permit There are several major problems with the Los Angeles NPDES storm water permit • Receiving Water Limitations Language The Storm Water Permit requires that each city's runoff meet water quality objectives and/or standards, i.e. meet "numeric" standards for storm water. Failure to comply with numeric storm water limits will expose each city to the potential of Regional Board fines ($27,500 per day) and third-party litigation from citizen suits. • Lack of a Legal Safe Harbor I The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences and EPA Headquarters have recognized that storm water controls are in a developmental phase, where years of testing are required to develop cost-effective programs. Cities should not be subject to Regional Board fines and third-party litigation during this "developmental" phase of the storm water program because of the failure of these programs to meet these strict standards. January 28, 2003 Page 5 • TMDL Implementation The permit requires compliance with TMDLs upon their incorporation into the Permit, which can be done by the Regional Board's Executive Officer (although the trash TMDL is presently in litigation at both the federal and State level). Placing TMDL's with numerical limits into the municipal storm water permit, without complying with the maximum extent practicable standard, will again inappropriately expose cities to fines and third-party litigation for failure to meet the numeric limits. • Unknown Costs to Implement the Programs/ Moving Away from BMPs Cities have expressed a common frustration that the permit costs are impossible to estimate. This problem of estimation is in part due to the fact that the Storm Water Permit is perceived as being "open ended," as it allows for endless amendments to the Permit by the Executive Officer to require compliance with waste load allocations (numeric limits) developed in TMDLs. Another problem with the Permit is that the storm water treatment programs it requires are in the "experimental" stage, with changing technologies and techniques, thus making even more difficult to estimate. A common frustration with the Basin Plan is its overly restrictive and unrealistic requirements, particularly the designated "beneficial" uses set forth therein and the inappropriate and unobtainable water quality objectives identified therein. • Storm Water Inspection and Enforcement The Cities are confronted with two major issues with the proposed inspection program. The State is required to issue storm water facility permits and conduct inspections of various industrial and commercial businesses. The State collects an annual permit fee which in part is to be used to cover the cost of the inspections of such facilities, and has recently nearly tripled this fee. The subject municipal NPDES permit would shift the State's inspection responsibility down to the Cities. Yet, the State refuses to share these permit fee revenues with the Cities. If left unchallenged, the subject permit would require Cities to either charge another fee for inspections of State permitted facilities, or to fund inspection costs from their own general funds. The Permit imposes their inspection obligation on Cities by expanding and changing the business site visitation program in the prior Permit, into a mandatory inspection program for various industrial and commercial uses. The Clean Water Act allows each city to inspect industrial facilities which the city determines are contributing a substantial pollutant load to its storm drain system. January 28, 2003 Page 6 • Development Regulations/ CEQA and General Plan Requirements The Regional Water Board has expressed its intent to require storm water development controls on all new development, as well as what they term substantial redevelopment (5,000 square feet of impervious surface added to commercial, office or industrial development). In 2000, CPR successfully fought for common sense regulations in this regard, and the State Board modified the Regional Board's SUSMP Order to make it more reasonable to comply with. • Lack of Regional Solutions The Permit contains very limited language to allow the County, the cities, special districts and private developers to improve storm water quality through the use of "regional solutions." CPR had previously offered permit language for regional (inclusive of watershed and sub-watershed) solutions, which would allow for more cost-effective storm water programs. • Prescriptive Requirements The Permit contains a series of prescriptive requirements, including such mandates as placing trash receptacles at every transit stop in the community, regardless of the volume of passengers at the individual transit stop. State Board Denies Appeal Without Hearing The State Board agreed to take up several of our issues in February of 2002. In correspondence dated February 25, 2002, the State Board stated it wished to "simplify the petition process" and "inform you (the Petitioners) of the issues that the State Board intends to focus on in drafting an order." These issues included the compliance language and the iterative process, the prescriptive requirements, TMDL incorporation, city storm water inspections and enforcement actions on private parties, the costs of the municipal programs, and the SUSMP development controls. The Cities received a notice from the State Board dated December 18, 2002, that "after careful consideration, it is concluded that the petitions in this matter fail to raise, substantial, new issues..." The State Board pointed to the court case in San Diego as raising "many of the issues" in our petition, as another reason it does not want to take up the Cities' appeal. Yet, the State Board is well aware that many of the Los Angeles Cities' issues will not be resolved in the San Diego court case, since that case is hampered by the fact that the San Diego cities did not exhaust their administrative remedies by appealing their permit to the State Board, and thus have been precluded by the Court from raising certain significant permit issues. January 28, 2003 Page 7 The State Board letter denying the Cities Petitions also indicates that the State Board participated in settlement meetings to discuss the issues raised by the various Petitions. There were three settlement meetings and the State Board limited the discussions to the Receiving Waters Limitations ("RWL") language of the Permit (despite our desire to expand the discussions to the other agreed upon issues), and refused to seek resolution of even the RWL issues where any resistance was provided by the environmental community. Staff can only conclude that the State Board is extremely concerned about the effect of the State budget crisis and that it wished to avoid a public discussion of the problems the Cities face in the storm water permit. It is unfortunate that neither the Regional nor State Board saw their responsibility as the task to balance the needs of and the benefits to the environment, with the service demands placed upon our communities. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE FILING OF A LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE STORM WATER/URBAN RUNOFF PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE INCORPORATED CITIES THEREIN, EXCEPT THE CITY OF LONG BEACH (NPDES NO. CAS004001) WHEREAS, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region ("Regional Board") adopted Order No. 01-182, a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") Permit for Municipal Storm Water and Urban Runoff Discharges within the County of Los Angeles and the incorporated cities therein, except the City of Long Beach (hereinafter "NPDES Permit") on December 13, 2001; and WHEREAS, in January of 2002, forty-nine cities, including the City of Los Angeles, as well as the County of Los Angeles, filed administrative petitions with the State Water Resources Control Board ("State Board") challenging the validity of the NPDES Permit on a number of grounds, including its deletion of the "Safe Harbor" provisions that existed in the prior 1996 NPDES Permit, the modifications to the terms of the Permit dealing with Receiving Water Limitations and the requirement therein that would allow "numeric" limits to be imposed upon municipalities (without compliance with the "maximum extent practicable" standard set forth in the Clean Water Act), as well as those provisions allowing for the automatic incorporation of total maximum daily loads ("TMDL") by the Regional Board's Executive Officer, the failure of the Regional Board to comply with the requirements of CEQA or to adopt terms consistent with CEQA, the imposition of additional inspection obligations on municipalities for various industrial and commercial facilities, and the attempt by the Regional Board to rollback the changes that had been made to the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan requirements ("SUSMP Requirements") by the State Board, along 1 with other objectionable terms, including various provisions which infringe upon the local land use authority of the Cities; and WHEREAS, although indicating in February of 2002 that it would address a number of substantive issues raised by the administrative petitions, on December 18, 2002, after three settlement negotiation sessions that did not lead to a resolution of the issues, the State Board denied all of the administrative petitions without providing a hearing Jo the public, and concluded that the Petitions "failed to raise substantial, new issues;" and WHEREAS, the City of. Rosemead ("City") currently supports and funds efforts to reduce and eliminate storm water pollution. During the five year period of the prior NPDES Permit, the City implemented additional street sweeping efforts, increased catch basin cleaning, funded a public information program on storm water pollution, implemented construction project inspection programs, implemented a Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (the "SUSMP") as modified by the State Board, completed the site visitation programs, initiated waste-oil recycling programs and implemented various other storm water programs; and WHEREAS, the NPDES Permit contains various language within the Receiving Water Limitations section (and other provisions of the Permit) which violate the "maximum extent practicable" standard, and which in many cases, directly or indirectly seek to impose responsibility on municipalities throughout the County, to insure that storm water runoff into and from their storm drain systems, does not violate water quality objectives, including numeric effluent limits that may be adopted through the incorporation of TMDLs; and WHEREAS, under the NPDES Permit, the City, along with 83 other incorporated cities in Los Angeles County and the County of Los Angeles, are required to expand existing storm water treatment programs, and to implement 2 new storm water programs which the Regional Board purports will improve the quality of municipal storm water in a cost-effective manner. However, a cost- benefit study was never performed by the Regional Board to illustrate that the new programs will result in cost-effective improvements to storm water quality. In addition, the Board did not develop or rely upon scientific data to support the need for the numerous programs to be imposed by the new Permit; and WHEREAS, under the new NPDES Permit, the City will be responsible for implementing a comprehensive inspection and surveillance program of industrial and commercial facilities to "control" storm water and non-storm water runoff from these facilities. A recent study ordered by the United States Congress and completed by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences recommended that storm. water programs utilize "adaptive implementation", and recognized that cities should not be subjected to fines and legal action while they are developing new and untested storm water programs. The new NPDES Permit may place the Cities in a constant state of violation, and will subject all municipalities covered by the Permit to needless lawsuits by environmental organizations, and exposing the Cities to excessive fines. The removal of the legal "Safe Harbor," combined with the addition of language putting the Cities in a constant state of violation, is legally inappropriate and fundamentally unfair; and WHEREAS, the revised SUSMP Requirements under the new NPDES Permit are contrary to a prior order issued by the State Board, and require the imposition of mitigation measures that are contrary to existing State law under the California Environmental Quality Act, and the Permit terms infringe upon traditional local land use authority and the basic powers of local governments; WHEREAS, the NPDES Permit goes beyond the intent of,the Clean Water Act, and violates the California Porter-Cologne Act, by "micro managing" and dictating specific programs and a particular manner of compliance on the Cities, 3 and by imposing requirements that are not authorized anywhere under State or federal law; and WHEREAS, the new NPDES Permit requires that the Cities expand the current private property site visitation and education program to a mandatory inspection and enforcement program, that the Cities reduce pollutants in runoff from private industrial and commercial facilities (including federal and State facilities) and that the Cities modify their CEQA Guidelines and their General Plan requirements. All such requirements and programs are being mandated on the Cities, without any provision for State funding. WHEREAS, the actions taken by the Regional Board in adopting the NPDES Permit are inconsistent with the requirements of the Clean Water Act and State Law, will result in the imposition of unsupportable programs on the City and its citizenry, and will result in the imposition of numerous unfunded mandates on the City. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. To participate with other Cities in the County with the filing of a lawsuit challenging Regional Board Order No. 01-182, NPDES Permit No. CAS004001, Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Storm Water and Urban Runoff Discharges within the County of Los Angeles and the Incorporated Cities therein, except the City of Long Beach. Section 2. To retain Richard Montevideo, Esq., in coordination with other Los Angeles County Cities, to advise, assist and represent the City in the filing and in the prosecution of a lawsuit challenging Regional Board Order No. 01-182, the Municipal NPDES Permit for Los Angeles County and the incorporated Cities therein, except the City of Long Beach. 4 Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption hereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council this 28th day of January, 2003. Robert W. Bruesch, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk 5 MAYOR.: MAYOR PRO TEM: JOE VA50u_ COUNCIL MEMBEP.S: MAR3AREi DARK JAY i. IMPERIAL GAR:' A..AYL OP. January 15, 2003 1~2r. Richard Montevideo Attomcv At Law Rutan K Tucker 611 Anton Blvd. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Dear Richard; Due to the holidays and City Council schedules; we have not had a City Council meeting since we were notified of the denial of CPR's NPDES petition. Our City Attorney Bob Kress has advised me that we are in a position -whereby I will administratively commit the City of Rosemead to participate in the CPR lawsuit now and ask the Rosemead City Council to formallv ratify the resolution of participation on January 28, 2003. Vde will also subrrt an executed copy of the Rutan R Tucker retainer letter with you at that time. The procedure we are following is based upon the City Council's prior legislative actions relative to our membership in CPR and prior legal actions that we have participated in. Plezce call me if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely Bill Crowe City Manager cc. Council Council Bob Kress Ken Farfsing Scot Yotsuya Ken Rukavina x 8E38 E. VAL! E" BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEEAD, CALIFO.RJIL. 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 669-2700 FAX (626) 307-9278 Direct Dial: (714) 662-4642 E-mail: rmontevideo@rutan.com January 15, 2003 Re: Storm Water Regulations - Los Angeles County Dear City Representative: Through the informal ad hoc coalition known as the Coalition for Practical Regulation; we have been asked to represent a number of cities in Los Angeles County, to challenge various actions taken by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board ("Regional Board"), the State Water Resources Control Board ("State Board") and the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("USEPA") in connection with recent storm water runoff orders, regulations and requirements. In particular, we have been asked to pursue litigation and take other legal action to challenge a recently issued National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") Permit issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, and affirmed by the State Water Resources Control Board. With this retainer letter, the City of City of Rosemead , a municipal corporation ("City") is retaining the law firm of Rutan & Tucker to represent the City in such matters, and other related matters as the City may request, pursuant to Rutan & Tucker's representation of the Coalition for Practical Regulation, and to take all such other action as is necessary and directed by the cities' representatives in the Coalition for Practical Regulation. This retainer letter therefore sets forth the terms upon which the City has retained Rutan & Tucker and also provides its consent and appropriate conflict waivers for any potential conflicts that may be created by Rutan & Tucker's joint representation of the Cities and other agencies entities and associations in connection therewith, and/or in its representation of other clients on unrelated matters. Our fees are generally based on the hourly design rates set by the firm, subject to periodic review and change, for the various attorneys involved in handling the matter. The rates vary depending upon the level of seniority, expertise and experience of the individuals involved. Starting in 2003, my hourly design rate will be $335 an hour; however, because we are, in part, 227106512 1-006 7 294985.01 al2/27/02 1/15/2003 Page 2 representing existing-public entity clients, our hourly rate for purposes of this matter will be a composite rate of $195 per hour for all attorney time. This rate of $195 per hour; however may be adjusted upward, as approved by the City of Signal Hill. Further, whenever possible, legal interns, law clerks; legal assistants and other professionals with a lower billing rate will be utilized; consistent with the proper representation of the interests of our clients in connection with this matter and without sacrificing proficiency. In addition to fees, our clients are also billed for all necessary costs incurred in connection with the representation, such as document copying costs, messenger service fees, telecopying fees, long distance telephone costs, mileage, computer assisted research, filing fees, reporter fees, expert fees and costs, administrative record fees, and other related litigation costs and out-of- pocket expenses. We render our statements on a monthly basis and they are payable within 30 days from the date of the invoice. The invoices will describe the, work performed during the billing period and the identity of the individuals providing services, as well as a break down of billed costs. It is customary in matters of this nature that we receive a retainer as an advance against fees and costs prior to commencing work on the matter. However, given the prior representation of Cities who were a part of the Coalition for Practical Regulation in connection with a challenge to Regional Board action on the Los Angeles County SUSMP, and the Administrative challenge to the pending NPDES Permit, and given our existing relationship with other member Cities on various other matters, no retainer amount is being requested. However, the City of Signal Hill, on behalf of the Coalition for Practical Regulation, may be requesting a retainer amount for legal and other expenses to be incurred by the Coalition. Each City shall be responsible for its pro rata portion of the fees and costs per capita, i.e., each City is responsible for paying its share of the invoices of the total billings, on a per capita basis. based on the number of Cities identified as participating members at the time of the invoice, with each City paying an equal amount. If the City determines to dropout of the Coalition, the City shall be responsible for the costs and fees incurred up to the time it withdraws from the proceedings, including the costs and fees to effectuate the withdrawal. Monthly invoices showing the costs and fees incurred will be sent to the City of Signal Hill, and any portion of the retainer amount remaining, upon the conclusion of this matter, if any, will be returned to the City within 30 days thereafter, by Signal Hill. If Cities are added to the Coalition after the proceedings are commenced, the pro rata allocation of the City will be adjusted downward to account for such additional parties. The City of Signal Hill has agreed to be responsible for administering all financiaVbilling matters. , In accordance with the requirements of California Business and Professions Code section 6148, I wanted to advise you that Rutan & Tucker maintains errors and omissions insurance coverage applicable to the services to be rendered as contemplated by this Agreement. As you know, Rutan & Tucker is currently acting as legal counsel to a number of other cities and school districts in Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside counties, as well as a large number of other private clients. Rutan & Tucker's representation of such public and private entities in such other matters is unrelated to its representation of the City in this matter. Rutan & 2271065121-0067 294985.01 al2R7/02 1/15/2003 Page 3 Tucker therefore reserves the right to continue to represent such parties in these unrelated matters and any other parties in the future which may be adverse to the City, but which are unrelated to our representation of the City in connection with the subject proceedings. Your signature below will confirm this understanding and your waiver on behalf of the City of any such potential conflicts. In representing the cities and associated entities and agencies, in these proceedings, it is our belief that the interests of all such parties, both financially and legally, will be consistent and that we will be able to proceed with a common strategy. Yet, there is always a potential for a conflict of interest to arise after additional facts involving the proceedings become known and/or as a result of a divergence in interest in the future because of positions that have or may be taken by any respondent or defendant. One of the purposes of this retainer agreement is to provide full disclosure of the scope of our representation and to minimize any such potential conflicts. California Rule of Professional Conduct section 3-310 provides in part that: Rule 3-310. Avoiding The Representation Of Adverse Interests. m ~ (C) A member shall not, without the informed written consent of each client: (1) Accept representation of more than one client in a matter in which the interests of the clients potentially conflict; or (2) Accept or continue representation of more than one client in a matter in which the interests of the clients actually conflict: or (3) Represent a client in a matter and at the same.. time in a separate matter accept as a client a person or entity whose interest in the first matter is adverse to the client in the first matter. (D) A member who represents two or more clients shall not enter into an aggregate settlement of the claims of or against the clients without the informed written consent of each client. In accordance with Rule 3-310, please be advised that there is a potential for the interests of the Cities and entities and agencies associated with the Cities in these proceedings, to become adverse in the future. As an example, a potential conflict could arise if one or more of the Cities determines to proceed with a storm water program through settlement or litigation, that is beyond what other Cities believe is reasonable under the circumstances. Although at this time there is no indication that such a conflict exists, and the interests of the Cities are not in anyway presently adverse, such a potential for adverse interests exists, and could cause a different settlement or 2271065121-0067 294985.01 al2/27/02 1/15/200' Page 4 prosecution strategy in pursing these various matters. If a conflict does occur, the City agrees that Rutan & Tucker may continue with its representation of the City of Signal Hill and those cities and entities that are taking positions consistent with the City of Signal Hill, with the conflicted City or entity then being permitted to substitute in new counsel, if it so desires. Your signature and acceptance of this retainer agreement below will constitute the City's approval of this provision on conflicts of interest and will also permit Rutan & Tucker to continue to represent other private and public clients who are or may be adverse to the City presently and in the future, both in litigation and in non-litigation matters, but unrelated to the instant proceedings, as well as to continue to represent the other cities and entities in connection with the matters referenced herein. Of course, in the event an unwaivable conflict occurs, and we can no longer continue to represent the City's interests, any amounts remaining in the retainer collected by Signal Hill that are owed to the City in accordance with the above-referenced formula, would be returned to the City, along with copies of all research requested and other legal analysis prepared in the course of our representation of your interests in connection with these proceedings. Please recosnize that although there is a potential for adverse interests in the future, we believe at this time that collective action on the part of each of the respective Cities and entities is to their mutual advantage. It is our belief that there is a strong common interest among each of the parties involved in the subject proceedings, which permits and allows for a coordinated strategy in pursuing these matters. In addition, to the extent any consultants and/or expert witnesses will be necessary to pursue these matters, at this time, we believe that a coordinated strategy among experts and consultants will be cost effective. We appreciate the opportunity, to serve as your attorneys and anticipate a productive and harmonious relationship. If however, you become concerned for an), reason with the services we have or are performing, or the fees that have been assessed to the City, we encourage you to bring this matter to our attention immediately. If we perceive a problem with the representation. we will similarly bring it to your attention. Most such problems should be rectified by communication and discussion. If you wish Rutan & Tucker to represent the City in connection with this matter, we are requesting that you provide informed written consent by signing and returning this letter to us as soon as possible. We encourage you to seek independent counsel if you so desire regarding the importance of this consent, and we emphasize that you remain completely free to speak to independent counsel at any time, even if you decide to sign this Retainer Agreement and provide the consent requested herein. I would appreciate it if you would execute and return this letter, indicating the City's agreement with the above and authorizing us to act accordingly. =/06512"067 294985,01 a1227/02 1/15/2001 Page 5 If you have any questions or comments with respect to any of the matters set forth in this letter, please do not hesitate to call me. I look forward to working with you and the City and to a successful representation of your interests. Thank you again for considering Rutan & Tucker. Sincerely, RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Richard Montevideo RM:kmh I have read and understood the contents of tltis letter and consent to Rutan & Tucker. LLP representing the City on the matters and terms set forth above. City of Rosemead . a municipal corporation Dated: a& uarv_>_5 2003 By: Its: City ma 227/065121-006i 294985 01 .12/27/02 WALLIN, KRESS, REISMAN & KRANITZ LAIN OFFICES, 2800 TWENTY-EIG~TF'. STREET, SUITE 315 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA 90405-6205 TE'-ERr.IONC 13101 X50-8552 FACSII+.LLE (310) 450-0506 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNTEY/t)e,--J,- RE: NPDES (STORM WATER PERMIT) LITIGATION DATE: DECEMBER 30. 2002 The Coalition for Practical Regulation (CPR) has asked the City to join with the other member cities to initiate litigation to challenge the storm water permit issued to all incorporated cities in Los Angeles County except Long Beach. The deadline for participation is January 17; 2003. As you are aware, the regular meeting of the Council set for January 14, 2003 will not be held due to a lack of a quorum resulting from Council attendance at the annual California Contract Cities Association Legislative Seminar in Sacramento. Inasmuch as the anticipated costs of the litigation are 53,000 per city, and this amount is within the City Managers purchase order authority, I have asked Bill Crowe to authorize the City's participation in the litigation prior to the January 17, 2003 deadline. The matter will be on the January 28, 2003 Council agenda for ratification of joinder in the litigation and approval of the retainer agreement with Rutan & Tucker. A copy of the staff report, Resolution and retainer agreement are enclosed for your advance review. Please contact me if you have. any questions. cc: Bill Crowe. City Manager J Scot Yotsuva Director of Administrative Services Nancy Valderrama. City Clerk Ken Rukavina, City Engineer COALITION FOR PRACTICAL REGULATION 7t's about saving jobs' ARCADIA ARTESIA BALDWIN PARR BELL BELLFLDWER BELL GARDENS BRADBURY CERRITOS COMMERCE COMPTON C.OVINA DIAMOND BAR DOWNEY GARDENA HAWAIIAN GARDENS INDUSTRY IRWINDALE LA CANADA FuNIIODGE LA MIRADA LAKEWOOD LAWNDALE MONROVIA MONTEBELLO MONTEREY PARR NORWALK PALOS VERDES ESIATFS PARAMOUNT PICO RIVERA POMONA RAN.Iq PALOS VERDES ROSEMEAD SANTA FE SPRINGS SAN GABRIEL SIERRA MADRE SIGNAL HILL SOUTH EL MONTE SOUTH GATE SOUTH PASADENA TEMPLE CITY VERNON WALNUT WEST COVINA December 23, 2002 MEMORANDUM URGENT ACTION NEEDED! TO: CITY MANAGERS CPR MEMBERS FROM: KEN FARFSING CITY MANAGER SIGNAL HILL SUBJECT: STATE BOARD DENIES NPDES PETITION - URGENT ACTION NEEDED! We received word on Friday, December 201h that the State Water Resources Control Board denied the County/Cities/BIA/LAEDC/Playa Vista NPDES Petition, without holding hearings. Their denial letter stated: "after careful consideration, it is concluded that the petitions in this matter fail to raise, substantial, new issues..." The County/Cities/BIA/LAEDC/Playa Vista will have until January 17, 2003 to file litigation. We will be preparing draft staff reports and resolutions authorizing litigation for your use, should you need to obtain City Council authorization for litigation. These draft reports and resolutions will be sent to you by e-mail by January 2rtl. If you need Council authorization for litigation, you will have to schedule the itern on your agenda prior to January 17ih. We are estimating the costs of litigation would be $3,000 per CPR member city The schedule will make it difficult for cities that have their Council meetings the week of January 61h to schedule the item. We apologize for the short notice - it appears that the State Board is attempting to limit the number of cities who can file litigation - by sending notice via "snail mail" and prior to Christmas. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. cc: Steering Committee WHITTIER I Attachments L2175 Cherry Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90755 1-800344-8411 www. citiessavej obs. com Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmemal Executive Office 1001 1 Street, 25ih Floor, Sacramento, California 95814 P.O. Box 100, Sacramento, California 95812-0100 (916) 341-5615 ♦ FAX(9)6)341-5621 ♦ ulvusvrcb.ca.eov Protection Tire energy challengefacing California is real. Every Californian needs to take inunediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list ofsonple wars you can reduce deumnd and cu: vour energy costs, see our websue at www.swreb.ca.gov. DEC 1 8 2092 CERTIFIED MAIL Howard Gest, Esq. Burhenn & Gest LLP 624 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2200 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Melissa A. Thorme, Esq. Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer 555 Capitol Mall, Tenth Floor Sacramento, CA 95814-4686 Christopher M.,)'v'esthoff, Esq. Assistant City Attorney Citv of Los Angeles 1800 City Hall East 200 North Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Paul N. Singarella, Esq. Latham & Watkins 650 Town Center Drive. Suite 2000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1925 Dear Counsel: Rufus C. Young, Jr., Esq. Burke, Williams & Sorensen 611 West Sixth Street, Suite 2500 Los Angeles, CA 900 1 7-3 10) Richard Montevideo, Esq. Rutan & Tucker 611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1998 John J. Harris, Esq. Richards, Watson & Gershon 355 South Grand Avenue. 40th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071-3101 PETITIONS OF COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT; CITY OF LOS ANGELES: CITIES OF ARTESI-A ET AL.; CITIES OF ARCADIA ET AL.: LOS ANGELES COUNT)' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ET AL.: AND PLAYA CAPITAL COMPANY (WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS ORDER NO. 01-82 FOR MU?N'ICIPAL STORM WATER AND URBAN RUNOFF DISCHARGES [NPDES NO. CAS004001) WITHIN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, EXCEPT FOR LONG BEACH), LOS ANGELES REGION: DISMISSAL SR'RCB/OCC FILES A-1448, A-1448(a) through A-1448(e), inclusive The six petitions in this matter raise numerous issues regarding the municipal storm water permit for Los Angeles County. Many of these issues have been raised in other petitions, addressed in prior orders, and are the subject of ongoing litigation. Board members and staff of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) conducted a series of negotiation meetings aimed at California Environmental Protection Agency State Water Resources Control Boars 0 Cray Davis Governor Howard Gest, Esq. et al. - 2 - DEC 18 2002 resolving some of the issues by consensus among the Petitioners, the Regional Board, and interested environmental groups. Despite several meetings and numerous communications, the negotiations did not succeed in a consensus among major participants. The petitions in this matter challenge permit provisions that are similar to those in numerous other large municipal storm water permits being adopted and implemented throughout the state. At this time, the SWRCB is engaged in litigation challenging a similar permit adopted for San Diego County, which litigation raises many of the issues in these petitions. Moreover, the SWRCB has already addressed the most controversial issue of the petitions, i.e., receiving water limitations, in several orders. (See, e.g., WQ 99-05, WQ 2001-15.) The SWRCB has also . addressed the issues regarding post-construction practices recently. (WQ 2000-11.) In light of the inability of the SWRCB to effectuate an agreement between interested groups, and the fact that most of these issues are the subject of prior Board orders and/or current litigation, the SWRCB declines to issue an additional order on these issues. After careful consideration, it is concluded that the petitions in this matter fail to raise substantial, new issues that are appropriate for review by the SWRCB. Accordingly, the petitions are dismissed as of this date. (See Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 2052(a)(1); People v. Bany (1987) 194 Cal.App.3d 158 [239 Cal.Rptr. 349].) If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Elizabeth Miller Jennings, Senior Staff Counsel IV, in the SWRCB's Office of Chief Counsel, at (916) 341-5175. Sincerelv. Odelesantti cc: See next page 7 r Executive Director California Ern~irorrnrental Protection Agency f? A,....~.. L.d Y..nn. Howard Gest, Esq. et al. cc: Mr. Dennis Dickerson Executive Officer Los Angeles Regional, Water Quality Control Board 320 West 4th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Mr. Steve Fleischli Santa Monica BayKeeper P.O. Box 10096. Marina del Rey, CA 90295 Interested Persons Mailing List DEC 18 2002 Ms. Heather Hoecherl Natural Resources Defense Council 6310 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 250 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Ms. Leslie Mintz Heal the Bay 3220 Nebraska Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 California Environmental Protection Agencl- Petition of LOS ANGELES COUNTY, ET AL. FOR STORMWATER PERMIT SWRCB/OCC File A-1448 Howard Gest, Esq. Burhenn & Gest LLP 624 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2200 Los Angeles, CA 90017 John J. Harris, Esq. Richards, Watson & Gershon 355 South Grand Avenue, 40th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071.3101 Richard Montevideo, Esq. Rutan & Tucker 611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626.1998 Elizabeth Miller Jennings, Esq. Office of the Chief Counsel State Water Resources Control Board 1001 1 Street [958141 P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95812-0100 Gordon Innes Division of Water Quality SWRCB 1001 1 Street [958141 P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95812-0100 Steve Arita Western States Petroleum Association 1115 11`" Street, Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95814 City of Torrance 3031 Torrance Boulevard Torrance, CA 90503-290 City of Lawndale 14717 Burin Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 SW ROB Office of Chief Counsel INTERESTED PERSONS MAILING LIST 08-05-02 Melissa A. Thorme, Esq. Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer 555 Capitol Mall, Tenth Floor Sacramento, CA 95814-4686 Paul N. Singarella, Esq. Latham & Watkins 650 Town Center Drive, Suite 2000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1925 Heather Hoecherl Natural Resources Defense Council Suite 250 6310 San Vicente Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 Michael A.M. Lauffer, Esq. Office of the Chief Counsel State Water Resources Control Board 1001 1 Street [958141 P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95812-0100 Terry Oda, Chief Permits Office U.S. EPA, Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 City of Whittier 13230 Penn Street Whittier. CA 90602 Playa Capital Company 12555 Jefferson Boulevard, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90066 City of Lakewood 5050 North Clark Avenue Lakewood, CA 90712 Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board WDR ORDER NO. 01-182. [NPDES No. CAS0040011 Christopher M. Westhoff, Esq. Assistant City Attorney City of Los Angeles 1800 City Hall East 200 North Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Rufus C. Young, Jr., Esq. Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP 402 West Broadway, Suite 810 San Diego, CA 92101.3553 Mr. Dennis Dickerson Executive Officer Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board 320 West 4th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Robert A. Sams, Esc: Office of Chief Counsel, SWRCB c/o Los Angeles RWQCB 320 West 4th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Bruce Fujimoto Division of Water Quality State Water Resources Control Board 1001 1 Street [958141 P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95812-0100 City of Lomita 24300 Narbonne Avenue Lomita, CA 90717 City of Santa Clarita 23920 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 300 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 City of Industry City of Compton City of Alhambra 15651 East Stafford Street 205 South Willowbrook Avenue 111 South. First Street Industry, CA 91744 Compton, CA 90220 Alhambra, CA 91801 A.ssemblymember Judy Chu Los Angeles County Flood City Los Angeles, Bureau of Attn: Anita Garcia . Control District Sanit tation c/o State Capitol, Room 5126 900 South Fremont Avenue 433 Judith South Wilson Sacramento, CA 95814 Alhambra, CA 91803 43 Spring Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90013 City of Artesia City of Beverly Hills City of Carson 18747 Clarkdale Avenue 455 North Rexford Drive, 2nd Floor 701 East Carson Street Artesia, CA 90701 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Carson, CA 90749 City of Monrovia City of Norwalk City of Rancho Palos Verdes 415 South Ivy Avenue 12700 Norwalk Boulevard 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Monrovia, CA 91016 Norwalk, CA 90650 Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 City of Westlake Village City of Arcadia City of Baldwin Park 4373 Park Terrace Drive 240 West Huntington Drive 14403 East Pacific Avenue Westlake Village, CA 91361 Arcadia, CA 91007 Baldwin Park, CA 91706 City of Bell City of Bell Gardens City of Bellflower 6330 Pine Avenue 7100 South Garfield Avenue 16600 Civic Center Drive Bell. CA 90201 Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Bellflower, CA 90706 City of Cerritos City of Gardena City of Claremont 18125 Bloomfield Avenue 1700 West 162nd Street 207 Harvard Avenue Cerrito, CA 90703-3130 Gardena, CA 90247 Claremont, CA 09940 City of Covina City of Diamond Bar City of Downey 125 East College Street 21660 East Copley Drive 11111 Brookshire Avenue Covina, CA 91723 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Downey, CA 90241 City of Hawaiian Gardens City of Irwindale City of La Mirada 21815 Pioneer Boulevard 5050 North Irwindale Avenue 13700 La Mirada Boulevard Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 Irwindale, CA 91706 La Mirada, CA 90638 City of Paramount City of Pico Rivera City of Pico Rivera 16400 Colorado Avenue 6615 Passons Boulevard 6615 Passons Boulevard Paramount, CA 90723 Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Pico Rivera, CA 90660 City of San Gabriel City of Pomona City of San Marino 425 South Mission Drive 505 South Gary Avenue 2200 Huntington Drive San Gabriel, CA 91776 Pomona, CA 91769 San Marino, CA 91108-2691 Citv of Sional Hill Citv of Santa Fe Springs City of Sierra Madre 2175 Cherry Avenue 11710 Telegraph Road 232 West Sierra Madre Boulevard Signal Hill, CA 90806 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Ray Tahir 106 South Mentor Avenue, Suite 125 Pasadena, CA 91106 City of Temple City 9701 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780 City of Vernon 4305 Santa F-c Avenue Vernon, CA 90058 City of Walnut 2120 La Puente Road Walnut CA 91789 Building Industry Legal Defense Foundation 1330 South Valley Vista Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Linda Olivieri, City Clerk City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA'90040 Bill Pagett, City Engineer City of Bell Gardens 7100 South Garfield Avenue Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Dan Heil, City Engineer City of Bradbury 600 Winston Avenue Bradbury, CA 91010 City of West Covina 1444 West Garvey Avenue West Covina, CA 91790 Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation 515 South Flower Street, 32nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 John Johnson, City Manager City of Compton 205 South Willowbrook Avenue Compton, CA 90220 Jerry Crabell, City Engineer City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, CA 90706 Robert Ovrom, City Manager City of Burbank 275 East Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 91502 Building Industry Association of Southern California 1330 South Valley Vista Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Terry Belanger, City Manager City of Diamond Bar 21825 East Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Vince Mastrosimone Director of Public Works City of Covina 125 East College Street Covina, CA 91723 David Gustavson, City Engineer City of Beverly Hills 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Charles Mink Interim City Engineer City of Calabasas 26135 Mureau Road Calabasas, CA 91302 Vince Brar Craig Bradshaw, City Engineer Jerome Groomes, City Manager Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Claremont City of Carson City of Cerritos 207 Harvard Avenue P.O. Box 6234 18125 South Bloomfield Avenue Claremont, CA 91711 Carson, CA 90745 Cerritos, CA 90703 Nasser Abbaszadeh Shafique Naiyer Carlos Alvarado, City of Engineer City Engineer Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Bell City of Azusa City of Baldwin Park 6330 Pine Avenue 213 East Foothill Boulevard 14403 East Pacific Avenue Bell, CA 90201 Azusa, CA 91702 Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Jim Davis Beth Stempel James Guerra, City Engineer Director of Public Works/City Engineer Universal Music Group City of Cudahy City of Culver City 2220 Colorado Avenue P.O. Box 1007 9770 Culver Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90404 Cudahy, CA 90201 Culver City, CA 90232 Desi Alvarez James Funk Director of Public Works/City Engineer James K. Cummings Department of Public Works/City Engineer City of Downey - 16403 Temecula Street City of Alhambra P.O. Box 7016 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-4241 111 South First Street Downey, CA 90241 Alhambra, CA 91801 Terry Hagen, City Engineer City of Arcadia 240 West Huntington Drive P.O. Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91006 Maria Dadian, City Engineer City of Artesia 18747 Clarkdale Avenue Artesia, CA 90701 Bellur Devaraj, City Engineer City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Woody Natsuhara, City Engineer City of Gardena P.O. Box 47003 Gardena, CA 90247 Dan Heil, City Engineer City of Hawaiian Gardens 21815 Pioneer Boulevard Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 Dirk Lovett, City Engineer City of Hidden Hills 6165 Spring Valley Road Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Hermanita Harris, City Clerk City of Inglewood One Manchester Boulevard Inglewood, CA 90301 Gary Sloan, City Manager City of La Mirada 13700 La Mirada Boulevard La Mirada, CA 90638 Kwok Tam, Public Works Director/ City Engineer City of Irwindale 5050 North Irwindale Avenue Irwindale, CA 91706 Stephen Helvey, City Manager City of Whittier 13230 East Penn Street Whittier. CA 90602 Lou LeBlanc, City Engineer City of Glendale 613 East Broadway Glendale, CA 91206 Richard Cantwell Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Glendora 116 East Foothill Boulevard Glendora, CA 91741 Charles Herbertson Stephen Burrell, City Manager Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Hermosa Beach City of Hawthorne 1315 Valley Drive 4455 West 126th Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Hawthorne, CA 90250 Pat Fu, City Engineer City of Huntington Park 6550 Miles Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255 John Ballas, City Engineer City of Industry 15651 East Stafford Street Industry, CA 91744 Robert Griego City Manager/City Clerk City of Irwindale 5050 North Irwindale Avenue Irwindale, CA 91706 Michael Moore Administrative Analvst City of Pico Rivera P.O. Box 1016 Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Sharon Perislein, City Engineer City of West Hollywood 8300 Santa Monica Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90069 Robert Gutierrez, City Manager City of La Puente 15900 East Main Street La Puente. CA 91744 Sheryl Lindsey City Manager/City Clerk City of La Habra Heights 1245 North Hacienda Boulevard La Habra Heights, CA 90631 Bill Pagett, City Engineer City of Cudahy 5220 Santa Ana Street P.O. Box 1007 Cudahy, CA 90201 John Knipe, City Engineer City of Westlake Village 4373 Park Terrace Drive Westlake Village, CA 91361 Enrique Acevedo. City Engineer City of Pico Rivera P.O. Box 1016 Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Eric Beilstein Anthony Antich, City Engineer Wendell Johnson City of San Dimas City of Santa Monica City of Torrance 245 East Bonita Avenue 1685 Main Street 3031 Torrance Boulevard San Dimas, CA 91773 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Torrance, CA 90503 Martin Lomeli, City Manager Vangie Schock, City Manager Dawn Tomita, City Clerk Citv of La Verne City of Lawndale Citv of Lomita 3660 "D" Street 14717 Burin Avenue 24300 Narbonne Avenue La Verne, CA 91750 Lawndale, CA 90260 Lomita, CA 90717 Ralph Davis, III Interim City Manager City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 Rick Morgan, City Engineer City of Malibu 23555 Civic Center Way Malibu, CA 90265 Dana Greenwood, City Engineer City of Manhattan Beach 1400 Highland Avenue rJianhatta Beach, CA 90266 Bill Pagett, City Engineer City of Maywood 4319 East Slauson Avenue Maywood, CA 90270 Don Hopper, City Manager City of Monrovia 415 South Ivy Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 Ronald Merry Jerry Stock, City Engineer City Engineer/Director of Public Works City of Norwalk City of Monterey Park P.O. Box 1030 320 West Newmark Avenue Norwalk, CA 90651 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Bill Pagett, City Engineer City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Avenue Paramount, CA 90723 David Mango City of Maywood 4319 East Slauson Avenue Maywood, CA 90270 Carlos Santos NPDES Storm Water Specialist City of Glendale 633 East Broadway, Room 205 Glendale, CA 91206 Dan Rix, City Engineer City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Avenue Pasadena, CA 91109 Craig Nealis City Manager/City Clerk City of Rolling Hills 2 Portugues Bend Road Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Jose Loera City of Montebello 1600 West Beverly Boulevard Montebello, CA 90640 Les Evans, City Manager City of Rancho Palos Verdes 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes. CA 90275 Douglas Prichard City AAanager/City Clerk City of Rolling Hills Estates 4045 Palos Verdes Drive North Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 John Garcia W ilmas Miller, City Clerk Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of San Fernando City of San Dimas 117 AAacneil Street 245 East Bonita Avenue San Fernando, CA 91340 San Dimas, CA 91773 Richard Chen, City Engineer City of Montebello 1600 West Beverly Boulevard Montebello, CA 90640 James Hendrickson, City Manager City of Palos Verdes Estates 340 Palos Verdes Drive West Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Heather Merenda Storm Water Program Manager City of Calabasas 26135 Mureau Road Calabasas, CA 91320 Jim Valentine Principal Engineer, DPW City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Avenue City Hall, Room 212 Pasadena, CA 91109 Steve Huang, City Engineer City of Redondo Beach P.O. Box 270 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Ken Rukavina, City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 P. Michael Paules, City Manager City of San Gabriel P.O. Box 130 San Gabriel, CA 91778 Nancy Shollenberger, City Clerk Kenneth Farsfing, City Manager Jim Harris, City Engineer City of Sierra Madre City of Signal Hill City of South El Monte 232 West Sierra Madre Boulevard 2175 Cherry Avenue 1415 North Santa Anita Avenue Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Signal Hill, CA 90806 South El Monte, CA 91733 Jim Van Winkle Charlie Martin Ed Mind, City Engineer Director of Public Works/City Engineer Interim City Manager City of South Gate City of South Pasadena City of Temple City 8650 California Avenue 1414 Mission Street 9701 Las Tunas Drive South Gate, CA 90280 South Pasadena, CA 91030 Temple City, CA 91780 Bruce Malkenhorst Ronald Kranzer, City Engineer Daniel Hobbs. City Manager City Administrator/City Clerk City of Walnut City of West Covina City of Vernon P.O. Box 682 1444 West Garvey Avenue 4305 Santa Fe Avenue Walnut, CA 91788 West Covina, CA 91790 Vernon, CA 90058 George Caravalho, City Manager John Price Carlos Alvarado, City Engineer City of Santa Clarita Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of San Marino 23920 West Valencia City of Santa Fe Springs 2200 Huntington Drive Boulevard, Suite 300 P.O. Box 2120 San Marino, CA 91108 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Neil Miller Dean Allison Rafael Casillas, Asst. Civil Engineer Director of Public Works City of Rancho Palos Verdes City of Duarte City of Manhattan Beach 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard 1600 Huntington Drive 3621 Bell Avenue Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Duarte, CA 91010 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Elroy Kiepke, P.E. Yvette aux Departmment ent of Public Works Travis Lange, Environmental Analyst Deputy City Engineer City of Pomona City of Santa Clarita City of La Canada Flintridge 505 South Garey Avenue 23920 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 300 1327 Foothill Boulevard Box 660 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 Pomona, CA 91769 Steve Castellanos Aven Yam Jack Yoshino, Sr. Mgmt. Asst. Director of Public Works Department of Public Works City of Walnut City of La Canada Flintridge City of Manhattan Beach 21201 La Puente Road 327 Foothill Boulevard 1400 Highland Avenue Walnut, CA 91789 La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Management Asst. Chris Davis Darren Madkin Charles Redden, Sr. Mgmt. Analyst , City of Norwalk 12700 Norwalk Boulevard City of Pomona 505 South Garey Avenue City of Covina 125 East College Street Norwalk, CA 90650 Pomona, CA 91766 Covina, CA 91723 Steve Forster George Envall Scott Pomrehn Director of Public Works Director o Public Works Sr. Mgmt. Analyst City of La Mirada y City of South El Monte City of Lakewood Y 13700 La Mirada Boulevard 1415 North Santa Anita Avenue 5050 North Clark Avenue P.O. Box 828 South El Monte, CA 91733 Lakewood, CA 90712 La Mirada, CA 90637 Michael Shay, Civil Engineer Kym O'Leary i Andrea Harrington City of Claremont City of Redondo Beach mas City of San D 245 East Bonita Avenue 905 Pomona Court 415 Diamond Street Redondo Beach. CA 90277 San Dimas, CA 91773 Claremont, CA 91711 Michael Wang Erin Alvarez, Asst. Civil Engineer Brian Smith Environment and Operations City of Cerritos City of Bellflower Western State Petroleum Association 18125 Bloomfield Avenue 16600 Civic Center Drive 505 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 1400 Cerritos, CA 90703 Bellflower, CA 90706 Glendale, CA 91203 David Fike Louis Celaya, Jr. Laura Channell Director of Public Works Management Analyst Principal Mgmt. Analyst City of Monrovia City of Monrovia City of Monterey Park , 415 South Ivy Avenue 415 South Ivy Avenue 320 West Newmark Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 Monrovia, CA 91016 Monterey Park, CA 91754 David Liu, P.E. Jill Fosselman Adam Ariki, Watershed Manager Director of Public Works City of Santa Clarita County of L.A., DPW City of Diamond Bar 23920 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 300 900 South Fremont Avenue, 11th Floor 21825 East Copley Drive Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Alhambra, CA 91803 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Ken Boyce Jake Amar The Honorable Larry Forester Director of Public Works Sr. Environmental Engineer City of Signal Hill City of Carson City of Glendale 2175 Cherry Avenue 701 East Carson Street 633 East Broadway, Room 205 Signal Hill, CA 90806 P.O. Box 6234 Glendale, CA 91206 Carson, CA 90749 Samuel Wilson Ed Schroder The Honorable Marilyn Lyon Director of Community Services Director of Public Works City of Rancho Palos Verdes Estates and Water City of Signal Hill 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard City of Vernon 2175 Cherry Avenue Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 4305 Santa Fe Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 Vernon, CA 90058 David Mochizuki Dante Segundo Bruce Mattern, City Engineer Director of Public Works Director of Public Works City of San Gabriel City of Whittier City of Compton 532 West Mission Drive 13230 Penn Street 205 South Willowbrook Avenue San Gabriel, CA 91778 Whittier, CA 90602 Compton, CA 90220 Ted Spaseff Bonnie Teaford, City Engineer Steve Johnson Director of Public Works City of Burbank Stetson Engineers City of Montebello 275 East Olive Avenue 3104 East Garvey Avenue 1600 West Beverly Boulevard P.O. Box 6459 West Covina, CA 91791 Montebello, CA 90640 Burbank, CA 91510 William Mills, Chairman Michael Klancher Donald Vanderkar AGWA (Assoc. of Ground Water AERA Energy, LLC Aerojet Electrosystems Agencies P.O. Box 11164 P.O. Box 13222 725 North Azusa Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93389 Sacramento, CA 95813 Azusa, CA 91702 Kelly McGee Paul Dumas Arthur Cuse American Oceans Campaign Avanti Environmental, Inc. B/S Systems Inc. 6030 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400 2475 Chambers Road, Suite 100 336 South Occidental, Suite 708 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Tustin, CA 92780 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Rod Butler Steven Braband Danielle Ormsby Best Management Technologies BioSolutions, Inc. Blymyer Engineers, Inc. 23 Baldwin Avenue 5310 Derry Avenue, Suite E 1829 Clement Avenue Crockett, CA 94525 Agoura Hills, CA 91301-4565 Alameda, CA 94501 Marvin Sachse Chuck Brockmeier Josh Kriteman Brash Industries Brockmeier Consulting Engineers, Inc. 262624 1h Street, Apt. B P.O. Box 957 1304 Olympic Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90405 Venice, CA 90294 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Tim Piasky Art Hugh Ron Wilkniss Building Industry Association Bullshop System, Inc, Western State Petroleum Association 1330 South Valley Vista Drive 336 South Occidental Boulevard 505 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 1400 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Los Angeles, CA 90057 Glendale, CA 91203 Dale Grimm Pierre Claeyssens, Wood-Claeyssens Nancy Sutley Foundation Cal/EPA c/o Medearis and Grimm 1001 1 Street, 25`" Floor 1331 Sunset Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95814 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Jack Gregg Water Quality District California Coastal Commission 45 Fremont Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94105 Jerry Spansiel California Dept. of Fish and Game 231 Avenida Baja San Clemente, CA 92672 Bill Paznokas California Dept. of Fish and Game 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 California Environmental Group 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite G Camarillo, CA 93012 John Whitescarver Center for Environmental Decisions 7000 SE Federal Highway Stuart, FL 34997 City Attorney City of Los Angeles 200 North Main Street, Room 1800 City Hall East Los Angeles, CA 90012 Katherine Rubin Environmental Supervisor City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power 111 North Hope Street, Room 1213 Los Angeles, CA 90012 The Honorable Kenneth Hahn City of Los Angeles . 200 North Main Street City Hall East, Room 800 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Chris Long California Dept. of Fish and Game 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Rick Anderson California Street Maintenance 1918 West 169th Street Gardena, CA 90247 Mark Smith Environmental Consultant Charles Abbott Associates 371 Van Ness Way Torrance, CA 90501 Christopher Westhoff, Asst. City Attorney City of Los Angeles 200 North Main Street, Room 1800 City Hall East Los Angeles, CA 90012 Director of Public Works, Storm Water Division City of Long Beach 333 West Ocean Boulevard Long Beach, CA 90802 Pam Emerson California Coastal Commission 200 Oceangate, 10th floor Long Beach, CA 90802 Marvin Hee Regional Patrol Chief California Dept. of Fish and Game 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Richard Pridham 10402 Bellman Avenue Downey, CA 90241 - Jeff Endicott, Project Manager Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. 2920 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 108 Ontario, CA 92764 Dean Isaacson Chatteau De Ville 43-D Malaga Cove Plaza Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Judith Wilson City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation 433 South Spring Street, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Shahram Kharaghani, Ph.D, PE Storm Water Program Manager City of Los Angeles 650 South Spring Street, Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90014 John Dorsey Susan Dameron Stormwater Management Division City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Water City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Public Works and Power 650 South Spring Street, Suite 700 MS-743 111 North Hope Street, Suite 213 Las Angeles, CA 90014 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Don Davis Eric Beilstein Citv of San Buenaventura Drew Hester City of San Dimas 1123 North Valley Street 501 Poh Street 245 East Bonita Avenue P.O. Box 99 Burbank, CA 91505 San Dimas, CA 91773 Ventura, CA 93002 Eduardo Pereira, Senior Project Manager Ken Farsfing Peter Brand CNC Engineering, Inc. Coalition for Practical Regulation Coastal Conservancy 255 North Hacienda Boulevard, Suite 222 2175 Cherry Avenue 1330 Broadway, 11th Floor City of Industry, CA 91744 Signal Hill, CA 90806 Oakland, CA 94612 Jeffrey Leiter Collier Shannon Scott Washington Harbour, Suite 400 3050 K Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20007 Vicki Wilson, Director, PFRD 300 North Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92703-5000 Peter Gutierrez County Counsel County of LA 600 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Victoria Conway, Head, Monitoring Section Adam Ariki, Watershed Manager County of Los Angeles, Department County of Los Angeles County Sanitation District of Public Works P.O. Box 4998 900 South Fremont Avenue, 11 th Floor Whittier, CA 90507 Alhambra, CA 91803 Carl Sjoberg Watershed Management Division Mr. Steve Fleischli County of L.A., Dept. of Public Works Santa Monica BayKeeper Annex Building P.O. Box 10096 900 South Fremont Avenue Marina del Rey, CA 90295 Alhambra, CA 91803 Donald Wolfe Assistant Director County of LA, Dept. of Public Works 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 Donald Jordan Flood Control Maintenance Div. County of LA, Dept. of Public Works 900 South Fremont Avenue, WTR-5 Alhambra, CA 91803 Jeff Souse County of Los Angeles, Department of Joe Nash, Bureau Director, Acting County of Los Angeles, District y County of Los Angeles, Department of Regional Planning Environmental Services Public Works 320 West Temple Street; Room 1358 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 150 P.O. Box 1460 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Monterey Park, CA 91754 Alhambra, CA 91802 Dean Efstathio, Asst. Deputy Director James Holdridge, Asst. Fire Chief Division of Construction and Gary Brougher County of Los Angeles, DPW, Health Hazmat Division waterworks and Sewer Maintenance Maintenance County of Los Angeles, Fire Department Division County of Los Angeles Fire Department 5825 Rickenbacker Road 900 South Fremont Avenue, 9th Floor 1320 North Eastern Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 Alhambra, CA 91803 Los Angeles, CA 90063 Geoffrey Hunt, Deputy County Counsel Office of County Counsel P.O. Box 1379 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Erin O'Connell Environmental Health Division County of Ventura 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Jeff Pratt Storm Water Management Program County of Ventura Flood Control District 800 South Victoria Avenue, MS 1650 Ventura, CA 93009 Keith Duval County of Ventura, Air Pollution Control District 669 County Square Drive Ventura, CA 93003 Robert Gallagher County of Ventura, Environmental Health Division 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Becky Linder, Case Planner County of Ventura, Department of Public Works 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Wetlands Action Network P.O. Box 1145 Malibu, CA 90265 Lowell Preston County of Ventura, DPW, Water Resources Division 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Jose Saez County Sanitation District of L.A. County 1955 Workman Mill Road Whittier, CA 90601 Steven Reedy Kimberley Hall Barlow, Esq. Jim Cox, Chief County Sanitation Districts of L.A. Jones & Meyer Fire Department County 3777 North Harbor Boulevard 600 North Montebello Boulevard !955 Workman Mill Road. Fullerton, CA 92835 Montebello, Ca 90640 Whittier, CA 90601 Marco Metzger Charles White Aileen Dao Department of Health Services Project Engineer 2151 Convention Center Department of Water Resources DH Civil Engineering, Inc. 770 Fairmont Avenue, Suite 102 2021 East Fourth Street, Suite 119 Way, Suite 218B Glendale, CA 91203 Cntario, CA 91764 Santa Ana', CA 92705 Karma Thomson Los Angeles Refining Company Division of Equilon Enterprises, LLC 2101 East Pacific Coast Highway Wilmington, CA 90748 Rick Lewis Downstream Services 2855 Progress Place Escondido, CA 92029 Sarah Yount Environmental Compliance Options Consulting P.O. Box 46 Canterbury, NH 03224 Deborah Barnes Cal/EPA 1001 1 Street, 25'h Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Melanie Winter Friends of the L.A. River 570 West Avenue 26, Suite 250 Los Angeles, CA 90065 Shelley Luce Heal the Bay 3220 Nebraska Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Michael Jenkins Jenkins & Hogin, LLP 10,25 19th Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Jeffrey Longsworth Kelley Drye & Warren 1200 19th Street, N.E., Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20036 Debbi Dodson, Conference Director Dodson & Associates 4209 Huerfano Avenue San Diego, CA 92117 Mike Gibbs Eneco Tech Southwest, Inc. 6160 Fairmont Avenue, Suite A San Diego, CA 92120 Erik Rosenfeldt Environmental Resources Management 1630 Heritage Landing Drive, Suite 100 St. Charles, MO 63303 Ron Bottorf Friends of Santa Clara River 660 Randy Drive Newbury Park, CA 91320 Jacqueline Lambrichts Friends of the San Gabriel P.O. Box 3725 South El Monte, CA 91733 John Mundy Las Virgenes Municipal Water District 4232 Las Virgenes Road. Calabasas, CA 91302 Terry Tamminen Environment Now 2515 Wilshire Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90403-4615 Ernest Miyashita Environmental Science & Engineers, Inc. 5440 North Cumberland Avenue, Suite 250 Chicago, IL 60656 Pat Healy 403 San Vicente Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90402 Mark Gold River Heal the Bay 3220 Nebraska Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Michael Huls City of Diamond Bar Huls Environmental 1074 Parkview Drive, Suite 105 Covina. CA 91724 Nancy Gilbertson John L. Hunter and Associates, Inc. 13310 Firestone Boulevard, Suite A-2 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Patrick Kelly, President Kelly Equipment 9400 7th Street, D-2 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mary Cammarano, Chair Independent Cities Association (ICA) 36124 43rd Street East Palmdale, CA 93552 Sheila Kennedy John L. Hunter and Associates, Inc. 13310 Firestone Boulevard, Suite A2 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Robert Miller L.A. County District Attorney's Office 201 North Figueroa Avenue, 12th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Paul Martyn Mack Walker Industrial Waste Section Larry Walker Associates Ed Harris L.A. County Sanitation District 509 4th Street 22031 Carbon Mesa 1955 Workman Mill Road Malibu, CA 90265 Whittier. CA 90601 Davis, CA 95G16 Gregory Brose Steve Brinigar, Office Manager Alan Block Deputy District Attorney Law Crandall Law Offices of Alan Robert Block 4245 Market Street, Suite 205 9177 Sky Park Court 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1610 Ventura, CA 93003 San Diego, CA 92123 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Jim Colston Orange County Sanitation District 10844 Ellis Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 William Obraitis Law/Crandall 200 Citadel Drive Los Angeles, CA 90040 Sandy Matthews California Stormwater Quality Task Force Lawrence .ivermore National Laboratory 7000 East Avenue, 1-627 Livermore, CA 94550 Levin-Fricke-Recon 3150 Bristol Street, Suite 250 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Carol Williams, Executive Officer Main San Gabriel Basin Water Master 725 North Azusa Avenue Azusa, CA 91702 Kan Kramer Malibu Bay Company 23705 West Malibu, Suite D-2 Malibu. CA 90265 Malibu West Swimming Club 30756 West Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 Daniel Cunningham Metal Finishing Association of Southern California P.O. Box 923695 Sylmar, CA 91392 Joyce Clark Metropolitan Water District 700 North Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dorothy Green Los Angeles & San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council 111 North Hope Street, Suite 627 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Richard Sol, Chairman Maison DeVille Homeowners Association 23904 DeVille Way Malibu. CA 90265 Edward Gonzalez Malibu Canyon Village Homeowners Association 3601 Vista Pacifica, No. 11 Malibu, CA 90265 Sandy Banducci Malibu West Swimming Club 30756 West Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 Robert Stamm Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza, MS 99-14-1. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Gary Friedman Supervising Engineer Montgomery Watson 1230 Columbia Street, Suite 750 San Diego, CA 92101 Tom Austin, Vice President Los Angeles Turf Club, Inc. 285 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91066 c/o Real Support Property Managment Malibu Bay Club 28990 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 107 Malibu, CA 90265 Ryan Embree Malibu Canyon Village Homeowners Association 3601 Vista Pacifica, No. 11 Malibu, CA 90265 Ann Buxie Malibu West Swimming Club 30756 West Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 Mark Beuhler Metropolitan Water District P.O. Box 54153 Los Angeles, CA 90054 Ray Sauvajot National Park Services 401 West Hillcrest Drive Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 David Beckman Natural Resources Defense Council NEST Environmental Services Scott Vickers Network Environmental Systems, Inc. Suite 250 6310 San Vicente Boulevard 1040 Grant Road, Suite 155-325 1141 Sibley Street , Los Angeles, CA 90048 Mountain View, CA. 94040 Folsom, CA 95630 Mark Helvey Department of Commerce James Powers Lois E. Jeffrey NOAH, National Marine Fisheries Nossaman, Guthner, Knox & Elliot, LLP Woodruff Spradlin & Smart Services, U.S. 445 South Figueroa Street, 31st Floor 701 South Parker Street, Suite 8000 501 West Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Orange, CA 92868 Long Beach, CA 90802 Norma Jean Olinger Ron Rack Perla Fickenscher Rental Coordinator Paradise Cove Perla Fickenscher & Associates Pacific Utility Equipment Co. 28128 Pacific Coast Highway 603 East Meadowbrook Avenue 1326 East Francis Street Malibu, CA 90265 Orange, CA 92865 Ontario, CA 91761 Sidney Kanazawa Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, LLP 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Karl Bewley QST Environmental 2171 Campus Drive Irvine, CA 92612 David Hughes Price, Postel & Parma, LLP 200 East Carrillo Street, Suite 400 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Scott Taylor, P.E. Inc. RBF Consulting Suite 100 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 Richard Watson Richard Watson & Associates 21922 Viso Lane Mission Viejo, CA 92691 A. Tamim Atayee Vice President Rivertech,Inc. 233332 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 230 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 L. Latka Santa Catalina Island Company P.O. Box 5086 Avalon, CA 90704 Carole Crowe Storm Water Unit Central Valley RWQCB, Redding Office 415 Knollcrest Drive Redding, CA 9602 hoary Fiore Storm Water Unit Lahontan RWQCB 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Mike McCann Storm Water Section San Diego RWQCB 9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123 John Harris Richards, Watson & Geshon 333 South Hope Street, 38th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Peter Chiu Professional Engineer P.O. Box 5222 El Monte, CA 91734 Helmut Martinek Real Support Property Management 11928 Whaler Lane Malibu. CA 90265 James Ring Ring Financial Inc. 501 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 605 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Steve Loriso Ronald Hayes RKA Civil Engineers RMT, Inc. 398 South Lemon Creek Drive, Suite E 6065 Bristol Parkway, 2nd Floor Walnut, CA 91789 Culver City, CA 90230 Jennifer Bitting Storm Water Unit Central Coast RWQCB 81 Higuera Street, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Brian Erlandsen Storm Water Unit Central Valley RWQCB, Fresno Office 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 Jaco'ue Kelley Storm Water Unit Central Valley RWQCB 3443 Routier Road, Suite A Sacramento, CA 95827 Eugene Rondash Storm Water Unit Lahontan RWQCB, Victorville Office 15428 Civic Drive, Suite 100 Victorville, CA 92392 Dale Bowyer Storm Water Unit San Francisco Bay RWQCB 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 Roslyn Fleming Storm Water Unit Colorado River Basin RWQCB 73-720 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92260 John Short Storm Water Unit North Coast RWQCB 5550 Skylane Boulevard, Suite A Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Mike Adackapara Storm Water Section Santa Ana RWQCB 3737 Main Street, Suite 500 Riverside. CA 92501 Heather Collins San Francisco Estuary Institute Wendy Gilley Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. 7770 Pardee Lane, 2nd Floor 2216 Belmont Lane 6000 88th Street Oakland, CA 94621 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Sacramento, CA 95828 Bret Carmen Steve Fleischli Dan Griset Santa Catalina Island Company Santa Monica BayKeeper SCAG P.O. Box 5086 P.O. Box 10096 818 West 7th Street, 12th Floor Avalon. CA 90704 Marina del Rey, CA 90295 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Lynn Plambeck SCOPE P.O. Box 1182 Canyon Country, CA 91351 Heather Collins Environmental Mgmt. Branch Department of Health Services 1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Jeffrey Stone Recycled Water Coordinator Department of Health Services 1449 West Temple Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Jack Holson U.S. Coast Guard 1001 South Seaside Avenue San Pedro, CA 90731-7350 Jeffrey Helsley Stetson Engineers, Inc. 3104 East Garvey Avenue West Covina, CA 91791 Barry Wallerstein Executive Director South Coast Air Quality Management 21865 East Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Gary Yamamoto Drinking Water Field Operations Department of Health Services 1449 West Temple Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Steve Arita Western State Petroleum Association 1115 11th Street, Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95814 Marilyn Levin Deputy Attorney General No. 20 300 South Spring Street, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 Pedro Luis De Leon 1727 South New Hampshire Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Chris Pendroy Tettemer & Associates 2955 Redhill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Andy Lipkis, President Tree People ',2601 Mulholland Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 David Kendziorski Stormtech, Inc. 16800 West Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 Wes Ganter Tetra Tech, Inc. 17525 West 58th Place Golden, CO 80403 James Woodburn Tivoli Cove Homeowners Association 26668 Seagull Way Malibu, CA 90265 Melvin Blevins, Watermaster Upper Los Angeles River Area Watermaster P.O. Box 51111 Los Angeles, CA 90051 Rachel Uranga Copley News 500 yAfp~f T.mnle 479 E Hall of Administration Los Angeles, CA 90012 Vera Melynk-Vecchio Drinking Water Fields Operations Department of Health Services 1449 West Temple Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Darrell Hawkins State of California Air Resources Board P. O. Box 2815 Sacramento, CA 95812 Greg Newmark Deputy Attorney General 300 South Spring Street, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 Patrick Rogan Malibu Chapter Surfrider Foundation P.O. Box 953 Malibu, CA,90265 Denise Casad Regional Marketing Director Tetra Tech-Simons, Li and Associates 17770 Cartwright Road. Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 Steve Hayes Plant Manager Transit Mixed Concrete Company 1201 West Gladstone Street Azusa, CA 91702 Eric Fordham URS Greiner Woodward Clyde 2020 East First Street, Suite 400 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Richard Schubel Bruce Henderson Mike Barth, President U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jezowski & Market P. O. Box 532711 2151 Alessandro Drive, Suite 255 748 North Poplar Street Los Angeles, CA 90053 Ventura, CA 93001 Orange, CA 92868-1014 Tom Huetteman Laura Gentile City of Hawthorne Chief of CWA Compliance U.S. EPA Region IX 4455 West 126th Street U.S. EPA Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street, WTR-5 Hawthorne, CA 90250 75 Hawthorne Street, WTR-7 San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco, CA 94105 Eugene Bromley CWA Standards and Permits Office U.S. EPA Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Louise Lampara Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad. CA 92008 Andrew Yuen U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ron Coons Flood and Drainage Ventura County Dept. of Public Works 800 South Victoria Avenue, MS 1650 Ventura, CA 93009 Wes Lind WestR. Lind, Inc. 505 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91 101 Alexis Strauss Director, Water Division U.S. EPA Region IX 75 Hawtorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Kirk Wain Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92008 Terry Ellis District Ranger U.S.D.A. Forest Service 4600 Oak Grove Drive Flintridge, CA 91011 Joan Neuhans Zoning Enforcement Officer Ventura County Planning and Safety 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Richard Nagler Water Replenishment District Suite 201 12621 East 166th Street Cerritos, CA 90703 Kathleen Rener West Valley County Water District 25315 West Ideal Avenue Lancaster, CA 93536 Wishloyo Foundation/Ventura Coastkeeper 3600 South Harbor Boulevard. Suite 218 Oxnard. CA 93035 L. Dale Lincoln 20524 Wayne Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 Jane Freij W illdan 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, CA 91746 Ms. Leslie Mintz Heal the Bay 3220 Nebraska Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 Rudolf Martin 8955 Norma Place West Hollywood, CA 90069 Bob W ills Clean Water Act Compliance U.S. EPA, Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Jack Fancher Dept. of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92008 Liz Camron Senior Code Enforcement Officer Ventura County Building & Safety 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009 Thomas Adams, P.E. Vortechnics, Inc. 41 Evergreen Drive Portland, ME 04103 Bruce Mowry, Ph.D., P.E. General Manager Water Replenishment District 12621 East 166th Street Cerritos, CA 90703 Wilshire West Partners 8383 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Susan Emge Milliner 102 South Kings Canyon Drive Cedar Park, TX 78613-3041 Stacy Bierlein 812 171h Street Santa Monica, CA 90403 Donald H. Nelson Caroline Penwarden Steve Collins City of Thousand Oaks 1205 Eva Avenue 1582 Camden Village Circle Public Works Department Los Altos, CA 94024 San Jose, CA 95124 2100 Thousand Oaks Boulevard Thousand Oaks, CA 91362-2903 Jennifer Grote Sarah Emmerson Bill Yoelin 4748 O'Bannon, No. C 14612 Golders Green Lane 416 Venice Way Las Vega, NV 89102 Westminster, CA 92683 Venice, CA 90291 Steve Shannon James Wigger Shauna Janeway 1344 South Cloverdale 420a Branch Street 2202 Mira Vista Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Montrose, CA 91020 . George Ellison Lori Jouthas Jane Olson 4443 Arista Street 585 Maple Street 2025 Sage Lily Drive San Diego, CA 92103 Livermore, CA 94550 Sidney, MT 59270 Jenny Hicks Amand Johnson Ted Radamaker 9450 Gilman Drive 921289 25400 Oak Street, Apt. No. 15 3837 Shelter Grove Drive La Jolla, CA 92092 Lomita, CA 90717 Claremont, CA 91711 Jane Kuhn Carolina Clare Diana Gonzales P.O. Box 3424 550 East Cotati P.O. Box 535 Lynchburg, VA 24503 Colati, CA 94931 Calimesa, CA. 92320 Jeff Lidicker Paula Flanagan Jennifer Pultz P.O. Box 523 1819 South Widson Court 520 North Bloodworth Street Pipersville, PA 18947 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Raleigh, NC 27604 Clifford Hritz Ruth Gabey David Lisle 627 South 8th Street 880 Lewiston Road P.O. Box 1094 Philadelphia, PA 19147 West Gardiner, ME 04345 Willits, CA 95490 J. Graioory Jennifer C. Humowiecki Brenda Bailey 4611 Stoner Avenue, No. 6 164 Lawton Road 811 York Street, Apt. 113 Culver City, CA 90230 Riverside, IL 60546 Oakland, CA 94610 Indi Trehan Benjamin Park Daphne Figueroa 23666 Lagarto 5314 Thomas Avenue 4653 Cape May Avenue Mission Viego, CA 92691 Oakland, CA 94618 - San Diego, CA 92107 Raphael Mazor Karel Baloun Andrea Sher 2040 Hearst Avenue, Apt. D 691 Sonoma Street 461 36"' Street Berkeley, CA 94709 Richmond, CA 94805 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Kathryn Paddock Janice VanDusen Kristin Sands 5386 Jed Smith Road 1247 Marolf Drive, No. A 200 Harvest Bend Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Atalissa, IA 52720 Wylie, TX 75098 Lisa McManigal Bobbie Flowers Vicki Sinclair 11837 Darlington, No. 6 418 West 17 Street, Apt. No. 22A 21100 Highway 79, Space No. 217 Los Angeles, CA 90049 New York, NY 10011 San Jacinto, CA 92583 Vicki Wawerchak Torrey Neel Shelley Luce Kaye Wawerchak 211 La Veta Avenue 1301-B Oak Street 751 Iliff Street Encinitas, CA 92024-2508 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Beth Ryan Scott Marshall Carolina Reyes Marshall Arts Productions LLC 12102 Exposition Boulevard 5221 Cartwright Avenue, No. 4 5311 De Role Avenue North Hollywood, CA 91601 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Andrew T. Kalomiris Trever Mullen Judith Gandit Golden 1703 Gascony Road 2936 Main Street 570 Stassi Lane Encinitas, CA 92024 Santa Monica, CA 90409 Santa Monica, CA 90402 Ventura Surf Shop Joel Prichett Zohar Ziv William Dennis Sports 857 Nowita Place 20207 Piedra Chica Road 88 East Thompson Boulevard Venice, CA 90291 Malibu, CA 90265 Ventura, CA 93001-2722 Player's Beach Co. Elad Marish Berney Properties 3804 Highland Avenue 563 Rialto Avenue 7633 Haskell Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Venice, CA 90291 Van Nuys, CA 91406-2045 Jeffrey J. Luuke Lynne L. Alschuler Steve Carlson Marcus & Millshap 13104 Nimrod Place Central Coast Surfboards 16830 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90049-3633 736 Hiouera Street Encino, CA 91436 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Kelley Sumantz Laura D. Salvay Chris Jones 4027 McLaughlin Avenue 1673 Cataluna Place 24625 Trevino Drive Los Angeles, CA 90066 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274-2162 Valencia, CA 91355 Christopher Ebert Brenda Bussell Julie Greenfield 5615 Rosalind Avenue 91 Cranberry Drive 2306 10'" Street El Cerrito, CA 94530 Mastic Beach, NY 11951 Santa Monica, CA 90405 David Anderson Susie Kort 408 Via Alegre Quinn e 130 Broomsed9e Trail 545 Chalette Drive San Clemente, CA 92672 Athens, GA 30605 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 John Treanor Kerry Burkhardt Jay Griffith 50 Rose Avenue, No. 3 182 Ferndale Avenue 717 California Avenue Venice, CA 90291 Kenmore, NY 14217 Venice, CA 90291 Jordon Corngold Dr. Mha Atma S. Khalsa Athleisure Inc. Susanna Blikoff 1536 Crest Drive 5925 Priestly Drive, Suite 120 2410 Ivanhoe Drive Los Angles, CA 90035 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Los Angeles, CA 90039-3211 Margaret Enders Al Hromjak Thomas J. Fleming RlmPac International 3372 Dalhart Avenue 507 Hill Street, No. 2 1334 Park View Avenue, Suite 100 Simi Valley, CA 93063 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Steven J. Santos Victor Filson Jean M. Wilkinson P.O. Box 2306 134 Outrigger Mall 519 Frontera Drive Manhattan Beach, CA 90267 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Dency L. Nelson Cindy Shaw Rayna Saslove 2415 Silverstrand Avenue 3562 Running Tide Circle 806 North Croft Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-2664 Huntington Beach, CA 92649-2514 Los Angeles, CA 90069 William R. Palmer Stanford M. Miller Valena Broussard Dismukes 2809 Pacific View Trail 2246 Lyric Avenue 3800 Stocker Street, No. 1 Los Angeles, CA 90068-2045 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Los Angeles, CA 90008 James V. Ouellet Michael Elwin Junia Affonseca Motorcycle Accident Analysis 735 Fox Run Drive NW 206 8'" Street 8121 Manchester Avenue, Suite 668 Olympia, WA 98502 Hoboken, NJ 07030 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 Jim Guiltinan Matt Leitgh-Jones Margaret Meiser 2219 West Olive Avenue PMB 217 1412 10" Street, No. 3 1309 West Fargo Street Burbank, CA 91506 Coronado, CA 92118 Chicago, IL 60626 Jennifer Ruffolo Bill Neal Glen Unruh Senior Policy Anal-vst California Research Bureau 305 North Second Avenue, No. 225 2370 Swan Drive California State Library Upland, CA 91786 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 900 N Street, Room 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 Leslev Hudak Renee Coleman Robert Wisehart 3 Rita Way 2219 Duvall Court 1710 East Avenue R-3 Orinda, CA 94563 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Palmdale, CA 93550 Marie Powell Morris Hale Clyde R. Chamberlain, Jr. P.O. Box 23070 5327 Densaw Road 6210 NE Alton Street St. Louis, MO 63156 North Port, FL 34287 Portland, OR 97213 Peter Loeff Jenifer Byington Gregory Esteve P.O. Box 390424 848 Radcliffe Avenue 3655 North Scenic Highway Mountain View, CA 94039 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Lake Wales, FL 33898 Sean Breheney Kathryn Walker Blake Anderson 1010-4 Pacific Grove Lane 3001 Windy Surf Court, 11 Santa Isabel Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Las Vegas, NV 89128 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Myra Baffles Pat Shanks, Esq. Jennifer Gale McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen P.O. Box 1265 114 Richards Street 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4400 Gualala, CA 95445 Carrollton, GA 30117 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Miles Feldman Paulette and Mel Bleumenthal Elizabeth Varnhagen 2406 21s' Street 2184 Mandeville Canyon Road 1440 Ordway Street Santa Monica, CA 90405 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Berkeley, CA 94702-1126 Keli Ranke Carol Fong Liz and Bob Stone 254 6" Avenue 214 24" Street P.O. Box 3247 Venice, CA 90291 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Yountville, CA 94599 David G. and Theresa K. Dolotta Kathryn Gaffney Linda Harringtong 1205 Del Oro Avenue 11725 Darlington Avenue, No. 2 824 South 5'" Street Santa Barbara, CA 93109 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Stillwater, MN 55082 John Ruth Nancy LaPlaca Teresa Isarinaro 68355 Indigo Lane 8400 Lost Lake Drive Cathedral Canyon Cove 1257 Eudora Street Orlando, FL 32817 Denver, CO 80220 Cathedral City, CA 92234 Marcello Lanfranchi Cynthia and Stephen Stonley John W. Majeski, Jr. Weston Communities 2754 Loft iew Drive 2273 Walnut, Boulevard 10960 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1960 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Torrance, CA 90505 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Tim Casey, City Manager Terry E. Dixon, City Attorney Scott Smith, Esq. City of Laguna Niguel City of Laguna Niguel Best Best & Krieger LLP 27801 La Paz Road 27801 La Paz Road 402 West Broadway, Suite 1300 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 San Diego, CA 92101 Clea Wright 285 South Sierra Madre Boulevard, Apt. K Pasadena, CA 91107 Amy Gebel 1326 Londonberry View Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Nicole Steele 1523 South Wooster, No. Los Angeles, CA 90035 Harbell P.O. Box 3154 Newport Beach, CA 92659 Rachel Panush and William Grant 608 Santa Clara Avenue, No. 4 No 2 P.O. Box 933 Venice, CA 90294-0933 William 0. Talley, City Manager City of Rancho Santa Margarita 30211 Avenida de las Banderas, Suite 101 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Interested Person 1060 Stone Ridge Drive Pasadena, CA 91105 Angie Rentuma 11720 Bellagio Road, No. 201 Bel Air, CA 90049 Lynn C.Bossone 3306 Summertime Lane Culver City, CA 90230 Jerry Shevick 23852 Pacific Coast Highway, No. 669 Malibu, CA 90265 George Scarborough, City Manager City of San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 William A. Huston, City Manager City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780-3767 Jim Humphrey 6400 Pacific Avenue, No. 303 Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Geoffrey Fults 2670 Waverly Drive Newport Beach', CA 92663 Marc Marine 11351 Chenault Street Los Angeles, CA 90049 Gary Duckwiler 241 21 s` Street Santa Monica, CA 90402 Robert Clayton 4234 Fleet Haven Road Lakewood, CA 90712 Bob Jeff ords 613 Mildred Avenue Venice, CA 90291 Stephanie Ramer 1230 Chautauqua Boulevard Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Bruce E. Channing, City Manager City of Laguna Hills 25201 Paseo De Alicia, Suite 150 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Diane Isaacs 5560 Saturn Street Los Angeles, CA 90019-3955 Mark Levy 5520 West 190`" Street,, No. 108 Torrance, CA 90503 Maria Farina 222 North Hollywood Way, Apt. B Burbank, CA 91505 Delio A. Jaramillo 28160 North Cabrillo Lane Valencia, CA 91354 Carolyn War, Managing Director Richard & Anita Korngute Howard Steffens Global Possibilities 11023 Tujunga Canvon Boulevard 333 Sumac Lane CA 91042 1955 Mandeville Canyon Road Santa Monica, CA 90402-1 135 Tu1un9a, Los Angeles, CA 90049 David Brent Sara Martin City of Sacramento Jennifer Shelstead 686 South Arroyo Parkway, Suite 150 Department of Utilities 21667 Encina Road Pasadena, CA 91105 1395 35'" Avenue - Topanga, CA 90290 Sacramento, CA 95822 Claire and Philip Anton List Schweers Kelly Cantley 12402 Foster Road 1027 South Wooster Street, No. 8 4252 Fair Avenue, No. 14 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Studio City, CA 91602 Scott Marshall Cristi Catlin Tandy Trish Rasmussen 5311 De Roja Avenue 23733 Carard Street 14620 Dickens Street, No. 19 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Erick Jussen Kristen Kahl Mr. and Mrs. George W. Egan P.O. Box 3004 1002 12'" Street, No. 104 300 Hot Springs Road Venice CA 90294 Santa Monica, CA 90403 Montecito, CA 93108-2038 Grace S. Ouchida John M. Wagner Kathleen Crouch 229-1/2 Third Avenue 229-1/2 Third Avenue 2725 Harbor Boulevard Venice. CA 90291 Venice, CA 90291 Ventura, CA 93001-4112 Krystal Poole Elizabeth Zampolli Jane Evans P.O. Box 4984 2426 Cheremoya Avenue 15 Paloma Avenue, No. 405 Sunland. CA 91041-4084 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Venice, CA 90291 Andrea J. Marjala Kyle Naydo Dana Black 1072 West 23rd Street 359-B Oak Avenue 123 1/2 Catamaran San Pedro, CA 90731 Mountain View, CA 94041 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Courtney King Mark Warren Joseph M. Skelley 1042 O 8'" Street 2238 North First Avenue 23825 Anza Avenue, No. 144 San Pedro, CA 90731 Upland, CA 91784 Torrance, CA 90505 Amy Brzeczek Cynthia Peters Robert E. Oppliger 10140 Mountair Avenue, No. 102 1725 Federal Avenue, No. 4 2732 Dunleer Place Tujunga, CA 91042 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Mr, David A. Lawton Selena Kyle Agnes W. Dawson Chief of Police 560 North Flores Street 2321 Hidalgo Avenue City of San Gabriel West Hollywood, CA 90048 Los Angeles, CA 90039 P.O. Box 130 San Gabriel, CA 91778-0130 William Huber, Director of Sean Kneafsey Rosyln Sussman Building & Engineering 201 North Gower Street 11591 Duque Drive City of San Juan Capistrano Los Angeles, CA 90004 Studio City, CA 91604 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Michelle Byrne Betty F. and James I. Gartland Lisa Love 1507 Olive Lane 16752 Calle Marisa 9414 Eton Avenue La Canada, CA 91011-2106 Pacific Palisades, Ca 90272 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Carla Shaw Mathel and Alfred Immella Denise Schmalzer 19433 Valerio Street 3486 Wade Street 602 1/2 Balboa Avenue, No. 5 Reseda, CA 91335 Los Angeles, CA 90066 Glendale, CA 91206 Eileen and Al Drutz Donna DiBernardo David Lloyd 11613 Clover Avenue 525-B North Lucia Avenue 16562 nd Street Los Angeles, CA 90066 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Peter M. Hubbell James F. Grabb Guido Rietdijk 717 South Cataline Avenue 138 Lyndon Street 1640 West 228`h Street Redondo Beach, CA 90277-4612 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Torrance, CA 90501 Jon and Suzanne French Mary C. Luna Sandra Karlsvik 340 Via Pasqual 220 North Avenue 53, Apt. 204 P.O. Box 32 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Los Angeles, CA 90042 Fox Island, WA 98333 Robert A. Rosenstone John & Carmen Shearer Robert Parker 537 Arbramar Avenue 736 Hermosa Avenue 156 South Plymouth Boulevard Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Cheri T. Uno Daniel Urbach Paul T. Hayden 4803 Gienalbyn Drive 1135 18`" Street 6538 La Gerita Drive Los Angeles, CA 90065-4001 Santa Monica, CA 90403-5611 Rancho Palos Verde, CA 90275 Daniel DeForest Darin Marten Niranjan Martin 1605 Via Arriba 22551 Schoolcraft Street 1444 15'h Street, Apt. 6 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 West Hills, CA 91307-2636 Santa Monica, CA 90404-2730 Anthony Whitman Mary Lou Gaede Gene Rink 1035A 91h Street 2620 West 164`h Street 1007 9 Street, No. 1 Santa Monica, CA 904.03 Torrance, CA 90504-1515 Santa Monica, CA 90403-4102 Terry and Susan Dilman Roland Sturm Ben Weiss 4 Quartndish Street 1331 Hill Street 8061 Puesta Del Sol Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Carpinteria, CA 93013-3204 Stephen L. Ryza Miles Watkins Ted Dollase 234 17" Street 502 Ninth Street 16525 West Sunset Boulevard, Apt. 4 Santa Monica, CA 90402-2222 Santa Monica, CA 90402 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-4903 Jennifer Church James S. Weissenborn Lisa Zeller 1315 San Miguel Avenue 133 7;" Street, No. 1 909 Arizona Avenue, No. 2 Santa Barbara, CA 93109 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-5609 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Christine Lee Stephen & Carissa Hellberg Erin Pasternack 3909 Alla Road 1354 Bella Oceana Vista 1701 Washington Way, No. 2 Los Angeles, CA 90066-4113 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Venice, CA 90291 Brian V.W. Pogue Elenis Wong Youth Programs Coordinator Jill L. Mitchell 2425 Altman Street UCLA Marina Aquatic Center 3767 Menlone Avenue, Apt. 405 Los Angeles, CA 90031 14001 Fiji Way Los Angeles, CA 90034 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Dan Kolhoff Mary L. Collins Nicole Flaten 1817 Federal, Apt. No. 1 2508 3`d Street, No. 8 252322 nd Street Los Anoeles, CA 90025 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Dale Schirman Jason Adang Jan A.C. Kerr 3112 Hermosa Avenue 1588 Feather Avenue 16620 Linda Terrace Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 David G. Dolotta Erik Wood Dale A. Shero Theresa K. Dolotta I" 403 11206 Firmona Avenue 1205 Del Oro Avenue New East York, Street. Apt. 10 Redondo Beach, CA 90278-4612 Santa Barbara, CA 93109 New NY 10009 Roxanne Morgenstern Karen S. Miller Margret E.Lohfeld 734 Hill Street, Apt. B 3555 California Avenue 3425 Amesbury Road Santa Monica, CA 90405-4420 Long Beach, CA 90807 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Elenis Wong Kevin Roberts E.A. Degenh'ardt 2425 Altman Street 907 11`" Street 5637 Strohm Avenue, No.B Los Angeles, CA 90031 Santa Monica, CA 90403 North Hollywood, CA 91601 Christooher Fairbanks Amic Roth 1836 South Barrington Avenue 10207 Seabury Lane Los Angeles, CA 90025-5317 Los Angeles, CA 90077 Karen Ross Vonna Bivens 1605 Idaho Avenue P.O. Box 11343 Santa Monica, CA 90403 Burbank, CA 91510-1343 Anne Ingalls Bonnie Foote 3164 Almeria Street 1433 11 Street, No. 6 San Pedro, CA 90731 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Beverly Sherman Joan C. Bush 22123 South Figueroa Street, Unit 131 351 Chestnut Hill Court, Apt. 22 Carson, CA 90745 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-3827 Wm. T. Shimooka C. Waggoner I.U.O.E., Local Union No. 12 7042 Lurline Avenue P Canoga Park, CA 91306-3336 P.O. Box 7109 Pasadena, CA 91109-7209 The Honorable Cruz Bustamante Lieutenant Governor Mike Gibbons Stale of California 1351 Hill Street 701 B Street, Suite 376 Santa Monica, CA 90405 San Diego, CA 92101 Gary A. Poe Theodore W. Giwoff 1660 Ocean Avenue, Apartment 7 4926-'/1 McConnell Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90401 Los Angeles, CA 90066-6714 Mary R. Westmorland 10324 Chrysanthemum Lane Los Angeles, CA 90077 Deborah R. Rosenthal 401 Steiner Street, No. 5 San Francisco, CA 94117 Donald E. Cook 1245 West Juanita Avenue San Dimas, CA 91773-1620 Judith Ann Levitt & Walter Koenig P.O. Box 4395. North Hollywood, CA 91617-0395 The Honorable Fran Pavley California State Assembly P.O.Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0041 P.K. Knight 26100 Narbonne Avenue, #8 Lomirta, CA 90717-2827 Gilbert N. Segel 919-A 18`" Street Santa Monica, CA 90403 Saar may, ue:eTiDer 21,2002 -Inc Sazr ameraD Bee EPA may dump. Clinton-era rules on water quality An environmentalist protests that progr--sr in cleaning:up pollution is styrnied. . By John.Beilprin ASSDCLATM PRFSS WASHINGTON - The Bush ad- ministration on Friday propose, . rescinding ~a Clinton-era Dian aimed at reducing runoff pollu- tion into rivers, lakes and streams: TheEnvironrrental Proiectior Agency said the'dean water pro- grain,proposed.in chid-2000 bun later blocked~.byCongress from being -'inplemenLd; is:unworl: able....:.. It would;requiri states to pre- pare detailed plans for reducing runoff from storm water and agri- culture - a major source of pollu- tion of, waterways across the countryaMa;ylocal'andstate offi- cials have.cr¢icized the program as toe expensive and inflexible. An effective program would re- quire participation and suppon from all'levels;of government, EPA Administrator Christie R't_it- than~saidP'She iaid'the EPA'-v, ae not abandming; the effe though the agencg:did not = - out cvhar:ifaritliing, might r- place it "This'actior will not stop'... ae- velopment ofwater quality:stan- trol man. Whitman sad %e.,E A would connnuetotrs2ounpove[hepro' m ~ Officials previously had, saic a.. new rule was being draft- ed. . The Clinton-era' program would have.set up a process for calculating',', the `maximum amounts oft pollutants allowed into waterways without violating water rquality _ standards.. States would have to find ways to meet, the federal standards.: But Congress stopped the 2000 regulation,from taking effect af- ter some governors; local, offi- ciah, agriculture groups and Dull- ties raised concerns' about the to exist- clean water iral'Resourcee, "ln of often ber that more han a third of sur- veyed rivers, aad about half of all lakes and estu3hes, are too pol- luted for,swiriming or fishing. The ageDq, piojected a gap of more thar,'S50D billion in unmet water-quality reeds over the next 20 years unlessspending for treat- ment facilities eses significantly. From 1998 to2000, the percent- age of .polluteditreams rose to 39 Percent,from'it, previous level of Christie Whitman She says the EPA will not stop . working on water quality standards or tak ng action against polluters. 35.percent; the percentage of pol- luted lakes was unchanged at 45 - percent;-and the percentage of polluted estuaries increased to 5! percent from.theprevious 44 per- cent. The EPA's pullback on the clean-water.effort could be just the.beginning.of what environ- mentalistsfear will be a big push by the Bush administration and Congress to go after the nation's environmental laws in 2003. When Republicans regain con- trol of the Senate in January, con- servation groups and their - mostly Democratic allies will . lose their.. power to stop. many of the energy and environmental ini- tiatives pushed by Presider.: Bush and House GOP leaders. Gannett News Service contrib- uted to this reaper: MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2003-02. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 2003-04 - RATIFYING THE FILING OF A LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE STORM DRAIN WATER/URBAN RUNOFF PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (NPDES NO. CAS040001) The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2003-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE FILING OF A LAWSUIT CHALLENGING THE STORM WATER/URBAN RUNOFF PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE INCORPORATED CITIES THEREIN, EXCEPT THE CITY OF LONG BEACH (NPDES NO. CAS004001) MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2003-04. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Bruesch stated that he was shocked by the press release from the State Water Resources Control Board indicating that all they are asking cities to do is to put a screen over the storm drain intakes. Councilmember Clark stated that there are 90 pollutants that we have to get out of the water, and trash is only one of them. Mrs. Clark continued that the head of the Regional Water Quality Control Board in an interview recently stated that all the cities need to do is create more parks, use recycled water, and create wetlands. Mrs. Clark added that even if there was sufficient land to do that, wetlands cannot just be created. Cities would be liable for the death of birds eating seeds from plants that had pollutants in them from those areas, and various other unintended consequences. Mayor Bruesch added that one proposal was to install traps into each of the storm drain openings in Rosemead. It would prohibit the trash from entering the storm drains and remove the 1 I CCMIN:1-2"3 Page.44 immediate pollutants. Mr. Bruesch stated that this idea would be cost prohibitive as each trap was estimated at $1000 per unit - multiply that by all the storm drains on each street and staff time to .._>Pintain and clean the traps on a regular basis, etc. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Item CC-H was removed for discussion purposes) CC-A ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ON VARIOUS STREETS CC-B ACCEPTANCE OF STREET DEDICATION FOR PARCEL MAP 26400 - 8925 CORTADA STREET CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 25T" ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL ASIAN ORGANIZED CRIME CONFERENCE, MAY 25-30,2003, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT MEETING, FEBRUARY 12-13,2003, MONTEREY CC-E AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE, MARCH 7-11,2003, WASHINGTON, D.C. CC-F REQUEST FOR BUS LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONE ON LOWER AZUSA ROAD FROM ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL CC-G REQUEST FROM MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION CC-I COALITION FOR PRACTICAL REGULATION (CPR) MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2003 CC-J ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUEST TO PLACE TWO (2) BANNERS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD DURING FEBRUARY-MARCH 2003 CC-K APPROVAL OF 2003-04 BUDGET CALENDAR CC-L PURCHASE OF ADVERTISEMENT IN TRIBUTE JOURNAL FOR THE 19T" ANNUAL AFFAIR OF THE HEART FOR THE LINCOLN TRAINING CENTER, MARCH 8, 2003 CC-M AUTHORIZE SUPPORT OF LEGISLATIVE REFORM TO CURTAIL ABUSE OF UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: CCWN: -28-03 Page n5